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Thread: How to Configure VirtualCenter Management Server with VMware

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    How to Configure VirtualCenter Management Server with VMware


    Whenever you are working with VMware, you will quickly notice the profits of consolidating the management of many ESX servers within your surrounding to the VirtualCenter inorder to get control from central point of view. The VirtualCenter is actually a better solution for providing high availability (HA) services and also centralized help inorder to monitor. It is a bit simple to actually personalize the VirtualCenter as you start with the installation procedure. In this guide, you are able to view as how to configure VirtualCenter Management Server with the help of VMware and also as how to customize it.

  2. #2
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    Sep 2005

    re: How to Configure VirtualCenter Management Server with VMware

    Steps To Configure VirtualCenter Management Server With VMware:

    The VMware VirtualCenter is applicable for centralized management of many VMware ESX servers simultaneously. The VirtualCenter wil provide you a helping hand for providing report, login and other such types of management services for creating virtual surrounding. You are able to perform activities such as License, Active Directory configuration, SNMP, email monitor and advanced security are types of configurable activities with the help of within the VC. Launch the VMware Infrastructre Client (VIC) to access the VirtualCenter. When you will start to work with the VirtualCenter, enter the Administration option in the toolbar and try to choose VirtualCenter Management Server Configuration as the default one.

    As you choose, the VirtualCenter Management Server Configuration dialog will prompt at your screen and it will help you to configure several options inside the VirtualCenter. This options will try to help you to not only have the license VirtualCenter, but will also help you to maintain it. Just check the various configuration options available for:

    • License Options
    • Gather statistical Information
    • Settings to Configure Runtime
    • Notification of Email
    • Services to Monitor SNMP
    • Settings For Web Protocol
    • Settings For Timout
    • Options For Logging
    • Database
    • Settings For SSL
    • Advanced Settings

    In this, you are able to view each and every option just from the left hand side of the VirtualCenter Management Server Configuration dialog box available. In order to get more information regarding each option, you have to check out each and every option in order to view all the details regarding each configurable option available.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    re: How to Configure VirtualCenter Management Server with VMware

    License VirtualCenter Management Server:

    Now, you have to configure some options regarding licensing of virtual center management server. As you try to install the Virtualcenter, you will be having a post intallation configuration option which will help you to evaluate a Virtualcenter, or you are able to license it inorder to use it for production purpose. The License Server will help you to configure inorder to utilize for license services on the VirtualCenter server, or you are also able to utilize it on the separate Licsene Server available. Other types of configfuration options which are available is to select a Virtualcenter edition and thus make it allow for availale new hosts to get added to inventory as it is once added in the list.

    Gather statistical Information:

    When you try to choose Statistics, you are able to configure the VirtualCenter which will help you to collect statistics. In this option, you are able to view the Statistics Intervals which are already placed by default, as well as you are also able to edit them.

    In order to edit some configured intervals, you jsut have to highlight the statistics interval setting which you need to edit and then click on the Edit button to do the required editting.

    As you are able to configure the needed time period, few days to keep examples for and at which level to prefer it for appropriate collections. Consider an example, Level 1 consists of basic metrics, like Average Usage for CPU/Memory/Disk and Network, as well as System Uptime and VMware DRS metrics.
    When you try to configure things like collection intervals, statistics collection thread limit, and statistics collection level, you are also able to specify the number of threads utilized or required for collection of performances statistics in oder to manage hosts and the level of detail for performance statistics collection.

    Settings to Configure Runtime:

    As you try to go down, VirtualCenter Management Server Configuration settings, you will notice the Runtime Settings option. You are able to view or configure the unique runtime settings required for the VirtualCenter installation. In this option, you are able to view VirtualCenter Server unique ID which is actually set at 36. You are also able to configure the VirtualCenter TCP/IP port number. As for now, port no is set at 902. At Last, you are also able to configure and managed server IP address.

    You have to reboot the VirtualCenter inorder to change the settings except that of the managed IP.

  4. #4
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    Sep 2005

    re: How to Configure VirtualCenter Management Server with VMware

    Active Directory:

    Many applications which are connected to LDAP based directory for needed authentication and for some security reasons. Active Directory from Microsoft LDAP is a normally utilized directory service. In this you are able to configure special settings like the Active Directory timeout, maximum number of users and groups to display in the Add Permissions dialog box, and the frequency for performing a synchronization and validation of VirtualCenter’s known users and groups. The Enable Validation check box helps you to allow and configure the Validation Period in minutes. This will help you to allows and configure the number of minutes the VirtualCenter will take time to wait before performing a synchronization and validation of VirtualCenter also called as users and groups against Active Directory.

    Notifications For Email:

    In this you are able to configure the Mail options which are very easy to configure it. You just have to specify the SMTP server and mail account you require for the VirtualCenter to be used for relaying mail.

    Services to Monitor SNMP:

    You are able to configure the Simple Network Management Protocol or SNMP for the VirtualCenter server.

    You are also able to configure and specify SNMP receiver URLs, ports, and community strings.

    Settings For Web Protocol:

    In this, you are able to configure the Web Service. For VirtualCenter, you can connect through a Web browser and try to manage the VirtulalCenter, download VICs and other software and try to check the status of your ESX surrounding. You are also able to specifiy the most common Web ports like port 80 for HTTP and port 443 for HTTPS.

    Settings For Timout:

    In Timeout Settings, you are able to adjust the settings of the VirtualCenter for both connections and timeouts. If a Client tries to connect to the VirtualCenter, then it should be for a specified timeout period. you are also able to Specify the VIC (Virtual Interface Client) connection timeout values for simple operations and huge operations, in this case it is set at 30 seconds for simple operations and 120 minutes for huge operations.

  5. #5
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    Sep 2005

    re: How to Configure VirtualCenter Management Server with VMware

    Options For Logging:

    With the help of Logging Options, you are able to specify the degree of detail and extent of logs which are collected in normal VirtualCenter operations. There are multiple options such as:
    1. Info (Normal Logging)
    2. None (Disable Logging)
    3. Error (Errors)
    4. Warning (Errors and Warnings)
    5. Info (Normal Logging)
    6. Verbose (Verbose Logging)
    7. Trivia (Extended Verbose)

    In this, you are able to configure level of logging you need for the VirtualCenter to undertake. This is actually used with care. Consider an example, if you have decided to advance troubleshooting option and thus changes the logging type for the VirtualCenter, you need to ensure that you are working nearly with VMware technical support and/or known exactly what you are doing.


    When you are trying to configure the Database, you need to simply specify a password needed to access the VirtualCenter database. You are also able to change the maximum number of database conections created. If you try to change this option, you will have to manually reboot the VirtualCenter server.

    Settings For SSL:

    When you are working with SSL, or Secure Sockets Layer, you need to ensure that the VirtualCenter has to be configures as well.

    Advanced Settings:

    Last but not the least is to configure Advanced Settings. In this you are able to add rows with keys and values.

    You are able to use the Advanced Settings page inorder to change the VirtualCenter Server configuration file, which is called vpxd.cfg. You are able to use the SDK in order to edit the file as well. This file should will not allow you to edit unless you exactly know what you are doing. You can use this section to add entries to the vpxd.cfg file, but it will not allow to be used to edit or delete them. To add configuration settings, just click Add Row to create a blank row. It actually Depends on the specific change you need make to the vpxd.cfg file, will depend on if you need to restart the VC or not.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    re: How to Configure VirtualCenter Management Server with VMware

    In this guide we viewed steps to configure changes in order to make VirtualCenter management configuation. The VMware VirtualCenter or VC is actually used for centralized management of many VMware ESX servers. The VC also helps you to provide reporting, logging and other management services for your virtualized surrounding.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Re: How to Configure VirtualCenter Management Server with VMware

    Hi All,

    I am new here I am using vSphere 4 Hyperviso please help me to find "VirtualCenter Management Server Configuration" tab to configure notifications. In Administration Tab i have only found "ROLE" button which is disabled. Please Help

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