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Thread: Kobo Vox K080 ebook reader dead

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2014

    Kobo Vox K080 ebook reader dead

    I am having a Kobo Vox K080 ebook reader with me which is quite dead at the moment. When I connect it in my pc then it shows blank mode. I have also kept it on charge from 2-3 days so the battery might be 100% full. I think that I need to flash this ereader to get it working again but I will need its driver for the computer as well. How can I do all the troubleshooting with this device? If anyone can help me it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: Kobo Vox K080 ebook reader dead

    I am not able to understand what exactly you mean but did you make sure that the kobo device that you have is dead or is it just having an empty battery which needs to be recharged. Can you try to connect it to the wall socket and leave it for 2-3 hours and then check if it is able to boot? If that doesnt work, then buy another battery and test if your ebook reader is booting or not. Hope this helps you out.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Kobo Vox K080 ebook reader dead

    Have you tried doing a factory reset if you are not able to turn on the device and select it from settings menu? You will need to have your device charged fully before doing this. After that, go on the touch and the hold down the power button for 15 seconds. After that hold down the home button and then keep it pressed while turning the device on. This will start the hard factory reset function on your ebook reader.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Re: Kobo Vox K080 ebook reader dead

    You are saying that it is dead then how did you find out its battery is at 100% for sure? When a device dies then even after connecting it in the computer or somewhere else like the wall charger, it will not do anything. The device will need a separate power supply to charge it up. But if the battery is totally flat then it will take some time for it to show something to you while it is kept on charging. Once you connect the ebook reader then do you even get any sort of light on the device?

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