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Thread: Solid state drives

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Solid state drives

    I have not built a new PC in quite some time and have just used the one I built 3 years ago. It's really starting to show it's age with the newer games.
    My question is, about the new Solid state drives that out now. Would it just be smart to put the operating system on a SSD and put the programs on a SATA II drive?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Re: Solid state drives

    depends how often stuff gets loaded from the libraries, I suppose programs on ssd drive? Probably the way to go, but maybe you could get the TEMP directory on there too. I think Windows lets you manipulate that.

    So the browser cache and that kind of stuff would be on the fast drive.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Solid state drives

    I have a feeling it has more to do with SATA controller tweaking in microcode/Bios than the SSD's them selves. Bios engineers can tweak controllers to make their boards faster for review, usually this is ok with normal HDD but with SSD may cause issues.

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