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Thread: display blue screen or blank screen when locking screen in windows 7

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    display blue screen or blank screen when locking screen in windows 7

    Its just a tweaking kind of stuff i am asking for. I dont want a real BSOD while locking my system. What i want to do is the computer should show up a BSOD type or any blank type of screen after locking my computer so that when am not at my place, other people should see that my system is Crashed and showing BSOD. This will make them remain away from system.

    But as soon as i press any key it should get back to the normal windows 7 logon screen. I know it cannot be done by default but is there any tool that can make it happen ? If yes, please share it with me. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: display blue screen or blank screen when locking screen in windows 7

    Well, you can keep any kind of screen (background wallapaper) on the windows 7 logon screen. No matter its blue screen (BSOD wallapaper) or simple blank screen but the username and password field cannot be hidden. It will be visible every time. If you want to do this, you can do it with a simple light weight tool from here:

    The thing you actually want to do is not possible as of now.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Re: display blue screen or blank screen when locking screen in windows 7

    Quote Originally Posted by Maq.H View Post
    Well, you can keep any kind of screen (background wallapaper) on the windows 7 logon screen. No matter its blue screen (BSOD wallapaper) or simple blank screen but the username and password field cannot be hidden. It will be visible every time. If you want to do this, you can do it with a simple light weight tool from here:
    Thanks for the app buddy. Its really good and simple to use. is there any way we can set a GIF image using this app ? i tried but it is only selecting the jpg or png images. if there is any way of using GIF, please let me know.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    display blue screen or blank screen in the background when locking screen in windows 7

    Hi, I have a Windows 7 machine and I want a hack or some tweaks to change the background of the display after when i have locked the screen. I would normally like a blue screen of death or either blank screen at the background, so that whenever any other user tries to turn on the computer, he will only get the BSOD display, which he might think is a OS problem perhaps . An automated screen locker software that you people might know, can be also of a great much of help. Thanks

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: display blue screen or blank screen in the background when locking screen in windows 7

    What you are asking is not possible, because even if capture a blue screen error code and keep it as a wallpaper on your machine, at the time of screen locking or computer locking, it will show you a box with an option to login with your id and also your password, so anyone who will work on this computer, will come to know that you have just created a wallpaper which looks like the dreaded BSOD problem, but in actual it is just a wallpaper. There might be some good background changer software or tools available but, I havent heard of any such, which you are asking.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: display blue screen or blank screen in the background when locking screen in windows 7

    There is a boot screen tool called Windows 7 Logon Background Changer that you can use but I dont know whether it will work the same way that you are asking but since it has an option to personalize the home screen, you might be lucky. Normally, the Windows 7 Logon Background Changer brings nearly 40 images, for example, colorful landscapes, flowers and art works, etc; for Windows 7. The login screen can be just changed by clicking on the desired wallpaper in the program. It is a freeware software that can also convert personal photos into the appropriate format and then displays them in the future, if you log in to your computer. In the settings you can also make shadow of the frames as well. Just search it on the net and download it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Re: display blue screen or blank screen in the background when locking screen in windows 7

    There is another tool called Lock My PC which has some more powerful options to hide tray icons and many more things. It is a compact and easy to use tool for quick computer locking when you dont use the computer or leave out for a while. It displays a lock screen, that disables the Windows keys and the mouse. You can lock your PC by pressing a button or key from the system tray. To unlock the computer, you must enter the correct password. This program can record attempts for those who had input the wrong password and can keep your PC locked even if a power failure occurs or if someone turns it off and on again. Finally, this software also allows you to save a user profile and enable protection for a defined time period.

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