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Thread: change default icons on system library folders in windows 8

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2013

    change default icons on system library folders in windows 8

    I have recently install Windows 8 in my computer and was looking to customize some things in it. I was just thinking of a way to change the default icon on the system library folders like music, downloads, etc. I dont want to get rid of them and would also like to keep them. I have already tried to change all the drive icons through registry but it is not working. So, does anyone know any other way to change the system folders default icons? Thank you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: change default icons on system library folders in windows 8

    You can easily change any library icon in Windows 8. First of all you will need to download the LibraryIconChanger.exe file from this link and extract it on your desktop. After that run the same file. Note that this is a standalone software so it will not install on your pc. After that at the right side, choose the library which you want to change or restore the default icon of. You can try to change a library icon with a icon from within a DLL file. You can get dll icons from C:\Windows\System32\imageres.dll file.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: change default icons on system library folders in windows 8

    First of all open the C:\Users\(user-name) folder. After that right click or swipe down on the user folder icon which you want to restore default and then click on Properties. After that click on Customize tab and then click on the Change Icon button. After that click on Browse button and go to the folder location where the icon which you want ot use for this user folder is at and then choose the icon in the lower window box and click on ok. Thats it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: change default icons on system library folders in windows 8

    You can download a trial version of Microangelo On Display which can be used to customize your desktop's icon and cursor display like no other icon program. One common dialog changes icons and customizes the appearance of any windows object or folder icon. Or else you can also download Microangelo Creation which is an advanced icon icon editor that allows you to create icons with the power and flexibility of multiple layers from this link.

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