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Thread: How to choose best Database Management Software

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    How to choose best Database Management Software

    It is necessary to figure which is the right tool you must use for easy management of your Database. Due to extensive technology and wide availability of tons of software it creates a lot confusion on the choice. Which one is best, which can give easy interface, which can provide me easy backup & recovery, which will offer me better compatibility, which is better for web or office work, etc. There are ample of question here if we keep on adding in the list. Under this small guide I tried to define and provide information on some of the widely used Database tools. This tools just not only help you to manage the database, but you can even manage the relation between various tables. I am not going to enter much in programming, but a basic overview which is even easy for a laymen to handle out with some technical knowledge. Database is important part of our work and this is the base where everything lies. A website is just a plain page which is manage and controlled by the database on the backside. In one word it is your actual product or raw material which you use to display. Other than this Database are used on various ways. For internal management, for customer service, etc. A database is a kind of collection of organized data which are stored in a digital from. It is simple to example with a example of Microsoft Excel. You have columns and rows which are counted as a table in database. Today due to wide usage of technology and easy implementation you can get ample of services which can handle your database issue. But if you are not a big office or a mid size business then investing on the same is a matter of doubt. There are various DBSM in which the most popular is MySQL. Other than this you might have heard about Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, etc. For DBMS what quality you must look is easy interface with durability. You must have power to control the database and it must provide you better performance + security. Security which is another important concern for database.

    In order to monitor the data and users the need of a DBMs is needed the most. There are some things which must be taken to point while choosing a DBMS. They are first allowing access to data in a simple way. Allowing access to information to multiple users at a time and on the same time manipulating the data in the database. A database is a collection of information organized in a way that a computer program can quickly select fragments of data you need. A database is an electronic file system. Traditional databases are organized by fields, records and files. A field is a single piece of information, a record is a complete set of fields, and a file is a collection of records. For example, a telephone book is analogous to a file. Contains a list of records, each of which consists of three fields: name, address and telephone number.

    Guide to Choose Best Database Management Software :

    It is really important to consider some points before going for a DATABASE tool. There is several reason for that. If you are aware about your needs then it becomes easier to choose the right tool and use it forever. There are not issues of upgrades and security. Mostly people recommend to MySQL for web servers and it is better also. Other than this I am also listing some qualities which a database tool must have.

    Multiple options with easy to use Interface : It is recommended that whichever tool you are going for has a easy to use interface if you are not so good in SQL. Options like web interface, desktop interface, server setup, etc. Some paid services which offers you easy interface to manage the databases. The advantage you get is tech support which helps you to get easy fix in case of any crash.

    Database Platform : Now this is another point where there nothing much to think. I will not going to give details about other database platform. Widely used one is the fittest one. So right now SQL is the one which can be a very strong base for database platforms. It is extensive easy to use and there are many supports available for this. It is widely compatible with many software.

    Desktop Database : This is a form of Database where you manage everything on your pc and it is control inside a private network which is accessed by authorized people only. They are users or others. This type of database needs setup and software license. They can be added to your cost if you keep going for a bigger setup. This is simply opted by mid size and big size businesses that uses it for their internal and external work. Tools like Microsoft Access are one of the most common example of this.

    Web Database : Web based database can be called as your website database. They work on www and needs more security. It is necessary to buy a reliable package which can help you to cope with day to day vulnerabilities. Usually the hosting provider’s offers you web based plans which consist of various options. This package also includes the database. Right now I had seen many are widely using MySQL through phpmyadmin. But there are other hosters which can give you more better and enhanced service based on the plan you buy. It is also important to check the performance you are going to get on the same.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: How to choose best Database Management Software

    I am listing here some of the best DATABASE tools. You can choose the same as per your need :
    • Toad for MySQL (Paid)
    • SQLyog (Paid)
    • Sequel Pro (for MAC OS X) (open-source)
    • phpMyAdmin (open-source)
    • Navicat for MySQL (Paid)
    • MySQL Workbench (Paid/Free)
    • MySQL Administrator
    • Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (Paid)
    • HeidiSQL (Free)
    • DB Designer Fork (Beta)

    Toad for MySQL

    Toad for MySQL is a development tool that is designed to increase developer productivity and directors of MySQL on Windows. Toad for MySQL was developed to allow developers to create MySQL and execute queries, automate the management of database objects and develop SQL code. Toad for MySQL comes with utilities used to compare, extract and compare objects. It also allows you to manage projects, import / export data and administer the database.

    • Version Control Integration — lets you check in and check out code from within the editor to reduce the risk of errors.
    • Macro Record and Playback — Records and plays back keyboard commands.
    • Database Browser — Reorganizes and manages objects and object types.
    • Code Snippet Editor — lets you create and alter code snippets for expand-and-collapse code blocks, speeding navigation.
    • Security Manager — Permits or restricts user access to specific Toad features for better system control.
    • SQL Editor — helps you create, execute, modify, and save queries; view and edit data; and process DDL commands — all from an easy-to-use interface.
    • Fast, Multi-Tabbed Schema Browser — Displays and manages database objects graphically.
    • DB Extract, Compare-and-Search Utility — lets you compare two MySQL databases, view the differences, and create the script to update the target.
    • Import/Export Utility — Facilitates data transfer across MySQL databases.


    To run queries on MySQL databases, MySQL-Front was known, free and easy to use. His publisher has stopped its development, you could not really expect updates. The relief comes with SQLyog. This lightweight software makes it possible to run queries on MySQL databases and obtain the return. Fortunately it does not limit to this because it is able to manage permissions, configure the database, to synchronize two databases or even to run a data import ODBC. SQLyog connects via the MySQL interface with a local or remote MySQL server. The software directly accesses the content. Via simple dialogs created one database, new users or user groups. The tables are edited and researched by mouse click. The automatic database queries you can look in the SQL editor and modify for their own purposes. These so-called SQL queries either from stores SQLyog as favorites for future use.

    Feature List
    • Redundant Index Analyzer (Not available in Profession Edition)
    • Schema Optimizer (Not available in Profession Edition)
    • Query Profiler (Not available in Profession & Enterprise Edition)
    • Advanced Connectivity Options
    • HTTP/HTTPs Tunneling
    • SSH Tunneling
    • SSL Connections
    • Visual Tools
    • SQL Formatter(Not available in Profession Edition)
    • Visual Query Builder (Not available in Profession Edition)
    • Visual Schema Designer (Not available in Profession Edition)
    • Priority access to BETAs, new versions and patches
    • Installation support for 1 month
    • Unlimited Priority Support (Optional)
    • Data Search (Not available in Profession & Enterprise Edition)
    • Form View (Not available in Profession Edition)
    • Smart Auto complete
    • Intelligent Code Completion
    • Import External Data (Not available in Profession Edition)
    • Import tasks can be scheduled (Not available in Profession Edition)
    • Schema Synchronization (Not available in Profession Edition)
    • Data Synchronization (Not available in Profession Edition)
    • Data Synchronization can be scheduled (Not available in Profession Edition)
    • Compressed Scheduled Backups (Not available in Profession Edition)
    • SQL Scheduler & Reporting Tool (Not available in Profession Edition)
    • Scheduled Jobs (Not available in Profession Edition)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: How to choose best Database Management Software

    Sequel Pro (for MAC OS X)

    Sequel Pro is a database management software that help you to access MySQL databases easily and intuitively. Sequel You may submit both locally installed and remote (remote) databases to access and administer. Since the last update will support the full-screen mode, and one can of Lion supports links in tabs arrangement. Also on board is a kind of plugin-support, which is called "bundles". Sequel Pro is developed very actively and regularly gets you through the channels twitter or blog for new information. I have tried in recent months, some MySQL tools (e.g. Navicat), but Sequel Pro is now free and irreplaceable much too low.

    Features List
    • Best Looking MySQL Cocoa App : Sequel Pro is a fast, easy-to-use Mac database management application for working with MySQL databases.
    • Flexible Connectivity : Sequel Pro gives you direct access to your MySQL databases on local and remote servers.
    • Perfect Web Development Companion : Whether you are a Mac Web Developer, Programmer or Software Developer your workflow will be streamlined with a native Mac OS X application!
    • Power Users rejoice : New in Sequel Pro 0.9.9 we have Tabs, Bundles, new import and export interfaces and a slew of new keyboard shortcuts.
    • Ready for Lion : Go full screen with Sequel Pro — Mac OS X Lion is now fully supported in the latest version.


    Today, there are many sites that run with the Free: Apache + PHP + mySQL. Set of scripts written in PHP, PHPMyAdmin is simply the best tool to manage your mySQL DB. Everything is done via a web interface complete and easy. And a few clicks, you can create and delete databases or tables, run queries, export and import files, etc. It goes without saying that it is still handled with some care on pain of cruel disappointments (such as deleting a database!). The text mode interface standard MySQL client can make us lose the perspective of all tables, columns, rows, types and relationships with which we work.

    With phpMyAdmin can perform virtually all tasks necessary management (create and delete databases, manage tables, add, delete or edit fields, execute SQL commands ...), from an intuitive web interface that stands out for its flexibility of use provides to the user. The application itself is just a set of files written in PHP that can be copied to a directory on your web server, so that, when accessing these files, they show us a few pages where you can find the databases to which have access to our database server and all its tables. The tool allows you to create tables, insert data into existing tables, browse through the records of the tables, edit and delete, delete tables and so on, even execute SQL statements and make a backup of the database.

    Features :
    • Intuitive web interface
    • MySQL features: browse and drop databases, tables, views, fields and indexes / create, copy, drop, rename and alter databases, tables, fields and indexes / maintenance server, databases and tables, with proposals on server configuration / execute, edit and bookmark any SQL-statement, even batch-queries / manage MySQL users and privileges / manage stored procedures and triggers
    • Import data from CSV and SQL
    • Export data to various formats: CSV, SQL, XML, PDF, ISO/IEC 26300 - OpenDocument Text and Spreadsheet, Word, LATEX and others
    • Administering multiple servers
    • Creating PDF graphics of your database layout
    • Creating complex queries using Query-by-example (QBE)
    • Searching globally in a database or a subset of it
    • Transforming stored data into any format using a set of predefined functions, like displaying BLOB-data as image or download-link

  4. #4
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    May 2008

    Re: How to choose best Database Management Software

    Navicat for MySQL

    Navicat for MySQL is a development tool for managing databases. Navicat for MySQL allows you to convert XML, CSV, MS Excel, MS Access and other formats to a MySQL database. It offers various options such as data synchronization or import, export and creation of backup copies. With Navicat for MySQL you will be able to organize, access and share information securely and easily. It works with any server MySQL databases. Navicat MySQL lets you administer and fully develop your database and use its advanced features such as views, triggers, procedures and intuitively. Through the use of private keys for SSH tunnels, connecting to your systems will be completely secure. The application also allows you to visually create usage reports that you can save as RAF. Navicat MySQL is a popular interface.

    Features :
    • Reverse Engineering : create a conceptual model from an existing database and graphically visualize and edit the structure of your database.
    • Compare and Synchronize between Model and Database : Synchronize to Database will give you the full picture of all databases differences.
    • SQL/DDL Script Generation : Export SQL gives you the opportunity to get a full control over the final SQL script
    • ER Diagram View : better understanding of your database schema
    • Database Wide Search : search function to find records on the entire database.
    • SQL Code Minify : Eliminate unnecessary spaces, line breaks.

    MySQL Workbench

    MySQL Workbench is the resumption of DBDesigner 4 from SUN. This software allows you to design complete A to Z a MySQL database. Knowledge of technical terms related to relational databases is required to understand this program. Note that the GPL version (called Community Edition) does not have all the features of Standard Edition (fee), the functions appear dimmed in offending the GPL version. MySQL Workbench is within the narrow circle of free software design database. This software is available to potential users who have manipulated the databases. The concepts used go beyond simple data patterns and no documentation exists yet truly adapted to fully use this software.

    Feature :
    • SQL Editor
    • SQL Syntax Highlighting
    • SQL Code Generation
    • SQL Snippets
    • SQL History
    • Server Status & Health
    • Server Configuration
    • Application Roles
    • User Management
    • Connection Management
    • Object Management
    • Data Management
    • Visual Data Modeling
    • Reverse Engineering
    • Forward Engineering
    • Schema Synchronization
    • DBDoc

    MySQL Administrator

    MySQL Administrator is one of the easiest tools to manage MySQL database. It is not equipped with many advance features, but it is quiet easy for everyone who starts working on MySQL. MySQL Administrator is a management tool for local or remote MySQL database server. You have the ability to track the activity on the server using a graphical history live (Connections, Queries, Traffic, Memory, etc.) or to view the log files. On "User Administration" they manage the user rights to the server and individual databases.

    Features :
    • configuring the boot options servers
    • starting and stopping servers
    • monitoring server connections
    • User Management
    • server status monitoring, including usage statistics
    • Viewing server logs
    • managing backup and recovery
    • display data catalogs.

    Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio

    SQL Server Management Studio is a tool provided by Microsoft to facilitate the administration of SQL Server 2005. This provides a graphical and easy to use which is easy to create or modify your database. Among the utilities that integrates SQL Server Management Studio Object Explorer highlights the object which manages all types of servers and the code editor to create scripts (Transact-SQL, MDX, DMX, XML / A and XML). With the free version, known as Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express (SSMSE) is possible to manage the versions of SQL Server 2005 "Express Edition" and "Express Edition with Advanced Services." But it is not valid for managing SQL Server Analysis Services, Integration Services, Notification Services, Reporting Services, SQL Server Agent and SQL Server 2005 Mobile Edition.

    • Supports most administrative tasks for SQL Server.
    • A single, integrated environment for SQL Server Database Engine management and authoring.
    • New management dialogs for managing objects in the SQL Server Database Engine, Analysis Services, Reporting Services, Notification Services, and SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2, that allows you to execute your actions immediately, send them to a Code Editor, or script them for later execution.
    • Non-modal and resizable dialogs allow access to multiple tools while a dialog is open.
    • A common scheduling dialog that allows you to perform action of the management dialogs at a later time.
    • Exporting and importing SQL Server Management Studio server registration from one Management Studio environment to another.
    • Save or print XML Showplan or Deadlock files generated by SQL Server Profiler, review them later, or send them to administrators for analysis.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: How to choose best Database Management Software


    HeidiSQL you can browse and edit data, create and modify tables, views, procedures, triggers, etc.All administration functions are available: Creation / modification of database tables, views, procedures, triggers . If the export of complete data or a selection to CSV or SQL allows you to prepare a base, its tables, its interactive queries on a machine, can be imported from a CSV file to an existing table, or from an exporting to SQL created by another application. Also you can directly import a text file in a field of type. If the management tools of interactive databases do not generally provide to create the final program operations, HeidiSQL may be sufficient in many cases, and as a means of learning. One can only lament the absence of further versions in other languages, complicated, who would take the risk, the need to use Delphi to recompile a project where messages are placed in every corner of the source code .

    Features :
    • Pluggable authentication
    • SSL settings in user manager
    • Automated installer creation
    • Windows authentication on SQL servers
    • Black icons on Wine fixed
    • Connect to multiple servers in one window & via command line
    • Create and edit tables, views, stored routines, triggers and scheduled events and generate nice SQL-exports
    • Export from one server/database directly to another server/database
    • Manage user-privileges & import text-files
    • Export table rows as CSV, HTML, XML, SQL, LaTeX and Wiki Markup
    • Browse and edit table-data using a comfortable grid & bulk edit tables (move to db, change engine, collation etc.)
    • Batch-insert ascii or binary files into tables
    • Write queries with customizable syntax-highlighting and code-completion
    • Pretty reformat disordered SQL & monitor and kill client-processes
    • Find specific text in all tables of all databases of one server
    • Optimize and repair tables in a batch manner

    DB Designer Fork

    The database designer DBDesignerFork is a management tool for building databases. The tables in the database and the dependencies are represented graphically and can be generated SQL commands to create the database. It is a further development of the fourth DBDesigner You can download the previous program DBDesigner 4 directly from the side of FabForce. The DBDesignerFork is advisable, mainly because the Firebird linking improved. A direct connection is possible with a MySQL database. Reverse engineering is possible with MySQL, Oracle, MSSQL, or with any ODBC database connectivity (ODBC Firebird). The standard storage has been made. Xml file. The program is open source and there is a number of plug-ins.

    Features :
    • Database Design Tool
    • DDL Scripting Generation for MySQL, Firebird, SQLite, SQL Server, Oracle and PostgreSQL
    • Database Reverse Engineering Tool

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