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Thread: Complete guide for vufone

  1. #1
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    Jan 2009

    Complete guide for vufone

    What is vufone?

    vufone is mobile software which can be used for synchronizing, taking backup and uploading and sharing your calendar, contacts, media [audio, video, images] from your phone on the vufone website securely. It also supports outlook, facebook, picasa, flickr, and many more services from your mobile phone. All the services when you are on the move! It helps you always stay connected to your dear ones!

    How do I register to vufone?

    Click on the following link to go to the sign-up page: [Sign-up here]

    What phone usage plan do I need for setting up my vufone account?
    You will need a data plan with your mobile operator to use vufone. If your operator offers flat fee data plans for mobile data services, it is best to use these plans if you intend to synchronize large amounts of mobile multimedia items (pictures, music and video).

    How do I synchronize my phone data once I have registered with the service?
    Once we validate your registration details you will receive a SMS message, with a link for downloading the vufone mobile application to your phone. Click on the link and follow the on-screen instructions to download and install the application on your mobile phone. After the installation is over, start the mobile application and select "Synchronize" from the application main menu.

    What is my username for the service?
    You can use either your e-mail address for logging into the vufone service, or a long form of your phone number. Include the country code and area code in your phone number, and exclude any area code leading zero digits. Do not put a plus ("+") sign before your country code. In some countries the area code is preceded by the digit eight ("8") which should be omitted too.
    For example, if your mobile phone number is +44 (0) 778 148 4000, you should use the following username for the service: "447781484000".

    How do I change my password?
    To change the service password, please go to the Settings page, and change your password on the Account tab.
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  2. #2
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    Re: Download vufone for Windows Mobile and be secured

    I forgot my password, what should I do?
    Use the password reminder link on the service login page. You will need to key in your phone number or e-mail address, and an e-mail will be sent to your e-mail address for validating your vufone account. Use the link in the e-mail to set a new password for your account.

    What phones are supported by vufone?
    The vufone service supports over 280 phones from different vendors.

    Does vufone support BlackBerry?
    BlackBerry support will be added to vufone soon.

    Does vufone support iPhone?
    vufone currently does not support iPhone. We plan on adding iPhone support in the near future.
    I registered and tried to install the mobile application, but I got a message that my device is not supported. What should I do?
    We are constantly adding new phones to our supported phone list. We take record of the phone registration requests, and as soon the phone is supported we will notify our users. Unfortunately some devices do not meet the requirements for running the vufone mobile application, and are not supported by the system.

    Service Use :

    How do I synchronize my phone content?

    To synchronize mobile items from your phone to the vufone website you will need to start the vufone mobile application and select "Synchronize" from its main menu. This will synchronize all default items with the vufone website. To change the synchronized items open the mobile application settings dialog and change the items you wish to synchronize.
    You can also synchronize your phone from the website by using the Sync button on the actions menu on the left.

    Do I need to log into the vufone website to synchronize my phone data?
    You do not need to log into the vufone website to synchronize your phone mobile items. Start the vufone mobile application from your mobile phone and use the Synchronize option in the application on-screen menu.
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  3. #3
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    Re: Download vufone for Windows Mobile and be secured

    Does vufone regularly back-up my phone data?
    By default vufone automatically synchronizes your mobile items once a month. You can revert to more frequent automatic synchronization by purchasing a service subscription package for a modest fee. This service is provided for free as a limited time offer when you register to vufone.

    What is the difference between "Synchronize", "Backup" and "Restore" in the mSync phone application menu?
    Normally you would only need to use the Synchronize option of the vufone mobile application. It makes sure your mobile data is in sync between your phone and the vufone website. This means that any mobile item created or changed on the phone is copied to the server, and every item created or changed on the website is copied to the phone. Items deleted on the phone are deleted on the site, and vice versa.
    Backup copies items from your phone to the website, but does not delete items on your phone or on the website. This option is useful if you want to make sure the website contains an exact copy of items on your phone, discarding any changes you have made on the website.
    Restore copies items from the website to your phone and does not delete any items on either side. This option is useful if you accidentally deleted items from your phone and you wish to restore the items from the site.

    What is the "Home" page and what actions are available in it?
    The home page provides a quick glance to the mobile items you have synchronized with the vufone website using personalized widgets. You can see items you have recently synchronized, and control the widget’ s appearance location, and number of items presented.

    Is there a limit to the data I can store in vufone?
    There is a limit on the cumulative size of files you can synchronize to vufone.

    After reaching my 1GB quota I deleted some content, but the Control Center still indicates that my content is at 100MB. Why?
    The vufone quota includes the file storage space of items in your recycle bin. To free storage space click on the Recycle Bin link on the top menu and delete items from the Galley tab.

    Can I use other synchronization methods with my device?
    Using other synchronization methods like Intellisync or Mail for Exchange on the same phone where vufone is installed may result in a loss of data or duplicate items. We strongly recommend that all other synchronization methods for the item types synchronized by vufone are turned off.

    What languages are supported by vufone?
    The vufone web interface and mobile application support the following languages: English, French, German, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and Russian.
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  4. #4
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    Re: Download vufone for Windows Mobile and be secured

    Synchronizing Contacts

    How do I manage my phone’ s address book on the website?
    On the Contacts tab you can view all your phone contact, edit them and add new contacts. Click on a contact line to view and edit it, or use the Add contact link on the top of the page to add a new contact. Once you have finished editing your contacts use the Sync button on the actions menu on the left to apply the address book changes to your phone.

    I added a contact on the vufone website, why don’ t I see it on the phone?
    You need to synchronize your phone to have the address book changes applied to your phone. Use the Sync button on the actions menu on the left to apply the address book changes to your phone.
    If synching does not change your phone’ s address book, make sure your phone’ s synchronization settings include contacts synchronization. Open the vufone mobile application on your phone, go to Settings and make sure Contacts is checked. Use back or

    I deleted a contact from vufone, when will it be deleted on my phone?
    When you use the Synchronize option from the vufone mobile application all contacts deleted on the vufone website are also deleted on the phone. You can also use the Sync button on the actions menu on the website to synchronize your contact list. After a contact is deleted it is still accessible in your recycle bin, and you can restore it to your contact list.

    I accidentally deleted a contact on my phone, how can I restore it?
    Once you synchronize your phone with vufone, the contact will be deleted on vufone too, but it will be placed in the recycle bin. Open the Contacts tab on your Recycle Bin, select the contacts you wish to restore and click Restore Selected from the toolbar. Then synchronize your phone using the Sync button on the actions menu.
    If you have not yet synchronized your phone with vufone after you deleted the contact, you can use the Restore option from the Maintenance tab in the Settings pages to restore items to your phone.
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  5. #5
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    Re: Download vufone for Windows Mobile and be secured

    When I add or edit a contact on the vufone website I see more fields than I do on my phone. Can I sync these extra fields to my phone?
    vufone contacts contain a broader superset of contact fields than fields supported on most mobile phones. The vufone service adapts the contacts synchronized to your phone to match the contact fields supported on your phone. When you switch to a different phone model, the extra fields will be used if supported by the phone.

    Does vufone backup contacts on my SIM card?
    No, currently only phone contacts are backed up by vufone. Support for SIM contact backup on some phone models is planned for a future release of the vufone service.

    How do I search for a contact on the vufone website?
    You have a few options when looking for a contact on the vufone website � you can use the alphabet buttons on the top of the contact list to scroll to the first name that starts with that letter. Or you can use the filter on the right side of the contact toolbar to filter the contact list. To revert back to the full contact list after applying a filter either click on the Contact tab link on the top, or delete the filter text.

    Can I send a text message to one of my contacts directly from the vufone web site?
    We will shortly release a version that will let you send text messages and media files to contacts on your address book for an affordable fee.

    How many contacts can I store in vufone?
    The amount of contacts you can store on vufone is limited to 2,000 contacts; however there is a practical limitation on the number of contacts supported on your phone. For most phones this figure is roughly around 200 contacts, high-end smart phones may be capable of storing up to the 2000 contacts supported by vufone.

    Synchronizing Media Files

    I used "Synchronize" on my phone, why can’ t I see my new pictures in the vufone website?
    Make sure you have pictures enabled for sync on your phone. Open the vufone mobile application, select Settings, select the items you wish to synchronize and save the new settings.

    If I delete files on vufone will they also be deleted on my phone?
    The automatic media file synchronization of vufone only copies files between the vufone website and your phone. It makes sure the files are available on the vufone website, and downloads files to your phone, but does not delete files from your phone if you deleted them from the website, and does not delete files from the phone if you deleted them from your phone.

    What is the difference between the "Bi-directional Sync" setting option and "Upload Only" setting option for media file synchronization?
    The vufone mobile application copies files between your mobile phone and the vufone website. Using bi-directional sync, all new files captured on your phone are copied to the website, and all files uploaded from the website are transferred automatically to your phone.
    In upload only mode all files captured on your phone are uploaded to the vufone website, but files uploaded to the website from your PC are not copied to your phone, unless you manually select them and send them to your phone. This way you can make sure you always have a secure copy of the files you captured on your phone, while preserving storage space on your phone by deleting old and unnecessary files from your phone.

    Can I send a picture to a friend?
    We will shortly release a version that will let you send text messages and media files to contacts on your address book for an affordable fee.

    Can I upload a DRM protected file?
    No, vufone does not synchronize DRM protected files to the vufone website. When manually uploading files from the phone to the vufone website, DRM protected files are not listed for upload.
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  6. #6
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    Re: Download vufone for Windows Mobile and be secured

    What type of multimedia files does vufone support?

    Photos: gif, png, jpeg, jpg, , tiff, ani, cur, ico, ras, tga, j2k, jp2, pcx, emf, wmf, cpt, tif, bmp

    Video: avi, divx, asf, moov, mov, m2p, m1v, dv, mpv, 3gpp, mp4, mpeg, mpg, wmv, vob, rm, qt, omf, ogm, 3gp, 3g2, m2v, rv

    Music: wma, ac3, aac, aif, aiff, mpa, mp3, mp2, mp1, wav, ram, ogg, midi, amr, mid, ra, asf, au, qcp

    Documents: xls, doc, pdf, pptx, xlsx, docx, ppt, odt, rtf, txt, docm, otg, pwi, sdw, sxw, ods, sdc, sxc, wks, xlsb, xlsm, xlw, odp, pps, ppsm, ppsx, pptm, sti, sxp, txt

    Can I use the vufone site to play my favorite videos and songs?
    Of course! Go to the Music page and click on individual tracks to play them, or mark your favorite songs and select Add to Playlist to play them in the music player. You can continue using the vufone website and your playlist will play in the background.

    Why does the songs I play in the background stop playing after I hit refresh in my browser (F5)?
    Whenever you refresh your browser the page is reloaded. This reloads the music player and you will need to select your playlist again. While using the vufone website you do not need to refresh your browser, as the status of the items refreshes when you move from one page to the other.

    Can vufone convert my music and video files so I can properly view them on my phone?
    vufone does not convert your music and video files. You will need to upload them to vufone in a format that is suitable for your phone. You can always listen to music and view videos of all supported formats on the vufone website, regardless of your phone model.

    How many files can I store in vufone?
    vufone has a quota limit for files of 1GB. Remember that files in the recycle bin are included in the quota limit.

    I deleted a file from My Gallery, can I retrieve it?
    All files deleted from the vufone website are moved to the recycle bin. Open the Recycle Bin page, and click on the Gallery tab. Then select the files you wish to restore and use Restore Selected.

    Why can’ t I re-upload files from my phone after I deleted them from my Photos/Music/Video/Documents page?
    To avoid conflicts it is prohibited to synchronize the same file twice to vufone. Files in the recycle bin are treated as any other files stored on vufone. You therefore need to go into the recycle bin first and delete the file first, before you can upload it to vufone again. Instead you can simply select the file in the recycle bin and restore it.

    Synchronizing Calendar and Messages

    I added a meeting to my mobile phone’ s calendar, why is it not reflected in the vufone website calendar page after I sync?
    Make sure you have calendar sync is enabled on your phone. Open the vufone mobile application, select Settings, select the items you wish to synchronize and save the new settings.
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  7. #7
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    Re: Download vufone for Windows Mobile and be secured

    Can I add meeting and tasks to my calendar directly from the vufone website?

    Sure, use the Create Event and Create Task options to create new events and tasks. You can create single occurrence appointments, recurring meetings, all day events, anniversaries, tasks and more using the vufone website. You can then synchronize them to your phone.
    How do I delete an event or task from my calendar on the website?
    Open the task or event and click Delete in the dialog to delete the task or event.

    Can I use the vufone website to mark my complete tasks?
    You can use the "v" icon on the right to mark the task as complete. Or open the task and select Complete to mark it as complete. The task will remain on your task list and be marked with a strikethrough.
    If you wish to restore a complete task to its original state, use the same icon to change its status.
    Deleted tasks are placed in the recycle bin. You can always restore them back into your calendar.

    Can I use Microsoft Outlook to synchronize my phone’ s calendar?

    We will shortly release an Outlook add-on that synchronizes your Outlook calendar with vufone and your mobile phone. The add-on will be available for a modest fee.

    How can I find events and tasks in my calendar?
    Use the Event Search tab to find events and tasks in your calendar. You can select a search string and the time span where you wish to look for events and tasks.

    Does vufone clean old events from my phone’ s calendar?
    Many phones automatically delete events older than one month from your calendar. To avoid clogging your phone with old events, vufone also deletes events older than one month from the synchronized calendar, so you are provided with the same functionality even if your phone does not automatically delete old events.

    Can vufone backup my text messages?
    Text message backup is supported on Symbian and Windows Mobile phones and on some other phone models (e.g. Motorola AURA). To check if your phone supports text message backup, open the vufone mobile application and check if messages backup is available in the application settings.

    Can I use vufone to forward a text message I synchronized?
    We will shortly release a version that will let you send text messages and media files to contacts on your address book for an affordable fee. You will then be able to forward a synchronized message or reply to it from within the vufone website.

    Does vufone backup my e-mails?
    No. E-mail backup is usually an integral part of mobile e-mail applications, as the e-mail messaged are retained on a centralized e-mail server.
    Sharing and Collaboration

    Can I invite my friends to vufone?
    We would love that! Just tell them to register on We will shortly add an invitation mechanism that will let you send invitations to contacts on your address book, and earn benefits for inviting your friends.
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  8. #8
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    Re: Download vufone for Windows Mobile and be secured

    Can I share my files with other vufone users?
    We will shortly release a version that will let you send text messages and media files to contacts on your address book for an affordable fee. In a near future release we plan on providing access to pictures and video you will publish on the web.

    Can I upload my mobile photos from vufone to other social networks sites like Picasa, Flickr and Facebook?
    Yes you can. On the Photos page select the pictures you wish to upload to the 3rd party site, and click on the name of the social network at the bottom of the page. A window will pop up asking you to authorize vufone to access your account on the 3rd party site. Once you have authorized vufone to access your account, repeat the operation to upload the photos. You can then upload your photos with a single click on the vufone website.
    You can also set a permanent link to automatically upload new photos you synchronized from your phone to the 3rd party site. Go to the Internet Services page and select Enable to connect to your favorite social network.

    What is myPersona and how do I use it?
    myPersona enables you to set the picture your friends will see on their mobile phone when you call them. For that both you and your friend need to be registered to vufone, and to have myPersona enabled. Your profile picture will then be automatically set on your friends address book, so the next time you call them that picture will appear on their phone.
    You can enable myPersona on the Internet Services page.

    How do I change my profile picture in myPersona?
    Click Edit Profile on the top left. Go to the Picture tab and select a picture from your photo gallery or from your PC.
    General Service Questions

    Is my information stored on vufone secured?
    Of course! We at vufone make every effort to ensure your information is safely stored on the vufone website. All access to your data over the web and from the phone is authenticated by a username and password. We use a firewall and other security means to ensure your information is kept away from prying eyes, and only you have access to it.

    What happens to my data if I switch phones?
    Your data is still kept in vufone, and you can easily restore it to your new phone. In fact this is one of the tasks that vufone excels at. Download the vufone mobile application to your new phone from the Actions menu on the left, and synchronize your information to the new phone. vufone makes your phone migration a painless process.

    I lost my phone, what should I do to ensure no one can access my data?
    Go to the Maintenance tab in the Settings page and use the Wipeout option to delete all content from your old phone. Don’ t worry, your information will still be safely kept within vufone, and wipeout ensures the thief cannot retrieve it using the vufone mobile app. Once you get a new phone you can restore your information using the Sync operations or the Restore option on the Settings page.
    We recommend that you contact your mobile operator and block your SIM card as soon as you find out your phone is no longer at your possession, and after you issued the wipe out operation from the website.
    If you ever find your phone again and need to unlock it for use with vufone, use the list of blocked devices on the maintenance page to unblock your phone after a wipeout.
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  9. #9
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    Jan 2009

    Re: Download vufone for Windows Mobile and be secured

    I am planning to give or sell my phone to someone else. How can I make sure he/she does not have access to my data?
    If you already have an account, vufone will not let anyone else register with the same e-mail address or phone number. If you uninstall the vufone mobile application from your phone, the person you gave your phone to will need to have access to your vufone account to send the mobile application to your phone. Make sure you do not disclose your vufone password.

    I changed my mobile provider; can vufone help me shift the content to my new provider?
    Sure, if you exercised number portability and you got a new mobile phone with the same phone number, just use sync or restore to get all your information to your new phone.
    If your mobile number has changed, use the Change Phone Number option under the Account tab in the Settings page to change your phone number. You will need to validate your new number with your e-mail account. Then download the vufone mobile application to your new phone and synchronize your mobile items.

    How often can I synchronize my phone data?
    You can synchronize your data from the vufone mobile application as frequently as you wish. For the introductory period we provide the opportunity to start the synchronization from the web freely. After the introductory period, synchronizing from the web will cost you a small fee.

    I saw a message pop up when I logged in. Can I see it again?
    Some of the messages appear only once after you acknowledge them. If you see the System Message link on the left with a red dot near it, you have messages waiting. Click on the link to open your messages.

    How do I deregister from the service, will my data be deleted if I deregister from the service?
    Unfortunately we cannot guarantee retaining information for users who have deregistered from the service. As the vufone service is free, do not delete your account if you foresee a need to access your information later, even if you do not plan to continue using it in the near future. Who knows, maybe someday you will lose your phone, and vufone will be the place to go looking for your contacts and other mobile items.

    Where is vufone hosted?
    vufone servers are hosted in the Netherlands in a well guarded data center.

    Which phones are supported?
    All major brands are supported:[Click Here to view the supported phones]
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