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Thread: Drive Fitness Test Error Codes

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Drive Fitness Test Error Codes

    i have problem with my system at starting up, it would give me a black screen in which I can select safe mode options, recent config or normal windows start up. I am using XP Pro. I then ran a "fixboot" - It said that my boot sector was corrupt and that it is now fixed.I could not reinstall windows on and got back a DISPOSITION CODE = 0X72.Should i go ahead with a repair install or something like that?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Drive Fitness Test Error Codes

    the error message can be caused by both hardware and software. your hard drive maybe physicly damaged, but usually its a software problem. usually a reinstall of windows takes care of this, unless the disk is going south. The thing that concerns me about the hard drive is that checkdisk freaked out on it. checkdisk stopping is not a good thing.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Drive Fitness Test Error Codes

    A page of kernel data requested from the pagefile could not be found or read into memory. This message also can indicate disk hardware failure, disk data corruption, or possible virus infection.
    • Run a full harddrive diagnostis as soon as possible.
    • Scan for viruses, etc.
    • MemTest isn't perfect; perhaps you should run each memory stick individually.
    • Also, if you are overclocking I have seen crashes occur because of the voltage setting of the RAM. If you have oced perhaps you should lower your voltage on your memory and see if that brings stability.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Drive Fitness Test Error Codes

    SMART (Self Monitoring And Reporting Technology) is a feature on hard drives that monitors several attributes on the hard drive such as temperature, the number of reallocated sectors, and the number of read errors.

    Right now, the error indicates attribute 05 (attr:05) has a problem, which is the number of reallocated sectors. Sectors are the lowest unit of storage with hard drives. Each new hard drive starts off with a bank of spare sectors to replace ones that have gone bad for some reason (e.g. sudden shock when the drive is reading/writing).

    The error means that the number of back-up sectors is running low or is already used up. Usually, this means the drive is starting to go south. It doesn't always mean the drive is bad, but is usually an indication of so.

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