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Thread: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) Cheatsheet

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) Cheatsheet

    Ubuntu is one of the most popular open source operating system. The latest version is Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr). This new version brings out many benefits. There are many new things in the OS. So if you had not yet upgraded to this new OS then this guide can help you to instantly setup your Ubuntu system. I am going to give you list of most required thing you need to configure your system. Like command to install all required software's. There are many helpful commands through which you can get more details about operating system. In Windows when you are done with the installation the next thing you do is update your drivers and then go ahead with installation of antivirus and your required software. But in Ubuntu things are bit different. For those who are switching to Ubuntu for the first time can find it complicated to use. So here through this small cheat sheet you can know what exactly you need. For example to find the version of OS you just have to type lsb_release -a in the terminal window. And then you can go ahead with update. After installation the first thing you have to do is run a software update. This version requires around 384 Mb RAM of ram to run. And if you are having 1 or 2GB then it will work smooth. You can install through the bootable disc. And after that you can use the below mentioned commands to make it more useful. To run the below commands you just have to launch terminal and wait back.

    Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

    • Installing Gnome interface : To add gnome interface type "sudo apt-get install gnome-shell". You can also use Gnome 2 interface by "sudo apt-get install gnome-session-fallback" command.
    • Startup Manager: For those who are using multiple operating system with Ubuntu can use Startup Manager which will help you to customize the grub settings. To install type "sudo apt-get install startup manager menu" without quotes in terminal. Then you can access it from Menu > System > Administration > Startup Manager.
    • Grub Customizer: If you think Startup Manager is not offering you maximum option to modify grub settings then you can use Grub Customizer. This one will give you more advance option in customizing the boot loader. To install you have to first update the repository. Type "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:danielrichter2007/grub-customizer"for that and then type "sudo apt-get update" to update the repository. Now you have to run the installation command "sudo apt-get install grub-customizer
    • PPA repositories: PPA repositories offer you extra software and it is good enough to keep them added. PPA offer you experimental packages. Use "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:user/ppa-name" to add the repository. If you are getting unavailable error then type "sudo apt-get install python-software-properties" and run the above command back again. The second way to add a repository is through Synaptic Package Manager. For that click on Menu > System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager > Settings > Repositories. You just have to click on add to add a repository here. You can find the address on web.
    • Deb Packages: If you have downloaded .deb programs from web then to add that you can run "sudo dpkg -i packagename.deb" command from the terminal. There is no need to provide any path or location. In the same way to remove or uninstall a .deb program type "sudo dpkg -r packagename". For repairing use"sudo dpkg-reconfigure packagename".
    • FTP Clients: To install FTP client like Filezilla use"sudo apt-get install filezilla". To install a p2p or file sharing software use"sudo apt-get install nameofprogram". For example QBitTorrent is used for downloading torrents. You can use "sudo apt-get install qBittorrent".
    • MTP Device: MTP devices are those which are detected as removable media. It can be a mobile phone, a camera or any other external device that comes with usb connectivity. To install that you have to run "sudo apt-get install gmtp" command.
    • Themes: To change the UI you can use new Gnome based themes. For that you have to go on gnomelook. By default Ubuntu 14.04 LTS uses Metacity. But if you want to change that you can use Compiz Fusion. The command for that is "sudo apt-get install compiz compizconfig-settings-manager compiz-fusion-plugins-main compiz-fusion-plugins-extra emerald librsvg2-common". Once you are done with modifying the desktop desktop compositing manager you can modify its setting through Menu > System > Preferences > CompizConfig Settings Manager. Compiz Cube offer you a 3D effect on your desktop. To enable that go in CompizConfig Settings Manager which is located in > General > General Options > Desktop Size > Horizontal Virtual Size > 4. One more theming manager you can use is Emerald (sudo apt-get install emerald).

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) Cheatsheet

    • Dock: You can add a dock on your system by installing Avant Window Navigator. For that type "sudo apt-get install avant-window-navigator awn-manager" in the terminal. It adds a nice flashy dock at the bottom of desktop. After installing you have to configure it on startup so that it will launch automatically when you turn on your system. For that go in Menu > System > Preferences > Startup Applications > Add and choose avant-window-navigator.
    • Virtualization: For those who want to use virtualization in Ubuntu can try using VirtualBox. Similar to Vmware, VirtualBox allow you to use different operating system inside Ubuntu. To install the open source edition you have to use the following command "sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose virtualbox-ose-source virtualbox-guest-additions". And then you can access that from menu. Vmware is also available for Ubuntu. In the same way you can try Wine, Xen, PlayOnLinux, etc.
    • Web Browser: To install any browser just "sudo apt-get install firefox". In place of Firefox type the name of your desired browser. Adblock plug-in help you to block ads on the web page. You can add that by "sudo apt-get install xul-ext-adblock-plus" command. While you can go in the Tools > Addon section to install the same plug-in. To add Adobe Acrobat Reader plug-in for firefox use "deb Oneiric partner" first to add the repository and then type "sudo apt-get install acroread". This will help you to open pdf files directly in the browser. For installing flash player use "sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin" command. For vlc us "sudo apt-get install mozilla-plug-in-vlc".
    • Email: There are different mail clients available that you can add in your system. Like Thunderbird, Evolution. To add you just have to type "sudo apt-get install nameofmailclient". For example to install Thunderbird you can use "sudo apt-get install thunderbird".
    • Chat Messenger: Chat messenger which are availbel for Ubuntu is Empathy, Pidgin, Kopete, Konversation, XChat, aMSN and Emesene. The process for installation is same. Use command "sudo apt-get install nameofapp".
    • Video Chatting: For video chat we have few tools for Ubuntu. They are Ekiga, Skype, Wengophone, Asterisk VoIP PBX system , Kiax, etc. To add them use the sudo apt-get install command. And if you get error then add the repository.
    • Installing Restricted Extras: Restricted Extras is a full package that will install various things together. Like JAVA, Flash, fonts, multimedia codects, etc. So this one is quiet recommended if you don't want to install everything one by one. Type "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras" to install.
    • Image Editor: There are few useful image editor software available which gives you many professional feature. For example Gimp. It is an advance image editor. You just have to type "sudo apt-get install gimp" to install gimp and to add a few extra brushes type "sudo apt-get install gimp-data-extras". Gwenview is another simple image editor program which you can get through sudo apt-get install. If you need a OCR tool then you can use Tesseract. This one is a command line software. For scanning you can use Xsane.

    • Other useful inforamtion:
    • Installing a screen recorder:
    • recordMyDesktop - sudo apt-get install gtk-recordmydesktop
    • xvidcap - sudo apt-get install xvidcap

    Installing Video applications:
    • OpenShot - sudo apt-get install openshot
    • PiTiVi - sudo apt-get install pitivi
    • Avidemux - sudo apt-get install avidemux
    • OpenMovieEditor - sudo apt-get install openmovieeditor
    • Stopmotion - sudo apt-get install stopmotion

    Installing Audio applications:
    • Audacity - sudo apt-get install audacity
    • Ardour - sudo apt-get install ardour
    • Hydrogen - sudo apt-get install hydrogen
    • EasyTag - sudo apt-get install easytag

    Installing Audio Video Converstor:
    • FFMPEG - sudo apt-get install ffmpeg
    • 2ManDVD - sudo apt-get install 2mandvd
    • ManDVD - sudo apt-get install mandvd xine-ui
    • DVD Author - sudo apt-get install dvdauthor
    • Audex CD Ripper/Encoder - sudo apt-get install audex

    Installing CD/DVD Burner:
    • Brasero - sudo apt-get install brasero
    • Gnomebaker - sudo apt-get install gnomebaker

    Installing Security Applications:
    • Zoneminder surveillance system - sudo apt-get install zoneminder ffmpeg
    • Myth Zoneminder - sudo apt-get install mythzoneminder
    • Uncomplicated Firewall - apt-get install ufw
    • Shorewall - sudo apt-get install shorewall6

    Installing Office Suite:
    • LibreOffice - sudo apt-get install libreoffice
    • Calligra - sudo apt-get install calligra
    • AbiWord - sudo apt-get install abiword
    • Special characters - sudo apt-get install gucharmap
    • Scan to a PDF file - sudo apt-get install gscan2pdf
    • PDFedit - sudo apt-get install pdfedit
    • FBReader - sudo apt-get install fbreader
    • qrencode - sudo apt-get install qrencode

    System Backup:
    • GRsync - sudo apt-get install grsync
    • Bacula - sudo apt-get install bacula
    • SBackup - sudo apt-get install sbackup
    • Ubuntu Customization Kit - sudo apt-get install uck

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