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Thread: How to upload your photos to Flickr/Facebook directly from Sony DSC-RX100M3 E32 Digital Camera

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2004

    How to upload your photos to Flickr/Facebook directly from Sony DSC-RX100M3 E32 Digital Camera

    Sony DSC-RX100M3 E32 has a Wi-Fi support. due to which you can use your internet connection on the same and simply upload your photos directly to Flickr or to Facebook. You can even use your mobile hotspot for the same. through wifi connection it is a bit time saving to copy the images in the pc and then upload them. You can select the photos that you feel is the best one and then directly upload them. Remember that the camera take HD pictures are which are around 3 to 7MB in size. If you are going to use your mobile internet connection for sharing files then it might take time on 2G. While on 3G it will fast. All you have to do is turn on the mobile hotspot for internet sharing and follow my below guide for uploading the images. There are only two options right now. First is Facebook and second is Flickr. For Flickr if you are not having any account you have to use your yahoo id for the same. Flickr does not work with any other login. So keep your yahoo id ready. Or else you have Facebook also. For installing the app in the camera you will need a account on Sony Entertainment Network. Just keep that ready also.

    Sony DSC-RX100M3 E32 Flickr Upload

    Press the menu button in the camera and go the 4th section where you can find Application List. Press the OK button to launch.

    Sony DSC-RX100M3 E32 Flickr Upload

    From the screen use the Control Wheel to select PlayMemories Camera Apps and press Ok button.

    Sony DSC-RX100M3 E32 Flickr Upload

    The next thing the camera will do is try to find a wifi connection. Keep your wifi password ready.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004

    Re: How to upload your photos to Flickr/Facebook directly from Sony DSC-RX100M3 E32 Digital Camera

    Sony DSC-RX100M3 E32 Flickr Upload

    After that you will see them main screen of Sony Entertainment Network on the camera screen. Use the control wheel back to choose All. Press the OK button.

    Sony DSC-RX100M3 E32 Flickr Upload

    Using the control wheel scroll down and choose Flickr app icon. This is a tiny add-on you can use.

    Sony DSC-RX100M3 E32 Flickr Upload

    Again through control wheel navigate to install button and press the OK button.

    Sony DSC-RX100M3 E32 Flickr Upload

    Accept the terms and service stuff. The next you will see is Sony Entertainment Network Login screen.

    Sony DSC-RX100M3 E32 Flickr Upload

    Add your Sony Entertainment Network ID and password here. Again you will get a terms and service page. Accept the same.

    Sony DSC-RX100M3 E32 Flickr Upload

    AT the next screen you can see the add-on installation. There is one more app you have to install to enable the upload. It is called as Direct Upload. Using the control wheel choose the app and install it. At the end you will get the message that the app is installed.

    Sony DSC-RX100M3 E32 Flickr Upload

    To upload your pictures press the Menu button and go back to the Application list page. From there choose Direct Upload.

    Sony DSC-RX100M3 E32 Flickr Upload

    The app will ask you what images you want to upload. Sony DSC-RX100M3 E32 arrange the images in the form of date wise folder. So you have to press the ok button to see more. And there is a tick icon at the bottom left. You can also add your own comments.

    Sony DSC-RX100M3 E32 Flickr Upload

    From the next screen choose where you want to upload. For Facebook, user your login detail and for Flickr use your yahoo id.

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