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Thread: hiding system tray arrow in Windows 8.1

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2014

    hiding system tray arrow in Windows 8.1

    I am running Windows 8.1 on my computer. I want to know a way on how to make the System Tray arrow transparent on this operating system. As you all know, this various icons stay on this system tray to let us know that they are running. I am not looking to delete this system tray but just want to hide it so that I can still use the icons that are are staying on it. If anyone knows any workaround then please let me know. Thanks for any information in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: hiding system tray arrow in Windows 8.1

    Well, I think that you will need to edit the .msstyle with a resource hacker tool such as the UxStyle_Core and then make the image transparent by editing it in the software. So, you will also have to get a new custom theme for this so that you so not damage the original one. Once you have downloaded the UxStyle_Core for Windows 8 then turn off User Account Control and restart the OS and install UxStyle and again restart your pc.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: hiding system tray arrow in Windows 8.1

    You can try to control the system tray icons as well by clicking on the turn System Icons on or off by going below to find the notification area icons window. You can choose any of those icon to turn off to hide it from your system tray entirely and it will not appear in the hidden notification area icons window. If you want then you can also try to disable the volume, power, network, etc, icons from there itself.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Re: hiding system tray arrow in Windows 8.1

    Are you trying to say that you want to hide your taskbar icon's and arrow to customize the active icons, if so then you can simply try to right click on your taskbar and choose Properties. After that check the Auto-hide my taskbar and then click ok. You can even hide it by opening the notification area from arrow and then click on Customize. After that go to Control Panel > Notification area and then check mark the item below that says "Always show all icons" and then press ok.

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