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Thread: Asus Rampage IV with Antec 1200 case?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Asus Rampage IV with Antec 1200 case?

    I am looking to buy an Antec 1200 case for my Asus Rampage IV Black Edition motherboard. Can anyone tell me whether the motherboard will fit into this case or not? I have checked this case and it looks to be very huge and can easily fit the mobo inside but still I wanted some confirmation whether it will fit the motherboard or not. I have almost searched the entire internet for this case but cannot find anything useful. Is there someone who has some ideas on it? Thank you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Asus Rampage IV with Antec 1200 case?

    I have read from one review that Antec Twelve Hundred case is not able to support the eATX motherboards and the Asus Rampage IV motherboard is actually a eATX board. So the only solution that I can provide you is to get an ATX motherboard that is fully supported in the Antec 1200 case of else you will need to change this case and buy an e-ATX case that can support the Asus Rampage IV motherboard without any issues. There is not much options left for you.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Asus Rampage IV with Antec 1200 case?

    Yes, I agree with the above comments. The Antec Twelve Hundred case will not support EATX motherboard, it will only support mini-ITX, micro-ATX and ATX motherboard models. There are other motherboards like ASUS Rampage IV Gene that can fit into this same case. As per the review, it is also a solid motherboard without any problems and you will be able to overclock with it decently. So, if you have a power CPU then it will surely be a plus point for you for getting decent overclock rates.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Asus Rampage IV with Antec 1200 case?

    Well, I am using the Asus Rampage 4 Extreme motherboard in a Antec twelve hundred V3 cabinet and it just fits well. It also covers the cable management cut outs towards the front of the case. But if you are looking to go for the Asus Rampage IV Black Edition motherboard then it will not fit in this case. You will have to spend on another cabinet that can fit it, something like the CM Storm Trooper - Gaming Full Tower Computer Case with Handle and External 2.5" Drive Dock.

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