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Thread: IRC: An alternative to P2P

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    Post IRC: An alternative to P2P



    Anyone who has been using The Internet must be aware of the term p2p. Well, for the uninitiated ones, p2p means peer2peer

    Kazza, e-donkey, mldonkey, etc are the famous ones. But, have you tried to download software from them..? Yeah sure you'll get your stuff, but, sometimes with an added bonus, which could be some spyware or even a virus. Anyway the point I am making is: p2p sucks!!!

    Anyways, you want some better stuff, eh? OK... There are two better things to go with: FTP servers or bots on mIRC servers. I'll be detailing on the mIRC aspect of the deal.


    So, what is IRC anyway? [basic question; taken from]

    IRC (Internet Relay Chat) provides a way of communicating in real time with people from all over the world. It consists of various separate networks (or "nets") of IRC servers, machines that allow users to connect to IRC. The largest nets are EFnet (the original IRC net, often having more than 32,000 people at once), Undernet, IRCnet, DALnet, and NewNet.
    Generally, the user (such as you) runs a program (called a "client") to connect to a server on one of the IRC nets. The server relays information to and from other servers on the same net.

    Recommended clients:

    Once connected to an IRC server on an IRC network, you will usually join one or more "channels" and converse with others there. On EFnet, there often are more than 12,000 channels, each devoted to a different topic. Conversations may be public (where everyone in a channel can see what you type) or private (messages between only two people, who may or may not be on the same channel).

    Now you do have a little background on what IRC is..

    I'll be using a proggie called mIRC for windows platform as our client.

    mIRC is a little program developed by Khaled Mardam-Bey, its a shareware (but, is not "crippled" in anyway) and the latest version is 6.14

    The purpose of mIRC is to connect you to IRC servers (IRC = Internet Relay Chat). It was basically designed for chatting and occasional file send.

    Basically one person can send a file directly to the other..this is called DCC (Direct Client Connection)


    LOL, yeah!

    Setup the client the way it is shown in the following screenshots...

    Step 1:

    Get mIRC from:

    Step 2:

    DCC Options-1

    Step 3:

    DCC Options-2

    Step 4:

    DCC Options-3

    and, that it.. your mIRC is configured.


    Ok, if you are a total stranger to IRC then you musct be having too many questions in your head...well, believe me, once you get it going, theres nothing like it!

    Remember I told you that one person can send a file to another ?! now who will send a file to you..? guess..well, the answer is the Bots.

    What the hell is a bot ?

    Bot is a computer program logged onto IRC servers as a user. Their purpose is to wait for certain triggers and perform actions. When you type some command it will perform some function, which here is send you a file.

    For example: If you type a command like "/msg fserve-0019 xdcc send #22". this will ask the bot "fserve-0019" to send you the content of the packet #22.

    Some Bots are very funny also, type "microsoft" and they say hilarious things..keep in mind they can kick you out too...for indecency,flooding,hammering,or for flirting with them..LOL

    Also note, the users having @ before their names are the OPs (Operators of the channel).

    Suppose you joined a software have a s/w in your mind, say "Virtualdub 1.5.7". Now how do you know if its available or not?

    well, the standard method is to sit in the channel and wait for the bot to drop/display its packets.

    The packet dropped by the bot looks like this...

    Other way is to use XDCC search engines...


    Step 5:

    I'll take example of the best and the easiest one out there:

    Step 5.a:

    Goto and enter "virtualdub" in the box. Select "xdcc" radio button and click "search"

    [1] shows what packet is having your desired file
    [2] shows how many slots are occupied
    [3] the total bandwidth offered

    Step 5.b:

    Click on the #x link (marked as [1] in the image)

    Step 5.c:

    This will launch mIRC automatically and copy the command in your clipboard, ie. if you are using IE. If you use someother browser like me (Firebird, opera etc) Place the mouse pointer over the hash link and the command will be displayed as a tool-tip.

    You'll see this when mIRC launches

    If you have any other connection open already, then open a new connection (3rd option).

    Select the 3rd option if unsure.

    Step 6:

    So you are in the channel now. It would look something like this...

    Step 7:

    See the box at the bottom-most, ctrl+v there, or enter the command yourself if u prefer like that. The download will begin as soon as the slot is

    So there you have it! easy.. hmm?


    1) The "get" commands aren't getting copied to the clipboard in firefox?

    Type about:config in the URL field. Look for signed.applets.codebase_principal_support. Change it from false to true.

    (thanks to "someone.i.cant.remember.yourname" on neowin for this tip)

    2) Auto-get file.

    In dcc options 1 select this (step 2):

    Under On Send request select Auto-get file and choose Yes in the dialog box that pops up. Check minimize next to Auto-get file and choose Resume under If file exists.

    (thanks ace)

    3) Specify the default folder for all the downloads.

    Select Folders in the left menu. Select default under Type then click Edit. Either make note of the directory under Into this Folder or click on the directory to change it. This will be where your downloads will go.

    (thanks ace)

    4) Allow/Disallow certain extensions.

    Goto DCC Folders, click add and then add the following extensions (what this will do is that these extensions will then be taken up when you download)


    Into the box entitled Save Files With These Extensions, Then in the Into This Folder, simply click the button with the default text c:\program files\mirc and then change it to a new drive or folder of your choice. Now all your IRC downloads will go into a new folder.

    (thanks ace)

    5) Queue it up!

    When you suppose want a new file download you can click on get file or that slot. It may so happen that its in queue. At that time you may end up getting a mesage of the type: "adding your filename"filename" to the que slot #. it will be sent as soon as possible.

    Now you have to wait till you get the file and others have downloaded. You can queue files until you reach a queue limit. Each server sets their own queue limits. Some may allow you to only queue one file, while others may allow you two queues or even more. It depends on the server.

    At any stage you can know the status of the que by entering 'queues' in the channel window, or in case of an op you can enter @op-que. Depends on the server.

    If you want to clear a que for any reason you can do that with the command clr_queue [queue slot].(where your que slot is the one assigned to you by the op)

    Apart from this i advice you to use a script. Although it is basically for advanced users but a very good and simple one i like is this: Anaconda.

    Download it here (available for 6.14 MIRC) : anaconda

    (thanks ace)


    (1) PROBLEM: I joined #something, asked for a pack, got queued, and then got the msg :-

    *** Sending You Your Queued Pack Which Is 470MB. (Resume Supported)

    but, after that i got error :-

    DCC Get of $$$.mpg from $$$ incomplete (unable to connect)

    Why i'm getting this unable 2 connect msg?

    SOLUTION: Most channels have a nagging bandwidth limitation of 5kbps, if avg. b/w drops below that you will be disconnected. So, freeing up some b/w might help.

    (2) PROBLEM: When i click on CONNECT.. It says connecting to IRC servers but then again i get a get a message saying "DISCONNECTED".

    SOLUTION: Three things to check out:

    a) Check your firewall. See if the port is not blocked
    b) It may also happen if your connection is very very slow.
    c) Most of the IRC networks scan your ports as soon as you login so that they can kick any users who are running risky ports which can be used against other users by some crackers.

    May be your ISP blocks any port scan attempts. it happens with my Sygate firewall. it used to block any port scanning IP for 10 minutes and then i also used to get that "DISCONNECTED". after i got rid of this option, i m able to connect fine.
    (thanks ace and abhay)


    Ready-made Scripts:

    (thanks anulead)

    (thanks ace)


    Nothing can beat this... one of the oldest internet service!

    Play Safe !!!
    rock_ya_baby (The Rock)


    PS: Thread will be updated regularly with tips, tricks, resources, etc.

    Thanks to all the contributers


    June 03 2004 - Guide updated to version 1.1
    Last edited by rock_ya_baby; 03-06-2004 at 12:11 AM. Reason: Updated: version 1.1

  2. #2
    shrek_incredible Guest
    super job friend......
    very nice ....
    Just to add on a few points ... contrary to common perception it is possible to resume downloads on the IRC network. All you have to do is go to the place where you were downloading the file from and request it again and it will resume from the point you left it off.
    One catch however The file size must be the same and its location must not have changed.

    Also some resources for you all to check up :
    First the most general help section :

    More resources i will be adiing soon

    hey rock ya.... check out the middle images.. they are not visible

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    I am looking for a script that manages the downloads (like flastget etc do)
    cuz somehow I forget the server addyz and channel names, I hate the history/bookmark feature in mIRC.

  5. #5
    abhay Guest
    sorry for mentioning the channel name.
    BTW u r right, i'm getting errors bout lag time, that its too much and i shud change channels.yeah mate its not the best around. It was just that i found it an\d really liked the small size of it.
    A better script i will be posting soon. Unfortunately its a bit unstabl;e right now so thats why i am holding back.
    About anaconda... naa its makes no difference. Me facing probs with this script too though on the channel i tried it for the first time it worked like a charm
    Btw try using noname script. You will like it instead of anaconda

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    I forgot where had I hosted them

    Will fix it soon

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Bangalore, India
    cant see the pics

  8. #8
    Venkat Guest
    Keep it up. Rocky
    Thanks for this informative thread.
    I'll try irc soon.

  9. #9
    shrek_incredible Guest

    some more things you may wanna do

    Apart from what rocky has given you can also carry out the following tweaks:
    first about that dcc settings . You may want to put it permanentty to always resume setting feature instead of it asking you all the time.
    That is in dcc options 1 select this:
    Under On Send request select Auto-get file and choose Yes in the dialog box that pops up. Check minimize next to Auto-get file and choose Resume under If file exists.

    Apart from that you can specify the default folder for all the downloads. Select Folders in the left menu. Select default under Type then click Edit.Either make note of the directory under Into this Folder or click on the directory to change it. This will be where your downloads will go.

    NOW gow to DCC Folders, click add and then add the following extensions(what this will do is that these extensions will then be taken up when you download)


    Into the box entitled Save Files With These Extensions, Then in the Into This Folder, simply click the button with the default text c:\program files\mirc and then change it to a new drive or folder of your choice. Now all your IRC downloads will go into a new folder.

    On the channel there are other things that you can do.
    When you suppose want a new file download you can click on get file or that slot. It may so happen that its in queue. At that time you may end up getting a mesage of the type:
    "adding your filename"filename" to the que slot #. it will be sent as soon as possible. Now you have to wait till you get the file and others have downloaded. You can queue files until you reach a queue limit. Each server sets their own queue limits. Some may allow you to only queue one file, while others may allow you two queues or even more. It depends on the server.

    At any stage you can know the status of the que by entering 'queues' in the channel window, or in case of an op you can enter @op-que. Depends on the server.
    If you want to clear a que for any reason you can do that with the command clr_queue [queue slot].(where your que slot is the one assigned to you by the op)

    Apart from this i advice you to use a script. Although it is basically for advanced users but a very good and simple one i like is this:
    you can download it here(available for 6.14 MIRC)

    AnacønÐa is a mIRC script designed with a clean and easy-to-use interface, featured with a considerable amount of utilities meant to make your chating on IRC networks more pleasable. For the ones who may be used to previous versions, it has to be said that you must forget everything you know about them. In one quick scripted statement: AnacønÐa NS != AnacØnÐa.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Area 51
    i never thought mIRC will be full be stuff, really quite amazed to see all that, well i downloaded mIRC and joined #desi-movies.

    asked for a pack, got queued, and then got the msg

    *** Sending You Your Queued Pack Which Is 470MB. (Resume Supported)

    but after that i got error

    DCC Get of $$$.mpg from $$$ incomplete (unable to connect)

    why i'm getting this unable 2 connect msg.
    i have set the option as shown by ryb.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    hmm, tell a little more..

    like, you requested from the ''x-dcc' bots or ppl running 'fserver'

    Join other channels, see if u can download.. there maybe a lot of things that may lead to the malfunction.. so we need to narrow it down a bit..

    indian-movie channel and their other syndicated have a nagging b/w limitation of 5kbps, if avg. b/w drops below that. u will be dc'ed

    ppl are running fserver but 99/100 times they will dc you before u get the complete file.

    Just see if you can download just fine on other NON-indian channels or not

  12. #12
    shrek_incredible Guest
    that error is caused 100% due to the speed of your download falling the average speed set. Now normally that speed is kept pretty low for guys like us on dialup but as far as those movie channels goes and especially the indian ones they keep it high and if your connection is not fast enough or is erratic you will get this error.
    You can resume the file transfer though but if the speeds are too erratic that will be one helluva headache as you will spend most of the time resuming. (or better you can set it to auto resume)


    whoever is modding this section edit the link to channel.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I dunno but i cannot even LOGON to Mirc ...when i click on says connecting to IRC servers but then again i get a get a message saying "DISCONNECTED"

    RYB, please help me out
    "I swear, by my life and my love of it, that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine." -Ayn Rand(The Fountainhead)

    Could you spare an old man a crust of bread? Or a Megabyte of Bandwidth!?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    No luck, Ace....i disabled my FIREWALL but it's still not able to CONNECT

    I have a 256 kbps, it cannot be slow!

    What to do??????
    "I swear, by my life and my love of it, that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine." -Ayn Rand(The Fountainhead)

    Could you spare an old man a crust of bread? Or a Megabyte of Bandwidth!?

  15. #15
    abhay Guest
    i don't have any experience with IRC but could it be that something is there in your HOSTS file which is blocking your connection to this server?

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