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Thread: Formulas and functions of MS Excel 2010

  1. #1
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    Jan 2011

    Formulas and functions of MS Excel 2010

    The tables calculation software from Microsoft is good for powerful functions. Their diversity is often difficult to grasp for users. We have compiled the most important categories and bought order to chaos Excel.

    Although the integrated Excel using the functions in some cases very detailed and much better than their reputation is to shy away from most users have a glance at the dense jungle of the function catalog to really fight through. Instead, calculations are programmed in VBA, though possibly for the current problem, the appropriate Excel function is available by default. But why is that? One reason could be that the categorization of the functions is not particularly helpful. Statistical functions, what does that mean? You have to be statisticians to do something that can? Some features may be the case, but functions such as MAX or MIN can actually use every Excel user. Despite the categorization functions are so colorful jumbled that it is simply not possible to retain a global view, let alone give someone else.

    An example: In the category statistics are all the functions, and variation directly with each other and sound very similar. Functional, but they have absolutely nothing to do with each other. The first determines a measure of dispersion, the second values of an exponential trend and the third one in the area of the combinatorial. It fits so much better for function combination that but as a complete outsider in the category Math & Calculating trigonometric. romps. The term matrix functions is not a meaningful term for the functions that are behind them.

    To eliminate this confusion, we want to get rid of the dogma of the given functional categories and functions as grouped together, as they really belong. Thus we believe a comprehensive understanding of the full functionality of the standard functions much easier. For a detailed presentation of the complete functional range of a chapter clearly not enough. This is just an outline and awaken your interest for one or the other group of functions. If you wish to delve deeper into the matter, give the built-in Excel using a chance and take to heart the trite, but true statement: Try it and see. The functions were in Excel 2007 so far upgraded, as it is now a section within the menu strip is, the various categories shows the. In Excel 2010, then a sub-category "Compatibility" added, in which some features of other categories of outsourcing, which are apparently on the final list.

    This time, we integrate the former but the add-in functions in the flight. Some of them were quite well to the existing some groups assigned. For the other three were put together their own packages. One covers only security functions, is therefore particularly interesting for financial acrobats. The functions of the group Cube, which are intended solely for the connections of OLAP databases, we do not treat.
    1. Date Functions
    2. Time functions
    3. Text Functions
    4. Data type description and conversion
    5. Calculating with conditions
    6. Rounding and formatting functions
    7. Reference functions
    8. Area functions return
    9. Mathematics, General
    10. Location parameter
    11. Measures of dispersion
    12. Regression
    13. Combinatorics
    14. Statistical Distributions
    15. Trigonometry

  2. #2
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    Jan 2011

    Re: Formulas and functions of MS Excel 2010

    Date Functions

    The DATE function, determined from the components year, month and day date. In Excel, behind every date a sequential integer that corresponds to the number of days that have elapsed between that date and 01.01.1900. The functions YEAR, MONTH and DAY, that date may again be decomposed into the components year, month and day. The function DATEVALUE converts a specified date to a string in the corresponding sequential integer. The TODAY function determined at each recalculation of the continuous integral of the current date. The WEEKDAY function identified a number from 1 to 7, corresponding to the days of a week.

    In addition, there are in the category date six new features that offer nothing really new, since they could be replaced with previous versions of traditional functions. This substitution by the veterans, although not really necessary, but still helps to understand the arithmetic logic behind it. MONTH END returns the last day of the month on a specified date, with still a certain number of months in advance or can be calculated back. END OF MONTH (date, 0) is the same as DATE (YEAR (date), MONTH (date) +1, 0). The last day of each month who "zeroth" day of the next (+1) month. If another day is added, it always has the first day of the month. EDATE also added or subtracted to a given output data a predetermined number of months. EDATE (date, months) replaces the conventional formula: = MIN (DATE (YEAR (A3), MONTH (A3) + B3 + {1.0} {0.1} * TAG (A3))) converts YEARFRAC the number of whole days between start_date and end date in fraction of years.

    As with many financial functions may still be entering an annual basis. With an annual basis of 2 to 360 days, the equation YEARFRAC (A1, E1, 2) = (E1-A1) / 360 The function NETWORKDAYS and its complex derivation with traditional functions we have already in Chapter 2 Pro Add-in: new friends demonstrated. It returns the number of working days in a time interval. Holidays in the interval can be subtracted. What holidays are blogs, but you have to define themselves. WORKING doing the exact opposite. Here, a predetermined number of working days and Excel calculates the resulting end date of the interval. Holidays can also be defined and considered. Finally there is the function for CALENDAR WEEK. Since the function expects to American standards, it is not valid for some countries. We define the first calendar week of the year fall as the week in which at least four days (ISO 8601). The American (the world's most widely distributed) standard states that the first calendar week of the year is the week that the 01 January contains. The week of the beginning of the next calendar weeks in the U.S. is Sunday. This results in some odd years to the situation that there are three consecutive days, three different calendar weeks. Friday, 31.12.1999 is week 53, Saturday, 01.01.2000 KW 1 and Sunday, the 01.02.2000 the second week The correct calculation date in A1: = TRUNC ((-WEEKDAY (A1, 2)-DATE (YEAR (A1 +4- WEEKDAY (A1, 2)), 1, -10)) / 7).

  3. #3
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    Jan 2011

    Re: Formulas and functions of MS Excel 2010

    Time functions

    The TIME function determined from the constituents hour, minute and second time information. In Excel, is behind every time a whole number between 0 and 1 0.25 stands for clock 06:00 in the morning, 0.5, and 0.75 for 12:00 noon to 18:00 clock in the evening. The functions HOUR, MINUTE and SECOND break this time, expressed as a fraction into their components hour, minute and second. The VALUE function converts a specified time as a string in the corresponding fractional order. The NOW function determined at each recalculation of the continuous integral of the current date, similar to TODAY plus the fraction of the current time. Only the current time can be obtained by subtracting two functions: = NOW () TODAY ().

  4. #4
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    Jan 2011

    Re: Formulas and functions of MS Excel 2010

    Text Functions

    The CODE function to count each character in the serial number of the ANSI character set codes. MARK converts this code into the appropriate character to and is the inverse function of CODE. Reverse position is meant that at nesting functions of both the input value of the inner workings of the result corresponds to the outer function: = CODE (SIGN (66)) = 66. The function makes the calculation of the other quasi-function to reverse. The functions of SEARCH and FIND to search within a text is a string and return the position number of the search string within the input text. They differ in that the former is not case-sensitive, the latter already against it. The SUBTOTAL function returns the portion of a text that results from the default position of number and length of the substring. It is roughly the inverse of FIND / SEARCH. If the position of the substring to be returned immediately to the left or right, instead of taking the functional part of the functions LEFT or RIGHT.

    It is often useful to combine these features with the LEN function, which counts the number of characters of a text. With LEFT (text, LEN (text) and 3) you can cut your first three characters from the right. The CONCATENATE function is different texts to each other, but what can be done by the commercial and just as good. REPEAT also concatenated text. This is always the same text and you can specify just how often it should be repeated. The functions KLEIN and GROSS convert all characters of a text in upper or lower case letters. To numerical digits or special characters, these functions have no effect. GROSS2 only writes the first letter of each word in a text size and the rest small.

    The words need not necessarily be separated by spaces. Separation by a hyphen, underscore, or another special character has the same effect. TRIM removes extra spaces (more than a side by side) of a text and similar to the trim functions, which are known in various programming languages. CLEAN removes all non-printable characters. IDENTICAL checks whether two texts are identical, and differs from the simple test = Text1 = Text2 in that it is case-sensitive. For Excel default = "a" = "A" = TRUE. The DELTA function does the same, but works only for numeric characters, which deprives her of any right to exist. Instead of TRUE / FALSE it returns 1 / 0. The SUBSTITUTE function replaces a string within a text by a others. The REPLACE function does almost the same. The difference is you pretend to change a string to search within the text be. In REPLACE use that instead, the position and length in front of the string that is to be replaced.

  5. #5
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    Re: Formulas and functions of MS Excel 2010

    Data type description and conversion

    Among programmers, it is part of the basic knowledge base that have data of different data types. The relevant data are numerical in Excel, Text (String), Boolean value (TRUE / FALSE) value and error. The function T converts an argument into a text. Numbers are converted to an empty string (text with length 0). The functions N and VALUE convert an argument to a number. As an alpha-numeric characters can not really convert to a number (from the character code aside), provides value in this case the # VALUE!. N instead makes it a 0. N is among other great help to place comments in a formula, without influencing the result. Example: = IRR ({} -, 0) + N ("This formula calculates the internal rate of return of a series of payments") The function type and ERROR.TYPE return an integer that indicates to what type of data or error type is concerns in an argument. A similar problem is solved with the features ISERROR, ISBLANK, ISTLOG, ISTEXT and actual figures. The result of these functions is not an integer, but a Boolean value: TRUE or FALSE. With ISEVEN ISODD and you can check whether a number is divisible by two. They ignore the decimal point and expect the same as: ISEVEN: = MOD (TRUNC (A1), 2) = 0 ISODD: = MOD (TRUNC (A1), 2) = 1 indicates SIGN whether a number is positive, negative or zero.

    The COUNTBLANK counts empty cells and cells with the length 0. A cell with a length of 0 must be empty, not necessarily, it could also include a so-called zero-string = "". The function returns FALSE ISBLANK when a cell containing such a short string. For the COUNTBLANK even a cell with the formula is = IF (1, "") empty and it is therefore one of a 1 for that cell. Very versatile, the former addin CONVERT function that converts a specified number in a specific unit to another unit. The units are divided into the following categories:
    • Weights: eg, grams, ounces
    • Distance: meter, mile, nautical mile, foot, yard, inch, Angstrom, Pica
    • Time: year, day, hour, minute, second
    • Pressure: Pascal, atmosphere, mm mercury
    • Force: for example, Newton
    • Energy: Joule, for example, calories, Watt-hour
    • Magnetism: Tesla, Gauss
    • Temperature: Celsius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin
    • Liquid measures: for example, tablespoon, cup, liter, gallon

    Metric measures such as grams and meters can also unit prefixes in the kilo, mega, giga etc. converted. For example, equals one nautical mile = CONVERT (1; "nmi", "km") = 1.852 kilometers. Are the parameters From_unit to_unit and not from the same group, there is an error value. Logo, as seven tablespoons can not convert to degrees Fahrenheit.

  6. #6
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    Jan 2011

    Re: Formulas and functions of MS Excel 2010

    Calculating with conditions

    An area to all programmers and database developers is now starting and a term is, the computation with conditions. With a central subject to the terms IF - AND-OR - THEN - A MISC. The functions AND, OR and NOT give truth values to bring the expression if a condition is satisfied or not. The truth values TRUE and FALSE have the same functions that are completely free and useful according to Excel using only for compatibility with other programs available. = TRUE () returns TRUE. It's as if it were a function = ONE () that returns the value 1. The IF function can depend on to carry such a condition test, a calculation or a then-else computation. The function selection can - in contrast to the two alternatives (value_if_true / value_if_false) of the IF function - perform 254 alternative calculations. The test is therefore not about the truth values TRUE and FALSE, but a continuous index from 1 to 254 Before Excel 2007, you enter only 29 alternatives.

    The functions and IF CHOICE check (by default) a cell to one or more conditions. The functions COUNTIF and SUMIF query an entire area, but it can only test a condition. COUNTIF will count all cells that have satisfied the condition, SUMIF sums for each cell with the condition is met the value of this cell or neighboring cells or the same indexed. The database features DSUM, DCOUNT, DMAX, DMIN, etc. can check any number of cells (records) in respect of any number of conditions. Thus they combine the possibilities of IF, SUMIF and COUNTIF and are very powerful. They can not just add up and count, but also other statistical variables such as standard deviation and variance calculated. Unfortunately, their use somewhat cumbersome and they do not work independently, as each requires a different calculation range in the table, in which the search criteria are defined. Because of this complicated operation, the database features are not particularly popular. Nevertheless, there is strong demand for evaluations with several conditions. Therefore, the two new features SUMIFS and COUNTIFS have been created that can handle multiple conditions at once. And for the golden mean there with AVERAGEIF and AVERAGEIFS now correspondences. With MINWENN and MAXWENN much as you continue consistently

    An ingenious invention is a long overdue feature IFERROR, with a much easier catch errors in formulas is possible. For example, the VLOOKUP. If this function can not find the search term, it can deliver the # NV. Instead you would rather not possibly "see the text there." So far we have formulated in this case as follows: = IF (ISTNV (VLOOKUP ("x", A: C, 3, 0)); "not present", VLOOKUP ("x", A: C, 3, 0) ) First, the annoying double entry of the same formula part. Second, the redundant computation binds course unnecessary CPU resources. With the new function satisfies instead = IF ERROR (VLOOKUP ("x", A: C, 3, 0); "not present") The formula redundant part is no longer needed, so Excel knows what to do.

  7. #7
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    Re: Formulas and functions of MS Excel 2010

    Rounding and formatting functions

    The TEXT function formats a number and converts the result into a text. Almost all the number formats that can be configured to format using the Cells dialog box, you can also generate this feature. This allows you to complete this function, among other things. Excel offers a number of other rounding functions that provide at first sight is often the same results, there are nevertheless subtle differences that can not be ignored. The functions round, firm and DM round by any number of digits on or off. From 0.5 is always rounded up. They provide the same result, except that deliver FEST and DM texts. DM also provides the locale according to currently valid currency symbol. When DM is the multiplication ahead by 1, that the currency symbol has been cut off with a text function. The U.S. dollar undocumented function does exactly the same.

    The functions FILLET, REDUCE, LIMIT and integer round off downwards. In FILLET and REDUCE, an arbitrary number of digits can be specified. Has the argument num_digits a negative number can be rounded to the nearest power of ten (before the comma). With LIMIT, you can still adjust fine, as can be rounded to the nearest multiple of an arbitrarily defined step size. INT simply cuts off all decimal places. The same function with two G, so GINT out the completely trivial test = (A1> = B1) * 1. QUOTIENT is not one bit useful and provides only the integer part of a division, just like INT (Number1/Number2) ROUNDUP and CEILING round on top, and otherwise function as their counterparts to rounding. MROUND rounded up to the arbitrary multiples of a number up or down, making it the same as = ROUND (number / multiple, 0) * multiple MROUND always delivers either the result of lower limit, if it is rounded, or of limits, if rounded up. Even and the odd round positive numbers to the nearest even or odd number, and in negative territory from. ABS returns the absolute value of a number.

  8. #8
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    Re: Formulas and functions of MS Excel 2010

    Reference functions

    Excel now speaks of a group of reference functions (reference and links) and are thus indirectly, that the name of the category matrix misleading. Microsoft has copied the about us? At least we have this function group in the first edition of Excel. Reference features search fields on the search criteria. People who handle large amounts of data and use various data tables relate to each other, needed references. In a database this is done by linking database tables (in general) so-called 1-to-many relationships. In Excel, this method is carried out with reference functions. VLOOKUP (Search criterion; matrix; column index; range_lookup) searches the left column of a frame or a matrix for a search criterion and find that from a right-back connected neighboring cell. HLOOKUP does the same, added only 90 degrees, then searches the top row of a range or an array and returns a value that is in the same column as the result. Both functions can be specified if only one result is to be delivered when there is an exact match with the search criterion. Should a result be delivered when there is no exact match, the search column or row-low to be sorted. Then press the Function of the biggest hits, is less than or equal to the search criterion.

    This option is useful if you want to search within intervals. A classic use case here is the sales-based commission compensation, or grade, which is dependent on the number of points. LOOKUP (Search criterion, lookup_vector, result vector) without S and W satisfies almost the same purpose and is more flexible concerning the search direction. You can row or column-wise search, depending on specification. You could even look in a row, but give the result of a column. On the other hand, the search vector LOOKUP always be sorted to ensure a reliable result. always delivered the best possible results, is less than or equal to the search criterion. Because looking at the majority of cases, however, for an exact match, the application areas of LOOKUP is limited.

    MATCH (search criterion; search matrix; comparison type) searches also either a column (vertical array) or row (horizontal matrix) and is looking either for an exact match or nearest matches. In addition to (W/S) reference, the search vector may be here in ascending order, then the smallest entry will be chosen greater than or equal to the search criterion. be sorted in descending order in this case, the search matrix. This function must not result row or column to be specified because it has as a result an integer representing the position of the search criterion to search within the row (horizontal matrix) or column (vertical array). The database function DGET (Database, database field, criteria) is always vertical and can look to the left or right. It is the only reference function that can handle several standard conditions. She always looks for an exact match. If the search criteria but apply to multiple records, it does not take the first hit (and the other reference features), but delivers an error message.

  9. #9
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    Re: Formulas and functions of MS Excel 2010

    Area functions return

    The functions of this group are 100 percent Excel-specific. Rows, columns and cells describe areas or Excel tables, which represent as it were, the essential skeleton of any Excel application. The functions OFFSET (reference, rows, columns, height, width), INDEX (reference, line, column) and INDIRECT (reference) Excel ranges are defined and changed. The first two can pick from a predetermined output range an entire column, row, or single cell for further processing. INDEX place only when the area may also be an array (constant) can be specified. With OFFSET areas can even be entirely new dimensioned and moved. INDIRECT converts a range specification in the text format in an area around. Here, the range (reference) directly as text or as a reference to a cell that contains the field in writing, specify. The range information can also refer to an inactive table and even a different workbook but must be opened to get a result.

    TRANSPOSE transposes an area or a matrix, ie it from rows and columns of rows columns. The ROW and COLUMN functions provide continuous integer of the row or column of the reference. If the specified reference multiple rows or columns that can be used flexibly generate sequences of numbers, which will be discussed in the course of this book still in great detail. ROWS and COLUMNS return the number of rows and columns in the specified range. ADDRESS returns the specified row and column number from a cell address in text format. As expected such INDIRECT cell address in text form, these two functions can be combined well with each other.

    The functional areas include the areas listed within a reference.

  10. #10
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    Jan 2011

    Re: Formulas and functions of MS Excel 2010

    Mathematics, General

    These functions should be placed on any standard calculator. EXP delivers a power of the Euler number e = 2.718 and LN reverses this computation, by providing the natural logarithm to base e. LOG10 returns the logarithm of a number in base 10 and LOG to any one base. The POWER function, PRODUCT, SUM and ROOT can hardly hide what they are up to.

    A special attention deserves the REST function that the remainder of a division returns.
    REST = (5, 3) = 2 as 5 / 3 = 1 + 2 / 3
    REST = (26, 7) = 5 because 26 / 7 = 3 + 5 / 7
    That seems to be at first glance, nothing special, but this function is very useful. With the divisor 7 it replaced, for example, the WEEKDAY function fully, because it is REST = (date-2, 7) +1 = WEEKDAY (Date, 2) Both the numbered days of the week from Monday to Sunday from 1 7. But this is just one of many facets of this all-rounder. GGT and P/E, two powerful new features (former add-ins), which could be up to Excel 2003 is very cumbersome and limited reproduction with standard features. To determine the greatest common divisor and returns the lowest common multiple of up to 255 numbers.
    = P / E (2, 4, 8, 12, 16) = 48
    = GGT (51, 85, 136) = 17

  11. #11
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    Jan 2011

    Re: Formulas and functions of MS Excel 2010

    Location parameter

    This brings us to the first statistical functions that are not rocket science but some specialists, but also by the average consumer can be used. Base parameters is meant simply to be understood and trusted in general statistical indicators, of which Excel offers the following to calculate: MAX returns the largest value in a data series, MIN the smallest. If you are interested is the second largest or second smallest value, take the functions LARGE (array, k) or SMALL (array, k). The function RANK (number, reference, sequence) is the inverse of these functions. When you enter a value before the data series. They then calculated, What number is maximum or minimum specified in this series. If desired, instead of the absolute ranking of the relative rank, does this function PERCENTRANK, which represents the rank of the desired number in the ratio of the number of all values. How exactly they expected, as illustrated by the following equation:
    PERCENTRANK = (value, x) = (RANG (x, values, 1) -1) / (COUNT (values) -1)
    PERCENTRANK also has a feature called reverse PERCENTILE that works almost like SMALL, with the difference that they expected instead of an absolute value of any percentage of alpha. The reversal of both functions is replaced with one:
    = PERCENTILE (values; PERCENTRANK (values, X, 15)) = X
    The MEDIAN calculates the number that is in the middle of all values of data series. That is, which is one half of the values less than the median and the other half of the values is greater. For an even number of values within the series, he calculated from the arithmetic mean of the two values that are closest to the center. The function QUARTILE divides the two halves divided by the median into two parts so that there are three quartiles (lower, middle and upper) are. The function does provide five values, but the first and fifth value are superfluous, for complying with the minimum or the maximum. Between quartiles and quantiles is the connection:
    = QUARTILE (A2: A22, 0) = MIN (A2: A22)
    = QUARTILE (data, 1) = PERCENTILE (data, 25%)
    = QUARTILE (data, 2) = PERCENTILE (data, 50%)
    = QUARTILE (data, 3) = PERCENTILE (data, 75%)
    = QUARTILE (A2: A22, 4) = MAX (A2: A22)
    The mode provides the most value in a data series. If each value is unique, it delivers an error message. Furthermore, there are a number of average functions. AVERAGE gives the arithmetic mean, the one with
    = SUM (values) / COUNT (values)
    TRIMMEAN provides the arithmetic mean of a data series, are not taken into account for the outliers at the edges. The functions are AVERAGE, MIN and MAX it in a second version in which the A function name is appended, so AVERAGEA, and MAXA MINA. These functions differ in that text and logical values are interpreted differently. In the standard form text and logical values are ignored. With the A-Annex TRUE is interpreted as 1 and FALSE, and text as 0.

  12. #12
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    Jan 2011

    Re: Formulas and functions of MS Excel 2010

    Measures of dispersion

    Location parameters are often insufficient to describe the characteristics of a series satisfying. Suppose you have a steak grilled on the one side, still raw and bloody, is totally charred, but on the other side. On average, it is well, but it tastes awful guaranteed. Two data series can have the same extreme points, or averages, but still have a completely different distribution that are determined by using scattering parameters. The FREQUENCY function (data, class) shares the values of the data series into intervals or frequency classes. The array {9.6} in the argument class divides the series into three classes. The first class contains the values of <= 6, the second class contains all values> 6 and <= 9 and the third class contains the remaining values> 9 As a result, the function of the frequency values in the three classes. Measures of dispersion measure deviations of the average values of a data series from its mean. To prevent that neutralize the positive and negative values, you have two options. Either one considers only the absolute values of differences (it makes the function AVEDEV to calculate the mean absolute deviation) or the deviations are squared. According to this principle, the variance is calculated and continue the standard deviation, which is the root of the variance.
    Variance = sum ((value-AVERAGE (data)) ^ 2) / COUNT (values)
    The calculation of the variance is there in the alternatives VARP, VARPA, VAR and VARA. The first two assume that the data set consists of a complete population. The last two are suggesting that the observed values represent only a sample of the population. The alternatives to the A-1 and interpreted as an extension of TRUE to FALSE, and text 0th By multiplying the variance by the number of values of the data series, we obtain the sum of squared deviations. The same purpose has the function DEVSQ. If one of the four functions of the square root of variance, we get their counterparts to calculate the standard deviation STDEVP, STDEVPA, STDEV and STDEVA. It calculates the variance of two interrelated set data series and is needed such as capital market theory (Capital Asset Pricing Model). Mathematically equivalent VAR (DatA; DatB) the result of {= AVERAGE ((DatA-AVERAGE (Data)) * (DatB-AVERAGE (DatB)))} The following Figure 3.6 compares data sets with the same arithmetic mean, but different variations. As can be seen, the measures of dispersion of the values in row B are smaller, because their values are closer to the arithmetic mean.

  13. #13
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    Jan 2011

    The regression analysis is a statistical technique that analyzes the function of a series of data (Y values) of a second data set (X values) and produces a functional relationship between two variables. From the knowledge resulting from it, future forecasts and trends can be derived. Excel provides a set of functions which make that address this issue and are highly complementary, and substitute in some cases. Most functions are standardized by a linear relationship between dependent and independent of size. It, therefore, be assumed linear trends. The SLOPE function (known_y; known_x) returns the slope of the trend line. INTERCEPT (known_y; known_x) returns the Y value at which the line intersects the y-axis. The function of RGP (known_y; known_x) returns an array of two values in the above form, which also determine the slope and the Y-axis intersection. She also has two more optional parameters, on the other statistical indicators of the trend function interrogated.

    The TREND function is calculated from given X values individual Y values of the trend function, which of course would be derived via gradient and Y-axis intersection: = TREND (x) = slope * x + INTERCEPT function FORECAST (x; known_y; known_x) makes exactly the same as TREND, only that the parameters are required in a slightly different order. TREND has but a few special tricks, you can not do with treasure, therefore, prefer to stay the same for TREND. The functions RSQ (known_y; known_x) CORREL (array1, array2) and PEARSON (array1, array2) express how much the Y-values are all dependent on the X-values. The latter two always deliver an identical result. If both squares, we get the RSQ. For the purely random Y values that have absolutely nothing to do with the X-values, all three functions provide a value close to 0 When fully function they provide the value +1. CORREL PEARSON and can also be a negative correlation of up to -1. Since the function of RSQ is the square, its result is between 0 and 1.

    Let's go back to trend. If it is neither a linear nor a polynomial trend, but an exponential relationship between independent and dependent variable which functions RGP and trends through the functions and RKP VARIATION be replaced, which are otherwise handled equally. They describe growth functions. RGP and RKP provide each coefficient of the trend function, and GROWTH TREND single Y values or a range of Y values. The formulas VARIATION = ({1 1.1 1.21 1.331...}, {0 1 2 3...}, 4). RKP = 1.4641 = ({1 1.1 1.21 1.331.. }, {0 1 2 3}) = {1,1.1} ...... should be interpreted like this: A growing coins in each time period by a factor of 1.1 (it bears 10%). After four periods, it has risen to 1.4641 dollars.


    Call a finite set under any finite sequence also consists of elements of that set. When arranging a series, will speak on the order, and may be repeated elements. These two characteristics distinguish the arrangements of the subsets. In the texts of Combinatorial find several ways to name these sequences:
    • Words, recalling the words of one language, which involved the order and may repeat items
    • n-plasma, which is the notation used in classical texts.
    • Selections list: is a very suggestive name because it describes perfectly the construction of any settlement.
    This concept allows the development of the classical definitions of variations and permutations. Its all about the permutation and combination.

    Statistical Distributions

    These include the known dimensions of the situation (percentage and average), but also less known, such as dispersion, skewness and slope. The main distribution models (normal distribution, binomial distribution) are discussed. Thus different types of questions are answered. Dimensions able to give information about individual sizes, so questions such as:
    • Is the average income high or low?
    • Is the homogeneous income distribution or is there a large gap between low and high income?
    Statistics is a science indispensable in all fields of research, quality control and in most production processes, thereby making it one of the matters addressed in many curricula. Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet tool that is ideal for the application of statistical calculations. There are some book that will help you learn to deal with Excel data governed by statistical sampling, including the classification of frequency distribution tables, statistical calculation of position, dispersion and shape. The rep is also graphic analysis of the relationship between variables using regression statistics and forecasting data.

  14. #14
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    Jan 2011

    Re: Formulas and functions of MS Excel 2010


    The following are some trigonometric functions that are used in Excel :
    ABS (number) Returns the value absolute argument number. Examples:
    The function abs (-5) 5 results 
    ABS function (10) results 10.
    ABS function (-2) 2 results.
    ACOS (number): This function returns the arc cosine of the argument number. Number must be greater than or equal to -1 and less than or equal to 1. The values returned by the function are in the range 0 to pi.

    ACOSH (number): This function calculates the inverse hyperbolic cosine of argument number.

    RAND (): This function returns a random value between 0 and 1. This function has no arguments. Each time you generate a random value will be different to that previously calculated.

    ASIN (number) Returns the arcsine of the argument number. The value returned by this function is expressed in radians. The argument number must be greater than or equal to -1 and less than or equal to 1. The return value is within the range-pi / 2 to pi / 2.

    ATAN (number): This function calculates the arc tangent of the argument number.

    ATAN2 (x_num, y_num): This function returns the inverse tangent of the coordinates specified by the arguments and y_num x_num. The function return value is an angle. The result is given in radians.

    COS (number): This function calculates the cosine of the argument number. The angle is expressed in radians.

    INT (number): Returns the entire number, regardless of the magnitude of the decimal. That is, returns the number by eliminating the decimal. For example:
    INT (3.1) 3 results 
    INT (3.9) 3 results 
    INT (2.95) 2 results 
    WHOLE (5) 5 results 
    INTEGER (-10) -10 results.

  15. #15
    Bryana Guest

    Re: Formulas and functions of MS Excel 2010

    I am using MS Excel 2007. But now you are talking about MS Excel 2010. Microsoft create the new one. It is good.

    Can some one tell me what is new in MS excel 2010 if we compare it with MS excel 2007.

    I think, you understand my point what i am trying to ask. If it has good features and more productive then i will change my MS office.

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