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Thread: Now we have to "harvest" animals and jelly fish in Treasure Isle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Now we have to "harvest" animals and jelly fish in Treasure Isle

    I was playing Treasure Isle today without any problems and then a few minutes ago I logged in to play more and every single animal/critter on my island as well as all jelly fish and birds have a little thing above their heads to say they are ready to harvest. Why is this feature here? This is annoying considering I have a whole bunch of critters and crabs and jelly fish, bids, panda, etc. So not only do I have to "harvest" animals on Farmville I have to here too? Not only is it annoying but to have to wait for them all to "harvest" after clicking them? It's not like it's instant within a second, many critters add up to waiting and waiting and waiting. Well, I am going to take a cooling period and decide over the next few days - to either delete all animals/critters/birds/crabs/etc so that I don't have to deal with that annoyance in the future or remove this. I say I will take a couple of days decide because right now my first instinct is to delete the app, but I will wait and see if I decide to just remove the critters (hopefully that will solve this new bug).

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: Now we have to "harvest" animals and jelly fish in Treasure Isle

    I know I said I was going to wait a couple of days but this bothers me THAT much and I decided to and have just done - I deleted every crab, dolphin, tiger, panda, jelly fish, bird, etc because I know tomorrow and the day after and every day after that I'll be having to go through harvesting? Such a waste of time for a few coin and super ugly to leave. So, they are gone. It's sad, I like my critters but I can't imagine the thought of all that extra wasted time harvesting them and looking at the ugly things above their heads. Oh well, maybe someday this "lovely" feature might be removed so that I can have critters again, until then, if I get any as gifts or anything, I'll just sell them and get the coin that way.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Now we have to "harvest" animals and jelly fish in Treasure Isle

    I have tons of neighbors who obviously do that and those are the only people I can see being overwhelmed by having to click each one of their animals. 8-10 clicks really don’t seem like a big deal if that's all you have. Something to do while you're waiting for you energy to refill or for that last percent on your fruit to finish up with the bonus of extra coins when you do. I've rearranged my island numerous times just because I had nothing else to do, so again, no biggie to me.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Now we have to "harvest" animals and jelly fish in Treasure Isle

    Yeah, I'm going to be ditching my animals, too. I quit Farmville because all the exclamation points are so ugly and annoying. I have arthritis so too much clicking means P-A-I-N as well. Zynga doesn't need to turn every game into Farmville. They stole the ideas for Cafe and TI from other games, but then after they have players, they just gradually alter them until they're one bland, homogenous copy of their own Farmville. 15 coins per animal? Really? For all that work and time? No thanks.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: Now we have to "harvest" animals and jelly fish in Treasure Isle

    Some of the critters yield 25 and 30 coins, which aren’t a lot to those of us with hundreds of thousands of coins, but I suppose for the new players, every extra bit of coin comes in handy. In Farmville, however, I utilize Farmhands and Arborists a great deal. I do not routinely harvest every animal and tree myself; I wait until there are enough to justify using one of my helping hands.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Now we have to "harvest" animals and jelly fish in Treasure Isle

    I'm level 80 and I have a hard time finding coins, I am trying to save for an expansion but it is too hard for me to get the 30,000 coins with all the money you have to spend in islands for bug spray, dynamite, magnifying glasses etc. I think this is a great feature for all of us who can't get enough coins. If I complete a collection, they are the ones that get you 1,000 coins. I have collected only twice a 10,000 collection.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Now we have to "harvest" animals and jelly fish in Treasure Isle

    I am one who absolutely hates those exclamation marks over my animals, I sold off the "less favorites" and kept the ones I didn't want to part with but I am on my island less and less because I refuse to "harvest" them. If you don't give us the option to turn them off, I am one of the many that will be deleting the app altogether...or maybe I will give it another chance...I'll leave it sit there for awhile to see if there is a change. I can see the benefit of keeping the feature for those who need the coins but please, please make it optional...I certainly don't need the coins and it is not a feature I is so ugly and defaces my beautiful what if it only takes a few minutes to harvest them now that I have thinned out my animals, I am stubborn enough to delete the app just because of those hideous exclamation marks.

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