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Thread: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Xbox 360 Walkthrough, Tips and Cheats

  1. #1
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    Nov 2005

    Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Xbox 360 Walkthrough, Tips and Cheats

    Found on the official website that the game is set to release for Xbox 360. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 as the name says is a part of famous Call of Duty series. The acclaimed on the sales on first day simply shows the popularity. It is vastly popular game whose old series are termed as one of the major hit. Call of Duty series is once of widely played multiplayer video game. Call of Duty a multi million game series which is widely acclaimed and played offline as well as online. This game provides an instant battle mode with all thrill and realist approach. War games are never such a hit like this. Current series has fantastic action and modes. FPS based gameplay, with ammos and vehicles are extra add-ons on the game. The gameplay just makes you feel like you are in war. This time Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 has a more number of maps. The co-op mode is also well designed. As we already know there is nothing new in the game plot. The goal seems to be impressive. This can be termed as one of the best Call of Duty campaign.

    Beginners tips:
    • It is necessary to learn the route first. Dying few times in first case doesn’t matter much. You are in an open fight. So getting dead is easy. The game has a system of regenerating health which can make you better in the war place. Or else you will go back on spawn location.
    • Try to choose the right weapon. The weapon balance is more important here.
    • It is better to take cover wherever needed. Co-op mode is better. Get some cover wherever needed. Your compass is your guidance and commands which will give you instant nearby help. You can hide and fire some shots without getting noticed.
    • Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 helps the player more through auto aim. By pressing the key LT you can zoom the enemy and lock the target. This gives you single headshot kill. This method is not only good of killing the enemies but also to locate them. I will recommend you to keep an eye on compass so that you can find the most nearby friendly troops.
    • Ignoring the compass is not a good idea. The compass not only guides your direction but also indicates the location of enemies. So you can judge where to go. The red dots which are similar to all older series are the enemies. Right now new additions which is star marking on the compass. This star is the place where you have to go and fulfill your objective.
    • At time you can carry maximum two weapons. So it is better to keep a rifle with you. A gun is handier so that if you are out of ammo this can save your still till you get help.
    • Grenades are another important weapon you carry. Enemies are smart enough to get out of the way where you throw grenade or throw the same back on you. You must use them at short or long distance or blow up a tank, etc. This a bit risky job. You can throw back the grenades which are thrown on you. As the grenades lands on your feet you can see a fist icon. X is to pick it up and RB is like to throw. But you need to do it quiet fast. Not really recommended for beginners.


    Chapter 1 - Saint Lo

    The first chapter is Saint Lo. The first chapter indicates mostly some training so that you can get use to the controls and learn games statistics. Begin with a M1 Garand. At distance you can see some soldiers. Shoo them up one by one. Do not jump out fast, or you will get killed. This is the place where you can get used to the auto aim system. You will need to learn properly how to first locate the enemies and kill them with one hit. Try to make the cross hair at right position and shoot. The lock system lets you to lock the target. This is really very useful to find enemies quickly in the place. You can find some grenades here. Use them to throw in windows and door and then enter. This will kill and even disrupts the enemies. When you hold the grenade you can see the red circle in place of your crosshair. You will need to throw it properly before time. In the same way you can use smoke grenade also. There are other more controls that you have to use. Like crouching under a wire fence and reaching the machine gun. Many weapons this time are on the file itself rather getting a kit of weapons in the old series. This part is for your training.

    Once you are in war try to take the most nearest cover. Like the gate in the first scene. You have to reach a church in the game which is located in the north east direction. The compass will guide. To reach the church you will need to move by taking ever cover you get. The Nazi soldiers are on the field and their aim is on you. So do not hop wildly. In this part many of your enemies are at distant. So carry a rifle and grenade with you. To get in the Church you will need to clear the patch and then move. Enemies are mostly hiding behind the wall in the corner. Mostly enemies are hidden and if you can get the location you can throw grenade. Do not come in view of the tank. Leave the tank and move. Now you can see a broken house. There are some soldiers who will attack. Try to shoot as fast as you can.

    Once you deal with the soldiers you have to find the tanks and destroy them. This is your objective. You can get in the tank by holding X and locate the enemies. Use the left stick for that. You find the target you can see the enemies flags. The screen guides you about the buttons instructions. You have to find tanks here. Later on you can see a building where you will need to enter via broken wall. Now you will need a machine gun here. The building has enemies you have to move upstairs and search them and kill them. You will need to get the control of building. As it is said you will need to move via cover to cover to reach properly. At the end you will also need to hold the target to get capture till the support comes. Mostly stairway is the part to defend the most.

  2. #2
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    Nov 2005

    Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Xbox 360 Walkthrough, Tips and Cheats

    Chapter 2 - The Island

    As the mission being I will recommend to stay behind the tank. The tank will keep killing enemies and moving. You can take cover to reach the maximum distance. The tank will help you to get cover from attack. Later on you can hide behind the sandbags on your ay. As you move you can see a house. Move slowly now. There are number of soldier waiting for you’re to join and move ahead. Now you will need to follow this squad. Do not leave any enemy soldier. Clear the barn and move to the house. There are certain Nazi soldiers who are on the above part. When you are in take cover towards the wall. Take the enemies so that you can reach the first floor. Search the house and kill the enemies. Check the compass and reach the place which is marked as star. This is the part where you have to find your squad.

    Now again in the next objective you get an objective to reach a broken house and get control. You will need to eliminate the threats and clear your way for the squads. Follow the squad if you found no way and do not forget to take cover in most places. Clear the coast, destroy bunkers and kill enemies. You will need to clear the coast for others to reach safely. You can also shoot the barrels to blow truck off. There are certain checkpoints in the game. You have to reach each of them slowly by elimination threats. Once you regain the control the compass shows you the star marking where you need to reach to get new objective.

    Chapter 3 - Night Drop

    When you are in this level your characters changes entirely. You are now Sgt Doyle. He is a soldier of Special Air Service of British Army. The chapters bring you entirely a new gameplay. You will be airborne and drop in mid of enemy territory. You will learn the skill of parachute landing here. Follow Pierre (another game character). He will take you to your squad. Follow the squad now to get patch. You can find the German soldiers in the bus. You will need to properly sneak and hit. Because you can get killed to easily here. Try to be the first to attack. You can find rifle on the body of killed soldiers it is Kar 98K.Pick that up and move. By slowly moving you can find the enemies location. It is better to hide and attack. To kill a number of enemies at one time you can throw grenade slowly without getting noticed. But remember when you throw the grenade, it will alert other enemy soldiers. So do not haste. Stay behind. Inside the house you can find more grenades. Now you can take the rifle and kill each enemy one by one. Begin with the soldier who holds a machine gun at the top side. Staying covered is important. There are more enemy soldiers on upstairs. You can peak and kill them. You have to clear the way for your squad mates. Hop in the jeep.

    Now your next objective begins here. You will need to drive the jeep. Controls here are easy to figure out. You will need to drive through fences and broken gates. The compass will show you the location. Do not try to crash with many obstacles as each time you crash you loose some health and you can die. As you pass the second gate more enemies comes out of it. Keep on moving. There is tank waiting for you who will give you a passage. One the jeep part is over you is now in another part of this chapter. There are around two objectives here for you. First you will need to destroy some flak guns and rescue Marcel. Choose any of you want. The compass has indications for the objective. For the Flak gun you can throw grenade on them and wipe out the obstacle. And surely you will be attacked. To destroy a flak gun you will need to play a bomb on that place. Plant the bomb and run. Repeat these steps for all guns. Once when you are done with the gun thing follows your squad. Take some cover.

    As enemies will shoot from houses and from behind the fences. Start killing from the left side. Enter a garage and take out the enemies. A soldier is at the top level of house which is visible. Take him out. As you reach in use the grenade to take out the enemies. You will need to take out all enemies in this location. Once you are done follow the squad and get on the jeep. This part is mostly engaged with driving. So you will have to drive fast and carefully. Drive through the gates and make way between the trucks so that you can avoid direct attack on you. Move towards the tracks and drive in between it. Once the station is gone drive towards left and follows the bridge.

    Chapter 4 - Mayenne Bridge

    You will land in a big battle here. You will need to run behind your squads towards southeast. Enemies are every where here. You can see a house. Enter the house and as you know kill the enemies. Go up and check the rooms there are more enemies hidden inside the house. Get out from the backdoor once all are dead. Shoot the enemies and keep making your way up. Use grenades to kill a couple of enemies together. The enemies are behind the crates and barrel. You can throw grenade on them. Now as you move you can find a room filled with soldiers. They attack instantly, to kill them first take a cover. The squad will help you here. Take everyone slowly and kill the top ne first. You can follow your squad to kill more enemies on the ground. You can make a good use of grenades here from bottom floor. It is important here to find the location of enemies from the place where you are heading. Use your rifle to clear them one by one.

    Throw grenades and run. Go to the cellar to find up more. Also do not forget to help your squad to wipe out enemies. This level also has the similar type of gameplay. You need to take cover and kill each of them. You can move carefully from one cover to another so that you and reach the exit. You will reach near a dock where there is a boat. You have to secure this dock. So keep moving and kill the enemies and take control over the dock. Once the dock is secure enter with your squad in the board. You objective here to drive the boat. It is necessary to take care of the boat rotation. If you mess this up you can get killed. Be steady do not haste to reach the other end. You can shoot some enemies from the boat itself before getting on the dock. Get the machine gunner from the bed room and move up in the house. Once you get control of this room you are in the next part of game.

    You will need to enter in the building slowly here. There is a bomb planted here is needed to be diffuses. You can follow the compass to move to the most secure way. Go up in the bar and take cover. You will need to open space for your squad so that then can enter the doorway. Exit from backdoor and kill others. Follow the tank here. Give cover to your fellow soldier. He will plant the bomb no the tank. Take cover and deal with incoming. Follow your squad and go on the top of the house. You will need to kill all the enemies here. You will need to take the fellow soldier towards the bridge and diffuse the bomb. You objective are to give cover fire. Move slowly. The snipers will try to kill your fellow soldier so keep your eye wide open and kill him before.

  3. #3
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    Nov 2005

    Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Xbox 360 Walkthrough, Tips and Cheats

    Chapter 5 - Falaise Road

    In this part you will operate a machine gun. This gun is fixed on a vehicle. You have to find the enemies fast and open fire on it. The vehicle will surely crash and you will need to move on your floor. Follow the place marked as star in the compass. It will help you to regroup you with your squad. Cover yourself till the squad member opens way for you. Your first objective here is to stop the machine gun. Same, move by taking cover and try to reach the checkpoint. The rocks in the area can be used to take cover. This level has 3 objectives. First you will need capture the mortars in the area. There are around 3. Follow the squad to get the location. Take cover and keep moving. Head towards north side as you can take cover from the machine gun. Clear the enemies and move. You can take down the soldier controlling machine gun with rifle.

    You will need to neutralize the town and move ahead killing the enemies in the area. The checkpoints let you to regroup with your squads. Make your ways from the smoke grenades and get some cover. Follow the screen directions to get way. It is useful here to use smoke grenades so that you do not get much highlighted. Follow the star in the compass. One you get reunited you can follow the next checkpoint. Reach the building in center and go towards top. You can see a tank and some enemies below. Shot them. You will find a rocket launcher. Use it two blows the tank. Keep yourself cover, because if the tank noticed you, you will get killed. Use smoke grenade to get yourself more secure.

    Chapter 6: Fuel Plant

    Go left, and then on the back. Shoot the barrels to kill as many enemies as possible in one shot. Proceed to N-NE. You will arrive at the first checkpoint. Jump up and down the train to proceed to the building. Attention to the possible arrival of 2 MG42. They're both in the towers. Use grenades if you have the need. Wrap up in the middle, killing the enemies on the left first. Keep the work up to its end, and then go to S-SO. Exit the building and follow the walkway to the next, while the opening in the gate. Jump on the truck. You will need to center the circle here. Aim at the red barrels, and let them blow up the whole way to kill enemies. Do not worry about the truck where you can see Gerry. There can hit. Once you take the wheel, pay attention to the enemies that are on the right. After hitting the train, leaving the truck. Turn immediately to the south, and started to pull grenades until the enemies they will be completely gone. Be careful not to kill members of your troops. Advanced to the first wall, waiting for the sniper will do his duty.

    Use smoke to advance to the left, coming to the broken machine. From here, turn right, while pressing E. Leave the car, heads to the north, and then climbing the stairs, placing a bomb at the top. Beware of people on the runway, which could hinder you. He prefers to speak of the interior because the houses are easier to clean up completely by the enemy presence in comparison to the open spaces. Make your way through the entire area, and go up. You'll find a checkpoint. Locate the position 2 on the brand that you can see on the compass. Fight with Gerry, and then proceed to the checkpoint. Go down the stairs and into the building. Inside the furnace room, head SE along the south wall. Throw a smoke grenade in the middle of the room, and go up the stairs to the SE. The next wave of enemies will be very hard. Be patient, trying not to force the pace of play too. Head NE until the end of the walkway then turns NW then climbing the stairs. Just go out and kill the enemies before continuing. Now head SE towards the truck.

    Chapter 7: The Black Baron

    Drive ahead following the indicator on your compass. Keep moving and you will have problems during the first part of the level. After the second checkpoint, a Tiger tank will appear. To his left, a small building. Go behind it, then driving on for a while '. Shoot the tank, and then go back. Wait until you do not shoot, then come out again. You should use this strategy throughout the level. The section in question is quite easy. Look through the enemies with your compass and collect a rocket launcher, proceed to termination. Go along the city using the same strategy. Just a tank will be visible, hide behind something to be able to fight. If you appear out of nowhere, retreat. Once you get to the covered tunnel, proceed along it to find Richter. Kill him.

  4. #4
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    Nov 2005

    Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Xbox 360 Walkthrough, Tips and Cheats

    Chapter 8: The Forest

    Completely destroy any enemy in the bunker, and then cross the street. The forest is one of the more difficult levels of play. Be prepared; therefore, have to suffer (relatively). The enemies are well hidden in the path of play. The first part does not present insurmountable obstacles. Proceed upward, killing the MG42 before he can shoot, and then continue with the same strategy throughout the whole of the bunker, and then head to the right. Destroy all the chains in front of you using trees as cover. Next you will find a log to an end 2 separate chains encountered. Destroy the chain to the right as the first thing, and then run to the left. Behind the table now. Hence, over the hill NW. Go up the left side. First, pull some smoke grenade toward the middle of it, and then proceed. Go to the corner of SW trenches, and then proceed from there to the north. Forced to follow your first dump of ammunition, and placed the bomb. Go back to the trenches and then again at the landfill. Let it blow, and go back to the bunker. Destroy the enemies forward to it. Revenue.

    Take the right path, until its end, past the room with the box of grenades. The corridor turns to the left. Go back to the path on the left. Destroy up to an intersection, which is beyond the corridor. Turn left, fighting to the exit. Now it all starts to become difficult. You will have to leave the bunker and climb the hill, which includes a bunker in his back. Your goal is the complete destruction of all enemies in it. Throw grenades at the bunker and outputs, to turn immediately to the left. Go into the bush on the left, thus making things easier. A direct approach would be tantamount to suicide. Wait until the onset of smoking, then get out, run down the hill and hide behind the truck. Look to the left, waiting for the appearance of enemies, resulting in their destruction. Once the smoke is gone, it's time to deal with the complete destruction of the chains of enemies. Start from the left, and then go out to the trench. Do not worry if you get hit from behind, because you have no chance to escape this case. The most brutal will coincide with your move through the forest. Your opponents are able to see through the trees, but you have no idea about their position. Go north, and then destroy the bunker. Liberated from the enemy presence outside the bunker, and then proceed to the interior. A door opens on the wall to the East to use grenades into the bunkers. Now east, leaving the door, finally arriving at the checkpoint. Then use the mortar, aiming upwards, to kill troops and complete the level.

    Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Multiplayer Tips:

    Below are some Call of Duty Multiplayer Tips. If you are playing the game in multiplayer mode the tips will be quiet helpful for you. The current multiplayer game mode is very well designed. I am quiet pleased with the game multiplayer mode. At one time you can play with around 24 players in a map. The game includes vehicle and class system. Try to keep in communication with your squad. This is quiet important. In many multiplayer game modes we ignore the communication. This is a general tip for the same. There are different class in the game and as per it you get different jobs. So if you can communicate properly you can get help and also can help your team associates.
    • Take an accurate aim. The zoom feature lets you to see the enemies in way. You can use a Kar98 rifle and aim to get the enemy sight. Kill them on one shot. Auto aim lets you to deal with long distance enemies. As per the game you are playing choose the right class. Like if you want to be a medic or anti-tank. You can adjust your class as per your need.
    • Vehicles are another important to take care. You can use vehicle like tank to killed large amount of enemies at once. This is really a very nice support for your squad and also helps you to create diversion.
    • The new Call of Duty has bigger maps. So there are many snipers which are quiet helpful.

    Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Achievements List:

    • Unbeatable 40G: Reach wave 15 in each mission of the Special Operations Survival mode.
    • Bad intentions 10G: Infiltrate the village. Finish "Resume Service" on any difficulty.
    • Long live the revolution! 10G: Reach the church. Finish "Eye of the Storm" on any difficulty.
    • World War III 10G: Save the Vice President of the United States. Finish "White Mouse" on any difficulty.
    • We'll always have Paris 10G: Escape from Paris with Volk. Finish "The Iron Lady" on any difficulty.
    • 10G up to his neck: Resume Port of New York. Finish "hunter hunted" on any difficulty.
    • What goes up ... 20G: Destroy all helicopters with the grenade launcher in the guided missile "Persona non grata."
    • Fortune favors the bold 40G: Complete the campaign on any difficulty.
    • For Whom the Bell Tolls 20G: Destroy all targets with 4 rounds of mortar during the sequence in "Reversal of service."
    • New start 5G: Start the single player campaign on any difficulty.
    • Informant 20G: Collect 22 items of information.
    • Scout warned 35G: Recover 46 items of information.
    • I will survive 10G: Surviving a wave in a survival mode part of Special Ops.
    • 20G Tactician: Get 1 star in each mission mode special operations missions.
    • Vengeance 25G: Finish "Watch Your Step," "White Mouse" and "Return to Sender 'on Veteran difficulty.
    • 50/50 20G: Finish some special operations missions with such deletions as your partner.
    • Arms dealer 20G: Buy all the elements of the Armory survival.
    • Enplaned 10G: Follow the trail of Volk. Finish "Express Delivery" on any difficulty.
    • Hot date missed 10G: Find the girl. Finish "Scorched Earth" on any difficulty.
    • Birds 20G: Shoot down two enemy helicopters without getting hit in a part of Special Operations Survival.
    • Braggart 10G: Get a star in the Special Operations Mission mode.
    • Carpe diem 10G: Exit the hideout in the mountains. Finish Persona non grata on any difficulty.
    • City of Lights 25G: Finish the mission "Express Delivery" and "Iron Lady" on Veteran difficulty.
    • Danger closes 20G: Shoot down a helicopter with a smoke grenade in the AC-130 mission to "Express Delivery".
    • Red Zone 20G: Buy all the elements of air support Arsenal Survival.
    • 25G dark hours: Finish "Eye of the Storm," "Blood Brothers" and "fortress" on Veteran difficulty.
    • Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Hints:
    • Makeup for level selection: In the chapter selection menu press and hold the Select button and type in sequence RIGHT, RIGHT, LEFT, LEFT, SQUARE, SQUARE.
    • Make-up Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 for all weapons: In the screen of the chapters hold Select and press SQUARE, SQUARE, TRIANGLE, CIRCLE, L1, L3.
    • Make-up for the immortality of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3: Do not be shooting as soon as is written to protect himself, and the outline of the screen turns red, wait in a sheltered spot until the display returns to normal (within seconds) and then failed in the open .
    • Trick to gain ammunition: When you kill enemies, shoot him in the arms so as to get more ammunition.
    • Makeup for rechargeable weapon with ammunition in the second mission: At the beginning you have a weird look under the bridge: if a man carries with FG42. This weapon is very important because gains bullets every time you kill someone, but if you shoot against mates wasting shots and miss. In this mission you kill 150 enemies.

    More updates coming soon.

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