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Thread: Cpu fan works very slow

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Cpu fan works very slow

    Please help me as my new motherboard is facing a technical problem. The problem is whenever i turn on my Pc; after few minutes my CPU get's heated at a very high temperature and fan starts rotating at a very high speed, similarly it makes a kind of noise and my Pc get's restart with a message that it is overheated. Can anyone suggests me for this problem?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Cpu fan works very slow

    Try to find that Your fan should consists with a speed control manual. You should use this to get the fan work at genuine speeds.

    If u don't have the speed control manual. Then find where your heat sensor is and reposition it as close to the cpu as possible. Then the sensor should get better temp readings and thereby the speed work according to it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Cpu fan works very slow

    • If the CPU fan is not running you would damage your CPU very quickly.
    • You could try running a utility, usually available from your Motherboard manufacturers site (look in your manual) to monitor CPU temperatures.
    • If they are running hotter than the recommended settings, get the fan checked or replaced.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Cpu fan works very slow

    Try with this solution:

    1. If it's appearing prior to Windows, then the error is being reported by BIOS. There is probably a setting CPU Fan Fail Warning that is enabled.
    2. It could be a faulty sensor, BIOS error or the fan is indeed periodically failing.
    3. When you next get the error, try going into BIOS and checking the reported temps and fan speeds there. But monitoring temps and fan speeds in Windows with 3rd party apps would be your best bet.
    4. Windows itself doesn't give those errors, only 3rd party apps that monitor fans do. If it is just a BIOS hiccup, an BIOS update may fix it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Re: Cpu fan works very slow

    Check whether and Make sure your fan is still connected to the right fan connector. CPU fan to CPU fan connector, system fan to system fan connector, etc. Make sure the connector isn't damaged. Sometimes an individual wire can slip out of the connector or a connector pin can be bent so that contact isn't made.


    If your BIOS setting menu shows the current fan speed, make sure it is running at a decent value. Your system may also have a utility which shows things like real-time fan speeds, cpu temps, etc. If it doesn't, there are several freeware utilities available.

    Follow these steps:

    Power off the system and disconnect it from AC mains.

    Then push the front power button to bleed-off stored power (the fans may spin and a light or two may flicker).

    Make sure the CPU fan blades and rotor are clean and able to rotate freely.

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