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Thread: Adding a small media player widget on Windows 10 screen

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Adding a small media player widget on Windows 10 screen

    I want to add a media player widget permanently on Windows 10 screen. But this does not looks to be having anything better. I want to hook that on the screen so that I can play that anytime and shuffle the songs on the same. I tried to add a third party one but it looks a bit complicated. In Windows 10 there are quiet less options available for having a media player widget. One that you can find for android. So that each time you don't have to keep on turning on the media player and add songs on the same.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Adding a small media player widget on Windows 10 screen

    Well there are some good third party widgets which will really help you in getting what you want. The one that you can try out and it is quiet light weight is rain meter. It has different tiny widgets which are worth using like audio player, temperature monitor, etc. It is a light weight download and you can choose things in the same. The best thing about using it that it has too many plugins to try out. And ample of them are easy to fix. Just download the 3.2 beta version and test out. You can find so many things on the official site.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Adding a small media player widget on Windows 10 screen

    I am using rain meter from long time and it is realy awesome. It works very well and it does not consume much ram. You can simply add widgets and do things that you want. There are is nothing like this software which works really well. For customization you can go in settings and load/unload things. Most of the widgets are in kbs in size. And the good thing about this is that you get nice ui and lot of things to choose from here. And it is also easy to disable. You can turn this of you don't want.

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