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Thread: Best windows 8 themes and customization tools

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Best windows 8 themes and customization tools

    I have installed windows 8 recently and by now I have tried little bit of customization like killing the charms bar, installing start menu i.e. “pokii” in my case. However, now I am willing to check out some good windows 8 themes. I know many people here might have installed windows 8 and might have installed wonderful themes as well. So rather than checking out the web for windows 8 themes I want you all to suggest me some good themes, thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: Best windows 8 themes and customization tools

    Which kind of theme you are looking for??? I mean just let me know the genre of theme you want and I will suggest you the best ones I have come across.
    For the time I have checked out Natural wonders section of Themes - Microsoft Windows site and have installed below ones, they all are good and you can download them for free.
    1. Best of Bing
    2. Creepy Cobwebs
    3. Harvest Time
    4. NASA Hidden Universe

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Re: Best windows 8 themes and customization tools

    Hey I am not looking for those themes, the one you have suggested above are kind of wallpapers. They don’t change many things, I have installed one of those themes and they just change the background and menu bar colour nothing else. I want a theme which will have additional widgets, skins and all.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: Best windows 8 themes and customization tools

    In that case you can check out Rainmeter, It has customizable skins and widgets for battery power, RSS feeds, weather forecasts etc. I think that’s what you are looking for. I was using it in windows 7 but I haven’t tried it out in windows 8 yet. You can download it form Rainmeter official site and even it is available for free. I think that Rainmeter is one of the best customization tools for windows. If you have any query regarding Rainmeter further then you can revert back to me for further help. The installation process might take several minutes if you don’t have .net framework installed. Rainmeter needs .net framework to work so make sure that you are not skipping the installation of .net framework if it is not installed in your system.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Re: Best windows 8 themes and customization tools

    Yes that’s what I was looking for. I will check it out for sure. Anyways just let me know if it if there are some other customization tools for windows 8 like Rainmeter.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: Best windows 8 themes and customization tools

    Hey you can check out below tools as well, they are some of the best customization tools for windows 8:
    • Metro UI Tweaker
    • Metro Controller
    • Metro UI Colors Changer
    • Windows 8 Start Menu Switcher
    • Windows 8 Start Tweaker

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