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Thread: What is a standard size of a eBook

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2014

    What is a standard size of a eBook

    I am going to start writing my own eBook. I have some tips on marketing tools. I work for a company and we had planned to make ebooks and share the information through that. We will be publishing this on our site. And this will be also shared on tablets and smartphones. I want some help here for finding out the right size of a eBook. The current pdf file that I am having has 80 pages and is more than 60MB in size. It takes a quiet long time to download this on 2G network.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: What is a standard size of a eBook

    It depends on the type of platform. Like if you are making a ebook for Kindle, tablets, etc then you can go with big size layouts, pictures, etc. And if you are going to just share a few information on smartphones then you can reduce the same. There are ready to use software which does the formatting for you. And it will also compress the eBook size that can be shared very easily and can be downloaded very fast. So just try to test some ebook software first.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: What is a standard size of a eBook

    The standard page size of eBook designed for Kindle reader is around 8.5x11". This is the portrait layout. And then comes the landscape mode. There different type of paper settings here. On pc it is hard to determine what is the exact size to be used. If you go ahead using read to use eBook software then you get standard formats in it. Or you can say samples. You can work on that and make a eBook fast. Mostly black and white layout are lighter.

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