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Thread: Adminpak SP2 , Windows Server x64 SP2

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    Adminpak SP2 , Windows Server x64 SP2

    We had automated our server for installing W2k3 and additional programs but after adding adding SP2 (x64) when we are trying to install adminpak.msi than we see below error in eventlog :

    Product: Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 Administration Tools Pack -- Error 1931. You have an older version of the system file c:\windows\syswow64\winsevnt.dll. Click OK to install the latest version of the file.

    I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling adminpak but i am getting another error message saying this:

    Product: Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 Administration Tools Pack -- Error 1933. The Windows Installer service cannot update one or more protected Windows files. SFP Error: 1223. List of protected
    files:\r\nc:\windows\syswow64\nntpapi.dll c:\windows\syswow64\inetsrv\nntpadm.dll

    Is there anything i can do to install adminpak successfully?? what might be causing these errors??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Have you tried running SFC /scannow from command prompt? If not than first run SFC /scannow command and than try to reinstall adminpack.

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