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Thread: Tally Data Migration Tool

  1. #1
    Yogesh Guest

    Tally Data Migration Tool


    The Tally Data Migration Tool helps you upgrade from Tally 7.2 to Tally 9, by migrating Data and TCP (Tally Compliant Product) files. It also restores 7.2 backup files.

    You can also migrate Payroll data using the Tally Data migration Tool.

    Tally 7.2 data and TCP files cannot be used on Tally 9 unless you migrate them, for which you need to be a licensed user of Tally 9.

    Tally 6.3 users can also use the migration tool, which will rewrite the version to Tally 7.2 and then migrate the data to Tally 9.

    Tally Data Migration Tool

    The Tally Data Migration Tool works with the tally 9. exe and helps you migrate Tally 7.2 company data. It also helps you migrate Tally 7.2 TCP files.

    A brief explanation on Tally Data Migration and Tally 9 screen follows, as both screens open simultaneously during migration.

    Migrate Company Menu

    The Migrate Company menu displays the following:

    Migration Messages Pane

    The migration status displays in the Migration Messages Pane when the migration is in progress.

    Calculator Pane

    If errors occur during migration, then an error message displays in the Calculator Pane.

    Note: The Data Migration Tool is resource intensive. It is recommended that you close all other applications when you migrate Data or TCP files. If an interruption occurs during the migration process, the migrated or partially migrated data will be deleted and you have to repeat migration for the same.

  2. #2
    Yogesh Guest

    Migrating Data

    Migrating Data

    If you have enabled and used Payroll in Tally 7.2, before migrating data, ensure that the Payroll process for the previous month is complete and processed because Payroll in Tally 9 will be effective from the date of migration.

    Advantages of Migrating Payroll data from Tally 7.2 to 9

    1. Processing Payroll in Tally 9 has now become so easy that you can generate a Pay slip in four steps.

    2. Pay Head and Salary details creation has become user-friendly and can be defined at the master level.

    3. Though there is a hierarchy change in Pay Heads, after migration to Tally 9 the migration tool allows you migrate the calculation type specified in Tally 7.2, thus allowing you to continue generating Payroll reports.

    4. A simple re-configuration of the Pay Heads after migration allows you to continue with the Payroll processing in Tally 9.

  3. #3
    Yogesh Guest

    Migrating Data from Tally 7.2 to Tally 9

    Migrating Data from Tally 7.2 to Tally 9

    For an existing 7.2 customer, the migration process takes place as explained below.

    1. Click the tallymigration icon to start the migration

    2. Tally Data Migration and Tally 9 start simultaneously, in separate screens

    3. As soon as Tally 9 is loaded, the message 'Ready for Migration' displays in the Migration Messages Pane

    4. Click the Migrate Data option to select the company whose data is to be migrated from Tally 7.2 to Tally 9

    5. Specify the data path in the Directory field

    6. On selecting the company, the company is loaded
      Note: If you have placed the data to be migrated from Tally 7.2 to Tally 9 in the Tally 9 folder, you have to only specify the path and need not select the company.
    7. If the company selected has Payroll data, the following screen appears

    8. To continue with the migration, press Enter

    9. Accept to migrate the selected company

    10. In the Migration Information screen on the left hand side, you can view the Types of Masters and Vouchers to be migrated from Tally 7.2.

    11. During the migration from Tally 7.2 to 9, the status of the migration appears in the screen on the right hand side, which displays the number of Masters and Vouchers that have migrated to Tally 9.

      Note: As certain voucher types and units have been removed from Tally 9, there will be a difference of 3 in the total number of Voucher Type Masters and 1 in the number of Unit Masters.
    12. When the migration is complete, an Information pop-up message appears as shown below.

    13. On pressing any key, a Congratulations message appears as shown below

    14. If errors occur during migration, they are displayed in red in the Migration Messages Pane as shown in the following screen.

      Note: If an error “The Cost Centre 'ABC' does not belong to the Category 'XYZ' appears during migration, rewrite Tally 7.2 data with Tally Data Migration Tool using Ctrl + Alt + R and then migrate the data to 9.
    15. The migrated companies are saved in the Tally 7.2 data folder. The migrated data is prefixed with a '0' and appears as a 5 digit number.

    16. Now you can work on Tally 9 with the migrated data
      Note: The migrated data will reside in the folder where it was at the time of migration.


    If you try to migrate a company that has already been migrated from 7.2 to 9, you will get a warning message as shown below.

    Changes that occur after successful migration process are:
    • The Payroll Deduction ledgers created under the group Duties and Taxes in Tally 7.2, after migration will become a Pay Head grouped under Current Liabilities in Tally 9.

    • The Payroll Deduction ledgers created under the group Direct or Indirect Expenses in Tally 7.2, after migration will become a Pay Head grouped under Current Liabilities in Tally 9.

    • The Payroll Deduction ledgers created under the group Loans & Advances (Assets) in Tally 7.2, after migration will become a Pay Head grouped under the Pay Head Type Loans and Advances in Tally 9.

    • Any Attendance Type created with unit Mth will appear prefixed with ATTD- followed by the name of the Attendance Type.

    • If you have migrated data containing attendance entries for the current month, whose Payroll is yet to be processed, those entries will become Production Type Entries. So it is suggested that you re-enter the attendance entries for the current month after migration and then process the Payroll.

    • After migration, by default the Attendance Types will change to Production Types and therefore the YTD details will not be retained. All migrated Attendance types will be pre-fixed by ATTD-

    Follow the procedure to display the accurate YTD details in the Payslip:
    1. To generate a Payslip with YTD Details for any of the earlier months:

      • Create/Alter the Attendance Voucher for the respective month

      • Select the Employee

      • To Nullify YTD details, select the ATTD- prefixed Attendance Type and enter the Cur Bal value with a negative sign in the Value field.

      • Select the Employee and the Attendance type

      • Enter the Cur Bal amount as the Value and Accept the Voucher

    2. To generate a Payslip with YTD Details from the Current month onwards:

      • Create/Alter the Attendance Voucher for the previous month

      • Select the Employee

      • To Nullify YTD details, select the ATTD- prefixed Attendance Type and enter the Cur Bal value with a negative sign in the Value field.

      • Select the Employee and the Attendance type

      • Enter the Cur Bal amount as the Value and Accept the Voucher.

  4. #4
    Yogesh Guest

    Migrating Group company data from Tally 7.2 to Tally 9

    Migrating Group company data from Tally 7.2 to Tally 9

    To migrate Group companies:
    1. Migrate each member individually from Tally 7.2 to 9

    2. On successful migration of the companies, re-create the Group company in Tally 9

  5. #5
    Yogesh Guest

    Post Migration Steps for Payroll data in Tally 9

    Post Migration Steps for Payroll data in Tally 9

    After migrating Payroll data from Tally 7.2 to Tally 9, you have to re-configure the Pay Heads and enter the Rates against the respective Pay Heads in the salary details screen for the Employees/Employee Groups in Tally 9. By default after migration, the Calculation type for all the Pay Heads migrated to Tally 9 will change to As User Defined Value.
    • Go to Gateway of Tally> Payroll Info.> Salary Details> Alter> Select the Employee/Employee Group from the List of Groups/Employees.

    In the Salary Details Alteration screen, move the cursor to the Pay Head field and press Ctrl + Enter to re-configure the Pay Heads as in Tally 7.2

    Consider an example where ABC Company migrates its Payroll data from Tally 7.2 to Tally 9. The Payroll is completed and processed for the previous month. To migrate data refer to Migrating Data from Tally 7.2 to 9
    1. Before migration, Salary Details for Employee A in Tally 7.2 appears as shown below. (Go to Gateway of Tally> Payroll Info.> Employees> Alter> Employee A)

    2. After migration the Salary Details screen in Tally 9 for Employee A will appear displaying As User Defined Value as the Calculation Type for all the Pay Heads specified. (Go to Gateway of Tally> Payroll Info.> Salary Details> Alter> Select Employee A from the List of Groups/Employees)

    3. In the Salary Details Alteration screen, change the Effective From date if required

    4. To alter the Pay head Basic Salary from the same screen, move the cursor to the Pay head and press Ctrl + Enter

    5. In the Pay Head Alteration (Secondary) screen, select the Calculation Type from the list as provided in Tally 7.2

    6. Accept to save the Pay Head

    7. Enter the Rate in the Salary Details Alteration screen, if applicable

    8. Similarly you can modify the remaining Pay Heads

    9. Accept to save the changes made

    10. The Salary Details Alteration screen for Employee A with the changes made in Tally 9 will appear as shown below

      Note: As the number of Pay Heads will increase after migration, if the Calculation Type is retained as provided in Tally 7.2, the Pay Heads are migrated to Tally 9 with Calculation Type As User Defined Value.

  6. #6
    Yogesh Guest

    Migrating TCP

    Migrating TCP

    Migrating TCP from Tally 7.2 to Tally 9

    1. Click the Migrate TCP option to migrate the TCP files from Tally 7.2 to Tally 9

    2. A window displays as shown. Accept to Migrate TCP

    3. In the Migration Messages Pane, messages display, indicating that the TCP files are in the process of migration

    4. Once the process of migration ends, a message appears as shown below

    5. The migrated TCP files are saved in the folder where Tally 7.2 TCP files reside. The migrated TCP files are suffixed with 9 as shown and appear with the 9 suffixed in the Tally.ini.file also

    6. Now, you can work on Tally 9 with the migrated TCP files

      Note: During migration, only those TCP files mentioned in the Tally.ini file will be migrated from Tally 7.2 to 9. The migrated TCP will reside in the folder where it was at the time of migration.

  7. #7
    Yogesh Guest

    Restoring 7.2 Backup

    Restoring 7.2 Backup

    Follow the below steps to Restore 7.2 backup data to Tally 9.

    1. Click Restore 7.2 Backup option to migrate 7.2 Backup data

    2. In Select Companies to Restore screen specify the Destination and Source path. Select the company from the List of Companies as shown.

      Note: If you have placed the data to be migrated from Tally 7.2 to Tally 9 in the Tally 9 folder, you have to only specify the path and need not select the company.
    3. Click Migrate Data to migrate the 7.2 data to 9. Refer to Migrate Data

    4. Select the company to be migrated from the list of companies provided

    5. Click Yes to continue the migration process

    6. Click Quit to close the Tally Data Migration Tool

    The migrated companies are saved in the Tally 7.2 data folder. The migrated data is prefixed with a '0' and appears as a 5 digit number

    You can now work on Tally 9 with the restored and migrated 7.2 backup data

    Additional Information

    Once the migration of Data or TCP files from Tally 7.2 to 9 is complete, two important log files display in the folder containing the tally migration exe.


    The migration.err file displays the errors if any occur during migration


    The migration.log file provides the following details:

    • Migrating Data

      1. Date of Migration

      2. The Name of the company opened for migration

      3. Migration Start time

      4. Time taken and the Migrate data information, i.e., Masters, Vouchers and Reports from Tally 7.2 to 9

      5. Lists the number of errors, if any

      6. Migration End time

      7. The Migration tool closing 7.2 company ABC Company and Closed information of the migrated company

    • Migrating TCP files

      1. Date and Start Time to migrate the TCP files from Tally 7.2 to 9

      2. Migrate TCP information

      3. Migrating TCP files End details

    Error Occurrence during Migration

    Error Occurrence during Migration of Masters

    If an error occurs during the migration of Masters, the migration process stops immediately and an importerror.log file is created in the folder where the tally72migration.exe resides.

    The XML tags of those masters, which did not migrate, appear in the importerror.log file.

    Error Occurrence during Migration of Transactions

    If an error occurs during the migration of transactions, the migration continues and the XML tags of those transactions, which did not migrate, appear in an importerror.log file.

    Rectify the transactions and copy the XML tags into a file with an .XML extension. Now, import the .XML file to Tally 9.

    Note: As manually importing transactions create new Alter IDs, you have to create or alter these transactions again after Synchronization.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Error Occurrence during Migration of Ledgers

    Dear Sir,

    During the Migration i had reced. below given errors can u help me for same.

    [2008-09-19 18:10:01] Error: 173: No Date given for Bill '427'!(FOR OBJECT: 'Aditya Industries')

    [2008-09-19 18:10:01] Error: 1190: No Date given for Bill '18799'!(FOR OBJECT: 'Bhawa Metal Industries')

    [2008-09-19 18:10:01] Errors: 2

    Further following text file occured during Migration

    [2008-09-19 18:09:26] *********************************************************
    [2008-09-19 18:09:26] Migration start at 18:09:26
    [2008-09-19 18:09:26] Initializing company data...
    [2008-09-19 18:09:36] Migrating Company (Batch: 1)...
    [2008-09-19 18:09:38] Migrated: 0
    [2008-09-19 18:09:38] Altered: 1
    [2008-09-19 18:09:38] Migrating Company (Batch: 2)...
    [2008-09-19 18:09:38] Done
    [2008-09-19 18:09:38] Migrating Units (Batch: 1)...
    [2008-09-19 18:09:38] Migrated: 1
    [2008-09-19 18:09:38] Migrating Units (Batch: 2)...
    [2008-09-19 18:09:38] Done
    [2008-09-19 18:09:38] Migrating Currency (Batch: 1)...
    [2008-09-19 18:09:39] Migrated: 0
    [2008-09-19 18:09:39] Altered: 2
    [2008-09-19 18:09:39] Migrating Currency (Batch: 2)...
    [2008-09-19 18:09:39] Done
    [2008-09-19 18:09:39] Migrating Statutory Masters (Batch: 1)...
    [2008-09-19 18:09:44] Migrated: 50
    [2008-09-19 18:09:44] Migrating Statutory Masters (Batch: 2)...
    [2008-09-19 18:09:51] Migrated: 34
    [2008-09-19 18:09:51] Migrating Statutory Masters (Batch: 3)...
    [2008-09-19 18:09:51] Done
    [2008-09-19 18:09:51] Migrating Groups (Batch: 1)...
    [2008-09-19 18:09:55] Migrated: 0
    [2008-09-19 18:09:55] Altered: 28
    [2008-09-19 18:09:55] Migrating Groups (Batch: 2)...
    [2008-09-19 18:09:55] Done
    [2008-09-19 18:09:55] Migrating Ledgers (Batch: 1)...
    [2008-09-19 18:10:01] Error: 173: No Date given for Bill '427'!(FOR OBJECT: 'Aditya Industries')
    [2008-09-19 18:10:01] Error: 1190: No Date given for Bill '18799'!(FOR OBJECT: 'Bhawa Metal Industries')
    [2008-09-19 18:10:01] Migrated: 46
    [2008-09-19 18:10:01] Altered: 2
    [2008-09-19 18:10:01] Errors: 2
    [2008-09-19 18:10:01] Migration ended at 18:10:01
    [2008-09-19 18:10:01] *********************************************************

    Last edited by arpit.patel; 19-09-2008 at 06:34 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by arpit.patel View Post
    [2008-09-19 18:10:01] Error: 173: No Date given for Bill '427'!(FOR OBJECT: 'Aditya Industries')

    [2008-09-19 18:10:01] Error: 1190: No Date given for Bill '18799'!(FOR OBJECT: 'Bhawa Metal Industries')
    As given there, you might have not entered the dates for the given 'Bills'. Check if it is so and correct the same.

  10. #10
    Yogesh Guest
    Hi Arpit, you can Introduce Yourself

    This can be due to Bad Formula.

    Reason: The numberic symbol settings might have changed (F12 Configure > Numberic Symbols)

    Solution: Delete Tallysav.tsf file from Tally folder and then try.
    If not, some fields (in the ledger masters) in Tally 9 are changed. You may need to re-enter the respective dates manually in the above field (for all the ledger masters), after migrating to Tally 9.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Hey this is really cool guide on tally data migration!
    Since i am using Tally software for last 3 months & i found it great & this guide will be definitely be useful for us at the time of version upgrade!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: Tally Data Migration Tool

    Can anyone help me on resolution for error attached as jpeg file??
    Attached Images Attached Images

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Tally Data Migration Tool

    Hi Megaman100,

    If you are getting "Exiting Tally" error then follow the below steps to recover the data:
    • Start Tally and goto Company Selection Screen.
    • Now use Ctrl + Alt + R key combination to launch the Company Rewrite utility.
    • Select the corrupt company profile (usually the one you were working last) and press Enter to start the rewrite process.

    This method solves 90% cases of tally data corruption.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: Tally Data Migration Tool

    Hi einstein_007,

    Just one additional query, do I have to rewrite the company in Tally 7.2 version or in Tally 9? As I am trying to migrate the file from 7.2 to 9.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Tally Data Migration Tool

    Quote Originally Posted by Megaman100 View Post
    Hi einstein_007,

    Just one additional query, do I have to rewrite the company in Tally 7.2 version or in Tally 9? As I am trying to migrate the file from 7.2 to 9.
    There is an easy step given on how to migrate Data from Tally 7.2 to Tally 9. Just follow the below method given properly:

    • First you have to click the tallymigration icon to start the migration.
    • After that Tally Data Migration and Tally 9 start simultaneously, in separate screens.
    • When Tally 9 is loaded, the message ‘Ready for Migration’ displays in the Migration Messages Pane.
    • After that you have to click the Migrate Data option to select the company whose data is to be migrated from Tally 7.2 to Tally 9.
    • Next try to specify the data path in the Directory field.
    • On selecting the company, the company is loaded.
    • If the company selected has Payroll data, the following things will be displayed:
      • This Company Has Payroll Feature Enabled
    • Just continue with the migration, press Enter.
    • Accept to migrate the selected company.
    • In the Migration Information screen on the left hand side, you can view the Types of Masters and Vouchers to be migrated from Tally 7.2.
    • During the migration from Tally 7.2 to 9, the status of the migration appears in the screen on the right hand side, which displays the number of Masters and Vouchers that have migrated to Tally 9.
    • When the migration is complete, an Information pop-up message appears, you just need to press any key, a Congratulations message appears
    • If errors occur during migration, they are displayed in red in the Migration Messages Pane.
    • The migrated companies are saved in the Tally 7.2 data folder. The migrated data is prefixed with a ‘0’ and appears as a 5 digit number.
    • Lastly, you can work on Tally 9 with the migrated data.

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