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Thread: Gear of War 3 Xbox 360 Walkthrough, Hints and Tips

  1. #1
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    Nov 2005

    Gear of War 3 Xbox 360 Walkthrough, Hints and Tips

    One of the changes that Gears of War 3 is designed to provide the saga is that the larger of the characters combined with a thick texture, with the aim to answer all those questions left unanswered, such as what it was really the father of Marcus. To offer a greater involvement in the various events you have the ability to impersonate other characters in addition to the beloved captain of the Delta team. Gears of War 3 will be a bunch of game modes, each of which differs quite clearly from the other, to get to meet many tastes as possible. Will present in detail: the campaign, which will reveal the order of events on the planet Sera, the beast mode that puts players in command of the army of Locusts, Horde Mode that sees players work together to resist the advance of the enemy, and infinite the classical competitive multiplayer.

    This new breed makes some substantial changes in its approach to fighting for its own peculiarities: octopus-like, they know much more easily broken shells of locusts in more change shape when they suffer damage to their death and explode in a roar of orange slime, to the delight of fans gore and splatter. To address this new horde of enemies, the developers have seen fit to expand the arsenal available to us with new weapons like the shotgun and a new type of incendiary grenade. Speaking of firepower, the Silverback, an exoskeleton of steel with heavy machine guns and rocket launchers, has proved very useful in situations outnumbered the enemy and in times of emergency when you have to give at least a minimum coverage to its mates.

    Some Beginners Tips:

    I had placed some strategy which can help both beginners and advance in the gameplay. You are ware that Gear of War 3 is an third person based shooting game. It offers an co-operative gameplay where you are engaged with many different types of enemies in an entirely different environment.
    Cover Yourself: This is an best option for novice. Do not jump into the battle. Keep yourself cover behind object so that you can get some time to ready your weapon. You can also get a glimpse of location and enemies by the same strategy. Sometime even you can give an easy cover to your co-player in the game. As you are attacked you can hop to take a cover behind a wall or any ledge in the place. It is not applicable when a hoard of enemy charge towards you. One to one combat the strategy works better.

    1. Core from getting noticed: This is not really for novice, but an suggestion from my side. It is an art which you will discover you keep playing the game. This strategy is best when you are playing a multiplayer game. But for this you need an proper knowledge of entire map. If you are detected you are surely the target. Sometime avoiding this give you more time to stay alive in the game.

    2. Hide & Move Faster: This is for finishing up the game fast. But do not just run openly. Move faster among the object by taking cover. This is somewhat combination of above two techniques. You can surely master this by playing some levels again and again. For those who play many fps games will find this easy to perform.

    3. Get back if you are in danger: When you find yourself surrounded by attackers don’t hesitate to get back. By this at least you can collect sometime for yourself and get ready for the attack back. Let your co-op player help you for the same.

    4. Bombing Locust Spawn Point: This are the place from where Locust spawn in hoard towards you. They appear on the same holes. This is an bit risk job but very important if you can gain this skill. Notice the Locust spawn point and use Frag grenades to blow kill many of them at one time. The spawn point appears in between the game. You can place the bomb near the same to avoid more enemies to enter.

    Gear of War 3 COG: Below is the list of soldiers of COG which are centrally played characters.

    • Sergeant Marcus Fenix
    • Dominic Santiago
    • Augustus Cole
    • Lieutenant Anya Stroud
    • Samantha Byrne

    • Chairman Richard Prescott
    • Hoffman
    • Jace Stratton
    • Dizzy
    • Baird
    • Clayton Carmine

    • Adam Fenix
    • Anthony Carmine

  2. #2
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    Nov 2005

    Re: Gear of War 3 Xbox 360 Walkthrough, Hints and Tips

    Gear of War 3 Locust : Locust are your enemies.

    Berserkers : Power Hammer Fist. To kill Berserkers you need to weaken their armor with intense heat and then shoot.

    Bloodmounts : Spear like Clause and Tusk. They eat human flesh. A perfect aim from distance is enough to stop them.

    Boomers : Spear like Clause and Tusk. A perfect aim from distance is enough to stop them.

    Brumaks : Dangerous attackers with loaded weapons on wrist, and guns on shoulder. Shot on its armor to reveal the soft part and then aim to kill.

    Corpsers : They dig tunnels underground to reach COG forces. It has an soft underbelly, it protects it with his legs in front. Some fire on the belly is enough to take it down.

    Drones : They are dumb following others while attack. Boltok and Hammerburst fire is enough to handle them.

    Grenadiers : They charge fast to attack. By using Gnasher Shotgun while they charge on target, you can blow them in pieces.

    Kantus : They are quiet tough to defeat. They attack mostly from hide. Keep your ears active when you are engaged in a fight with Kantus.

    Palace Guards : They guard the place and equipped with tough armor and weapon. So keep a safe distance and watch your steps when you are in fight with them. A bit of some powerful attack can bring them down.

    RAAM : Very powerful & merciless opponent. You can bring him down with Tyro Pillar.

  3. #3
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    Nov 2005

    Re: Gear of War 3 Xbox 360 Walkthrough, Hints and Tips

    Snipers : They attack from distance. You can spot them by infrared goggles. Do not waste long to time to track them, as they are already watching you.

    Weapons : The weapons image are as per the below description

    1. Boomshot Grenade Launcher : A Locust short- to mid-range grenade launcher that can easily take down a target in a single shot.
    2. Gnasher Shotgun : A powerful shotgun that’s ideal for close-range combat
    3. Gorgon Pistol : A semiautomatic pistol favored by the Locust Kantus.
    4. Hammer of Dawn : An Imulsion-powered satellite that rains down a devastating particle energy stream.
    5. Hammerburst Assault Rifle : The Locust counterpoint to the Gears’ Lancer
    6. Lancer Assault Rifle : The trademark weapon of the COG military, the Lancer is a fully automatic assault rifle that’s perfect for short- to mid-range combat.
    7. Longshot Sniper Rifle : The Longshot is a high-powered, bolt-action sniper rifle with a powerful zoom sight.
    8. Mortar : The Mortar is a powerful artillery bomb that rains down on multiple enemies.
    9. Mulcher : The Mulcher is similar to its sister weapon, the Locust Troika. Blind firing is wildly inaccurate.
    10. Oneshot : The OneShot: an intimidating and obscenely powerful long-range sniper rifle capable of destroying most foes in a single shot.
    11. Retro Lancer : A relic of the Pendulum Wars, the Retro Lancer is equipped with a long razor-sharp bayonet rather than the chainsaw found on its modern counterpart, and packs a serious punch in firepower at the expense of muzzle control.
    12. Sawed-Off Shotgun : The terrifying Sawed-off is an absolutely brutal weapon at close range--the reduced barrel length creates a broad pellet spread that deals incredible damage to any enemy within melee distance.
    13. Scorcher Flamethrower : The Scorcher Flamethrower is a short- to mid-range weapon that emits a concentrated stream of fire that chars your enemies.
    14. Snub Pistol : The Snub Pistol is a standard-issue, semiautomatic sidearm with a 12-round clip and a long-distance zoom sight for improved accuracy.
    15. Torque Bow : The Torque Bow fires high-powered explosive-tipped arrows that discharge shortly after contact.
    16. Troika Turret : The Troika is a high-powered, turret-mounted Locust machine gun that fires continuous rounds across the battlefield.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Gear of War 3 Xbox 360 Walkthrough, Hints and Tips


    The walkthrough begins which resemblance few starter gameplay. Gear of War 3 is a very vast game with many chapters in side it. After playing a couple of same, I found that the game is much better then its predecessors. The game has long hour’s gameplay. Surely this is not the complete chapter but to an extent it will guide you for the levels. You can find out the number and type of enemies and weapons also. As you keep advancing you will become more familiar with the gameplay and it will become easy to tackle the toughest level. It sure that nobody is gong to read a big guide and play the. The walkthrough can be only be used when you are stucked on some area, or when you are first time playing the game.

    Act 1:

    After breaking the cell follow the guy who saved you. He is Dominic Santiago. As you move you can collect Cog Tags. They are hidden and find on secret location. So keep moving and watch on the floor. You will face some enemies as you passes buy. Take them down. It is not necessary to kill every Locust. The ammo are limited. Take the help of pillars to over yourself as you move by. Within every doorway you will find a new attack.

    Aim properly to get a firm distant shot. You have to blow a door to open the way. For that you can use a grenade. Cover yourself. Again use your grenade to kill the enemies behind the door. That is an easiest way to get maximum kill. As you came out you can see battlefield. Take cover and kill them slowly. No need to hurry here. The forces will help you out here. A chopper will help you to clear your way. Cutscene beings here letting you in next chapter. More enemies further will be wiped out by the chopper. Don’t waste your ammo. You can see stairs ahead. Go slowly and collect the fallen Lancer weapon. This new weapon is a bit stronger to kill the locust.

    As you move up more locust are waiting for you. Take cover and kill them. Collect Cog Tags and move further. Follow your squad and you can see a long stairway in front. When you climb you enter a more open area. The strategy is same. Taking over and killing more locust in the front. In the part I will recommend you to stay a bit behind. More Locust will try to come from the other side and will attack the squad. You need to avoid those circumstances and let the squad handle the front part.

    Cross the bridge to get in the building. You will need to look for the emergence hole from where the locust spawn. Blow them off to quick kill the enemies. There are some grenades located in this room. Try to find them at the corners. Suddenly a emergence hole appear and the locust charge you. Your work is to avoid them entering it and keeping them at the edge. You can do that by attacking them properly. Leave the room and go down to the streets for the next chapter.

    Some tough fight arrive here. Locust will charge you and this one is a bit to kill. This is the time when you have to fight from the front. You can use the cover to get an glimpse of side. Use the game to aim on the locust when it charge on you. This locust more dangerous weapons so it is also not good to stand and wait for the aim. Use the gun which find in first chapter. Move and kill more locust. You will need to get control of the area. As you mover further you enter a more open area where more locust charge on you. You can see the locust spawn holes which emerge near you. You can use your point of interest button to get the location of them and use grenade to blow the point. In the fountain you can get some more grenades. More locust attack you and you can by taking the cover of fountain can kill them all. Follow your squad for the next chapter.

    AS you pass you can see a doorway. At the stop of stair there is an enemy. So watch before moving. Take cover if necessary. You have to kill the locust on top by taking cover on the doorway. Do not jump on the stairs. Once the way is clear then move on. There are columns as you pass from the stairs. There is a room which is full of enemies. You have to move with a lot precaution. So move slowly and as the enemy passes then enter. Do not charge and kill. It is not worth doing here. When you are done passing via room you can see an panel you have to activate to release two other soldiers. They will join you in the further mission increasing your squad strength.

    Suddenly you can find your squad engaged with attack. You have to tackle them properly without loosing much. There is locust which has turret gun on the wrist. His attack is very lethal. Right now I will recommend you to run. Leave and just run straight to the dark hall across the room. Slowly pick and kill. You can take cover, sneak and aim. By this only you can reach the exit. AS you move out you can see an building in front. Break the door to go inside.

    Go up, the gunner locust is below now. There are many enemies still in the room. This is the place from where you can blow all of them. Use the grenade to kill them all. Once the gunner dies others are easy kill. Go down and move towards the front room. When you enter an hoard of locust will charge you. This is the time of co-op gameplay. Use the weapons to kill them all. The chapter will end as you pass the door.

    You are back on the place where you can see the large empty fountain. This was the place from where you entered the building. After following the squad as you are out locust charges to the building. They will attack you and at this time you will have to use the grenade to blow the spawn points. Blow many spawn points by pressing the point-of-interest button. You have to clear the area properly by killing all the enemies. There will be some tougher one in this part. You can duck and move quickly reach the building entrance. AT this time the Locust are really irritating. You have to reach behind the gunner. He is an tougher enemy and you can only blow him up from the backside. So move faster and try to reach on the backside.

    When you kill him again there is an hoard of locust which charges on your squad. It is better recommended to stay near the building instead of running into the hoard. Many locust here are equipped with shotgun, going too close is simply killing yourself. Keep watch on all the side. It is possible that when you engaged with an attack on one side, the enemies will attack from other. You have to use the right weapon on the right time. It is necessary here for you to understand and use the right weapons. On the street more locust will charge on you.

    When you find no one on the street move properly from the indoor area. There are some enemies hiding which will attack as you expose yourself. On the stairs you can find more Cot Tags. The tags can be found near the van. Collect the same go inside the building and follow your squad.

    When you follow the squad you reach on the stair which goes to another room. You can see Alpha Squad engage with attack. You have to help them. So better have a look on the area and kill all locust you spot. As you are done move slowly and reach the member. As you reach the member a new cutscene begins here. After the cutscene ends you will need to reach the hall which is a bit ahead. Blow the door and then enter. When you move you can see more locust on the doorway. A more powerful opponent now waits here for you.

    You will now be attack with machine gun fire. The locust is at the end of the hall. Run towards behind and climb to get away from the same. It will fire you have to perform melee attack here and once the attack is perfectly done, it is enough to kill him in one time. This process can be a bit tough to tackle, but you can slowly understand what you have to do. The locust will charge you and fire you on the same. Try to keep your self safe from the same. When it dies you can collect more Cog Tags. That is in the next room. You will also get a new weapon. This new weapons is Hammer of Dawn.

    You can see a large door opened by your teak soldier. In this you will be attacked by a spider like Locust. A very large locust will drills tunnels below ground. Now it is the time to use Hammer of Dawn. You have to take a firm location for that. The locust will keep attacking you in between. A proper aim on the soft belly is enough to put him down. Try to focus beam steadily on the seeder. When you hit some shots he will go below the ground. Handle some locust now. Now follow you team which crosses the bridge and then you walk to an open area. More enemies are waiting here, as more doors are opened up. Again the same Spider type locust attacks you here. Follow the same thing what you did older time.

    Again you enter a new chapter which similar type of Locust you deal above. You have to give him an proper short with Hammer in the right part and that all to bring him down. In the same way there are some more enemy soldiers which will not easily leave your way. You are in upper part of the building. You can see the seeder properly. Attack him with Hammer. Once it dies go to the another door. Follow the squad they will take you in the right direction. There are bigger room ahead full of trouble. Now you can see a narrow part where there are more locust on the end. You have to keep the at the bay avoid reaching near you. They surely charge you to kill you. You landed now in very dangerous territory.

    When you move further you can see the Locust Guard. He is guarding the palace. You have bring him down. Here you will need to perform some melee attacks. This is the only way to bring him down easily. You need to take care that there are more soldiers ahead so avoid reaching at the end of hall. You can kill the guard from behind. You need to perform chainsaw kill for the same. The opponent will give you tough time here. More locust comes towards you. Be alert more melee attacks are needed here.

    Follow the squad and move ahead. As you move down you can see the more enemies. Kill them in a series properly. When the room is clear move ahead. You have to collect some ammo now. Because there are suddenly attacks. You will receive new order here and more locust soldiers. You will need to take the control of the turret. The chapters end when all enemies are killed.

    This is the last part of Act – 1. So here you have to deal with tougher competition. The process is similar here to hide and moving. The locust which you need to kill is Berserker. There are some points which will be very helpful for you here. First that they cannot see. So they will simply smell you and attack. Second thing they have a good hearing power. So move very silently. Any unwanted sound can alert them. Collect Cot Tags and move towards the dead soldier. There is as cutscene. You have to keep a bit patience here before killing it.

    First wait when the locust charge on you. When it charges you run towards your right to reach at the end of room. You can see an open door. Close it and fire to get its attention. When the locust charge on your move fast to avoid attack causing the locust to dash on the door. In this way you have to continue with each door. Sometime you need to fire the locust so that it can locate you. Also do not forget to collect Cot Tags which are near the destroyed door. Once the Berserker crashes the third door get out. Use the Hammer of Dawn and wait as it charges it. This time let him bash on the walls. When it locust clash with the wall use the gun to kill here. For killer this locust completely you need two proper shot from Hammer of Dawn.

    ACT – 2:

    I am not going now explain you in detail about everything. All attacks and movement. I am going to provide only the important points of this level which will help you to move fast and easily. As you had already played the entire chapter you have now become easy with controls and gameplay.
    Enter the building follow your squad.
    • New Cutscene appears which show you Boomers attack. They are armed enemies with lethal weapons.
    • Boomers are very dangerous and with one shot then can blow you off.
    • Boomers will attack you. For killing them you have to first on the top so that the blocks can crush them.
    • Move ahead, kill more locust. As you keep moving locust are hidden. So beware and move.
    • Now you have to take care from Sniper. They are hidden and you can locate their location with infrared. You can also use grenades
    • Enter the build and join your squad. Move to each room to wipe out more locust. Collect Cog Tags.
    • Go to the top stair. Take cover and move. The locust will attack you from both the side. There are large number of Boomers now. Kill them first and then kill others. You can use grenade launcher for this.
    • Move ahead with your squad. Enter the building with prevention more Locust are out there.
    • This time you have to prepare yourself for melee attack. Collect Cot Tags. More boomer will block your way. Take them all down.
    • Use Point of interest to get the spawn point. Take cover behind the car to avoid fire. You have to first get away from there by saving yourself. You have to place grenade to the most appropriate part to wipe out the enemies. Guns will not work here. AS you move you will engage with fight and also other locust will fire on you. Keep moving the streets.
    • Go toward the gate and enter A new cutscene begins here. Walk ahead you are new in another chapter.

    There is more game pending here. There are many more bosses waiting ahead. I hope you enjoy this game.

    Game controller, heads display and targeting in Gears of War 3

    Horde Mode and Campaign Mode in Gears of War 3

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