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Thread: Windows 7 Customization

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Windows 7 Customization

    Customization your Windows 7 desktop :
    Personalize your Windows 7
    • Themes
    • Desktop backgrounds
    • Desktop gadgets
    • Sideshow gadgets

    To Save Current Theme as a Theme Pack

    1. Right click on a empty space on the desktop and click on Personalize. (See screenshot below)
    2. Click on the Save theme link towards the bottom. (See screenshot above)
    3. Navigate to the location that you want to save the .themepack file at, then type in a file name for the .themepack. (See screenshot below step 4)
    4. Click on Save as type drop down arrow menu and select the Theme Pack (*.themepack) option. (See screenshot below)
    5. Click on the Save button. (See screenshot below)
    6. You can now close the Personalization window. (See screenshot under step 2)

    Windows 7 High Definition Wallpapers

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008

    re: Windows 7 Customization

    To Install a Theme Pack
    NOTE: This will show you how to install a .themepack file so that it will become your current theme and be available to select in the Personaliztion window under My Themes.

    1. Download and save a .themepack file of your choice to your desktop.
    NOTE: For example, the Example.themepack file used in OPTION TWO.

    2. Double click on the .themepack file to install it on your computer.

    3. You will notice that this .themepack file is now your current theme and has been added to the Personalization window under My Themes. (See screenshot below)
    NOTE: Notice next to Current Theme towards the bottom, you will see the name (ex: Example) of your current theme from the .themepack. Custom is the default theme name when you have not installed any theme files or theme packs.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Delete a Installed Theme Pack in Windows 7

    To Delete a Installed Theme Pack

    NOTE: This will show you how to delete a theme that you have installed to remove it from the My Themes section in the Personalization windows.

    1. Right click on a empty space on the desktop and click on Personalize.
    2. Select another theme other than the one that you want to delete in the My Themes section.
    3. Right click on the theme (ex: Example) in the My Themes section that you want to delete, and click on Delete Theme.
    4. Click on Yes to confirm the deletion.
    5. When done, close the Personalization window.

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