With the success of Snapchat messaging, Facebook may consider proposing soon its own photo sharing finite life service. It has thus introduced Bolt, an application available within minutes from Instagram.

Several users of Instagram, the social network focused on photographs and short videos, have spotted few days ago an application called "Bolt" from within their application Instagram.

The latter, accessible within minutes, allowed to share photographs and videos ephemeral with contacts. In principle, it was a copy of the system launched by Snapchat meeting a great success: once the image or video is received by the recipient, it will appear once only for a few seconds before disappearing forever without it being possible to retrieve the contents.


We can thus assume that Instagram functionality has deployed a similar function by mistake and is currently undergoing testing. We already know that Facebook already has a similar service called Slingshot that offers just sharing photos and video, therefore it is difficult to understand the logic behind Bolt.