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Thread: Fake Antivirus Removal

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Fake Antivirus Removal

    You surf quietly over the Internet and suddenly y a warning jumps out at you saying we have found viruses and spyware on your computer. Click here to get rid of. Unless you are certain that this message from your antivirus, it is most likely a scam. For a fee this types of fake antivirus urge you to install security software to get rid of the alleged intruders. However, it is bogus. Don’t be a catch.

    The method used by hackers to impose their malware as antivirus is usually the same: a window in the form of pop-ups and alerts the user to the presence of viruses on his computer, with the aim of do panic and then push to install malicious software. Recently, the false anti-virus sites have evolved using JavaScript more complex, capable of faithfully imitate the Windows interface, says the report. In some cases, the fake antivirus detects even the version of operating system, and adjusts its interface accordingly.

    Antivirus Soft is a fake antivirus. It is a rogue anti-spyware. You can also say it as ransomware program. You must not add this on your system. It belongs to the family of Antispyware soft. There is a similar fake antivirus or I can say belongs to same family which is known as AVSecurity Suite. This virus is a copy of Soft Antispyware and Antivirus Suite. AV Security Suite is usually installed by using a Trojan horse, which is usually downloaded while surfing the web. AV Security Suite will block all applications except if the filename of the executable application is firefox.exe or iexplore.exe from AV Security Suite is not blocking Internet Explorer or Firefox.

    According to the software vendor Panda Security, there are more than 7,000 variants of fake antivirus and antimalware installed in more than 30 million computers. Users who fall for it will pay on average $ 90 via credit card, which is the monthly income of 17 million dollars to the fraudsters.

    Some Quick Prevention:

    • Install the plug-in McAfee SiteAdvisor to your browser; it indicates the level of security of the sites you visit. So you can see whether they are known to distribute malware or send spam, for example.
    • Keep your operating system and software updates.
    • Use a firewall, antivirus and anti-spyware.
    • Go on Wikipedia and get a list of bogus software


    A ransomware is a malware that hijacks personal data by encrypting it or blocking access. The author of ransomware asked for a ransom to the owner of the data in exchange for the key. It is a form of extortion, mail that is imposed by a malicious program on a user who holds personal information. If it refuses to pay, it can no longer access its data. The ransoms range from $ 10 and $ 300 and must be placed on a PayPal account or eGold. It comes in the form of fake antivirus on your system.

    This type of malware is sometimes listed as a Trojan. During the last years it was primarily the business. Mail recently, new ransomware appeared and they started to target workstations and individual users. Security Labs Sophos recently reported the emergence of a new software for ransom: the Troj / Ransom-A. It "removes" one of your files every thirty minutes and put in a hidden directory. The computer also displays dialog boxes and popups containing threatening messages.

    Kaspersky Labs said that for example the latest encryption key based on the virus to ransom Gpcode were coded on 660 bits, for a simple computer with a 2.2GHz CPU would require thirty small working years. It is of course a simple image of Kaspersky to make it clear to everybody that if the keys are more complex still in the future it is likely that this technique meets an unexpected success ransom for pirates. Will there be a variant of Folding @ Home to solve all these problems.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Antivirus soft removal

    One Stop Solution :

    Here is single solution for all types of false antivirus program. It will help you to delete almost any type of fake antivirus program. Just follow the instructions.

    Some starting tips :

    1. Disable System Restore

    Windows XP

    • Right click on My Computer > Properties > System Restore > Disable System Restore.

    Windows Vista

    • Start > Control Panel > System and Maintenance > System Protection. Then remove the tick to the entries that refer to disks which disable System Restore . Activate it back after cleaning your ystem.

    2. Clean temporary files by using CCleaner or ATF Cleaner.

    Removal of Rogue antivirus :


    For this you will need Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware. Run the setup and scan your system. After the scan remove any malware detected by default mbam will quarantine the files and registry keys identified as infected


    It is also free. Download and install it and run the setup. It will scan and quarantine the infection.

    Dr.Web CureIt

    • Run CureIt and then run scan in Express mode. It will check
    • Random access memory
    • Boot sector of all disks
    • Subject Startup
    • Disk Boot and root
    • Root disk installation Windows
    • Windows System Folder
    • User documents folder ("Documents")
    • System Temporary Folder
    • Use the temporary folder

    HijackThis :

    At last download and install HijackThis. Double click on HijackThis.exe brought to a dedicated folder. Click on Do a system scan and save a log file and go through it for virus file location

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Antivirus soft removal

    Fake Virus

    1. MS Antivirus
    2. Antivirus 360
    3. Vista Antivirus
    4. Antivirus 2009
    5. Antivirus 2008 Pro

    1. MS Antivirus

    Computer infected with dangerous viruses. Want to know how to remove MS Antivirus solution easily. After I give you a little background on the malware, I'll show you how to conduct a removal procedure MS Antivirus can as of now implement.

    These false alarms may say things like:

    • Warning spyware detected on your computer!
    • Your computer is infected! Windows has detected spyware infection!
    • Spyware threat has been detected on your PC
    • Your system is infected by dangerous virus!

    The popup alert will contain a link that directs you in this case to install the MS Antivirus. It may even appear as MS Antivirus Security Center. Do not fall into the trap. While this program will do is rip you off more money, steal your private information, and make your computer worse. What you need to do is remove MS Antivirus as soon as possible. You can not let a virus like this fester on your computer. But unfortunately try to remove the virus manually can be futile. It can create dozens of malicious files and distribute them in random directories using random names.

    The best option to remove MS Antivirus is downloading a program antivirus specific can track and eliminate the virus. Fortunately, I found an MS Antivirus removal tool that can remove the virus in a few minutes, it also provides real-time protection to prevent future attacks.

    2. Antivirus 360

    Antivirus Av360 360 or is the last of the rogue program found on the Internet. Antivirus 360 belongs to the same family group of fake anti-virus. Like all false programs, 360 Antivirus pop-ups also false and misleading security alerts to scare the end user that the computer is infected with trojans and viruses.

    Infection usually occurs when you download the video codec for your media player or when you visit malicious Web sites. If you download a video codec from unknown websites, it contains false May Trojans Alert Download Antivirus 360. In both cases, you will be redirected to a site unknown false starts scanning your computer and displays false reports that says your computer is infected with viruses, Trojans and spyware, which are all false.

    If your computer is infected with Virus trojan 360 false alarms, the amount you will get many false security alerts that says "Your computer is infected with spyware, trojans. You may suffer from loss of data, computer freezes and crashes. To detect and remove spyware, viruses and Trojan horses, install antivirus 360 ". These false alarms frightens end users and will force the user to download software counterfeit. Once you download and install, your computer is completely infected with Antivirus 360. Once the infected computer, it displays a lot more pop-ups that show different ads false software antivirus and force you to buy.

    These pop-ups and alerts will use all the resources of your computer and make your computer slow. Antivirus 360 crash your computer in no time. You can safely delete Antivirus 360 from your computer using free tools free removal of viruses. It is very important to perform a full scan of your computer using the tool of suppression of free virus to remove the antivirus, 360, and all that files in your computer.

    3. Vista Antivirus

    Virus infected computer with Vista? You're not alone. Vista Antivirus is one of the fastest spreading viruses on the Internet. If you suspect that your computer is infected, I recommend you remove Vista Antivirus immediately.
    Even if it has an official sounding name the program does not work like a virus. In fact, he does the opposite. She slips on your computer and infects various spyware, adware and malware. You may begin to see pop-up ads that appear with messages such as:
    • Warning spyware detected on your computer.
    • Your computer is infected, Windows has detected spyware infection!
    • Your system is infected with a dangerous virus.

    There will be a link to download the Vista antivirus program to remove the worm. Do not fall into the trap! Antivirus Vista will only make your computer worse by trying to defraud you of money. You must remove antivirus Vista as soon as possible. Unfortunately, because it can spread a lot of malicious files on your computer, you manually remove Vista Antivirus may be very difficult.

    What you need Vista Antivirus is a removal tool to do the job. But not just any will do. Because the virus causes pop ups, that means it has infected the registry. Unfortunately most programs can not perform in-depth analysis of the embedded registry. But I found one that can. Not only can it remove vista antivirus software provides real-time protection to fight against future attacks. In order to kill the virus more sophisticated you need to fight with the more sophisticated tools. Scan your computer for free with what I regard as the best program on the net below.

    4. Antivirus 2009

    What is Antivirus 2009 is a rogue new Anti-spyware found on the web. Like all programs rogue Antivirus 2009 pop-ups as false and misleading security alerts to scare the end user that the computer is infected with a virus or Trojan. The infection usually occurs when you download video files using the P2P software or when you visit malicious Web sites. If you download a video codec from unknown websites, it contains false May Trojan that downloads alert Antivirus 2009. In both cases, you will be redirected to an unknown site that shows false report to analyze your computer and says your computer is infected with viruses, trojans and spyware.

    If your computer is infected with Antivirus 2009 Trojan fake alert, you will get the amount of many false security alerts that says "Your computer is infected by spyware and Trojans. You may suffer from loss of data, the computer freezes and crashes. To detect and remove such spyware, viruses and Trojan horses, install Antivirus 2009. These false alerts frightens end users and force them to buy and download the rogue anti-spyware. Once you download and install, your computer is completely infected by Antivirus 2009.

    5. Antivirus 2008 Pro

    Your computer has been infected by the dreaded Antivirus 2008 Pro? If yes, you're probably well aware of the symptoms. Pop up ads saying "Your computer is infected", "insecure internet activity", "threat of attack from viruses," bombards the screen of your computer. You still see warnings that your computer is in danger if you do not install Antivirus 2008 Pro on your computer .

    Do not fall into the trap. Yes, your computer is in danger. But Antivirus 2008 Pro is the problem not the solution. Antivirus2008 is a rogue form of spyware that creates popup fake alerts to push you to buy the software. Unfortunately, even if you figure this out off the bat, you still have to remove the deadly virus from your computer. Internet Antivirus Pro installs a bunch of malicious files on your computer . This includes spyware and viruses that will steal your private information and try to corrupt your computer . In case of infection, you need to remove it as soon as you can.

    But before you try to remove Antivirus 2008 on your own, let me give you a word of warning. The virus is extremely difficult to get rid of the hand. Even the most anti-spyware programs or antivirus can not remove it either. You need an antivirus Pro 2008 specialized removal tool. A program that can scan all the areas that the virus behind, as the Windows registry, DLLs, and the startup directories. I personally used such a program that can remove Antivirus 2008 in minutes. Give it a try you to scan your computer for free below.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Fake Antivirus Removal

    Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware:

    You can remove this software automatically by using Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware. This is best solution for this. MBAM is an anti-malware, in other words, more than a simple anti-spyware. It deals with traditional spyware but pays particular attention to the resistant virus and anti-spyware classics. Used disinfection on forums, it can overcome many infections where conventional antivirus tools and make their aprons. The version you can download is fully functional and free, you'll just have to do without this module real time. If you wish to purchase the module scan mode, you must purchase a license.

    The tool is Multilingual and it proposes a quarantine to restore what was deleted, in case of trouble. It handles fairly well Bagle, Vundo and various adware and especially tough lately. These infections are evolving rapidly, and traditional solutions and antivirus often fail, not to follow. The results are truly effective in any case much better than what we're used to with an anti-spyware.

    In short, you've no doubt one of the first tools of the new generation. Under the hood, running an engine much more advanced technologically than conventional static list of elements that must verify the presence, coupled with a genuine heuristic engine (detection of new threats) and generic cons parasites with random names.

    The free application has a module for real-time protection, useful to stop threats before infection. Unfortunately, the phrase "prevention is better than cure" will be part of your daily newspaper, only after buying the Pro version.
    Malwarebytes is a free anti-malware and offers a method of analysis rather satisfactory. This application needs to be tested over a prolonged period in order to form an opinion resulted. To discover urgently.

    How to Install:

    MalwareBytes's Anti-Malware will remove all malware (Trojans, Backdoors, Spyware, etc. Rogue). It is easy to use and effective. The freeware version of MalwareBytes's Anti-Malware does not have a guard to protect against intrusion, it can scan and remove infections.

    You can download MalwareBytes's Anti-Malware from the official site. Run the setup after download and at the end of the installation, it is advisable to leave the option Update Malwarebyte's Anti-Malware checked to perform an update virus definition. To start Malwarebyte's Anti-Malware, double-click the icon created on the desktop.

    If you are not able to run Malwarebyte and it is blocked by an infection then you can use Rkill to clear the infection and to launch Malwarebyte and perform the scan. Also note that you can try the scan in Safe mode with network support, always where Malwarebyte is blocked by an infection.

    When you first start Malwarebyte's Anti-Malware, a popup informs you that the free version does not offer protection in real time. To qualify for the real-time protection, you must upgrade to the Pro version which is not free.
    Here are the list of features and support on the tool :

    • Scanner can scan the computer
    • Monitor: to enable / disable real-time protection.
    • Update: You can update the virus definition
    • Quarantine: you can manage quarantined files.
    • Ignore List: allows you to manage files skipped during scans
    • Settings: allows you to configure Malwarebyte's Anti-Malware
    • More Tools: You can report bugs or use other utilities like FileASSASSIN
    • About: displays information from the software.

    Start Malwarebyte's Anti-Malware, you must have an icon on the desktop. Otherwise click on Start / Programs / Malwarebyte's Anti-Malware / Anti-Malware Malwarebyte's. To ensure that you have the latest virus definitions, click the Update tab and click the Search button to update.

    To initiate a scan of your computer :

    • Select Run a full review then click the Search button to start the scan.
    • Leave your hard drive checked, you can uncheck the floppy drive and CD-Rom
    • Click the Start button to start examining the scan.
    • Elements examined the number of items scanned.
    • Elements is the number of infected malicious items detected.
    • Leave the transaction take place, if you wish to cancel, click the Abort button in the lower right.
    • Once the scan is complete, you receive a message saying that it has successfully
    • Click on Display High results down to view the items detected
    • Detections appear as a list.
    • They are all checked to delete, click the Delete Selected button at the bottom left.
    • A progress bar shows the progress of the removal

    If infectious material very difficult to remove are detected (this is not necessarily the case), a message informs you that the system must be restarted after the process of removing malware.

    • Click Yes to continue.
    • A scan report opens, save it to get it back in normal mode.
    • If you are being disinfected on a forum, you must copy / paste the contents of this report.
    • Then restart the computer. This must be disinfecting the computer.
    • The Quarantine tab allows you to view items that have been placed in quarantine.

    Malwarebytes Anti-Malware is a free program to fight against malicious software, also known as malware. If the interface is relatively straightforward, it is clear and accessible. It is best suited for this. Other than this Antivirus Soft is usually found infected with Antivirus Pro 2010 through Trojans and other online pests. This software is harmful and dangerous because it mimics the original Windows files and displays them as real security threats and suggests Then the user to remove the system. He also suggests buying the full version of Antivirus Pro 2010 software to clean your computer and keep it free from virus infections. Do not trust this application.

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