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Thread: Achievements of Dead Rising 2: Off the Record

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Achievements of Dead Rising 2: Off the Record

    Anyone have any idea about Achievements of this game? Anyone get any news or any information about this? Xbox360Achievements has released a full list of the achievements in the game. A rather interesting list. I think this is the 1st we're hearing of Sandbox Mode & challenges (both single & co-op). Just a spoiler warning, as some achievements might spoil some of the plot & such.

  2. #2
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    May 2011

    Re: Achievements of Dead Rising 2: Off the Record

    Chuck is a psychopath, 100,000 zombies need to die, Rebecca still gets kidnapped 3 times, and I am pretty sure Stacey is the mastermind that’s pretty. All the zaniness that helped make the first one so great is back.

  3. #3
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    May 2011

    Re: Achievements of Dead Rising 2: Off the Record

    I guess saving survivors isn't a priority anymore, they're no real achievement for it (there's some of the odd survivors related thing), so basically this is just have fun and do the story. Personally the list is ok, the challenges will be interesting to see, and so far the story follows the same path, except a few differences. Honestly I want to save psychos this time; those twins are too hot to kill, "again". Also I really hope Denyce for the (Alpha and Omega - Have Denyce attack and damage Sgt Boykin.) isn't a bitch to get. Especially if the rules from DR2 are the same in OTR Dx.

  4. #4
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    Re: Achievements of Dead Rising 2: Off the Record

    Good lord now we got to figure out how cloning works in Dead Rising, by the way, you got to wonder what the story behind that boss battle will be, Chuck wants Zombrex for his daughter, and tries to take it from Frank, Frank beats him (hopefully not killing him) and hands Chuck Zombrex for his daughter. Well that's my take on it anyway. By the way I'm looking at the Tiger Tamer achievement, damage "a" psychopath, and could this perhaps. Mean that you can have Snowflakes following you through a certain portion of the game? I'm sure you could do that in DR2 too. After you tame her, try to find another psycho & she'll attack him. As for the Chuck thing, it definitely makes me think this game is non-canon now. Which sucks because they COULD of had it canon. Oh well, maybe Rebecca will survive this time around.

  5. #5
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    Re: Achievements of Dead Rising 2: Off the Record

    That kill 100,000 zombie’s cheevo is obscene. I hope they come up with a more fun way to do it than driving a car through the most packed area of zombies for 10 hours.

  6. #6
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    Oct 2011

    Re: Achievements of Dead Rising 2: Off the Record

    Why does everyone think the 'motorcycle psychopath' has to be Chuck? It could easy be Leon again.. To me it makes no sense to be Chuck, they both worked together in Case West (as well as the co-op thing) so why would Frank kill him? Only sense i could make of it was if either you get a non canon end in DR2 e.g. not giving TK Zombrex and he ends up left behind, survives but goes insane having lost Katey (though makes little sense since the city was still firebombed anyway) or he fails to get Katey her Zombrex in time and goes insane from her death and becomes a psycho. However thinking about it this scenario makes little sense as OTR is instead of DR2 so it’s as if DR2 story didn’t exist so neither scenario could have happened, therefore why would he be a psycho?

    The achievement picture is of Chuck but as you can see from the 'save the girl again' achievement can easily mislead you. The pictures don’t always correspond to what the achievement is so just because its Chuck's picture doesn’t mean it’s him you're going to kill. I am pretty sure it’s just going to be Leon again except this time you get an achievement for killing him and its Frank instead of Chuck killing him. Frank also competes in TIR so they could easily have met and possibly form a rivalry leading to the same events of DR2 where Leon is psycho and wants to kill Frank.

  7. #7
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    Re: Achievements of Dead Rising 2: Off the Record

    We will have to wait and see. There are some previews turning up in Spain and Italy, but they weren't complete builds. So no mention about Chuck being a psychopath. It was written on dead rising wiki that Leon's truck now has Chuck's picture on it.

  8. #8
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    Re: Achievements of Dead Rising 2: Off the Record

    Can't wait for the story reveal. (When are we getting real story footage, Capcom) I hope there is some respect for Chuck and that he is a co-op buddy in the story as well (and not just a skin for player 2). Even though it is an alternate story, I think Chuck was liked a lot as a main character and some people might not like it if he is a psychopath. How would you guys feel if Chuck was always with Frank as in Lego games where player 2 can drop in and out? I would love that for dead rising 3.

  9. #9
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    Re: Achievements of Dead Rising 2: Off the Record

    If Chuck's going to be a psycho, then I hope he'll be a tough, unique boss rather than just a Leon model swap. Maybe some kind of mirror-match or a 2 phase fight?

  10. #10
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    Re: Achievements of Dead Rising 2: Off the Record

    His hair is a lot longer and he has a beard (as per the achievement picture) It seems Katey has died and Chuck blames Frank for her death and has turned psycho. You have to watch the video closely to see what’s really there. At first I just saw Katey with him so thought hes not psycho hes helping Frank kill that zombie. Look closer. It’s a doll of Katey he has taped onto his back. Very worrying sign. Leon's trailer has also been replaced with Chuck's. All damning evidence that the worst thoughts seem to be true. All I am holding onto now is that 'beat' him doesn’t mean kill him and Frank can still save him. I honestly refuse to kill my favorite character whether it’s the canon story line or not. He was made such a likable character in DR2 now hes essentially being killed off (even if it’s not real it’s still not good) The game looks amazing otherwise but this really puts me off it. Least i can still play as him as co-op partner if nothing else.

  11. #11
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    Re: Achievements of Dead Rising 2: Off the Record

    As much as I have always loved Frank I don’t get why they chose to do this to Chuck. All i can say is he'd better end up being savable or something cut scene wise happen that doesn’t result in him dying isn’t too bad with me. Could have made them work together in some way but I am not happy about this at all. Most people that don’t like Chuck don’t seem to have even played DR2 it’s not fair, they just hate on him without even playing the game to give it a chance.

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