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Thread: Adding multiple workspace on Windows 7 pc

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Adding multiple workspace on Windows 7 pc

    I want to add different workspace on Windows 7 pc, very much similar to Windows 10 Technical Preview. I am using Alt + Tab as the default option to simply switch from one screen to another. I do not realy think there is any other better option. I had tried looking and for some good tool on the web, but I am unable to locate any. I want a tool that can smartly make space on the desktop screen so that I can simply use more than one application at a single time.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: Adding multiple workspace on Windows 7 pc

    You can do that by using a third party software and there are ample of them. These third party software will let you have a nice virtual workspace where you can simply drag and drop files. And there are also many virtual desktop managers. There are ample of them and you can use that. You can try using Closing Desktops v2.0. This is a nice and easy to use software that will allow me to configure different desktops on the screen. Just try to do the same.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Adding multiple workspace on Windows 7 pc

    There are many software for that. But you wont get a Task view type of window on the same. It is better. Because in that you are going to directly get what you are looking for. Virtual desktop manager can sometime slow down your pc and will also cause lagging performance. Just download this one and try it out and it will start working the same. If the system lags then try some other thing.There are ample of things which you can try out. Just download that and try out.

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