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Thread: Windows 7 User Account pic size increasing

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Windows 7 User Account pic size increasing

    I am running Windows 7 on my computer. I have recently changed my monitor to a 30inch size. When I am onto the login screen then I can see that the User Account pic seems very small in size. It really looks irritating and so I am looking for a way to increase its size. So, can anyone tell me how do I increase the size of the User Account picture in Windows 7? Also, is there any way to remove the blurry effect on the pic on Start Menu? Thanks for any help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: Windows 7 User Account pic size increasing

    You can easily do that, just go to Start and then in the Search box type Regedit. After that right click on regedit and choose Run as Administrator. Now go to this key - HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG\Software\Fonts and backup the value that you will be changing for it. After that right click the Fonts key in the left pane and then choose Export. Save it to the desktop and in the file name box type LogonBackup and click the save button. Now if something goes wrong then you can go to Desktop and right click the LogonBackup.reg file and choose to Merge to restore the registry value. Now, in the regedit, double click LogPixels value. Go to Edit box and change the 2 digit value using the below method:
    • 60 -(100% Font Size) -Default size
    • 78 -(125% Font Size)
    • 90 -(150% Font Size)

    After choosing any one of them, just exit registry and reboot your computer to take effect.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Re: Windows 7 User Account pic size increasing

    I have heard that the size of the picture of User Account will be default size and I don't know if the above method will work for you or not. You could, however, try to follow the above method and see if that works. Usually, these things are very much hard coded into the operating system, so if you are looking to change them then you will require to re-write the whole Windows. But still I am not sure about this.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Re: Windows 7 User Account pic size increasing

    I also think that no matter which ever adjustments you are making, it will only take effect once you are in your operating system. But still, I would suggest you to get a pic for each user account if you have to easily identify, so that you don't make any kind of mistakes. Lets say for instance, why not use colors such as red and green instead of pictures, this way you can identify the difference and will not make any mistake.

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