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Thread: Windows 10 works slows after adding a animated wallpaper

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Windows 10 works slows after adding a animated wallpaper

    I found a few bunch of good animated wallpapers which I was using on Windows 7. I copied them to my laptop that has Windows 10 in it. It is the test edition. I found that the system is working so slow after that. It takes long time for Internet Explorer to open up and show up my files. It all happened after I added the animated screen. I had turned it off but still the pc is slow. I can see Explorer.exe is eating too much memory. I cannot understand why this thing is causing performance problem in the system. The system has around 4GB of ram where it must work well, but it is slow.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Re: Windows 10 works slows after adding a animated wallpaper

    The wallpaper might be too heavy or having some kind of malware/adware. Just because of such thing your system gets slow down and you face this kind of issues. It is good if you can try removing all application related to that animated desktop wallpaper and then try back. I had seen ample of people who install various extra things with the wallpaper that later on add a lot of issues. Like malware or virus problem. You can try running system restore for the time being. If that improves then it is well and good, but if not then you have to format your system and install Windows back again.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: Windows 10 works slows after adding a animated wallpaper

    When you are downloading things you must take care that you are scanning it first and then you are installing it. Or else it will create a problem. Because a number of time this kind of animated wallpapers brings a lot of adware and they cause serious performance problem. I think you must remove it and try running system restore. That might surely help. It will remove the old settings and add new things. If that is not working then you have to go ahead and reset your windows. Windows 10 is having a advance restore option that you can use and simply reset your settings.

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