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Thread: Batman: Arkham City Walkthrough, Tips and Cheats

  1. #1
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    Mar 2005
    Portland, OR

    Batman: Arkham City Walkthrough, Tips and Cheats

    Batman: Arkham City is another new action adventure DLC game which has more adventure and side missions. Following the path of Arkham Asylum the game provides you more thrill and action. It shows how much he has grown experience in Batman: Arkham City 'when we could confuse the first game with a series of downloadable episodes of the first. A compendium of DLC which tell us room by room, the story that precedes the last chapter of the adventures of Batman video game. Batman: Arkham City is much larger than its predecessor, the story notes, in the treatment of the characters, but especially in this spirit that nourishes the sandbox scene of a thousand and one things to do, reflecting and bending parallel stories the life of the game.

    The prison area is bounded on the outside, the player can move freely therein. He can run through the streets - but they are often blocked by waste burning car wrecks, also hangs out there all kinds of rowdy rabble and parts are under water. Much easier and faster it goes forward at a dizzy height by Batman pulls himself with his grappling hook from gutter to gutter. It's really fun when the dark knight with his cape sailing across chasms or pulls himself up with a flourish on a tower. Is at your fingertips is a subtly reminiscent of GTA map available at the next major mission and all the side quests available are shown.

    Game Plot:
    Batman: Arkham City builds upon the intense, atmospheric foundation of Batman: Arkham Asylum, sending players soaring into Arkham City, the new maximum security "home" for all of Gotham City's thugs, gangsters and insane criminal masterminds.

    Set inside the heavily fortified walls of a sprawling district in the heart of Gotham City, this highly anticipated sequel introduces a brand-new story that draws together a new all-star cast of classic characters and murderous villains from the Batman universe, as well as a vast range of new and enhanced gameplay features to deliver the ultimate experience as the Dark Knight.

    • Batman
    • Joker
    • Harley Quinn
    • Two Face
    • Catwoman
    • Hugo Strange

  2. #2
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    Mar 2005
    Portland, OR

    Re: Batman: Arkham City Walkthrough, Tips and Cheats


    Chapter 1 The Beginning:

    The game begins with a intro of Catwoman which tries to steal something. Bruce Wayne the central character (Batman) is a kind of unknown place where his fellow help him out to search something. You can start the game by moving in the area and follow the screen instructions. That will be easier for you at the start to begin the game. There are number of combos and attacks that you should carry out and learn the controls properly. As those who had played the earlier version of this game will find it easy to play. First in the beginning you will learn some attack by screen prompts. Press those keys and remember the same... In attack what matters most is right timing. If you r attack is enough powerful to hit the enemy in right time you can create major devastation.

    Learn the combos fast to end this chapter. Meet another fellow here. He is Jack and you will need to rescue him. Here you will get time to practice your combos and defend him. Save him before he dies. When you are engaged in fight look for the ladder and climb to the roof. You can practice a number of combos here which will be helpful for you in the coming levels also. Bruce will be helped Alfred. See the screen instructions. He will provide you a router to a safer location. You have run over the roof, grab the walls and try to avoid fall. You can run and try to control your balance while moving over the building. More moves like ducking, jumping, wrapping around building will let you to get better with the control. Again you can see a ladder which takes you to a package.

    Chapter 2 Rescuing the Catwoman:

    After a kind of cutscene you can understand the plot of coming chapter. You can see the marking on the screen where it shows that Catwoman is kept as a prisoner and you have to rescue here. When you receive the package you get the suit and it provides you certain extra abilities. For example you can glide in air and use grapple to jump off. You can also jump from higher altitude and glide in the air. At you move you have to reach Solomon Wayne’s courthouse. This courthouse is a place where Catwoman is kept.

    Look at the entrance and use the grapple gun to reach the balcony. Once you are there safely go inside. When you enter another cutscene begins which explains the game plot. You have to move and climb up. It is on your choice how you wan to. It is necessary to bring down the guards silently without triggering an alert. You can explore the area before doing anything to get more detailed idea on the same.

    Chapter 3 The Tower:

    In this chapter you will need to find the location of a sniper. You will also face enemies in the front side. Follow the green marker in the map. The tower entrance is guarded. You have to finish them off to move further. For that you will need examine a multiple points. These points are something which is made by bullets. For this first activate the Detected mode nit he game and start analyzing the evidence. Begin from the ground itself. The map will show you some location. You will need to move to that place slowly and safely. Go towards the church first. Enter and move towards Joker. There is a side mission in this part which you can play. This side mission will teach you how to use the gadgets and will give you some more upgrades.

    Harley will come with some armed guards and you might need to fight here. When she leaves you will need to take more guards and see that you do not harm the hostages. This is a challenging part. When all are free you can go up on the top part of bell tower. You will need to investigate here the location of sniper rifle. Same here you will need to use detective mode to start investigation. Once you have evidence you can hear the radio signal which will guide you to its hideout. You will need to move as per the instruction of signal meter. Move slowly. You will end up to industrial place. It is a mill. This is the place from where you are catching the signal. Now go in and listen to Alfred. Use the chimney entrance.

    Chapter 4 Joker's Place:

    This part has some number of locations. It is necessary that you must remember them as you will need to reach back after sometime. Batman is in a challenging situation here. He has to move from suspended via over lava. You have to properly glide so that you can land in the opening at front. It is the time to turn detective mode to Detective mode to checkout evidence. Look on the steam. Go from the front door and control the temperature. There is a switch. You can use batclaw for that to run the valve cover. Open it and cool the place. Now go back to the top using the railings. Now you will need to open a path by using explosive gel. On the floor you can find the location.

    Apply the gel and detonate it to open a new way. When you are in you can see crowd of enemies. Harley helps you here to draw the attention of enemies and in the mean while you need to take them down slowly one by one. There is another valve which blocks your way. You can use the pipe which on the wall to find the controls of the same. Batarangs practice is needed here to so that you can hit the button quickly.

    When the steam stop move ahead till the en where you will face some enemies. There are more enemies waiting after the door. So instead of running madly and charging on them, I recommend to move slowly and finding an alternate way without alerting them. Activate detective mode and then move. You can see e a router by opening a door at the end side. Attacking a number of guards from behind is easier via combo attacks. Enter from the window and then move fast towards the door to enter a chamber. There are more guards so move slowly and take them down silently. Now when you are in will face more here and higher in number along with some hostages. take them out use your grapple to avoid attacks. When all are down you can free the hostage and now you have to find Joker.

    You will find a gun called as Remote Electrical Charge. This allows you to push and pull objects so it is a handy tool. Leave the area now and you can use this gun to open the closes entrance. Go above and enter the vents. Take more guards down and enter to the closed door. You will need to find a way back to a bay where you will fight with more enemies. Electromagnet gun is very helpful here which will help you to pull objects like hooks. You can use thing for swinging on hooks or just moving the damage structure. After that you will encounter a Giant Clown with Hammer.

    How to beat the Giant Clown

    A giant joker's guy who will kill Batman with some attacks has a powerful hammer. He is one armed beast. There is way to beat him. First you must avoid attacks by him. Kill the guards first which are annoying. The massive hammer can give great damage and he attacks with lots of power. Second when you skip fast he gets annoyed very fast. It is not tough to kick him out. You just need to avoid some attacks and punch the beast with some power. You can use the electromagnetic gun to use some objects on him. Use grapple and go above the ledge.

  3. #3
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    Mar 2005
    Portland, OR

    Re: Batman: Arkham City Walkthrough, Tips and Cheats

    Chapter 6 Locating Penguin:

    The green mark will let you to a place. It is the location of Penguin. It is a kind of a museum. You have to first deal with some guard on the entrance. The entrance is locked and you have to use the sequencer to open the door. Enter and bring down some more enemies. Avoid their attacks. You can throw a number of batarangs by rapidly pressing the attack button. Now you have to find another security room and you can enter from the window. Your job here is to disablee the jammers. You have to stop them out and then only you can move further. This jammers blocks signals so that you cannot trace Penguin.

    The location of first jammer is somewhere on the roof of museum. You have to destroy it completely. Another one is a little far away guarded. So this time take down the guards first and then the jammer. And the last one is somewhere in the subway tunnel. Do not go much far, look around the museum itself. The entrance will take to a subway railway station where some couple of guards is active. Take them down. A small room in the lobby will take you more below. There is a train, go above the train and you can see a broken wall. There are some couple of guards. Bring them down and the jammer is just on the other part. It is well guarded. You have ample of cover here so that you can hide and move. Once the jammer is destroyed go back to the museum.

    Chapter 7 The Museum:

    You are now in the mid of game where more challenges and longer hour of gameplay beings. Batman connect pass the security access of the museum which will allow him to reach the lower part. There are some gang who has kept hostages. You will need to bring them down and rescue the hostages.

    This level will teach you some more attacks which are lifesaver. Once you had deal with the gang reach the hostages. You will need to help the hostage which is a office to find his squad. Go above. After a door, Batman will enter a place of combat. There will be violence and continuous attack here. You have to beat up some guards here. After clearing them off Batman will be attacked by another giant guard. This is the second boss in the game. The new attack which you learned in the level will help you to control him. Avoid direct attack and kick him hard from the back side till he falls.

    As Batman was engaged in fight, penguin runs away. The doors are locked and protected. The batarang here will help you to hit the switch to open the door. Use it properly and go in the elevator. When the elevator stop you are in new area where you can collect some trophies and use the Explosive Gel to break the wall of ice.

    Chapter 8: Saving Mr. Freeze.

    Batman is a new room after breaking the wall of ice. This a freezing place. The surface if of ice and below are sharks. The surface cracks very easily. so you have to move to rescue a office but slowly without getting yourself in danger. Once you reach the office break the prison and rescue him. He will tell you the location of others. The thing which matter here is the speed of your movement. There is another office which is on the right side room over water where sharks live. You dive and you can see incomings. You have to use some object as boat so that you can safely move to the other end. More policeman can be seen who will call you for help. You can use a hook up by using batchclaw you can slowly float to any direction. You can use a number of rings which are above by using batclaw and navigate in the area.

    The chamber has a opening on the left side where there is a giant statue. You have to hack the room to bring down the security. The guards were armor which gave them move power and time. Now move back in the center part where there is another room. You can see Mr. Freeze. You will need to break the wall using explosive gel. Another boss in the game will attack you. Batman will be attacked by another weird character that has burning balls attacked to the chain on this hand. His attacks are bit tough to skip. The boss attack does not matter till it touches batman. So there are some tactics which are needed to be follow. You will need to use the Remote Electrical Charge gun to repel those chain balls which will stunned him for sometime. Now reach to Mr. Freeze and take to him to get the next task.

    Chapter 9 Penguins Place:

    Batman is a new room after breaking the wall of ice. This a freezing place. The surface if of ice and below are sharks. The surface cracks very easily. so you have to move to rescue a office but slowly without getting yourself in danger. Once you reach the office break the prison and rescue him. He will tell you the location of others. The thing which matter here is the speed of your movement. There is another office which is on the right side room over water where sharks live. You dive and you can see incomings. You have to use some object as boat so that you can safely move to the other end. More policeman can be seen who will call you for help. You can use a hook up by using batclaw you can slowly float to any direction. You can use a number of rings which are above by using batclaw and navigate in the area.

    The chamber has a opening on the left side where there is a giant statue. You have to hack the room to bring down the security. The guards were armor which gave them move power and time. Now move back in the center part where there is another room. You can see Mr. Freeze. You will need to break the wall using explosive gel. Another boss in the game will attack you. Batman will be attacked by another weird character that has burning balls attacked to the chain on this hand. His attacks are bit tough to skip. The boss attack does not matter till it touches batman. So there are some tactics which are needed to be follow. You will need to use the Remote Electrical Charge gun to repel those chain balls which will stunned him for sometime. You can talk to Mr. Freeze from the security panel and take the next task. Now you will need to find a security override for the Mr. Freezes suite. Clip up on the room where there are two officers. The Question mark gives you trophies. Reach the armor room and kill some guards who are has kept hostages. The guards can locate you in dark also so move slowly without making noise. There are ample of hiding spots here. Once there are down you have to release the hostage and grab Disruptor Freeze Override. It is very important in the coming part.

    Now make your way to lounge where some hungry shark will attack you. You can punch to get rid of them. Penguin is the in the center of that place and you he will attack you with Freeze gun. Now the override which you go will not work from far distance. You will need to find location closer to Penguin. This override disarms the freeze gun and you can kick him down. Before dealing with Penguin you have to deal with another boss in the game. Grundy is the name, and it gain energy via electrical contact. He does not loose health easily. Use hints. This time have to use the explosive gel to blow up the electrical receptor in the area so that Grundy cannot recharge himself. Avoid damage by leaping at right time. When Grundy’s power source is ended you can beat him down.

    Chapter 10 Chamber of the Demon

    Go to the tunnels. You can use the latter to climb up on the Chamber of the Demon. You will need to follow Talia al Ghul who will take you to the entrance and this will be the beginning of your first trial. There is a chalice which you will need to drink before entering the trail. Listen to Ra's al Ghul. This level is bit weird where you will travel in alternate locations. Follow the blue trail which tell you the time to dive bomb and when to pull back. The grapple will help you here to reach the iceberg. You have to keep moving on the iceberg before it gets disappeared. First some sword guys here. The orange color pit will move to the alternate world. This time you will need to fight with Ra's al Ghul. He is a kind of immortal. Batman will land in a desert type of place. This time the fight is more tougher. The fight has two parts here which is followed by a cutscene. Some ninja monster attacks in the first part and throw a wave of blades on Batman. Ra's al Ghul is in front of the center part which is protected by the monsters. You have to blast his location using the remote electrical charge gun. Hit him with this gun.

    More crowd of enemies will attack so you have to beat faster here. You can reply them all and avoid much attack. As the number of enemies reduce, the remaining mixes together to become bigger. The boss is in mid. Use the batarang to free the hostages. The batarang returns back. You have to then move back to Mr. Freeze and find a way out. Deal with more enemies and jammers pack. Another part consist of enemies dealing with shield. You can kill them via aerial attack. Follow the screen instructions to bring them down. Follow the subway path and kill more.

  4. #4
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    Portland, OR

    Re: Batman: Arkham City Walkthrough, Tips and Cheats

    Chapter 11 Go back to Mr. Freeze:

    You have to reach the location of Quincy Sharp. The plot goes in similar manner where you need to bring down some thugs and then move. There are some number of trophies you can earn here. There are also bunch of weapons you can collect here. Find Quincy. You will need to find a blood sample here. Save him and then investigate. Return to the Gotham City Police Department and give the blood sample to freeze. Take down more thugs by blowing up the propane tank using batarang. Current enemies are protected by armors so you can block their way to slow them down. Batman find that the Freeze is the true enemy and feels betrayal. Batman has to fight with Freeze now. Freeze will give some tough time to Batman. To take Mr. Freeze down you have to bring him down 5 times. It is not easy and will be a bit longer battle. The electromagnet can help here. You can use some gadgets to disrupt him. Keep attacking from different locations. Do not stay at once place. You can then use the steam valve to block the entrance and move.

    More updates soon.


    Use the cryptographic sequencer and find the place that is the XY coordinates: 700, 490. You intercept a radio frequency that will give you the following numbers: 9-23-9-12-12-18-5-20-21-18-14-2-1-20-13-1-14. If you replace them with their equivalents in letters in the alphabet, you will see the message: "I WILL RETURN BATMAN."

    Use the cryptographic sequencer and find the place that is the XY coordinates: 500, 900. You intercept a radio frequency that will give you the following numbers: "5-15-9-7-21-18-18-14-3-5-24-15-12-7-22-3-10-5-15 -9-22-3-8-25-26-15-16-25-10-15-17-25. If you use the rule 1 = C 2 = B, 3 = A, Z = 4, you will discover the message: "YOU WILL PAY FOR WHAT YOU HAVE DONE TO ME."

    Use the cryptographic sequencer and find the place that is the XY coordinates: 200, 500. You intercept a radio frequency that will give you the following numbers: "3-20-26-18-26-16-24-1-11-4-24-9-3-8-5-2-12-18-6 -16-7-11-3-10-17-5-13-4-21-8. If you use the rule Z = 1, Y = 2, X = 3 (reverse alphabetical), then with the Vigenere Square the key word "scarecrow", you will find the message: "FEAR WILL TEAR TO GOTHAM CITY shred".

    Batman: Arkham City: Catwoman

    To manage Catwoman must enter the download code that comes in the game box. This will give you access to four additional missions that complement the main plot. With the cat can get the trophies of red, which Enigma has prepared especially for her. Cabwoman’s abilities are different from Batman, but both are handled well. You can fight back, grab ledges, and use your "toys" feline vision.... In the prologue you will have to neutralize a group of thugs, which will help you master your fighting skills.

    Chasing Ivy

    When you take control, jump onto the roof opposite. Catwoman can not plan, but to climb buildings and jump farther. Instead of batarang, use the whip to grab onto ledges. Up on the roof and move to the point indicated. Cat Active vision and see a group of enemies in a cage. Find the trapdoor at the top and falls on them. Kill all and then climb the wall to sneak in the window. Pick up the improvement and then head to the objective on the map. When you get there, jump onto the catwalk and into the building. When the sequence ends, take care of Ivy's minions. They are hard and not see the signal counter, but you can do just by pressing the button before the blow. Kill all and hurry to jump into the top before everything is filled with gas. Take care of the second group of henchmen and will complete the chapter.

    Stealing the safe

    When the sequence ends, jump across the rooftops to the point indicated. Go down to the street and kill the thugs who guard the entrance (first with just carrying the stun gun). With the clear zone, open the drain in the floor and Sneak. Goes to the room and enter the door on the left to see a sequence. Then you steal the key from the guards. Go through the hole in the wall and grab the ceiling to move smoothly. You see the key shining in the pants of the guards. Snook landed behind them and without being detected. With the keys in your hands, drop down on the right side of the door when the guards did not look. Sneak through the duct wall. When you reach the other side, jump and grab the ceiling. Keep to the left and enter the next room through the hole above.

    Use the computer and open the security room. With the door open, the guards put on alert. Move through the roof and holes in the ground to get eliminated one by one. Clear the area and you enter the security camera. Kill the thugs and leave the building with the bags.

    Catwoman on the hunt

    After leaving the building, run across the rooftops to your apartment. When the sequence ends, take care of the gang members. Questions the last and head to the museum. Clear the entrance and enter through the front door. Goes to the hall and find a group of enemies without guns. Kill them and proceed through the door. In the next room you'll find another large group. Use your skills to dispatch cat and then continues below the door on the left. If you look to your left you will see the elevator shaft. Climb to the top and go to the torture chamber.

    Once there, stand on the edge and press the button down for Catwoman below ground grip. Go right and climb the hatch behind the trophy enigma. Throw the whip to the railing of the roof and across the room to the armory (beware of the enemies waiting in the hallway). Once at the armory will have to eliminate the bodyguards of Two-Face. Advances hanging from the ceiling and drop down on enemies when you're on top. Kill them all and then take care of Two-Face.


    • Revenge of Nightwing: Win 78 medals in all challenges listed initial Arkham City and pack Nightwing (Nightwing)
    • Nightwing in the countryside: Win 114 medals in the countryside initial Arkham City and pack Nightwing (Nightwing)
    • Riddle of the Sphinx: Complete the 40 elements of the grid puzzle of the mystery man for Catwoman
    • However feline: Earn 72 medals challenges classified initial Arkham City (Catwoman)
    • A cat in the countryside: Win 108 medals campaigns initial Arkham City (Catwoman)

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