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Thread: How to install Windows XP from MS-DOS without diskette, CD-ROM or USB

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    How to install Windows XP from MS-DOS without diskette, CD-ROM or USB

    HD1: the hard drive where we want to install Windows XP
    HD2: the hard drive that has installed some version of Windows
    Computer # 1: Team objects, where we want to install Windows XP
    Computer # 2: Support Team, where he will work hard disk HD1

    Requirements :

    1. Count with a second computer with Windows 98/ME/2000/XP or XP installed and that takes floppy drive
    2. Having a blank diskette
    3. Have the folder / I386 CD installation of Windows XP available in the Computer # 2
    4. Knowing how to Partition hard drives, establish an active partition and format.
    5. Hard converter 2.25 to 3.25 inch IDE (if the hard drive is portable HD1)
    6. Although the procedures for conducting partitions, formatting and pass the operating system are available in different versions of Windows, will explain how to do it from MS-DOS. If you know how to do these procedures from the Windows you use, then do it, save time.. Windows XP does not bring the formatting options and pass the boot system (format / s), so we just need to use the diskette to pass the boot.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    A. Procedures in Support Computer # 2

    Make bootable disk with Windows 98SE in Computer # 2
    Insert a blank floppy drive A:
    Download this file:
    Unzip the file and run the previous file boot98sc.exe
    The notice Insert a floppy to write click OK
    Read the record, if it finds data Disk A: is not empty, all data in yout disk will be lost. click on Yes.
    If all goes well, is to pass the boot image to the floppy.
    Once completed, remove the floppy disk drive A: and off the team.

    With the two computers off:

    Shut Down Computers

    Remove the hard disk of the computer # 1 and connect it to Computer # 2 as a teacher. You must remove the hard drive you have in the Computer # 2 (for now we need to boot from the hard HD1)

    Enter the boot diskette to believe earlier in the Computer # 2 and restart from Diskette

    Once restarted with the diskette, will partitions (if you want to do more than one), activate the partition 1 and format of the partitions. Everything from A:

    With the diskette (brings everything you need): Partition (fdisk), establish a partition Active, reboot, reformat your hard disk partitions that we (format / s), pass the Windows 98 boot disk to C: \ Ex: sys c: \ (if not formatting with wildcards / s)

    You can write the following boot.bat that copy files automatically in C: \ copy or manually.

    Copy smartdrv.exe c: \
    Copy config.sys c: \
    Copy Himen.sys c: \

    Turn off your computer and connect # 2 Hard Drives in Computer # 2

    Connect the computer's hard disk # 2 (HD2) as a teacher, connect the hard drive of the computer # 1 (HD1) as a slave.

    Copy the folder / I386 (installers XP) in the first partition on the hard disk of the computer # 1 (HD1) (in this case is that the slave note well what is the logical unit with which he appears and copy)

    So we now have: HDD Computer # 1 partitioned, the first active partition, formatted, starting with 98 windows and a folder / I386 containing installers XP.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    B. Turn off the computer # 2

    Procedures in Computer # 2
    Remove the hard disk of the computer # 1 (HD1) that is plugged into the computer and connecting it to # 2 # 1 Computer as a teacher
    Restart the computer # 1
    At the prompt System C: \ write:

    CD i386

    This leaves a warning:
    “The installation program must know where they are located files in Windows XP.
    Type the path where the files of Windows XP “

    If everything is fine, you'll see C: \ I386, now to confirm press Enter

    There will be copying files needed for installation of Windows XP, this process can take 10 minutes or more or if your hard drive is not as fast, once finished copying files (ending the installer based on MS - DOS), the installer asks to restart your computer to continue installing Windows XP, press Enter

    Wait for restart, once you see the window installation, press Enter to continue

    Accept the license agreement with the F8 key

    Choose the partition 1: C: Partición1 [FAT32] and press Enter

    If everything is fine, you'll see C: \ I386, now to confirm press Enter

    If you can convert the partition to NTFS (much better than FAT32) or leave intact the current system files (unchanged) and continue to choose its option and press Enter (if they choose NTFS, after converting, you are asked to restart again and repeats the licensing agreement, and must again choose where to install the partition, select C: Partición1 [NTFS])

    Ready, now copy all the files needed for the graphical interface of Windows Installer, once completed this first phase, the team is restarted after 15 seconds, proceed with the installation as it normally does.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    C. Procedures to make once the installation of Windows XP

    From now on the boot display a menu with two options, the first Microsoft Windows XP loaded our new Windows XP operating system and the second earlier in C: load the boot into DOS from Windows 98. If you want to remove the menu so that only load Windows XP automatically without displaying menu:
    In Windows XP press the button Windows + Break or Click Start> right click on My Computer, click Properties
    Once we are in the system configuration window, click the Advanced tab> click the Settings button that appears on the "Startup and Recovery"
    Now in the new window in the home system, click on the Edit button
    (Will open the boot.ini file with Notepad text editor)

    Delete the last line which reads:

    C: \ = "Operating System earlier in C:"

    Now click the File menu> Save, close the window, click Cancel, click Cancel to finally close the System Properties.

    That's it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: How to install Windows XP from MS-DOS without diskette, CD-ROM or USB

    hi Samra,

    Good !! But its a lengthy procedure.

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