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Thread: Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception PS3 Walkthrough

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception PS3 Walkthrough

    Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception is a third person action adventure game. In this game you will control or be Nathan Drake. There are number of tactics and other actions you can perform and customize. Currently there is more editing done to one to one combat system. The key controls and assignments are done well in the game. You will need sometime to learn the controls and customization in the game. Talking about the gameplay environment, it is similar to some games I played before. You can hide to cover yourself between walls and corners. A similar to cowboy type movies. There are enemies which are hidden and to take them out you have only once chance. There are puzzles and mysteries in the game also. You can unlock various stuff and carry various upgrades in the game which directs you towards the next objective.

    Those how has gone with the older version of this game, will have a bit idea about the current gameplay. There are special treasures which are hidden and which can only be found by reaching those places. The more treasure you collect the more medal you get. There are alternative to customize the costume, get weapons, and go for upgrade or unlimited ammo. This comes under the game bonus list.


    Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception begins with an fictions story where the main game characters Nathan Drake finds himself in the mid of old centaury conspiracy. He is a famous explorer who travels to distant lands in search for treasures. But in his current search he finds himself in a ancient world secret. The treasure was lot for more centuries ever found by anyone. This attitude towards quest takes him to the hunt. Supported by this partner Victor Sullivan, Drake move across Europe towards Middle East following the footstep of Lawrence of Arabia. He is finding clue for a buried city called The Atlantis of Sand which is lost in time. The adventure consists of mysteries and journey towards unknown part of earth where wealth is abundance in the lost city. Drake has to fight for survival and endurance.

    Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception Multiplayer Mode :

    There is lot more to do in Multiplayer mode in Uncharted 3: Drake Deception. This is something done good in the game. Having a multiplayer game mode really makes the game more popular rather playing a single player story mode gameplay. This adds some more to do after the game completion. Under the Multiplayer Mode Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception gives you more action-Adventure experience. With awesome graphic and campaigns you got a chance to play more. Multiplayer game has better location and something additions to single player. It increases more competitive gameplay. With new and improved customization feature you have option to choose your own type for game style. You can pick the players to begin your campaign.

    From characters to weapons all is customization. The game provides a kind of balancing system which lets the game to stay in competition. The game chooses the matches as per the player’s levels and creates a team. The buddy system lets you to create a team of friends. This is a advantage on the game over others.


    Chapter 1 - Another Round

    The game beings with a cutscene where Nathan is walking with Victor Sullivan. They enter a building and go upstairs. This is a hotel called as Pelican Inn. Above two other game characters join them. They are Charlie & Talbot. After a kind of money negotiation Francis Drake receives some money in exchange of his ring. But Nanthan Drake found that the money is fake and now he has to get the ring back which result in a fight with huge gang. The thugs engage to beat him up fully. At this place you have to lower yourself and then start fight. The thugs are around the room and some of them are at the lower side. Go to the kitchen and be with Sully. Check the jukebox in the game to get your treasure. There will be more thugs in the kitchen. The first chapter is mainly to teach you the controls.. Follow the screen instruction to get the right move.

    Chapter 2 - Greatness from Small Beginnings

    Nathan Drake is no in museum. He finds Francis Drakes ring here. In this part try to search to the right of stairs. You can find something there. This is a kind of puzzle level where you to find a clue. Search near the vase somewhere to find the treasure. Follow Sully here to move further. More time will be wasted in searching the ring and you will earn trophies also here. Following sully will give you more information on searching for clues. You will also find a custscene in the mid.

    At the bar you will need to climb up on a pipe and go towards the window. As you jump grab the column. Swing to the next balcony and move on. You can find a jaguar head in plant. This is your another treasure. Keep moving on the building till you get on ledge and then on the roof. Go above the hotel sign. You have to find a way down to street now. Follow sully.

    Chapter 3 - Second-Story Work

    On the roof to move ahead you will need to cross the rope first. You can see a box ahead. You can see that if you are at the higher part of roof. Cross the rooftop and jump to swing to the next one. You will need to get a good control to reach the next roof. The objective in this game is to find a whistle which is on the ground near the bench. Enter the museum and you can see a diving suit there. There is a pendant on the suit. You will need to take that. Go towards the center I the room and pickup a coin from the display case. As you are in the room a new cutscene beings here. Go the above part of the room and you can see a gate. Again you will need to run over the root an on the right you can see another building. Find the planks to reach the building. You will need to avoid falling here. You can pass between the apartments and to go over the next window.

    Chapter 4 - Run to Ground

    In the next room you see a ladder leading to the ceiling of the room. To get there, you have to climb up on the right side of the room. In the space above you have to re-enter at a gate that is above you. To this end, the channels used on the wall and climb right through the small passage. Then you can with a lever by moving each of Sully, which opens the gate. Climb to the gate and turns you around again. You should discover a treasure in the grooves in the wall, if you have not taken it yet.

    Then follows the path through the now opened gate and you end up in a dead end. If you have not seen the other way, you have behind you turn left just after the gate, where she discovered a narrow passage through which you can go now. Follow the trails through the caves down.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception PS3 Walkthrough

    Chapter 5 - London Underground

    At this leave you have to use the lion and elephant heads to move. The game chapter begins with a cutscene which guides you for the current objective. You can start by climbing the ladder towards your left side. Lookout for a guard in the room which is nearby the wall. You cannot see until you reach nearby to him. It is necessary to quietly handle the guards without triggering the alarm. Follow the screen control instructions to take the guards quietly. Go to upstairs to see the new cutscreen. You have to check about the Lion and elephants heads on the wall to get the treasure. Climb to the wall on the left. Again reach towards the table in center to begin with a new cutscene. At this stage you will also need to climb around the paintings and jump over the pillar. Go the top of the shelf. Kill the two guards which will led to start a new cutscene. There are more enemies behind the pillar. You can collect the weapons from the enemies for future reference. Above the top floor on the library, you can see a case which has treasure.

    Below you can cover yourself by hiding in the hole near the wall. By hiding you will need to bring down two more enemies. Keep moving as you are doing to face larger enemies in the front area. You have to take them all down as you keep moving. To collect another treasure is bit tough here. You can see a big clock. The treasure is in that. You have to shoot the clock and then ride above the train to collect the treasure. The number of enemy’s attacks is higher here. Go above the ladder and find cover. You have to take down more enemies here. You will need to collect the treasure from track and the move towards the final room. As you enter kill some enemies move and close the door which will led to completion of chapter. In this game Sully and Cutter will do a major work. So get low damages you must keep yourself more cover. You can collect enough ammo from this room. So keep firing instead of saving more ammo. Avoiding some distance enemies will not cost you much.

    Chapter 6 - The Chateau

    Once you were able to watch a longer movie, you are now in France and look for clues to the city in the largest desert in the world. Follow the path through the forest and soon you see in the distance the castle from which the records were talking about. In the records there was unfortunately no gorge that separates you from the castle now, so you must now find a way to get around this canyon. Go to the ruins where you will see a small statue of a Satyr with a flute and then climbs onto the columns to move you to the precipice. You reach a cave, through which it also comes with a few layers to finally climb to get over the tree trunk will lead you to the castle.

    After the overturned rack was set up again, you may go with the help of the upper floor. Here you have to use the hanging chandelier to reach the other side where the lever is in the wall. This lever you have to rotate a few times now, so the second Chandelier is hoisted again. With this chandelier, you can now go to the top of the bar and push away so the bar one more piece that Sully can open the door. Now jump back down and follows Sully through the door. In the adjacent field you must simply follow the path and the second Floor over a wall into the adjoining room so that you will finally jump into the entrance hall of the castle. Once you run up the stairs, you will notice the old tower, which will now be your next destination. Now jump to get out of the window to the left of you in the garden. You should be right back here to the left to turn into an old section of the castle where you can get to the back right corner by a pile of lumber.

    In the next room you noticed above the fireplace, the same symbol as that which was also seen on the tower. So you should now consider the space more accurately. You'll notice the 4 suits of armor in the corners of the room, which also has its information in your diary. The information in the diary must be interpreted:
    • The knight with the shield, look at the knight with an ax.
    • The knight with an ax, look at the knight with the shield.
    • The knight with the morning star, look at the knight with the shield.
    • The knight with the sword, look at the knight with an ax.

    Once you have done everything correctly, a passage opens to the fireplace. However, before you use it, you should in the adjoining room the treasure of the curtain rod to shoot and then collect. After you have used the passage, Nate will fall through the floor again and you are stuck in a cave.

    Run with Nate now through the cave, and you squeeze through the narrow passage. You will then end up in water and must shortly appear. You must not dive too long because it eventually die if you do not let Nate breathe again. Follow the path and then further you reach a canyon where a light shines from above. Jump to land on the left to gorge on a small platform, which you can continue to climb their way. Once you're reached the top, you will experience a nasty surprise. Marlowe's henchmen are everywhere and look after you, so you should now again be careful. Turns out immediately once the guard standing at the fountain. Now you must decide how you turn off the people. However, you should not stop at the fountain, the fountain there is a death trap quickly. As long as you continue to have attacked anyone yet, and they will not see you until you can even move and explore the situation.

    Turns off and holed a few people you either on a higher position or remains in constant motion. Once you've killed all enemies, be at the top of two open windows reappear where two opponents. Kill them and you then just goes there, so it reaches the other side of the gate. Here you will again show an opponent with the shotgun and then you can you let off steam with grenades. Turns out the two enemies with grenades and continues to move you. Here you will now attacked by 2 other opponents also have to get hurt one grenade, which they die by the explosion and a small crack in the wall is free, could pass through it. Once you are slipped through the masonry, it already sounds like Marlowe's men to make anybody continuous fire.

    Of course, Sully is the one who is attacked by Marlowe's men. Therefore you have to help him only once against the attacking enemy. You have to use grenades again you can, actually, you should also make sure that some of Marlowe's men come running up to you, too. Once you've survived the first onslaught, more enemies will come to you now but back at you, Sully. Does not stand in the gate, because there are often tossed grenades and it can happen that you, Sully gets in the way. Runs better on the court and behind the old walls you looking for protection and care to and after the enemy. Once you kill all enemies, you have the stairs to the first Stock here and at the other end of the aisle to leave the door along with Sully. Then you are at last arrived in the tower.

    Once in the tower, you must solve a puzzle in the same basement. You see a lot of platforms with different symbols on the floor. Here you are again the diary of Nate some tips. You must start at the bottom icon and have to run exactly the symbols in the book showed. To help we have made a small picture, which should contribute to the solution. Once you have selected the right platforms to open a secret passage, and it gets into a very old laboratory. Sully helps you here by turns light and you can look around you, Sun considering the things on the altar and then figure out, there is a secret passage under the altar. Pushes along with Sully the altar to the side and head up to the hole.

    If you follow the path through the cave, you reach the family tomb of the crusader who knows any thing about the secret city in the desert. However, this tomb is again protected with a puzzle. Can be found on the ground a few areas change depending on your orientation icon. The areas which symbols to describe the symbol that you have to use lie. You need the symbols for eagle, lion, horse and bull lay on the symbols that are between the symbols on the floor. To help, we have also made a drawing to you as best we can to help. Once you've arranged the symbols correctly, will open the entrance to the grave and you get the desired object, then you will be taken off again but the amulet in a cutscene.

    Chapter 7 - Stay in the Light

    After you have had to leave the amulet Marlowe's men attack you are masses of small spiders. At the beginning you should always stay near Sully, since the spiders fear the fire. You must discover the hole in the top left of the wall, so Sully goes in the direction. Then you have the endurance to escape from the spiders, because you have no more fire, that you are somehow light. Will not always run on and jump over the various obstacles to be killed by the spiders. After some time she finally reached the open air again. Once you've shaken off the spiders, you have to again follow the path to the castle, so you can back away from the castle. This simply jumps into the hole in the corner and are moving on the ledges and rafters on the other side. Through the rotten timbers such a way Sully is for free so that he can follow you to the other side.

    Shortly thereafter, you will meet again on some of Marlowe's men who are about to spill gasoline everywhere. Shoot people with cans of gasoline, so they fly into the air and her so the guys have ever done. Once you're out, however, moved across the narrow ledges on the other hand, Marlowe's men set to start this fire. You must defeat a few opponents the way you even while the fire is getting bigger. Help Sully giving Him the beams of the ceiling together so he can over to you. Kill all enemies that now attack you, so that Sully can help you escape. However, it does not work because you will be hindered by a fire, explosion and a new path which is free. During this time, your environment is already complete burning.

    Take the only path which lies before you, which you'll again briefly separated from Sully, as their into the ground. Climbs over the narrow wooden plank until about the middle and then quickly jump up to the wall projections that ye enter not into the fire. Uses the bars and walls to save you about Sully. Sully opens a door and you stand together again in a burning hell. Here now is a great opponent to fight against you. You must defeat him in combat, but he holds out very much, so you should always be prepared to dodge his blows. Once you kill him, you must still kill some other opponents who should continue to cause any problems. Once you want to follow Sully to the exit, it explodes again and you will be thrown into a burning hell.

    You are now in a stairwell, and below you burn everything. Sully quickly follows the way up and jumps over the obstacles to their foot. Here Sully has to help you now, while you have to kill the enemies that come from above. Once they are dead, Sully has freed you, and you must continue to follow up the stairs. A short time later, a whole lot stairs will break before you, where you must now come up with a climbing position to Sully. You have to get here, hurry up with the climbing, falling down from above as burning wreckage and pull you down with, if they touch you. Once you arrive at Sully, he will help you up, and you have to walk up stairs, the last part. Here, however, this time crashing the whole staircase and Sully will also hang over the abyss. Climb quickly to help him up and him that he does not crash. Sully then climbs along with the first safe, adjoining room.

    Let you fall into the next room and kill all enemies in the next area. After a short time by the fire rip down a wooden plank, which help you to come to the next floor. Here you will find a ladder at the end of the corridor leading to the roof, then jumping over the fire hole and used the ladder to get onto the roof. On the roof, now everything will go haywire. First, the entire roof collapsed gradually, and on the other hand, the entire tower in the background fall onto the roof. You have to get here extremely hurry, lest you fall from the roof or the tower you get caught. Once you've survived the obstacle course, you are safe and are escaping the inferno. Were you there but pursued, is one that you can have the other two, the same problem and she decides to follow them quickly.

    Chapter 8 - The Citadel

    Welcome to Syria. Nate and Sully have now done so on the way, to see if Chloe and Charlie is something happening. At the beginning it is, as always in front of closed doors. So jump left onto the parapet wall and the tower climbs so high at the barred entrance to bypass. At the top you can follow the trail over the wall and go up to the next tower. Here you have to climb up once again to also look at whether you have to expect some resistance. Once you're in the tower, you will get it back to do some of Marlowe's men. You have to be careful here, because they like you throw grenades with limited space and you have to avoid because they can attack you from all sides. Once you kill all enemies, Sully, you can let in through the gate and open the door with his help on the other side.

    You can now enter the square, which is in front of you. Is this the right and open the iron gate, by destroying the lock with one shot. Go into the catacombs and look around you. You can not open the next gate, because the castle is located on the other side. Go to the water bucket hanging over the well, and you turn depends on him. Sully will let you down now, so you can look down to you. Below are three guards who have to turn it and you can also find a treasure here in the left corner of the room. In one room you can climb the wall to the right, making her come out on the other side, and thus open the door from a distance Sully can. Follow the path to go ahead and you reach a locked door also, but this time it will be open from Sully.

    Once you have come to the place, look around a little and you hit behind an open door to Chloe and Charlie. They tell you what they have achieved everything and what is happening while you were with Nate in France. Then she decides to go to the summit of the citadel. Go on up the stairs and you will see the highest tower of the Citadel and he is protected by several guards. You have to get four of us now struggle through the guards and then take the big entrance to get to a large staircase to the tower. Charlie opens the door together and arms you with the weapons lying around everywhere. Now go up the stairs to the top. Here again you can expect some old friends and enemies with heavy armor and helmets. Once you want to climb to the next floor, plunges down a portion of the stairs. Climb over the rocks and you will be attacked by two guards, who get bogged down with a grenade. The explosion of the grenade exploded and Nate are both opponents of the tower and now you have to quickly get into the tower.

    You will be attacked from above, from below and from the side. Only the individual stones of the tower you can keep them from harm. Climbs with the help of chains and stones back into the tower and does attack any enemies that your companion. Then you need a door to go upstairs, you locked the back of a large types. Defeat him in combat and you can continue your way up the tower. Imagine along with Charlie on the highest point and you take his telescope. You must now locate the Big Dipper in the night sky and then go directly from the bottom star to the right to get to the Pole Star. As soon as Nate says he has it, you need only look straighter down, where you'll find the entrance to the hideout.

    While you have found the doorway, Marlowe's men have now taken a position and start lobbing rockets at you. Drain want to run on the large wall to the rope by which ye and take the sniper rifle at you. With the sniper rifle you have to switch off now by and by the opponents, but you have to be careful here, because the aim damn good opponent and you turn off very quickly when they meet you. After you've turned off all enemies, Sully and Chloe make it to use the wire but Nate and Charlie are not so lucky.

    You have now fast together with Charlie over the roofs and ruins looking for protection from the missiles will shoot at you. Escape as soon as you are, you see that you are very close to the entrance to the hideout. So you let yourself be persuaded by Charlie to go to the tower, instead of you to meet with Sully and Chloe. To get to the tower you must first overcome a lot of enemies again. Some will move on you, but others will hide behind things and you permanently shoot from a distance. Seek out somewhere protection and kills an opponent after another, or waiting for the opponent come to you so you can turn them off in the melee.

    Once you kill all enemies, you can move you to the tower. The tower is unfortunately not a hiding place, but instead you see an additional icon on the bottom from which you need to search again for the next symbol. This time you have on the floor looking for a compass, which is located on the right side of the courtyard. Once you've found it, you have to look only straight up and you will find some of your old columns will be the next target. However, you must now endure a new wave of enemies.

    This time you're dealing with even more enemies, and much more snipers, luckily help you this time Sully and Chloe from a distance with missile launchers. Turn right at the beginning of some snipers, so you can move and shoot as well and better on each opponent. The only opponent that you are truly dangerous who come to run to your position to you to kill at close range. Always careful that there are no enemies around you and kill the enemies who try. Finally, two snipers appear again, but will also help you here again Sully and Chloe. After all enemies are done, you can push through the ruined tower by the last rocket to Chloe and Sully.

    Shortly afterwards, after you're back collided with Chloe and Sully, you reach the three pillars. Scans now the spaces between the columns and also the dark left corner next to the three pillars. This triggers a cutscene, in which Charlie injects a strange means of Talbot gets. He becomes submissive and Talbot listens to everything that says this. Charlie because he now has the diary and then Charlie is extremely confused, you do not have more information and have to come so clear. Once Chloe says something about the column in the middle, you can move them and so uncover the secret entrance. Charlie is still confused and do not listen to Nate, but Chloe can convince him to come along.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception PS3 Walkthrough

    Chapter 9 - The Middle Way

    You must now again by a narrow passage. And as you already know, Charlie is claustrophobic, so it can not stand tight spaces. Pushes it slowly through the narrow passageway and stops short when he says he can not. Then pushes him on, until you reach the next room. Charlie's hatred against Nate takes on the largest scale and he begins to fight against Nate. When Charlie does not even have to attack her, anyway you are almost only work to counter his attacks. If you hold on long enough, you will begin to strangle Charlie. Only through the intervention of Charlie Chloe and Sully can be stopped. Then he seems back to normal and you can continue your way.

    You reach after a short time a large room with a globe in the middle. Here you have to wait until Charlie comes a corridor through which you discovered in the upper floor. Here you have to light the torches at the individual statues so that they project a beam of light on the globe. Once you have activated all four statues, you have to look up for another pass. Here a single torch reached her on a pedestal. Additionally, you can expect the black spiders again, just waiting for you that you have no light. You have now deleted the torch on one throw flares to illuminate the platforms will disappear and so the spiders. From the second you must first torch from the third Ignite and then you swing along with a chain on the right path. Once you at the 3rd Torch, ye have done the most difficult. Light the torches and the rest follows the path to end up again to bring the water to flow and thus set the world on the move. Now you need the globe rotate until the light is consistent with the land mass.

    If you've found the right land mass, runs a staircase from the upper floor you can enter the inner sanctuary to enter. You will find here the second Part of the medallion and can now decipher so, where are you need. However, you will be prosecuted again and now have to disappear quickly. Follow your three companions and Chloe will tell you that she feels a draft. Examines the whole rear wall to the left and you will find a way out. However, here Talbot is already waiting for you and wants you off for good. Charlie plays a little theater and helps you to escape. You must now run as fast as possible after Chloe and Sully and be better off making a few evasive rolls, so the sniper does not take you to the finish. Finally, you can bring you to safety, only Charlie has not been so lucky.

    Charlie was surrounded by Marlowe and would rather jump into the deep. This way he has broken his leg and can no longer be traveling alone. Sully agrees to wear it, so you have to support both now and clear the way. You're going to have to deal with some of ambushes by their need to compete against opponents to use shields. Either you make the feet or the hand holding the weapon with one shot, or as long as you shoot at the shield until the shield bearer bends together and you can run across the plate to eliminate him from behind. Grenades are also very effective. Kill all enemies in succession and Chloe to help open the gate. Unfortunately, you are still not safe and need to turn off more opponents. There are other sign carriers and heavily armored enemies with shotguns. Fits on your coverage and best countered quickly with heavy weapons such as shotguns. After defeating all enemies, you can flee from the area with a bus and the next steps are planned.

    Chapter 10 - Historical Research

    After a few cutscenes you are now in Yemen and will meet Elena. Elena tells you the city and wants you in the old town so you should follow her lead. The main roads are, however, you want to take off from the police, therefore, is Nate must find his own way again. Take the ladder on the roof when Sully says she must look for another way. Enters her hotel by a lavish but you have to pass through easily and it reached the roof and you can almost overlook Yemen. Elena tells you suddenly see something briefly about the city and Sully Talbot on the road. Nate leaves Sully and Elena are now and makes it to follow Talbot. You must now follow Talbot over the roofs and then leave him to follow the rooftops around the house. Run along the corridor in the House and Talbot will surprise you. He will throw in a marketplace where you get to do it now with many of his men. Since you have no weapons, however, you must defeat all enemies in close combat.
    Between the normal enemies, appeared again on a 2-meter type, which can plug it back some more. After defeating all enemies, you have to follow Sully and Elena who lead you by chance the goal of your journey. You have now found the hiding place in Yemen, and your next job now is to climb into the abyss and to look for new clues.

    Chapter 11 - As Above, So Below

    Climb up the first down into the cistern. Run through the room and look at the area. Maybe you noticed already, the individual characters on the ground. Map of Francis Drake get her look like some advice on how the combination of columns must press you have to make. Sully will eventually say something that is carved on the walls a bit. Sully goes to the writing and translated . You will "of the moon shows the way" to decipher, so you just have to find the platform marked on the moon is high and keep the card so that the columns match exactly to the image. Then you need to pull the lever, and a third path is open. Follow the path through the long hall and you will be locked at the end and can only continue in two directions, in both directions, waiting for a check on you.

    If you follow the left path, you go into a hall full of gears and a large drive wheel. You have to find the right gear in the correct holes in the wall plug, so the mechanism is activated correctly. To solve this puzzle you need all the gears with the crosses and the gears with the 4 circles. A large gear is located right on a ledge above and can only be achieved if it over the metal tubes on the other hand, long climbs and climbs behind the screen.
    The screen will show you two symbols, in this case, the above-mentioned four circles and the cross. Brings you the latest gear and then put the gears turn in the predicted gaps for the gears. Since even a cross on the right gear you have to put them alternately put the gears. That is, from right to left:
    • Small cross-gear (already infected)
    • Small four-circle gear
    • Large cross-Gear
    • Large 4-circle gear
    • Small cross-Gear
    • Large 4-circle gear

    Then you just have to turn the large drive wheel and you should have this exam completed.

    This test is really not easy, even if you know the exact solution, it may take a while until you have completed. You must place the rod so that the shadow of certain figures in space corresponds to the shadow of the warrior, the other pierced the heart. You can at any point in the staff room in the place is a hole and you have about 500 holes in space. To find the right hole is not easy.
    We now give you some tips and we hope they help you find the right hole:
    • The right hole is on the right side just below the middle of the room.
    • The right hole is right in the middle of a white platform.
    • Right next to the white platform is another white platform (There is only one series with 2 white platforms side by side)
    • Two holes behind the hole and one to the right is a head.
    • 4 holes before the hole and one to the right, is an arm.
    • With the L1 button you can look her get there about whether the photograph.

    Once you've completed both tests, you can walk through the now open door. Continue along the trail and you take just before the big dark room a torch from the wall. With the help of torch you can now stand in the middle of the room to activate, making a star map is projected. After you've talked briefly about the star map will reappear many spiders which fall upon you. This time, the normal ranges, and you must not fire with the torch on the ground long wave, so it distributes the spinning of the paths. Follow the path back to the gate and you'll get the shotgun from Sully and the spiders have to fend off as long as Elena takes for the gate. You should be frugal with your ammo, because you only once Sully gives new ammunition.

    Once Elena has opened the door, once you are safe. You will shortly discuss with her about why you must now make even more, but now she knows where the residence of the legendary city and Marlowe not. However, Nate and Sully can not be put off and not be swayed by Elena. Run now the way back to the cistern. Here's an ambush is launched with smoke grenades at you, so you will hardly see the enemy. Turns out it quickly and it come to a big guy and two heavily armored enemies with shotguns. Sully then helps you to get to her head so the other two offers a way out. At the top you got rid of their weapons and you can mingle with the short-hearted people.

    After you've mixed in with the people, Nate is caught by a drug arrow, like the time Charlie. Nate gets mistaken for a long time now and hallucinations by unending alleys of the city. Besides, you always hear the voices of Talbot whispers something to you. Run here, just keep after a certain time, this sequence is terminated and you wake up at a table with Marlowe. They will try to Nate on their side and rummages around a bit in his family history. They want you to help her to find Sully, however, the plan will change abruptly, as Sully was allegedly found, and Marlowe so you no longer need. Nate uses the short opportunity of distraction and escapes his captors and chasing Talbot.

    Now you can expect a very long drive against Talbot. Follow him through the city, and differs from all the harassment he represents you. You may also be the people of Talbot never get too close, because they knock you right away. Talbot also pursued by the buildings, the streets and the roofs until after a while the fight is. It is similar to Charlie. You have to mainly the most counter attacks to have a chance against him. In the end, just before Talbot struck interjects another opponent Nate and skin with a wooden board in the face. This is Nate passed out and wakes up again until much later.

    Chapter 12 - Abducted

    You wake up after some time on a large freighter captured by pirates. Disappears after the leader of the pirates, you can liberate you from your chair and have to defeat some pirates in the melee. Always careful to counter in due time, as other pirates want to interrupt your stroke-like combinations. Once you have all been defeated, again appears a muscleman, against whom you have no problems but more should. As soon as this is done, you can climb a ladder on the container. Here you can about 2 smaller boxes to get the metal bars on the wall. Here you can look now further shimmy left until you'll eventually come to a ladder which takes you to a small platform suspended. With this platform you can move through the area and eventually reach the exit by you mount with a rope across.

    Follow her way through the course now reached, Nate finds himself soon again on an old wreck of a freighter. And all around you are more broken vessels. Uses the rope in front of you and you swing with the help of over the metal rod on the other side. Now you should you move to the anchor chain and then slide down into the water. Here you have just under an obstruction sail right through and you will soon see another dress, on the one patrolling enemy. You quietly sneaks from behind ran to the opponent, and turn it off. Follow the path and soon you will see the radio room in the distance, the need to reach her. Before you are still a lot of pirates who patrol the tailcoat.

    You should here prefer to proceed very slowly, since the AI responds a little strange. If they gave you once discovered, they always know where you are, even if it emerges, and hide behind another vessel. Once were you discovered, you must include it here with about 25 opponents, so you should turn off as many as possible at the best already, before you were even discovered. If you discover Were, swims always best to ship the individual edges as you can hold it there and now and then even once can kill an opponent with the slow assassination. On the rooftops of individual wrecks are usually special weapons, you can also find a grenade launcher or some containers even a rocket launcher. Once you kill all enemies, you can face further move towards the radio room.

    To get to the radio room, you have to the old dress which is quite close to the radio room. Here you have to climb to the upper position where you will be attacked by some snipers now, and finally even a rocket shooters. Uses either a grenade launcher if you still have it, or the small gun with the target device lying around there. Once you get caught by a sniper, you're done, so you should pay attention and react quickly. Once the enemies are done, climb up the radio mast and uses the cable around you to vibrate destroyed railings. Here comes once again an opponent and do you want, so hurry up and climb up and pulls him down. If it goes on here come the more enemies attack you, again including heavily armored enemies with shotguns and a shield bearer. Once you've defeated all the enemies here, ye have to pull up right on the wreck and a box which is connected to the crane slide into the water. This is the crane unhooked it and it can use to continue your path.

    Once the crane was used as the bridge, you have first of a few minutes rest. You must now again a few climbs to survive, which should not be a problem. Jumps from line to line and uses the momentum from the jump rope around without prejudice to get to the other side. You have now over the railing to the outside wall jump to continue the path. Here is now only one change the camera angle, so you can see the huge ship wreck as a whole. Shortly thereafter, the camera angle is back to normal, however, so you can move normally. Shortly thereafter, you will again meet an opponent who stands with his back to you, so simply uses the secret off. You must now climb up the side of the wreck, but you will of opponents fired from above. Uses the individual air vents to protect, so that they can not make you permanently. You should kill on the way up to and after a few opponents. Once you're reached the top, then you have to do only one opponent and you can only equip one new.

    Swing now on to the next platform and you have to worry again about two opponents. Is now using the box again to continue to come back to you later but hidden behind the air vents and turn off the enemies that attack you. You come now slowly getting higher and must always defeat again two groups of opponents. It does not take long and you reach the upper deck of the great ship wrecks that you should lead directly to the radio room. Use the metal rod and the rope, you can swing you to the viewing platform of the radio room and you can enter the radio room. As it turns out, the radio room is already so rusted that it has no longer been used for years and no one else is here. However, you can see in the distance, a cruise ship, which now accounts for Nate as his next target.

    Uses the rope slide down and the distance to the ship you can ever reduce well. However, you will be immediately caught and thrown into the water. You must now again a small ambush survives, but it is not really difficult. Seek out only once a protection and switched sequentially from the two snipers. Then you can move to the left you to go through the ship wreck. In a dark section you will come a strong armored enemy with a shotgun against. Either you succeed him off quietly, and defeating him in combat. After you've taken care of the enemies you come back through an old door to the outside. Here you can see that the cruise ship you're already come very close.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception PS3 Walkthrough

    Chapter 13 - Rough Seas

    So your goal is to somehow get on the cruise ship. The weather is now, however, turned over and it's raining and storming. Uses the same opportunity and will automatically switch from the first opponent that moves away from you. So many enemies are in that area, so it's not too bad if they catch you. Turns out 4 enemies and moves you to in the short cutscene were booted. Once you want to take it down, you will once again attacked by an opponent. Turns out it quickly and drive down the bridge. Now if you want to cross the bridge, you will be greeted by a missile, you just can evade the Sun by this diversion, however, you missed the boat and you must find another way. Swims back to a dock and you have to kill a few new enemies. Seek out protection and it turns off gradually. Then moves you toward the next ship. However, it will be stopped by an opponent and at the same time there is a very big wave rushes delivered to the docks. Nate can just pull back on land and must now try very quickly to reach the ship, which moves away from him.

    So hurry up and jump at the rear end of the bridge still on the ship so that it is still just be achieved. The people on the ship are unfortunately less than thrilled that you are on the ship. You must now fight for your survival. First you must defeat all the enemies coming in on your ship. Then you should be careful because another ship approaching from the right and more people are down on the ship. Therefore, you should definitely check another place to look Redoubt because there you can attack the opponent from behind. Once her opponents have also been done, your ship is attacked with rockets and explodes. Therefore, you must quickly jump on the ship right by you.

    Here again you have to fight some enemies, but here again is an armored opponent with this shotgun. Turns out the enemy and you will be attacked by another ship, this time the ship is back on the left of you and they remain at a distance and firing rocket launchers at you. Run quickly into the right gear on the wall where you can find a rocket launcher. With this you have to make 3x the other ship, so that it explodes. Due to the severe damage to your ship holds, however, is no longer too long, so you must quickly jump right to the heads of large cruise ship.

    Chapter 14 - Cruising' for a Bruising'

    You have it now so it onto the cruise ship. Follow the only path and Nate will tell you that he must somehow come to the upper deck. To reach the upper deck you have to be the first to the stern of the ship and find a way up. Here you must jump on the dinghy and pull you up quickly, lest you fall from the ship. Then jump from the small crane on the upper deck.

    Take the ladder and you will meet soon on the first opponent. Creeps you ran at him carefully, so you do not prematurely set off an alarm. So it turns out and jumps over the container to the next level. Here also is a guard, you can also turn off silent from behind. Shortly after her second you off guard, she reached a small box on a few weapons are for you. If you cover here now looking behind the railing, is a big wave crash into the ship and destroy the structure and expose you in such a way so that all guards now know of you. Ye must now prove itself against some guards, but even more waves crash onto the ship, which pushes the whole field back and forth.

    The first part of the encounter is simple, but the second wave is very difficult. There is a new enemy to that is heavily armored and can not be attacked in close combat. He also holds several grenades, but you can have him to blow away some pieces of armor. Stay here on the right side of the area, there will eventually stand up top left an opponent with a rocket launcher and kills you very quickly if you looking for somewhere to the left cover. In addition to the two special opponents, still come to some enemies with shotguns and machine guns. Have you seen the current fortress defeated, you should pick up his gun, because it has a very strong impact and quickly kill the other opponent. After this comes another wave, which you must pay attention to the enemy with shot-guns. Then you can leave the area through the red gate.

    You can just look around you here and play Marco Polo in the pool. Scattered in the area are a few weapons and ammunition if you need anything. Then you can about the revolving door to enter the interior of the transept. Here you have it now do it alone against many enemies in several waves. There are always a few enemies with shotguns and some normal enemies. In addition, you must still make it to a few snipers and then again against some heavily armored opponents shotgun. Have you done any opponent so far, you can penetrate further into the room and you have to have a grenade launcher on an elevated position and create a sniper. When this is done, is located on the left side of the room open a door and it will appear more opponents. Once you defeat them, you can now open the door further advance.

    Go through the open door and to the right, here you will find a treasure. Now go back to the door and now follows the path towards the left to reach the storage room. Here you must turn off their three opponents, you can do 2 without opposition. Behind the counter where one of the opponent was, is another treasure. Follow the only path and you will soon reach a staircase down. Shortly afterwards, you can venture down into the camp. Here you will find no more enemies. In the distance you will see only a bound Sully and a chair. So jump on the pile in the storage room and let you slow down on the individual pursuit. Run then tied to the Sully.

    Chapter 15 - Sink or Swim

    Has been identified as being, Sully is not on board the ship, but you were just fooled by the pirates. In desperation eventually it was all in vain, Nate steals his enemy with a grenade and fired at the pirates. This creates a leak in the hold, which is now filled with water very quickly. You must now deal with some enemies, as long as the cargo space continues to fill with water. For this you need to pay close attention, because it gets it back with shotguns and sniper to do. Once you've endured long enough, the cruise ship will have to get a lot of side impact, and turn the page. Thus you shall cast into the water and disappear all opponents. Now float through the water and climb the crates to get them back to dry land. Once you go through a hatch, the whole situation will worsen further.

    The water is now also set this area under water, and Nate is trapped by a piece of metal, now quickly press the triangle button to free Nate and to bring him to breathe. You must now get underwater fast to the metal plate in front of you, from the bubbles. Destroy it quickly with the triangle button and swims rapidly through the small shaft to get back out of the water. You must now make a small race with the water and then you move to a cable up and up. For this purpose you have to climb through individual passenger cabins, and eventually arrive at the outer side of the ship. Here you can observe how the ship is already complete in the lateral position and already half under water. Run along the entire path until you come to an elevator, which will slowly bring you up.

    Unfortunately, breaking the glass of the elevator and she plunges into the great hall of the cruiser. Nate just can not hold on to the chandelier. Now climb onto the outer ring of the chandelier and jump into the middle of the red wire. This causes the lower part of the chandelier is solved and crashing against the glass ceiling. Now swung to the red wire directly to this part and Nate is trying to hold on. By the jerk he throws it, but will solve the entire lower part of the chandelier and crashing to the ground together with Nate. Tries to leave the room now, but will now appear, the pirate again and destroy the glass in the main hall. You must now once more a race to compete against the water. Nate will dive at the end with a big jump from the boat into the water.

    More updates soon.


    • Researcher relics : Find the strange relic
    • Apprentice treasure hunter : Find 20 treasures
    • Seasoned treasure hunter : Find 40 treasures
    • Treasure Hunter competent : Find 60 treasures
    • Expert treasure hunter : Find 80 treasures
    • 20 headshots : Kill 20 enemies with headshots
    • Expert headshot: Kill 5 enemies in a row with headshots
    • Master of the handgun: Defeat 30 consecutive enemies with your handgun
    • Shooter in the dark elite: Kill 20 enemies with harmless shots in the dark (without aiming with L1/R1)
    • Firing at full speed: Kill 20 enemies by shooting from the hip (without aiming with L1/R1)
    • Nick of Time: Kill 20 enemies with firearms being hanging from a ledge
    • Marine predator: Kill 20 enemies while swimming
    • 30 victims: 5 Mag : Kill 30 enemies with the Mag 5
    • 30 Kills: Micro Arm : Kill 30 enemies with the Micro Arm
    • 30 victims: Tau Sniper : Kill 30 enemies with the Sniper Tau
    • 30 victims: KAL 7 : Kill 30 enemies with the KAL 7
    • 30 victims: M9 : Kill 30 enemies with the M9
    • 30 victims: G-MAL : Kill 30 enemies with the G-MAL
    • 30 Kills: SAS - 12 : Kill 30 enemies with the SAS - 12
    • 30 Kills: Dragon Sniper : Kill 30 enemies with the Dragon Sniper
    • 30 victims: T-Bolt Sniper : Kill 30 enemies with the Sniper T-Bolt
    • 30 Kills: RPG - 7 : Kill 30 enemies in RPG - 7
    • 30 victims: PAK-80 : Kill 30 enemies with the PAK-80
    • 30 Kills: Mk-NDI : Kill 30 enemies with Mk-NDI
    • It gauze : Kill 10 enemies with exploding gas cylinders or acetylene
    • Mad Pomegranate : Kill 10 enemies with grenades by aiming while hanging
    • Hot! : 5 attack enemies to make them drop their grenade
    • Return to sender : Kill 10 enemies with grenades returned
    • Master of return to sender : Return a grenade and kill 2 enemies at once
    • Big brute : Kill 50 enemies in melee
    • Master ninja : Kill 50 enemies by stealth
    • Rebellious : Kill 5 enemies with a shield equipped riot pouncing on their shields
    • Breaker raw : Against all attacks of a devastating Brute
    • Accelerated studies : Examine almost all the windows of the Museum of Cartagena
    • At the back of crocodile : Get on the crocodile in the secret library
    • It's going to need a surgeon fish : Hit 3 enemies with the fish market
    • Marco Solo : Playing in the pool on the cruise ship
    • Convoy : Kill 10 enemies in melee in the back of trucks in the convoy
    • Done! - Easy : Finish the game on easy
    • Amateur adrenaline : Finish a game in multiplayer competitive
    • Fellowship : Finish a game in multiplayer cooperative

    • Master treasure hunter : Find 100 treasures
    • Indestructible : Kill 75 enemies in a row without dying
    • Leapfrog : Kill ten enemies in a row, alternating hand to hand combat and firearms
    • 100 Headshots (Silver) : Kill 100 enemies with headshots
    • Master reloading : Kill 50 enemies in a row without reloading automatic
    • Master of the pickup roll : Pick up ammunition in stock, 20 times in a row
    • Master of dynamite : Kill 4 enemies with one explosion
    • Expert ninja : Stealth kills 5 enemies in a row
    • Done! - Normal : Complete the game in normal mode
    • Done! - Difficult : Complete the game in hard mode

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