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Thread: Western Digital external drive clicking sound

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Western Digital external drive clicking sound

    I recently purchased second hand western digital hard drive from my friend, when i plugged in with my computer it started giving me clicking noise, i have taken that driver to the friend from i have taken but it won't give any noise sounds on his computer, this is really strange i have Intel core 2 duo with the windows XP installed on my computer, what would be the problem.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Western Digital external drive clicking sound

    clicking noise usually indicates a failing drive and,for how many time you have heard this noise? because as soon as you heard this noise you need to take backup of your files so as not ti lose any important information. just try using new ry a new data cable on it if no good replace the drive then slave it to the new one and see what you can drag off it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Re: Western Digital external drive clicking sound

    If you have another drive of the same model you could try swapping the controller PCB. Failing that, if you should suddenly gain access to you data then make sure you transfer it to another drive as quickly as possible.I haven't cracked it open to see what drive is in it, but none of the noises it makes are really a concern to me.I had recently come across a similar drive by seagate and resolved the problem by first initializing the drive.

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