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Thread: Cannot rename program file

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Cannot rename program file

    Hey, I've installed 64bit vista and have come to install all programs in a folder named Program Files x86 on my D:\ and I can not just rename it the standard approach and I can not remove the write protection, so what should I do to rename the folder to "Program Files"? There must be a way to do it in CMD

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Cannot rename program file

    If you install programs in the folder and rename it after, then there is not something that will work.

    All programs which may be written in the registry will identify wrong path.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Cannot rename program file

    So it can indeed do not matter. So I just remember that the directory "Program Files (x86)" does not include 64-bit programs, but little of everything. Now, I can not install Dictionaries any more. That is certainly so for 16-bit I read that Vista 64 can run 32 and 64-bit applications while 32-bit version of vista could run 32-bit and 16-bit applications. Since my electronic dictionaries are quite old is the safe 16-bit. In fact, right there: They are better than the latest from Street Dictionaries and the version are from before 2000.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Re: Cannot rename program file

    A 64bit windows system install x86 (ie, 32bit) programs under the program files (x86) folder and 64bit programs during the program files. This is to make it more manageable and understand what is what.

    If you want to install programs somewhere else, You can just give destination path during deployment, and you can always install it elsewhere.

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