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Thread: Collectibles in Max Payne 3

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Collectibles in Max Payne 3

    If you are playing Max Payne 3, then in this game too you will find some collectibles that will unlock some achievement. Here in Max Payne 3, the collectibles are in form of parts for Golden Gun, Clues and tourists. They are spread all over the game in various chapters.

    If you collect all the Clues then you will unlock the achievement by name ‘An echo of the Past’. This achievement will give 35 gamescore points to person playing this game on Xbox 360 and a bronze trophy to the person playing this game on Playstation 3. The second type of the collectible in Max Payne 3 is the parts for Golden Gun. They will be very well hidden and thus you might need to search thoroughly to find them. Collecting all the parts of Golden Gun will unlock achievement name ‘A License to Kill’. This will give 40 gamescore points to the person playing this game on Xbox 360 and a Silver trophy to the person playing this game on Playstation 3. Also after collecting all the parts of the Golden Gun, every gun equipped by the player will have a golden body. Also it will increase damage of all weapons by 10% and increase the amount of ammunition it can carry. The last type of collectible that can be found in Max Payne 3 is the Tourist. They are less in number and also easy to find. Finding all the Tourists in this game will unlock achievement by name ‘You Sure Know How To Pick A Place’. This achievement will give 10 gamescore points to person playing this game on Xbox 360 and a bronze trophy to the person playing on Playstation 3.

    I am writing this guide to reveal the locations of all the collectibles in Max Payne 3. This guide is divided into chapters as found in game.

    Chapter 1
    In the first chapter of Max Payne 3, you will find 3 parts for the Golden Gun and 2 Clues.
    • The first part for the Golden Gun will be found just after finishing the tutorial for using bullet time and diving. After finishing the tutorial, you will come out of the door where you will need to kill the first enemy. There is a window after you go beyond the dead enemy in front of which on the ground you will find the part for the Golden Gun.
    • After the scene where Max Payne slides down from the roof to rescue the hostage, you will reach in the office area. There will be a circular desk from where you need to go straight. There you will come across two pillars and you will be facing the plants along a window. If you look towards the right corner, you will see another part for the Golden Gun.
    • In the parking garage where you press the green button, then if you look into the corner opposite to the ramp, where on the ground it will be marked ‘BO1’, you will find the part for the Golden Gun.

    • The first Clue that you will find in the First Chapter of Max Payne 3 is a celebrity magazine. You will find this Clue in the room where you kill the first group of enemies. It will be lying on the coffee table.
    • The parking garage where you find the third part for the Golden Gun, you will find the second clue on the ramp which you will use to go in the next level of the garage. The Clue is a dropped photograph.

    Chapter 2
    In the second chapter of Max Payne 3, you will find 6 part for the Golden Gun, 5 Clues and 1 Tourist.
    • The first part for the Golden Gun in the second chapter is found in the room where you kill the first group of enemies. IT will be seen lying behind the DJ booth on the ground.
    • After proceeding from the room where you find the first part for the Golden Gun, you will see a door shut using a chain. An alternative route which includes stairs will take you to a dance floor. Here too you will need to kill enemies. In this room you will find a bar table of a curved form. Behind this table, on the floor, you will find the second part for the Golden Gun.
    • The third part for the Golden Gun will be found in the discotheque with colorful lights and neon filled walls. This is the room you will enter after you tell Raul to stay inside the helicopter. Kill the enemies in this room and find the bar table here. When facing the bar, you will find a door towards the left end of the large bar table. This door will lead to the DJ booth. Here behind the DJ Booth, you will find the part for the Golden Gun.
    • In this chapter, you will find yourself in the sushi restaurant at one level. Here in the sushi restaurant, go towards the seats in the back part of the restaurant; there on the ledge between two seat you will find a part for the Golden Gun
    • You will once be in a level where you have to use sniper to kill the enemies on the helipad. After you kill the enemies, you will see a circular glass room. Enter the room from the door and on the left side, you will see a part for the Golden Gun lying besides the couch.
    • The last part for the Golden Gun in this chapter will be found behind the large sign on the roof of the building on the metallic ramp behind it.

    • The first clue in this chapter of Max Payne 3 is found in the same room where you reach after you find a door shut using the chain. After you climb the stairs to reach the upper floor, you will find a private bar area. Here you will find a dead body of the football player lying between the couch and the coffee table. You will need to examine this body.
    • In the same room where you find the dead body of the football star, just opposite to the couch, you will find a large curved bar table, on one end of the table you will find a pamphlet with Moderno written on it. This is the second clue in this chapter.
    • After the scene where Max Payne tells Raul to remain in the helicopter, you will enter a discotheque with bright colorful lights and neon lit walls. Once you clear the area and proceed to next area, you will find a door with neon handle. Besides this door, you will find a broken mirror. Below this mirror is a platform with wash basin on whose end you will find a torn fabric. This torn fabric is a clue.
    • In the kitchen area, you will find a newspaper below a small music system. This is also a clue you need to examine in this chapter.
    • When you kill the enemies on the roof and return down again, you will find a necklace lying on the stairs. This also is a clue.

    • The one and only Tourist you need to find in the second chapter of Max Payne 3 is in the toilet area of the discotheque you enter after asking Raul to remain in the helicopter. The room where you find wash basin where you find the torn fabric as a clue will have series of doors to the left. These doors have handles which are lit using neon. Open the door with green neon light and you will find a tourist.

    Chapter 3
    In the chapter 3 of Max Payne 3, you will find 6 part for the Golden Gun and 4 Clues.
    • The first part for the Golden Gun can be found in the TV studio besides the room where you see Raul torturing a man on the chair. You will easily find the part for the Golden Gun as you enter the room.
    • The second part for the Golden Gun can be found in the sporting goods shop. It can be picked from the shelf above which there is big mural of the football team.
    • When you enter the football field, you will need to kill an enemy with the sniper. Just where the enemy with sniper was standing initially, you will find stairs that will take you down towards the field. At the bottom of these stairs, you will find the third part for the Golden Gun.
    • After fighting the enemies on the football field, you will enter a room filled with trophies which will have many seats. Check the seats and you will find a part for the Golden Gun on one of these seats.
    • In this football stadium, you will find a memorial laid for the dead football player you find dead in the chapter 2. Once you exit this room, you will again reach a seating area. Fight some enemies here and you will reach a stairs which lead you upwards. Avoid these stairs and go behind the wall besides the stars. Here you will reach a dead end and this is where you will find a part for the Golden Gun.
    • After this you will again reach at the bottom of the stairs where enemies will be shooting at you from above. Fight them and reach at the top. Here you will need to kill a sniper and run towards the extreme end of the seating. There you will find the last part for the Golden Gun in this chapter.

    • The first clue in this chapter will be found only at the beginning of the chapter. When you come out of the doctor’s room, keep a look on the right side of the area. You will find an accessible glass door. Enter it and you will find a photograph of Victor shaking hands with another person. Examine the picture.
    • The second clue in this chapter is the blood stains on the double door. This double door is present at the bottom of small ramp in the same room where you need to press the first green button.
    • The third clue is also a bloodstain. This will be found in the hallway that leads you to the stadium. The bloodstains can be found on the pillar along the hallway on the wall to the right side.
    • In this chapter, you will once reach a room where memorial for the dead football player will be laid. You need to examine the memorial.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Collectibles in Max Payne 3

    Chapter 4
    In Chapter 4 of Max Payne 3, you will find 9 parts for the Golden Gun and 3 Clues.
    • The first part for the Golden Gun will be found at the beginning of this level. You will be in a bar and you need to fight some enemies. Look around for a door in the bar. Between the wall adjacent to the door and behind the seat of the bar, you will find the first part for the Golden Gun.
    • After fighting the enemies in the bar, you will need to climb stairs which lead you to a hallway. At the end of this hallway you will find a part for the Golden Gun.
    • After exiting the bar, you will need to climb down a set of metallic stairs. Below these stairs you will find the part for the Golden Gun.
    • After climbing down the stairs, you will get into Max Payne’s apartment. Here you will find part for the Golden Gun on the floor near the windows.
    • Towards the exit of the apartment, you will see debris of burnt item. A part for the Golden Gun will be found in it.
    • Once you exit the apartment onto the rooftop, look behind the door from which you exited, you will find another part for the Golden Gun.
    • On the rooftop, you will need to follow Raul. While following him, you will come across a small bricked house like structure with a small platform besides it. You will find a part for the Golden Gun between them.
    • After completing the rooftop part, you will enter a building with scaffoldings around it. After you fight enemies in the first room, you will need to climb the staircase, behind the scaffolding along with the staircase; you will find another part for the Golden Gun.
    • You will then reach a garage in a chop shop. Here in the garage, enter the office and you will find part for the Golden Gun on a table.

    • The first clue in Chapter 4 is the badge that belongs to Max Payne. It can be found in Max’s apartment on a table behind a couch.
    • In Max’s apartment, you will find a wall with lots of clippings besides the toilet; you need to scan these clippings for Clue.
    • When you enter the apartment of the Mad Guy, you will find a clue in form of manifesto in form of clue.

    Chapter 5
    In this chapter you can find 6 parts for the Golden Gun and 6 clues.
    • You can find the first part for the Golden Gun easily. When you enter the chapter, kill the first enemy that is standing on the containers. The position where he was standing, just below it you will find place to climb over these container. Reach on the top container and walk over the containers. You will find a part for the Golden Gun.
    • After exiting the room in which you find Fabiana tied on the chair, walk along the left side where you find a fence made of metallic mesh. At the end of the fence, you will find a part for the Golden Gun.
    • In this chapter you will enter a garage. Here you need to press a button. At this same place of button, you will find a staircase, climb it till its end and you will find a part for the Golden Gun.
    • Once you exit the garage after clearing the enemies, you will exit at a outside area of the building. Here again you need to fight some enemies. At the end of this area, you will find an open cargo container containing a part for the Golden Gun.
    • You will then reach at the walkway of the dockyards. You will have to walk on a ramp which goes in upward direction where you need to press a button. At the bottom of the ramp, you will find a small wooden shed inside which lies a part for the Golden Gun.
    • After you continue to walk along the dockyards, you will see two boats; continue to walk until you find a wooden wall. The part for the Golden Gun is near this wooden wall.

    • The first clue in chapter 5 of Max Payne 3 is the helicopter which is seen in the beginning. You won’t be able to access it as it will be covered by fence, but you need to run towards it and you will get a clue.
    • Then you will find some enemies waiting with a truck near them. Killing them will lead to a small office; a ransom note near the TV is the next clue.
    • In the room where you find Fabiana tied to the chair, you will find a video camera on the tripod; it also acts as a clue.
    • In the room with the button to open the garage door, you will find a photo on the same table where drugs are kept.
    • After you exit the garage, you will need to fight some enemies before you enter a warehouse. In this warehouse, on a table you will find a blue-print which is also a clue.
    • In this warehouse, you will find stairs below which you will find a newspaper as a clue.

    Chapter 6
    In this chapter you can find 3 parts for the Golden Gun and 5 clues.
    • The first part for the Golden Gun can be found on the floor of the conference room where you kill the first group of enemies.
    • After getting past the room with lots of architectural models, you will descend a set of stairs and find a waterfall. At the base of the waterfall, you will find a part for the Golden Gun.
    • After the scene where a car tries to run over Max Payne, you will find a glass case partly broken. You need to break it completely to retrieve the part for the Golden Gun.

    • The first clue you will find in chapter 6 is in the glass room where you kill first group of enemies. You can find a laptop in which you need to read an e-mail.
    • In the same room where you find the laptop in which you get first clue on laptop, you will find a desktop computer. In that computer you will need to search for file on Fabiana.
    • In the room filled with architectural model, you need to examine one of the models which is a clue.
    • In the room where you find a waterfall, search a wall with three photos on it. The middle photo is a clue that you need to examine.
    • In one scene where the bomb explodes, you need to go onto the top floor and examine the dead body of the person with spectacles who is wearing white colored clothes.

    Chapter 7
    In this chapter you will find 6 parts for the Golden Gun, 9 Clues and 1 Tourist.
    • The first part for the Golden Gun can be found in the toilet of the brothel. You can find this toilet on the adjacent wall of the brothel’s main door.
    • After killing some enemies with the sniper, you will enter a room with blue door. A enemy will break the door. After you exit the door, you will find part for the Golden Gun just in front of you.
    • After this, you will run down using stairs to reach the bottom and then again climb stairs to reach the top floor. Here you need to fight more enemies. The room is filled with broken furniture among which you find a part for the Golden Gun.
    • After a cut scene in which Max comes out of a metallic gate, you will find yourself in an open area, fight the enemies there and you will see a broken car here. A part for the Golden Gun is present besides this car.
    • At the end of the level, you will come across a group of enemy which you need to fight. This is the same fight before which the guy closes door behind you. You will find a short stair case with a palm tree besides it. At the base of this palm tree you will find a part for the Golden Gun.

    • The first clue in this chapter is the interaction with an Ex-Cop. You will find a scene where Max is asking people on the street about a phone. After this scene you need to walk along the wall on the left side to find a ex-cop in the window, you need to talk to him.
    • After you talk to the stranger in the brothel and kill the enemies there, you will find a photo in front of the couch on which you were sitting while talking to the stranger. This photo is of Serrano.
    • On the outer sides of the Favelas, you will need to enter a locked door which is of blue color. You will find a big graffiti besides it which you need to examine as a clue.
    • The area in which you find a part for the Golden Gun near a broken car, you will find a wall with graffiti of three people holding guns. This tag needs examination for getting the clue.
    • After climbing down a set of stairs, you will find graffiti with Claudio written. Also there will be a player playing football. This graffiti too needs to be examined for clue.
    • Once you pass through highly grown grass. After passing through it, you will find a door on your right side. Just below the door, on the ground, you will see a colorful pamphlet which is a clue.
    • After the cut scene where Max Payne is looking from the window of some drug dealer’s warehouse, you enter the workshop. On the table in this workshop, you need to examine the drugs for clue.
    • After you exit the Drug Dealer’s warehouse, you will see a wall with graffiti of skull on it. This graffiti too needs to be examined.

    • When you are exiting the brothel, you will come across a double door which is of pink color. When facing the door, you will find a room on your right side. In this room you will find a tourist hiding below the bed.

    Chapter 8
    In this chapter, you will find 6 part for the Golden Gun and 3 Clues.
    • In this chapter the first part for the Golden Gun will be found at the base of the mausoleum below the stairs which take you to cemetery.
    • After the first fight with the enemies near the van, look around and you will see an Obelisk. Go near the Obelisk and behind it you will find a part for the Golden Gun.
    • After this gun fight, you will go towards an area which is circular in shape and covered in with arches and columns. As soon as you enter this area, follow this circle in counter clockwise direction. You are bound to get the part for the Golden Gun at one end.
    • You will once find yourself in an area where the enemies will be holding your friend as hostage. You need to rescue him. In this same area you will find a dome under which lies a part for the Golden Gun.
    • In the toilet of the Cemetery’s office you will find another part for the Golden Gun. This office is a small building near the entrance of the morgue.
    • After passing through the morgue, you will reach inside a church. Here in the front side of the podium, you will find a part for the Golden Gun.

    • In this chapter, you will find the first clue in the graveyard. When entering the graveyard, stick to the right side and you will find a tall tombstone which has to be examined.
    • In the area where you find the part for the Golden Gun beneath the dome, you need to check out every mausoleum. The one which has ‘Horne’ written on it needs to be examined.
    • After you finish seeing the scene of the grave digger, run down the hill and you will see a house in front of you. Examine the tombstone near it.

    Chapter 9
    In chapter 9, you will find a 6 parts for the Golden Gun and 3 Clues.
    • The first part for the Golden Gun can be found behind the short wall near the entrance of the green walled building. You will find it after shooting the first police.
    • In one place you reach a bathroom area where a woman runs away after getting scared of you. Search the bathrooms to find the part for the Golden Gun.
    • The scene where you get to destroy the helicopter, you walk in the small allies. The scene where the police are beating a resident, you will find part for the Golden Gun at the base of stairs of some house.
    • After you go away from this part you will find bushes among which the part for the Golden Gun is hidden.
    • After finding this gun part, run across the grassy path where you will find a house with red wall and green door. Run parallel to this house and you will reach a dead end; here you will find a part for the Golden Gun.
    • You will come across a scene where the police are harassing a woman. You need to cross a small bridge to reach a house with windows having bars and similarly fashioned door. Enter the room to find the last part for the Golden Gun.

    • The first clue that you will find in this chapter is in the first room you enter after climbing up the stairs. Here you will find a dead body which you need to examine.
    • You will during your game come across a alley with two police. You will see debris of wooden blocks on one side of the alley. Behind these wooden blocks lies a dead body of the police which you need to examine.
    • After destroying the helicopter, you will see some police beating a resident. After they kill him, examine his body.

    Chapter 10
    In this chapter, you will find 6 parts for the Golden Gun and 2 Clues
    • In the beginning of the chapter, you will see some snipers shooting at Giavana. You need to kill these snipers. Once killed, you will see an old damaged bus with no cover on it. Climb this bus and you will find part for the Golden Gun.
    • In the bus depot, you will find a booth door of red color. You will need to enter this door to get access to a small room. Here you will find a part for the Golden Gun.
    • In the Bus Depot, you will enter a large garage where you will see a bus lift. Across this bus lift, you will see a table with a part for the Golden Gun on it.
    • In the room next to the bus garage, you will find a bus parked in middle of the room. Enter the bus and find a part for the Golden Gun on its floor.
    • In the office of the Bus Depot, search for a desk in the room where you fight the first group of enemies. On this desk you will find a part for the Golden Gun.
    • In another office in the bus depot, you will find a desk with donuts on it. You will find a part for the Golden Gun behind the desk.

    • The first clue in this chapter can be found in an small office along the road near the Bus Depot. You will find a newspaper on the counter in this office which you need to examine.
    • At the offices on the top floor of the bus depot, search for a green poster with a lady n it. You need to examine it for clue.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Collectibles in Max Payne 3

    Chapter 11
    In chapter 11, you will find 6 parts for the Golden Gun and 8 Clues.
    • The first part for the Golden Gun will be found in the restaurant between the two storage cupboards.
    • On the upper deck of the yatch, search for the dead end on the right side of the deck, you will find a part for the Golden Gun.
    • You will find another part for the Golden Gun will be found in the room adjacent to the small door. It is the room which has a large door. Inside you will find a painting which you need to destroy it. Behind the painting, you will find a safe which has part for the Golden Gun.
    • In the docking area, you need to turn left from the first building and keep running till you reach the dead end. This is where you will find the part for the Golden Gun.
    • After clearing the landing area of the docks, you will see an entrance of the building. Besides the stairs to the entrance, you will see an part for the Golden Gun.
    • On the second floor of this building, if you keep walking on the edge, you will see a part for the Golden Gun on the balcony below it.

    • The first clue in this chapter is n the cabinet of the Passos’ room. You need to clear the restaurant area and reach the area with the bathroom. Here is the cabinet with a note, that is, clue in it.
    • In the same room, that is Passos’ room, examine the bed for clue.
    • After you get past the engine room, you will find yourself on a wooden hatch. Here the blood trail is the clue to be examined.
    • You will then enter a room where three pirates are searching for something. Kill them and then examine the newspaper on the table in middle of the room.
    • In the same room, the wall which is broken by the pirates will have the next clue. Break the wall and you will find a passage. Walk into it and examine the end of the passage.
    • After you exit this passage you will enter a room which will have be a small office. On the desk you will find a passport you need to examine.
    • Besides this small office, you will find a bedroom. You will need to examine the jewelry box next to the window.
    • When you enter this building with glass entrance, you will see statues of two explorers with a telescope. The last clue is found near these statues.

    Chapter 12
    In this chapter you will find 6 parts for the Golden Gun and 6 Clues.
    • The first part for the Golden Gun will be found on the second floor of the destroyed building. You will need to check the bathroom on the left side to the entrance of the second floor.
    • On the second floor itself you will need to clear a large hallway of enemies. In this hallway, you will find a black crate. You need to jump over this crate and you will find a part for the Golden Gun.
    • At the end of the hallway on the second floor, you will find a broken wall behind which you will find a part for the Golden Gun.
    • When you reach the third floor and the cut scene where Serrano and hostage ends, kill all the enemies. Near the starting area, you will find a desk behind which is a part for the Golden Gun.
    • On the fourth floor, after the end of the cut scene involving the doctor and Serrano, you will see a brown couch in front of you. The next part for the Golden Gun lies behind it.
    • After you escape to the street you will be attacked by the snipers. Before this part, you will see a demolished balcony. Near the wall of this balcony, you will find a part for the Golden Gun.

    • The first clue in Chapter 12 is found by examining the beds after the cut scene where you see the enemies throwing bodies in incinerator.
    • After getting the first clue, enter a deposit room where you will see many brown boxes kept along the wall. Examine the crate with ‘Unidade De Forcas Especiais’ has written on it.
    • After you proceed, you will come across a ledge, climb it and enter the room right, it will have 2 clues on its walls. The first will be found by examining the pictures on the wall and the second is the photo below the table besides the couch.
    • When you reach the restaurant, examine the newspaper on the bar table to the left side.
    • The room where you find the C4 explosive, you need to examine the shelves in that room for donation receipt.

    Chapter 13
    In chapter 13, you will find 9 parts for the Golden Gun and 7 Clues.
    • After finishing the first fight, you will enter an area resembling an prison. On the shelf in that area you will find the first part for the Golden Gun.
    • After you proceed from this area, you will reach the showers of the prison. As soon as you enter this area, turn right immediately to find the next part for the Golden Gun.
    • At the entrance of the police station, you will find a trash can besides which you will find a part for the Golden Gun.
    • In the compound of the police station, you will see a broken wall behind which lies a part for the Golden Gun.
    • In the training room of the police station, search the shower area for another part for the Golden Gun.
    • In the police station, under the serving desk you will find another part for the Golden Gun.
    • When you reach the office area of the police station, search for the desk in the first room and you will find a part for the Golden Gun. From this room you can enter the conference room. Turn right immediately to find a part for the Golden Gun.
    • The final part for the Golden Gun will be found in the targeting area of the training center in the Police station.

    • The first clue in this chapter is talk to the tourist you found in Chapter 7, he will be in the prison.
    • In the office adjacent to the prisons, you will need to kill some polices and then check the laptop on the desk for clue.
    • In the office area of the police station, you will an note on the desk of the office besides the kitchen of the police station.
    • On the fifth floor of the police station, in the second area, you will find a file in the office on the right side. You will need to examine this file.
    • On the same floor and location of previous clue, walk into the office on the left side and examine the only laptop on the desk.
    • On the fifth floor itself, you will enter the briefing room. There you will find a laptop. Examining it will start a slide show which is a clue.
    • In the weapon storage room of the police station, just besides the security door button, examine the vest for clues.

    Chapter 14
    In this chapter, you will find 6 parts for the Golden Gun and 1 Clue.
    • The first two parts for the Golden Gun will be found in the starting area itself. After clearing the first room of the enemies, you will find the first part is on the conveyor belt with luggage on it. The second part for the Golden Gun is at the end of the stairs that you need to climb to reach the next area.
    • As soon as you enter the second floor, that is, loading bay for luggage, turn immediately to your right and you will see the next part for the Golden Gun. But to reach it, you need to go a long way crossing many parts of the area.
    • When you pass through the bathroom, check the showers and you will find another part for the Golden Gun.
    • In the terminal area of the airport, find the way to the small balcony on the second floor. On the left side of it, you will find a part for the Golden Gun.
    • On the ground floor of the terminal, near the exit you need to clear the enemies. After clearing the ground floor, you will see a small reception desk facing the exit. Just behind it, you will find a part for the Golden Gun.
    • The final part for the Golden Gun in Max Payne 3 will be found after the train race. When Max Payne jumps from one train to another, wait till the train stops. Check the back side of the train and you will find part for the Golden Gun.

    • The one and only as well as the final clue of Max Payne 3 is in the bathroom of the airport. Here you find the same ex-cop that you found in the Chapter 2 and Chapter 7. You need to talk to him.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Collectibles in Max Payne 3

    Here is complete Max Payne 3 Walkthrough. You can use this to find more information on this game. After playing this game for sometime I noticed that there is lot more similarity in many levels. Maximum part consist of point and shoot. There can be some deadly weapons you might get at advance levels. Also there is something similar Sniper Elite where in a level you shoot with sniper and the bulletcam shows you how the bullet hit the target. Second the torch things that you had seen in Alan Wake.

    Max Payne 3 Walkthrough

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