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Thread: Server 2003 sp3 error - Domain controller cannot be found ?

  1. #1
    Mmaxx Guest

    Server 2003 sp3 error - Domain controller cannot be found ?


    We have two 2003 servers running, both DC's for the same domain, with
    active directory replicated between them for redundancy. Everything
    worked fine during initial testing, but after mistakenly setting up a
    trust between the two servers (its not needed, right?), I was unable to
    access any shares on the second server (not the Global Catalogue
    server), even from itself!
    When I try to access the shares, I receive an error : .... Access is
    denied or the domain controller cannot be located!

    I tried to remove the trusts, but I then get an error - : the directory
    is busy...

    I can ping server2.mydomain ok, and it seems as if active directory
    objects are still replicating to it, but I may be mistaken. I've tried
    creating new shares with liberal permissions but alas, same error!

    I was considering demoting the second machine, but it is running
    exchange and I am concerned that this may affect it.




  2. #2
    Hank Arnold (MVP) Guest

    Re: Server 2003 sp3 error - Domain controller cannot be found ?

    Mmaxx wrote:
    > Hello,
    > We have two 2003 servers running, both DC's for the same domain, with
    > active directory replicated between them for redundancy. Everything
    > worked fine during initial testing, but after mistakenly setting up a
    > trust between the two servers (its not needed, right?), I was unable to
    > access any shares on the second server (not the Global Catalogue
    > server), even from itself!
    > When I try to access the shares, I receive an error : .... Access is
    > denied or the domain controller cannot be located!
    > I tried to remove the trusts, but I then get an error - : the directory
    > is busy...
    > I can ping server2.mydomain ok, and it seems as if active directory
    > objects are still replicating to it, but I may be mistaken. I've tried
    > creating new shares with liberal permissions but alas, same error!
    > I was considering demoting the second machine, but it is running
    > exchange and I am concerned that this may affect it.
    > Help?!?
    > Thanks
    > Max

    I don't have a solution, but definitely DO NOT DEMOTE the second DC...
    at least not yet. Exchange will have problems.....

    When you get it resolved, you really should get Exchange off of a DC.
    it's not a good idea.


    Hank Arnold
    Microsoft MVP
    Windows Server - Directory Services

  3. #3
    Mmaxx Guest

    Re: Server 2003 sp3 error - Domain controller cannot be found ?

    Hank Arnold (MVP) wrote:
    > I don't have a solution, but definitely DO NOT DEMOTE the second DC...
    > at least not yet. Exchange will have problems.....
    > When you get it resolved, you really should get Exchange off of a DC.
    > it's not a good idea.

    The second DC is primarily for running exchange, and to offer some
    failover if the primary crashes(which it just did a few days back..),
    I've looked at some of the arguments against exchange on Dc and it looks
    like this is an acceptable risk for now.

    I've subsequently noticed that if I use the IP address of the second dc
    I can access the shares perfectly! I checked DNS on both machines and it
    seems ok, I found duplicate names for the one machine but have deleted
    it. The problem still persists if I use the name of the server to access it.

    I think it has some thing to do with the faulty oneway outgoing trust.
    But I am unable to delete this - Error:: The directory is busy

    Is there a way to manually force a deletion of the trust?


  4. #4
    Brandon McCombs Guest

    Re: Server 2003 sp3 error - Domain controller cannot be found ?

    Mmaxx wrote:
    > Hank Arnold (MVP) wrote:
    > > I don't have a solution, but definitely DO NOT DEMOTE the second DC...
    >> at least not yet. Exchange will have problems.....
    >> When you get it resolved, you really should get Exchange off of a DC.
    >> it's not a good idea.

    > The second DC is primarily for running exchange, and to offer some
    > failover if the primary crashes(which it just did a few days back..),
    > I've looked at some of the arguments against exchange on Dc and it looks
    > like this is an acceptable risk for now.
    > I've subsequently noticed that if I use the IP address of the second dc
    > I can access the shares perfectly! I checked DNS on both machines and it
    > seems ok, I found duplicate names for the one machine but have deleted
    > it. The problem still persists if I use the name of the server to access
    > it.

    All that means is that the network is working just fine. You can screw
    up SMB signing in group policy and prevent member servers from accessing
    group policies through the sysvol share which is access by the domain
    name. However if you would try to access the same share using the IP of
    the domain then it works just fine. Again, it just means that the
    network is okay but there is still something messed up in ADS.

    I can't help with your specific problem though unfortunately. I just
    wanted to let you know that being able to do stuff through the IP is
    meaningless since ADS does stuff through names for one thing, and even
    when DNS is working, it doesn't mean your problem should be non-existent.

    You *could* try resetting the machine passwords for the DCs if you can
    find any hint that they do not trust each other (not meaning an explicit
    trust though). That would reset their machine accounts. Doing that for a
    DC though is riskier than for a member server and I wouldn't do it
    unless it is a last resort and you have some way of knowing that it
    might be worth it.

    > I think it has some thing to do with the faulty oneway outgoing trust.
    > But I am unable to delete this - Error:: The directory is busy
    > Is there a way to manually force a deletion of the trust?
    > Max

  5. #5
    Meinolf Weber Guest

    Re: Server 2003 sp3 error - Domain controller cannot be found ?

    Hello Mmaxx,

    Please tell about more about the crash and how did you resolve it? Think
    your problems comes from that.

    Best regards

    Meinolf Weber
    Disclaimer: This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers
    no rights.
    ** Please do NOT email, only reply to Newsgroups
    ** HELP us help YOU!!!

    > Hank Arnold (MVP) wrote:
    >> I don't have a solution, but definitely DO NOT DEMOTE the second
    >> DC... at least not yet. Exchange will have problems.....
    >> When you get it resolved, you really should get Exchange off of a DC.
    >> it's not a good idea.

    > The second DC is primarily for running exchange, and to offer some
    > failover if the primary crashes(which it just did a few days back..),
    > I've looked at some of the arguments against exchange on Dc and it
    > looks like this is an acceptable risk for now.
    > I've subsequently noticed that if I use the IP address of the second
    > dc I can access the shares perfectly! I checked DNS on both machines
    > and it seems ok, I found duplicate names for the one machine but have
    > deleted it. The problem still persists if I use the name of the server
    > to access it.
    > I think it has some thing to do with the faulty oneway outgoing trust.
    > But I am unable to delete this - Error:: The directory is busy
    > Is there a way to manually force a deletion of the trust?
    > Max

  6. #6
    Mmaxx Guest

    Re: Server 2003 sp3 error - Domain controller cannot be found ?

    Meinolf Weber wrote:
    > Hello Mmaxx,
    > Please tell about more about the crash and how did you resolve it? Think
    > your problems comes from that.

    It was a windows 2000 dc that crashed, the current dc was a member of
    that domain. Due to a silly partitioning scheme i think, we could not
    restore the old system state successfully(inaccesable boot device), so
    to save time, we promoted the existing 2003 server to a domain
    controller (in effect recreating the domain) and brought another 2003 dc
    online to run the exchange. All was well until I erroneously messed with
    the trusts, it was 4am and it seemed like a Good Thing (tm) at that
    time, alas, it was not :-(

    I found some info on MS about it, I essentially used the secondary's
    FQDN to create the trust, which resulted in an outgoing trust for the
    with the name of the secondDC as the domain. In effect then as per the
    description in the faulty trust properties :

    Outgoing: Users in the specified domain (mydomain.local) can
    authenticate in the local domain(secondDCserver), but users in the local
    domain(mydomain.local) cannot authenticate in the specified

    This is exactly the problem I am getting. I can access any resources on
    primaryDCServer but not on secondDCserver.

    It seems my inability to delete the trust has something to do with the
    AD timing out as there are too many items to delete.....


  7. #7
    Paul Bergson [MVP-DS] Guest

    Re: Server 2003 sp3 error - Domain controller cannot be found ?

    Run diagnostics against your Active Directory domain.

    If you don't have the support tools installed, install them from your server
    install disk.

    Run dcdiag, netdiag and repadmin in verbose mode.
    -> DCDIAG /V /C /D /E /s:yourdcname > c:\dcdiag.log
    -> netdiag.exe /v > c:\netdiag.log (On each dc)
    -> repadmin.exe /showrepl dc* /verbose /all /intersite > c:\repl.txt
    -> dnslint /ad /s "ip address of your dc"

    **Note: Using the /E switch in dcdiag will run diagnostics against ALL dc's
    in the forest. If you have significant numbers of DC's this test could
    generate significant detail and take a long time. You also want to take
    into account slow links to dc's will also add to the testing time.

    If you download a gui script I wrote it should be simple to set and run
    (DCDiag and NetDiag). It also has the option to run individual tests
    without having to learn all the switch options. The details will be output
    in notepad text files that pop up automagically.

    The script is located on my website at

    Just select both dcdiag and netdiag make sure verbose is set. (Leave the
    default settings for dcdiag as set when selected)

    When complete search for fail, error and warning messages.

    Description and download for dnslint

    Paul Bergson
    MVP - Directory Services
    MCTS, MCT, MCSE, MCSA, Security+, BS CSci
    2008, 2003, 2000 (Early Achiever), NT4

    Please no e-mails, any questions should be posted in the NewsGroup
    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

    "Mmaxx" <> wrote in message
    > Hello,
    > We have two 2003 servers running, both DC's for the same domain, with
    > active directory replicated between them for redundancy. Everything worked
    > fine during initial testing, but after mistakenly setting up a trust
    > between the two servers (its not needed, right?), I was unable to access
    > any shares on the second server (not the Global Catalogue server), even
    > from itself!
    > When I try to access the shares, I receive an error : .... Access is
    > denied or the domain controller cannot be located!
    > I tried to remove the trusts, but I then get an error - : the directory is
    > busy...
    > I can ping server2.mydomain ok, and it seems as if active directory
    > objects are still replicating to it, but I may be mistaken. I've tried
    > creating new shares with liberal permissions but alas, same error!
    > I was considering demoting the second machine, but it is running exchange
    > and I am concerned that this may affect it.
    > Help?!?
    > Thanks
    > Max

  8. #8
    Meinolf Weber Guest

    Re: Server 2003 sp3 error - Domain controller cannot be found ?

    Hello Mmaxx,

    If i understand you correct the crashed DC was the only one before? And you
    just built a new domain? Did you also add the rest of your domain machines
    to the new domain? Please give some more infos about this. Even if you give
    a new DC the same domain name it will be a DIFFERENT ONE from the old one
    with a new Domain identifier.

    Was the crached DC FSMO holder? Make sure that all 5 FSMO roles exists on
    one off the running DC's. In a command window type "netdom query fsmo" without
    the quotes, to make sure that you have all of them.

    Best regards

    Meinolf Weber
    Disclaimer: This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers
    no rights.
    ** Please do NOT email, only reply to Newsgroups
    ** HELP us help YOU!!!

    > Meinolf Weber wrote:
    >> Hello Mmaxx,
    >> Please tell about more about the crash and how did you resolve it?
    >> Think your problems comes from that.

    > It was a windows 2000 dc that crashed, the current dc was a member of
    > that domain. Due to a silly partitioning scheme i think, we could not
    > restore the old system state successfully(inaccesable boot device), so
    > to save time, we promoted the existing 2003 server to a domain
    > controller (in effect recreating the domain) and brought another 2003
    > dc online to run the exchange. All was well until I erroneously messed
    > with the trusts, it was 4am and it seemed like a Good Thing (tm) at
    > that time, alas, it was not :-(
    > I found some info on MS about it, I essentially used the secondary's
    > FQDN to create the trust, which resulted in an outgoing trust for the
    > with the name of the secondDC as the domain. In effect then as per the
    > description in the faulty trust properties :
    > Outgoing: Users in the specified domain (mydomain.local) can
    > authenticate in the local domain(secondDCserver), but users in the
    > local domain(mydomain.local) cannot authenticate in the specified
    > domain(secondDCserver).
    > This is exactly the problem I am getting. I can access any resources
    > on primaryDCServer but not on secondDCserver.
    > It seems my inability to delete the trust has something to do with the
    > AD timing out as there are too many items to delete.....
    > Max

  9. #9
    Mmaxx Guest

    Re: Server 2003 sp3 error - Domain controller cannot be found ?

    Hah! the plot thickens! Thanks Paul, I already had the support tools
    installed but forgot all about them.
    All the tests pass except for two in DCdiag

    Starting test: NetLogons
    * Network Logons Privileges Check
    Unable to connect to the NETLOGON share!
    [dcserver] An net use or LsaPolicy operation failed with
    error 1203, No network provider accepted the given network path..
    ......................... dcserver failed test NetLogons


    Starting test: systemlog
    * The System Event log test
    An Error Event occured. EventID: 0xC0002719
    Time Generated: 07/07/2008 16:34:57
    (Event String could not be retrieved)
    An Error Event occured. EventID: 0xC0002719
    Time Generated: 07/07/2008 16:35:44
    (Event String could not be retrieved)
    ......................... dcserver failed test systemlog

    I'm still working on the systemlog failure but the only results i find
    for netlogon at MS leads to a dead end :

    Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in the Microsoft products
    that are listed in the "Applies to" section.

    Will revert with more info if it helps....


  10. #10
    Paul Bergson [MVP-DS] Guest

    Re: Server 2003 sp3 error - Domain controller cannot be found ?

    Check the File Replication Service Event Log and see if you can find an
    event #'d 13553. This should tell you sysvol is now being successfully

    Paul Bergson
    MVP - Directory Services
    MCTS, MCT, MCSE, MCSA, Security+, BS CSci
    2008, 2003, 2000 (Early Achiever), NT4

    Please no e-mails, any questions should be posted in the NewsGroup
    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

    "Mmaxx" <> wrote in message
    > Hah! the plot thickens! Thanks Paul, I already had the support tools
    > installed but forgot all about them.
    > All the tests pass except for two in DCdiag
    > Starting test: NetLogons
    > * Network Logons Privileges Check
    > Unable to connect to the NETLOGON share!
    > (\\seconddcserver\netlogon)
    > [dcserver] An net use or LsaPolicy operation failed with error
    > 1203, No network provider accepted the given network path..
    > ......................... dcserver failed test NetLogons
    > And:
    > Starting test: systemlog
    > * The System Event log test
    > An Error Event occured. EventID: 0xC0002719
    > Time Generated: 07/07/2008 16:34:57
    > (Event String could not be retrieved)
    > An Error Event occured. EventID: 0xC0002719
    > Time Generated: 07/07/2008 16:35:44
    > (Event String could not be retrieved)
    > ......................... dcserver failed test systemlog
    > I'm still working on the systemlog failure but the only results i find for
    > netlogon at MS leads to a dead end :
    > STATUS
    > Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in the Microsoft products
    > that are listed in the "Applies to" section.
    > Will revert with more info if it helps....
    > Max

  11. #11
    Ace Fekay [MVP] Guest

    Re: Server 2003 sp3 error - Domain controller cannot be found ?

    Mmaxx <> typed:
    > Hah! the plot thickens! Thanks Paul, I already had the support tools
    > installed but forgot all about them.
    > All the tests pass except for two in DCdiag
    > Starting test: NetLogons
    > * Network Logons Privileges Check
    > Unable to connect to the NETLOGON share!
    > (\\seconddcserver\netlogon)
    > [dcserver] An net use or LsaPolicy operation failed with
    > error 1203, No network provider accepted the given network path..
    > ......................... dcserver failed test NetLogons
    > And:
    > Starting test: systemlog
    > * The System Event log test
    > An Error Event occured. EventID: 0xC0002719
    > Time Generated: 07/07/2008 16:34:57
    > (Event String could not be retrieved)
    > An Error Event occured. EventID: 0xC0002719
    > Time Generated: 07/07/2008 16:35:44
    > (Event String could not be retrieved)
    > ......................... dcserver failed test systemlog



    Can you do us a favor and post an unedited ipconfig /all from both DCs?
    Thanks - this will help eliminate any DNS and other mis-configuration if
    present. DNS misconfigs can cause numerous issues. If you built this domain
    up from scratch with two DCs, it should be purring like a finely tuned race
    car. Depending on whatever else occured, and taking in to account other
    things can cause issues such as single label domain names, multihomed DCs,
    we can at least start with the ipconfigs and work from there.

    Also, I saw your other post too about trusts. By default the DCs trust each
    other but that won't show up in Trusts because it's only one domain. Were
    you trying to create a trust between the two DCs? If so, delete the entry



    This posting is provided "AS-IS" with no warranties or guarantees and
    confers no rights.

    Ace Fekay, MCSE 2003 & 2000, MCSA 2003 & 2000, MCSE+I, MCT,
    MVP Microsoft MVP - Directory Services
    Microsoft Certified Trainer

    For urgent issues, you may want to contact Microsoft PSS directly. Please
    check for regional support phone numbers.

    Infinite Diversities in Infinite Combinations

  12. #12
    Mmaxx Guest

    Re: Server 2003 sp3 error - Domain controller cannot be found ?

    Meinolf Weber wrote:
    > Hello Mmaxx,
    > If i understand you correct the crashed DC was the only one before?

    YEs, there were other member servers, but they were not AD enabled.

    > And
    > you just built a new domain?

    IT was quicker than trying to get the system state backups working,
    which we tried for a whole day....
    > Did you also add the rest of your domain
    > machines to the new domain?

    Yes we then rejoined all the machines, re added the users etc.

    > Was the crached DC FSMO holder? Make sure that all 5 FSMO roles exists
    > on one off the running DC's. In a command window type "netdom query
    > fsmo" without the quotes, to make sure that you have all of them.

    All the FSMO roles are held by the new DC, it is the new backup DC thats
    giving problems....


  13. #13
    Mmaxx Guest

    Re: Server 2003 sp3 error - Domain controller cannot be found ?

    Ace Fekay [MVP] wrote:

    > Also, I saw your other post too about trusts. By default the DCs trust each
    > other but that won't show up in Trusts because it's only one domain. Were
    > you trying to create a trust between the two DCs? If so, delete the entry
    > please.

    This is the problem i am sitting with, I realised later that I did not
    require the trusts and proceeded to delete them. The incoming one was
    deleted ok, but when I try to delete the outgoing trust I get : the
    Directory is busy, twice, then the trust just stays there

    I cant seem to delete the trust, looks like it will require editing the
    AD manually....


  14. #14
    Meinolf Weber Guest

    Re: Server 2003 sp3 error - Domain controller cannot be found ?

    Hello Mmaxx,

    Please post an unedited ipconfig /all from both DC's.

    Best regards

    Meinolf Weber
    Disclaimer: This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers
    no rights.
    ** Please do NOT email, only reply to Newsgroups
    ** HELP us help YOU!!!

    > Meinolf Weber wrote:
    >> Hello Mmaxx,
    >> If i understand you correct the crashed DC was the only one before?

    > YEs, there were other member servers, but they were not AD enabled.
    >> And you just built a new domain?

    > IT was quicker than trying to get the system state backups working,
    > which we tried for a whole day....
    >> Did you also add the rest of your domain machines to the new domain?

    > Yes we then rejoined all the machines, re added the users etc.
    >> Was the crached DC FSMO holder? Make sure that all 5 FSMO roles
    >> exists on one off the running DC's. In a command window type "netdom
    >> query fsmo" without the quotes, to make sure that you have all of
    >> them.

    > All the FSMO roles are held by the new DC, it is the new backup DC
    > thats giving problems....
    > Max

  15. #15
    Mmaxx Guest

    Re: Server 2003 sp3 error - Domain controller cannot be found ?

    Meinolf Weber wrote:
    > Hello Mmaxx,
    > Please post an unedited ipconfig /all from both DC's.

    Had 2 change the domain names to protect the innocent......

    Primary Domain Cont. Global Cat. :

    Windows IP Configuration

    Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : dcserver1
    Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . :
    Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Unknown
    IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
    WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
    DNS Suffix Search List. . . . . . :

    Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:

    Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
    Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet
    Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 00-11-09-2B-04-9C
    DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : No
    IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
    Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
    Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
    DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . :
    NetBIOS over Tcpip. . . . . . . . : Disabled

    Backup DC, Exchange :

    Windows IP Configuration

    Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : dcserver
    Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . :
    Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Unknown
    IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
    WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
    DNS Suffix Search List. . . . . . :

    Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection 2:

    Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
    Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Realtek RTL8139/810x Family Fast
    NIC #2
    Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 00-13-D3-FD-02-3E
    DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : No
    IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
    Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
    Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
    DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . :
    NetBIOS over Tcpip. . . . . . . . : Disabled

    Leme know if you need more info

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