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Thread: How to setup phpBB

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    How to setup phpBB

    phpBB is one of the most popular free forum system. phpBB forum system is implemented in PHP and it is open source. It supports a number of popular DBMS in the including MySQL. There are thousands of mods phpBB 3, establishing that you can add new features on the forum. Are hundreds of skins phpBB 3, which allow you to quickly change the design of the forum. You are free to extend the forum or place it in the design of your site. phpbb 4 has been chosen mainly for technical reasons. phpBB4 plans to be a very powerful engine, so the frameworks under php4 there simply is not enough. Benefits all should feel - and developers, and especially, the developers of mods. Author’s mods should appreciate the power and flexibility Symfony2 in the context of developing MODs for phpBB. Also, using the framework should facilitate the integration of third party modules.

    • MySQL 3.23 (or MySQLi)
    • PostgreSQL 7.3
    • SQLite 2.8.2
    • Firebird 2.0
    • MS SQL Server 2000
    • Oracle

    Installation Steps for Beginners

    Just specify that the installation of phpBB easier installation of all forums, which I just put no. Therefore, all problems can mainly on setting and not on the forum and the host.

    1. To the forum it requires a database MySQL - the most popular standard is a good base. Through the administration panel hosting account you must create a forum for. You can also use another database you created earlier.

    2. Copy files to the server. Run the file install.php in the browser and fill out the required fields: information about the database you have created the info of the forum, set the prefix for the tables in the offline database.
    Database Type - the type of database. Usually do not touch, leave the default. Best of all - ask the host or glance at the web hosting
    Database Server Hostname / DSN - the domain for which the database MySQL. Most of all - the same domain as yours, or as a domain host. Sometimes the database server is separate, and then the address must ask the host.

    Forums Setup

    Download phpbb files and upload the same on your web server. Once done you can open your url and you will be prompted with php setup page. Here we will take a few seconds filling in some of the data in this form.
    You will need to fill up the following:
    • Domain Name
    • Database Name
    • Username of the database
    • Manager Email address
    • Username Manager
    • Administrator Password

    Once they are filled with data, you have to click Start Installation to install the forum. If all goes file then you can find a error on the screen stating delete some files. Delete those file via ftp connection. Once deleted can provide the username and password. You can see here that your first board installed by default is a subcategory of forums and Test Forum sub forum named. You can have your forum up and running, but now we will configure and customize to our liking. Clicking on Go to admin panel

    Sub forums

    On the left, we see several panels with options. The first thing we do is tweak the initial sub-forum is to put one of our welcome, so click on Management. Then press on Edit to edit the category and sub-forums, and then click Edit on your own sub forum. Add a name and create a sub forum. Provide all the necessary settings as per your choice and the move further.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: How to setup phpBB

    More Options:
    1. Permissions: Under this you can make sub forums in hidden, private, only to administrators, so that, for example, only have access to such a group of people
    2. General > Backup database: Allows you to export data from MySQL forum to make a backup, transfer the forum to another site, etc., either through the Restore the database or from the phpMyAdmin
    3. General > Mass Mail: Allows you to send an email to all registered users of the forum. Be careful with this if it is considered spam. Moreover, many free web space do not allow sending emails that
    4. General > censored words: This is particularly useful for moderating spam or abuse etc in the forum, since you may use a forbidden word one to one insults or spam websites to do so, and thus censor
    5. User Management: Here you can tweak various aspects of registered users, such as email, rank in the forum, etc.
    6. User Management > Permission: We can make here Moderators Sub forums users in the forum administrators, giving them access to a private forum, etc.
    7. User Management > Ranges: You can define specific ranges and honorific for users, or also make special ranges for the number of posts:

    Database Settings

    Your Database Name - the name that you created the database through the hosting administration panel

    Database Username - the name of the user you created the database (or your hosting login)

    Database Password - password for the database you created
    Administrator Username - any name, inventing themselves (for example, Admin)

    Administrator Password - random password, inventing themselves
    Follow the instructions. Sometimes the forum cannot be put on the server created config, so it offers you to write it on your computer. Agree, specify a location on your hard drive. And then go to FTP to the server and copy the recorded file in the root directory of the forum. Now everything is in place.

    For testing open your browser and type admincp in the end of url and hit enter This is the forums admin panel. Now click on the link configuration and fill out the required fields, such as the address of the site / forum, its short name. Then, under Forums link Manage page will create, edit and delete forums. After that, you can set a group of users, emoticons, avatars, censor, as well as tables and background color of the forum, the path to the backgrounds. It is possible to manage users, backup and restore databases, bulk mailing and other useful features and bells and whistles.

    Manage phpbb Themes

    If you wish to change the design of the forum, then you must use these options:

    1. The path to the logo image files in the forum is:
    CODE]forum / templates / SubSilver / images / logo_phpBB.gif [/CODE]
    2. The top and bottom of the forum changes in these files:
    forum / templates / SubSilver / overall_header.tpl
    forum / templates / SubSilver / overall_footer.tpl
    3. Backgrounds-fill are here with these names:
     forum / templates / SubSilver / images / cellpic.gif
    through the administration interface forum You can change their names (including extensions, of course).

    How deal with Spam in phpbb

    Fighting spam on the Internet does not stop, and security software developers have come up with new methods. Since the manual moderation of posts the members too costly, the best way to protect against automated spam technology has become Captcha. The method allows to protect the web site of the robot attempts to download a file or send a message using a random combination of symbols and numbers entered in the appropriate field on the page. Captcha is normally a fuzzy picture with symbols, to recognize that until recently could only be men.

    The smaller the number of characters, the easier the bot, and the possibility of manipulation sessions and gives the program does have access to classified information, against the background of what seems a simple CAPTCHA breaking. The modified module captcha, not only protects the life of bots or junk e-mail, but also generates income from advertising.

    Graphic protection, that is, moving objects and distorted characters the most difficult for recognition programs, bots spent on multiple scan for the mathematical model (with its subsequent comparison with the original) a lot of resources. At the moment CPCH.RU offers over 20 types of graphics protection module flash captcha

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: How to setup phpBB

    SEO on phpbb

    You can perform some SEO techniques on phpbb forums. But there are no major supports a small part can be done here. SEO is defined as any action or setting (also known as optimization) performed on the site to improve the volume and quality of traffic to your site or conference on search engines using targeted search keywords. Optimization SEO may include one or more of the possible methods. Implementation of human clear links and competent distribution of keywords, to marketing, to add pages or directories that should not be indexed in the file robots.txt.

    URL rewriting solution is fully configurable in ACP. You Can customize EACH forum and topic url and set up option to Many More make your unique URL standard and best optimize your SERP ranking and indexing forum. ne single account opens all of phpBB, Registering Takes no time. Directories, Articles, Forums, Downloads are just FEW clicks away, and all this is for free.
    Originally phpBB3 has a very good opportunity to optimize for search engines (SEO). It handles the session search bots, and hides from them useless (for them) the contents of such forms, links to profiles, or links to which bots should not have access, also known as "dead links". Some of the methods are intended only to improve search engine bots indexing the site, hiding from them useless content. Such methods can reduce the number of HTTP requests and the amount of traffic, hiding the useless items such as forms. But this is only part of the possibilities. There are still many opportunities to optimize phpBB3 search engines.

    Originally phpBB3 has a very good opportunity to optimize for search engines (SEO). It handles the session search bots, and hides from them useless (for them) the contents of such forms, links to profiles, or links to which bots should not have access, also known as "dead links". Some of the methods are intended only to improve search engine bots indexing the site, hiding from them useless content. Such methods can reduce the number of HTTP requests and the amount of traffic, hiding the useless items such as forms. But this is only part of the possibilities. There are still many opportunities to optimize phpBB3 search engines.

    Second, users can create links directly to the message topic, and addresses outstanding options, except the forum id, topic id and variable-start threads may also contain other parameters. In addition, the reference parameters may include a sort key, sort direction, the display order, the session ID, message ID, version to print and color highlighting of search words. Each new link added to the variable causes the bot to consider a new page, and it re-indexes it. All this makes the bot repeatedly index the same content, but the boat at the same time thinks that the pages are different.

    How to Install mod in phpbb

    The mods are additions that you can install on your forum to make its navigation and its use more enjoyable for members and visitors, even for you. You need a ftp server connection to upload files on the server.
    Enter the root file. If (example) in this file, there is a folder called language, it means that (s) file (s) found (s) in this matter will go to the folder on your ftp language. You transfer the files from left to right. Open the text file named install.

    Or Open phpmyadmin and log on it. Click SQL. A new windowing appears and it is in it or you insert the SQL queries. Change the phpbb prefix of your tables if not phpbb.

    Make Free source php and then Run Query. If the SQL queries to autorun a file (e.g. mod_install.php, that should be in the root), you do not need to run the queries manually. Just type this in the navigation bar:

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: How to setup phpBB

    How to install Themes in phpBB

    First, find the style you would like to install. Download Styles phpBB can be in our database. After downloading, you will receive a zip file. To decompress, use the flash drive up. Some operating systems such as Windows XP, have built a program to unpack.

    After extracting the archive you will receive a folder containing the files of style. Her need to upload via FTP, using the FTP-client, for example Total Commander. Folder should be pumped into the directory that holds the styles for the forum phpBB3. This directory is located at: phpBB3/styles /. (Substitute for phpBB3 folder name that contains your forum).

    You can now begin to install the new style on your forum. Navigate to the Administration Center Forum. After that you go to the administration section styles. On the left side of the page is a list of links to topics that you can control styles. Click on the link styles, which is located under the name of the section Manage Styles.

    On this page you will see a list of installed styles. You also see a list of styles that are already uploaded to a folder style, but not yet installed. Next to the styles that need to install, you will see a link Install. Click on this link to install the chosen style. Once the style is set, the window appears in which you will need to activate the already established style. Now a new style has been successfully installed on your forum.

    How to restore config.php file

    If you had accidentally deleted the file config.php, and your board become unavailable, or when you install the Conference config.php file is not signed due to incorrect permissions on this file. In both cases, files and database are present and functional, they just cannot connect with each other. Does not let panic gripped you to do something unnecessary, for example, begin to re-establish the conference. The config.php file is very easy to create manually in the presence of handy details to access the database.

    Fix your gaze on a new file config.php. To create a config.php file using a text editor such as Notepad Windows, notepad + +, notepad2, or one of the best representatives of this type of editor - EditPlus. Open a text editor and choose to create a new text file.

    <? Php 
     / / PhpBB 3.0.x auto-generated configuration file 
     / / Do not change anything in this file! 
     $ Dbms = 'mysql'; / / database type it may not be mysql 
     $ Dbhost = 'database host / domain'; 
     $ Dbport = 'database port if not default'; 
     $ Dbname = 'database name'; 
     $ Dbuser = 'database user name'; $ dbpasswd = 'database password'; 
     $ Table_prefix = 'database table prefix'; 
     $ Acm_type = 'file'; 
     $ Load_extensions =''; 
     @ Define ('PHPBB_INSTALLED', true); 
     / / @ Define ('DEBUG', true); 
     / / @ Define ('DEBUG_EXTRA', true);
    You have inserted a template configuration file. Now you need to edit different parts of this file in accordance with the data in your database.
    For More information visit phpbb documentation

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