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Thread: Marines in anything but 1v1 in StarCraft 2

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Marines in anything but 1v1 in StarCraft 2

    Okay so I want to create a scenario and let me know how you fight this. So if you're playing 1v1 and marine mass terran goes fast with a little lurker, but especially the Marines, you have options. If you are protoss, you can FF and strain in stalkers / us the fans and keep them out. If you are zerg can get banelings / speeding or 7RR. With that aside. In 2v2 and 3v3 if faced with two Terran, Terran, or three and they all decided that mass Marines and push at minute 4. How do I stop this? Yes, you can try to FF and strain in sufficient units and hope that your partners sent to their units more than once that you have enough. But just go attack your partner base and if he doesn't FF, the Marines trampled everything. Even if you banelings, because there's two or more terran, there are Marines banelings to the comet at a safe distance and do not miss any. It is impossible to get the refresh rate of this fast banelings.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Marines in anything but 1v1 in StarCraft 2

    My friend and I find this a lot. Alternate between teamwork as 2 Zerg, Terran / Zerg, Zerg / Release. The most important thing in 2v2s is specialization. For example, he could go and I speedlings cockroaches, or I Marines and will speedlings. Cockroaches are very effective to Terran estimated or 2 + marauders of the ball. But in relation to the cockroaches speedlings decimate marine formidable looking balls in the early game. I discovered that not worth playing with banelings and that the number of seedlings / cockroaches is a better option. That said, I played Terran in more than a few 4v4s, and more than once I have raised my team for the change to mass marines. In one of my favorite displays of Terran OP, by the 10:00 mark the enemy had removed two of my teammates and the game was much more (I was stuck on Siege Tanks). I threw two mules, four more quarters, and a bay of engineering, I took a bunch of ~ 50 Marines with the support of medical assistance and roflstomped three of the opposing armies and bases. Unless a player has 10 + banelings Zerg there is almost nothing you can do against that many Marines. My partner came together and won vacuum rays.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Marines in anything but 1v1 in StarCraft 2

    If you find that are generally bad for building bones / canyons at the base, and you only have to attack one of their bases. Is a clearer idea of the mass until many units of your own possible (zealots, stalkers to power if protoss, ling / speedling, banelings the power of the Zerg, Terran Marines to.) And if there is a common choke / break the enemy has to walk up to the two bases, sending your army to drown along with the army of their allies. "It is never a good idea 1V2 his army unless yours is bigger than two them. A great deal of time is the best because of his army until his partner arrived to help, before hiring them. If you kill all your marines with plenty left for themselves, you may want counterattack, especially if they have killed some of their buildings.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Marines in anything but 1v1 in StarCraft 2

    In 2v2, you have to explore to see what you are doing. Many of the barracks? Well, the idea here is that he is sacrificing the economy for the Marines in place. While you can keep at bay, which are in better shape. I do not play terran, but the top of my head, cheating and Marines in the shop there. If released, they could put 50% of your money in boys and 50% in the economy. You can choose to put a 40% military and 60% in the economy. Of course, this only buys time. Then you have to do an act without a prescription as Marines outproducing him, or better technology in the units. If both are running you, your partner should be able to outproduce the others as well and earn enough to help. Of course, most players who pitch and play terran single-walled and leave me and others to fend for ourselves. As zerg, I really do not see marine junks because I can get kids really fast and early explorer. A marine drive is not bad for early zerglings. And if you come later with a great ball, I'll have something ready in general.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Re: Marines in anything but 1v1 in StarCraft 2

    I do not think you read the entire operating program. The fever is talking about access to 4 minutes or 4:30 minutes. A four-door is not completed until 5:15 at the earliest and that version is not even having units around until it ends. On one level it until 5:40 ish and then go just going to have a fan and two stalkers. That's not enough to stop all marines from two or three players combine against him.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: Marines in anything but 1v1 in StarCraft 2

    I think this race will probably have three or four marines to the enemy. So in a 2v2, let's speak that there is a force of 7 received Marines. Well, as I said, they would have to explore before we see a military super early and the counting of low-skilled workers. If so, do some preparation. I would put a worker on a tower of sight to see when they come. Marines build their own and launch a bunker below. Wall of the ramp, so it cannot enter. Keep SCVs to repair your bunker. Make sure your partner also has its defenders, no matter what race it is. Get faster as the enemy reinforcements have to walk all the way to you. At one point, you have more money than him and then you can drop another barracks or factory and push to their base.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Marines in anything but 1v1 in StarCraft 2

    Definitely, I could see two zerg running well against this type if you are going 7 RR and the other goes straight speedling. The problem is that the only way to stop this I think is if you are on an organized team and you notice you're playing two terran and two out of their way to avoid an early marine push. The problem is that this is almost unstoppable if they are less than the protoss FF. P / Z is difficult to stop this.

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