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Thread: How to Stop a Virus

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    How to Stop a Virus

    There are other potentially unwanted programs that are often confused with viruses are Trojans, worms and logic bombs. The difference lies in the fact that these programs do not have the ability to multiply in the infected system. However, a virus, as well conceived, can be spread without your help. Because an infected program must be running for the virus is active. While we're not touch the infected program is harmless. However, some programs are sometimes set to automatically perform potentially dangerous actions without real user interaction. Thus, the automatic opening of an e-mail preview pane may well open an infected file if your application has not been patched against this flaw. Virus writers have shown great ingenuity to entice the user to perform their work by exploiting such overconfidence or, conversely, generating panic among the latter.

    How a Virus is Spread

    The main route of infection is electronic mail and, in particular, that often accompany attachments to messages. Browsing and reading the mails is of no risk, while not try to download a file. A virus , finally, after all, is a program that needs to be run in order to infect your system. These malicious programs often hide in files with extensions EXE or DOC. The best advice I can give is to never open executable files (. EXE) that come attached to an e-mail and verified by an anti-virus program all received Word files (. DOC) before opening. In this way, we will have prevented more than 90% of the risk.

    A known virus is transmitted through e-mail in an executable file is the HAPPY99.EXE. When you open the file fireworks are congratulating the new year and users will forward it to each other naively believing that the program only does this. However, while watching the animation, the user's PC is infected. Sometimes EXE files are also sent justifying that are compressed, either in the mail or through an IRC, but we know that this format does not improve compared with ZIP compression, and could always be sent in the latter format. To avoid this situation, it is best never to open these files. If not open, even if they reside on your computer, the virus may not carry the infection.

    Word files (. DOC) are also very dangerous and we must exercise caution before opening a file of this type. Word documents can contain macros to automate repetitive tasks. These macros, which were originally designed to help users in their daily work quickly and due to their power, were also used by viruses to run malicious code. If all you want to send is a simple text, it is always preferable to use a text file (. TXT) rather than a Word file (. DOC), or directly include the text in the message body.
    Other types of files can contain viruses, but their likelihood of infection is much lower than the two previous formats. For added security, should have enabled a anti-virus while browsing the Internet or read our e-mail. Besides, the anti-virus should be updated regularly, otherwise it will be as much as not using any protection. The objective of the virus is always played in the shortest possible time without the user noticing. For Happy99, drew on the ingenuity of receiving the message to innocently forward it to all your friends. This is the very functioning of Babylon, published in December 1999, which hides in an executable file whose icon represents the face of Santa Claus. When you open this file, the user considered harmless, the virus carried the infection. Other viruses, like Melissa, do not need the intervention of reading the mail message to spread: automatically forwarded to the first address of the Outlook calendar.

    Can a virus destroy my PC? A virus does ceases to be a program and all you have at your fingertips is to modify the information (eg, deletion) that is stored on your PC. But you can not physically damage your computer components. However, there is a code that is vital to any machine and is responsible for it to boot. This code resides in the BIOS, as well as motherboard manufacturers can update their code to add new features, also can alter the virus, although with very different purpose. This is the beginning of operation of the CIH virus, and in case of infection, can prevent a PC to boot: the screen would remain black when you press the power button without showing the letters of the beginning.

    The Trojans, have a completely different operation. Are based on two components: a server side and another client. The first was installed on the infected computer and the second on a remote computer. The virus has sent from the client side is capable of handling the infected computer remotely and to collect all the codes and passwords that the user is entering at that time.
    Anti-virus programs can detect virus before infection occurs or disinfected in the event that either occurred. Usually have several modules. The principal is the scanner to scan files that you indicate. We can open it from the Start menu or even in the most anti-virus, selecting files and clicking the right mouse button. The second module is the memory resident. This program remains vigilant scanning all files we open our normal work and report if it finds a virus. Finally, we update module, which facilitates the updating of the virus database via the Internet.

    Confronting anti-virus there are different positions. Some are installed anti-virus program and forget about it, being soon outdated. Others, in their obsession to keep your system virus free, do not trust one and installed several. Either situation is not desirable, first because the anti-virus will be unusable and the second, because several anti-virus will make your computer run more slowly and produce conflict with each other. Others prefer not to use any anti-virus resident in memory and scan only those files that may contain viruses, avoiding all risk situations discussed earlier.

    The issue of anti-virus has at least ten years playing in the market, and now everyone knows that there are viruses for computers, perhaps few know the workings of malicious code, but the vast majority of people who have access to a computer, have encountered some strange things, which we call viruses that may damage the operation of the machine. Therefore, how to select a good anti-virus is essential, since the information kept on the hard drive has great value for those who created it. When selecting an anti-virus should not get carried away with marketing a specific product, nor for that is that everyone uses, but we must take into account several features that a product must meet to avoid infection and thereby lose our information.

    1. The anti-virus software should update signature patterns or, at least once a week, ie as an end user I can keep up to date anti-virus to detect new viruses.
    2. You must have a support team with access to a specialized laboratory in malicious code and a response time no longer than 48 hours, which can guide me in my language, if I get an infection.
    3. Involving different methods of scanning and analysis of possible malicious code, to be able to detect unknown viruses.
    4. The product should be modular and customizable, not all are equal, why this should be able to adapt to the needs of different users.
    5. Must allow remote installation on a network both LAN and WAN,
    6. Should consist of a centralized administration, where they can receive reports of virus, send updates and customization to different users.

    These are the main features with which you must have an anti-virus to solve the problems I may have, to confront these evil bugs that could harm and disrupt the proper functioning of my computer. We must be aware that the creation of viruses is exponential and that we are exposed to infection at any time through the exchange of information, either via disk, email and Internet.

    Prevention from Virus

    Keep your operating system to date with its security updates: Periodically, security flaws are discovered in Windows, which are exploited by viruses to settle.

    [Two ways to apply these patches:
    • Set Windows to update itself automatically : You can go in Control Panel > Automatic Updates
    • Look for updates yourself via Windows Update.

    • You must use Internet Explorer to run Windows Update. (Windows 98/ME/XP/2000)
    • The updates are only possible if you have a valid license of Windows.
    • Operating systems "cracked" does not enjoy the updates
    • If problem applying updates, Windows Update returns an error code of the form 0xnnnnnnnn (where NNNNNN is a sequence of alphanumeric characters).
    • A list of error codes is available on this page.
    • You will find many tips to solve Windows Update site.

    Protect your Windows-using Anti Virus

    Antivirus resident, through its real-time shield, will continuously monitor the files that pass on your computer and prevent the opening of those containing a virus.
    • Choose an effective antivirus: Some antivirus are better than others. Know before you buy. If your PC has a virus preinstalled, ask about its effectiveness before renewing the license. Preinstalled antivirus some are like sieves. Do not give in to the facility.
    • If you do not want to invest in an antivirus fee, there are free.

    Watch for programs that access the Internet using a firewall

    A firewall monitors all traffic between your computer and the Internet. Any program wishing to access the Internet to send data and any program wishing to enter data on your computer from the Internet, must obtain permission from the firewall. The publishers of antivirus pay offer in their range of products, including antivirus suites and firewalls. But there is also some very good free firewall.

    You can use software less popular with hackers than Internet Explorer and Outlook. Internet Explorer and Outlook are prey for hackers because they are used by the vast majority of Internet users. 80% of Internet users use Internet Explorer to navigate. Malware are optimized to trick IE. It contains a lot of security vulnerabilities, they do not make it easy and use of alternative programs. The Firefox browser from the Mozilla Foundation, for example, very advantageously replaces Internet Explorer.

    Firewalls and antivirus, even the best are not infallible. It is therefore necessary to help a bit by following a few rules of caution:
    • When you receive an email that you do not know the sender, asking you to open an attachment or click on a link to go to a site, show you suspicious.
    • When you browse the internet, if you walk a little in areas of unrest net, never agree to install Active X controls on your computer.
    • These are usually Trojans, dialers or whatnot that have a goal: you make life.
    • Beware of P2P software Kazaa and I-mesh, to name a few, they are stuffed with adware. As for the files being shared ... they often reserve many surprises.
    • Adult sites and sites of cracks are also major suppliers of all types of viruses.

    Managed Monitoring Email - 1 in 140 emails were malicious content, and 80% of email is considered spam by Symantec. Managed service providers eliminate 99% of email spam and malicious attacks. Managed messaging services e-mail Filter for all email accounts and virtually eliminate all threats.

    Corporate Antivirus Software - programs antivirus protection from costly computer repairs created by the malicious content that may have slipped through the network or loaded with a certain type of media (CD, flash drive, floppy, etc.) Most business owners understand the importance of installing an anti virus but do not understand the importance of buying the publishing business, as opposed to store bought the original version. The enterprise version is better because it uses fewer resources computer, provides a centralized location for scabies applications antivirus installed on workstations, reports of intrusions, downloads and pushes definitions of virus for workstations, and manages renewal of license.

    Employee Policies - The best defense will not work if you take the hands of enemies and bring them to your command center and give them full access. Clear guidelines for Internet and computer use is essential to prevent malicious content off your computer. Windows Group Policies can be used to prevent users from violating policies computer, and deep packet inspection can be used to prevent users from violating the policies of the Internet.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: How to Stop a Virus

    You can find some rules to follow to reduce the risk of infection:

    THE VIRUS: Nowadays, with the possibilities of spreading offered by the Internet have a computer connected to the network without antivirus is almost suicidal. However, let us not forget that having an antivirus installed on your computer is useless if it does not make regular updates of virus signatures. There is no absolute rule, but it is imperative to make at least a month. A weekly check-up is even more secure.

    FIREWALL: If the virus is essential, it is recommended to combine it with a firewall to prevent intrusion attempts and one Trojan and other spyware. Especially for owners of a permanent connection cable / DSL.

    SECURITY FLAWS : In terms of viruses, events of recent months have shown that Windows and Internet Explorer, but other programs (Outlook messaging software, MSOffice suite ...), contained security holes which viruses take advantage cheerfully. It is therefore necessary to perform all critical updates for software you use, especially those of Microsoft products.

    ATTACHMENT : Some email programs and browsers can commit dangerous actions without your knowledge for your system (automatically opening attachments, execution of code contained in web pages). Some settings of such software is needed to surf with peace of mind. In the present context, it is essential to prevent the other from running without your authorization of an ActiveX control, it can save you quite a lot of noise as dialer.

    AVOID THE RISK BEHAVIORS: Avoid downloading programs from dubious origins: cracked programs, files shared via P2P or chat entail high risk to your system. Systematically scan with your anti-virus email attachments you receive. Even if the sender is a trusted, many viruses and worms automatically send each to addresses harvested from the address book and temporary internet files from the infected system. Do not have contacts in your address book does not prevent the spread of a virus. Pornographic sites and other Internet sites are often underground nests with virus and spyware. So do not try the devil and do not visit this type of media.

    THE BOOT DISK: If your antivirus permits, create a boot disk can save you in case of a virus infection system for example. It will do you maybe never, but at least you'll have on hand when needed, and it may save you reformat your hard drive.

    SAFEGUARDING: To deal with any eventuality, remember to regularly back up your files and other data on removable media.

    INQUIRE: To protect themselves effectively, we must keep abreast of the latest virus alerts. For example you can subscribe to the newsletter of your antivirus and it will inform you also update your antivirus.

    Many security software currently available and it is not always easy to choose. In addition to your antivirus and firewall, antispyware software free small few we think are the essential to have on his machine. Spybot S & D is not the most efficient anti-spyware but it remains one of the most comprehensive currently available. It offers, in addition to simple disinfection, many features of pure prevention (resident protection, vaccination against certain ActiveX, cookie management). The developer is also very reactive. In the area of prevention, SpywareBlaster is also part of the essential. It was he, a purely preventive action, but very effective against ActiveX and cons illicit spyware cookies. Internet Explorer has a lot of security flaws. Because of its popularity, it is the target of numerous attacks.

    If you want a detailed information on the Topology of a Virus then look below:

    TROJAN: Trojan, short of malware, is software designed to invade or destroy the computer system without users' knowledge. Trojan usually deals with many bugs and unwanted pests and brings much inconvenience to users of computers, such as changing your home page automatically, track your Web surfing, keeping popping while you surf the net or make your PC run much slower than before. To recover your computer experience enjoyable, you must understand how to remove Trojan virus from your PC completely. Many users do not know how their computers are invaded by a Trojan virus until their computers are in poor performance. In fact, in many cases, it is the users themselves who make malicious in their computers, and nobody else! Why do I mention this? You know that many people know little about how to maintain the security and the possibility of getting infected while surfing the net.

    BOOT VIRUS: They are also called boot virus or boot sector, they infect the boot sector of a your hard or floppy disk, that is to say the first part of the disk read by the computer. The virus replaces the content of this field by its own code, which allows it to be executed first when booting the PC. Then, it moves the original contents of the boot area to another part of the disc.

    The virus is loaded into RAM at power up the machine and remains there until it stops. To infect a computer, just start it with a floppy disk or CD-Rom containing the virus. Then it infects all floppy disks or removable media inserted into the computer. But the exchange of floppy disks being less and less frequent, the viruses spread system decreases in proportion.

    MALICIOUS SOFTWARE: Also known as file viruses or parasitic viruses, they infect programs. They infect executable files or system files and change the order of operations to be performed executed first. The virus activates when the infected file is launched, but no one realizes anything because the infected program operating normally. These viruses are of two types: those that can be installed in RAM and those who cannot. They are written in function operating system under which the program is running under. And DOS, they are executable files that have the extension. Exe or. Com and system files. Sys are attacked. Very many of these viruses have been widely disseminated through games and utilities downloaded Internet. Today Dos viruses cause fewer infections because they are struggling to breed when they are executed by Windows. For cons, the number of viruses attacking Windows 32-bit applications is growing.

    These primarily infect PE files (Portable Executable), an executable file format specific to Microsoft OS since Windows 95, and PO files VxD also called LE (Linear Executable). These viruses are much more complex than older running back. Moreover Boza, the first virus to infect executable files on Windows 95 hailed the feat of engineering through a dialog. There are also Mac and Linux world, yet less than for systems Microsoft.

    CODE MODIFIER: A polymorphic virus has the ability to modify its code by replicating itself. It can change the order of execution of his instructions or to add false. Each copy is different, which makes it difficult to detect by antivirus software that refer to a database of signatures identified. Some are even encrypted.

    BYPASS SECURITY : They try to pretend to clean files, to be invisible to the user or antivirus software. In fact, they monitor the calls to functions for reading files or clusters of the disk and modify the data returned by these functions.

    MACRO: They nest in the macros used within applications, including office automation, to automate some tasks like saving a file. The vast majority of macro viruses include programs Microsoft Word, Excel, DNase to a lesser extent, Access, PowerPoint and Outlook. When opening a document containing a macro infected, the virus replicates in the default document, contaminating each file created or opened with this program.

    SCRIPTS: They use different scripting languages that control the software environment. They are created from the most popular: Sun Microsystems JavaScript and VB (Visual Basic) Script Microsoft. Derived from VBA, it can be used in browsers (Internet Explorer), forms mails (Outlook), Windows or even Microsoft HTTP servers. They spread very quickly through the Internet and replicate mainly through electronic mail or scripts embedded in HTML pages.

  3. #3
    juliepaul Guest

    Re: How to Stop a Virus

    It is a really very nice as well as that much useful information which you have shared here. As I just want to say that I was totally unknown from this topic. But after reading this I came to know about that, good job.
    Last edited by Maqbool; 29-10-2010 at 10:24 AM. Reason: External links not allowed, not even in signatures. Removed the same.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Re: How to Stop a Virus

    hey, would u know how to get rid of a virus? im all new to this. im running windows 7 and seem to have a virus posed as antivirs software. i cant load windows without being prompted to enter credit card details in order to get the full version of new point. any help would be greatly apreciated

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Rohini, Delhi

    Re: How to Stop a Virus

    Oh dear, you are caught in the malicious code of a virus. Try to do the following:
    during the startup of computer, go to the safe mode by pressing f8 key. from there install an antivirus program. i would recommend avira, its a freeware. then scan your computer, hopefully your problem will be solved.

  6. #6
    daniellehudges Guest

    Re: How to Stop a Virus

    Why not defrag the system or run a software that can detect a virus, malware, adware and etc. Or better try to deepfreeze your pc that way virus will not harm your pc because the moment you close it then it will automatically vanish.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Re: How to Stop a Virus

    Try to do the foollowing:
    1、Inspection process, focusing on checks to the current user name login process. Not familiar to end it.
    2、The process of using the file search function to find where the file name to find to determine whether it should be deleted.
    3、Check the boot entry.
    4、Choose an effective antivirus,Scanning all disk.

    This method is universal.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    ThumbsUp Re: How to Stop a Virus

    Great!! Great!!
    What else I can say in praise. Really a great stuff.
    Keep it up dear!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Re: How to Stop a Virus

    Virus is one of the worst problem in the computer. We always scan a computer. You must use anti virus software like north-on anti virus. you always remove,clean and stop the virus. you use firewall program.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: How to Stop a Virus

    nice thread

  11. #11
    charls.adam Guest

    Re: How to Stop a Virus

    really nice thread. always scan a computer.You must use anti virus software like north-on anti are always remove and stop the virus.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: How to Stop a Virus

    is quick heal a decent AV
    what will u give it out of 10

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: How to Stop a Virus

    thanks for usefull info.

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