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Thread: How VSync works, and why people loathe it

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    How VSync works, and why people loathe it

    Hi, Buddy actually I am here to ask you one question. I searched on this topic a lot but still without answer. I want to know that "How VSync works, and why people loathe it ?" I want to know on this I google it on this topic but from there also I am not satisfied. So please if anyone know it so please tell me.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: How VSync works, and why people loathe it

    Previously I was also searched on this topic a lot then I recently learned that how I thought vsync worked was wrong, and after knowing that it is really working. I think it would be worthwhile to make sure everyone here understands it.I think it would be worthwhile to make sure everyone here understands it. Here I just want to tell you about the VSync. VSync stands for Vertical Synchronization. The basic idea is that synchronizes your FPS with your monitor's refresh rate. It is about how many times your monitor get refreshed in per second. This much I know about it so buddy only that much information I can give.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Re: How VSync works, and why people loathe it

    Yes buddy whatever you have explained here it is nice one but here I just want to add some oft he more information. Every CRT monitor has a refresh rate. Which is specified in hertz. As you said it is number of times the monitor updates the display per second. This rate is different for the different monitor and it also different at the different resolutions. They range from 60Hz at the low end up to 100Hz and higher. If it is set then it always update itself. But logic is different for the LCD. This is why LCD's still have a "refresh rate" even though they don't actually have to refresh. So things are working like that. I think now you get it in a more better way.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Re: How VSync works, and why people loathe it

    Hey friends do you know what is FPS. Actually here everyone understands FPS. It is like how many video card can draw per second. Thing is that if it is higher then obviously it is better. Fps stand for fast paced game. And it rarely stays same for all the time. In this one part of tearing comes. It is phenomenon that gives a disjointed image. Now I think it will help you in understanding the topic of VSync.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Re: How VSync works, and why people loathe it

    Hey guys whatever information you have posted here it is really nice one. It is because of I searched this on some of the forum sites even though I am not able to get that so nice information. Thing is that to elaborate on Triple Buffering with VSYNC first we need to understand how it works in normal double buffering mode. Can any one explain me on this topic.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: How VSync works, and why people loathe it

    Whatever I know regarding this topic I just explain you here. In this if you have vsync which is enabled then double buffering is happening. In that case it is enabled and you are below or above that limit then the graphics card. which you cannot draw the back buffer fast enough to complete the entire frame. So the front buffer doesn't change until a complete frame is drawn, reducing the framerate in half. And then if you force triple buffering with VSYNC enabled then you will create three framebuffers, 1 is front one and 2 back buffers. So there is no problem of framerate. I think this much of description will help you.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: How VSync works, and why people loathe it

    Thanks a lot friend because I was also worry about this topic. But when I read all the post which is posted here they all are really help full for me. Most of my doubts get cleared. I searched on this topic a lot but didn't find the satisfactory answer. But when I was visited this site the. Most of my doubts get cleared. Thanks a lot one more time to all you guys.

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