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Thread: Hard Disk Error : The Disk structure corrupted and unreadable

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Hard Disk Error : The Disk structure corrupted and unreadable

    On windows server 2003, the following message in the event viewer: ERROR

    The file system structure on the disk is corrupt and unusable. Please run the chkdsk utility on the volume\Device\HarddiskVolume1.

    following possible solutions I tried :

    restart server

    No result.

    The error is probably caused by an event that every time writes to the hdd to a fixed time. How can I do to find out what the hdd, since there are several in the raid server. Or how do I fix the problem.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: The Disk structure corrupted and unreadable


    Try rebooting the pc in safe mode by pressing F8 key or try windows repair, there let us know if it works.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: The Disk structure corrupted and unreadable


    I have two links HDD Western Digital in the PC. One of 160GB, the other 250GB.
    I was away at sea, and when I returned consistently Local Disk H:, I mean your HDD 250GB is not open, you can not scan, can not defragment, you can not get checkdisk to absolutely nothing. Appears in My Computer with a capacity of 0 bytes. On opening the error: "H:\is not accessible. The disk structure is corrupted and unreadable..
    Be some problem with connection cables, or broken hardware? What I can try to do?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: The Disk structure corrupted and unreadable

    You can try "getdataback", its easy to use, data recovery tools are designed not only to undelete accidentally deleted files or partitions but also recover your data with GetDataBack after fdisk, formatting your drive, power failure, virus attack, software failure, or after deleting files, folders or partitions.

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