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Thread: How to retrieving data in a file from Creating form

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    How to retrieving data in a file from Creating form


    I built a site for the association of parents of my students with a common software. I do not know much about the different HTML, PHP ... but until now, I am out. I created a form

    <TABLE Style="width: 697px; height: 320px" width=697 align=center bgColor=#ddeafb border=0> 
    <DIV Class=ss-form-container> 
    <H1 Class=ss-form-title> <FONT color=#00ff00> Booking Empty cabinet 26/04/2009 </ FONT> </ H1> 
    <P> </ P> 
    <DIV Align=center> class=ss-form-desc <FONT size=4> Welcome to the online form to reserve spot <BR> for Empty-Cupboard and childcare articles <BR> of 26 April 2009 Pechbonnieu (hall). </ FONT> </ DIV> 
    <DIV Align=center> class=ss-form-desc <FONT size=4> <BR> This event is offered by the association of parents of FCPE Pechbonnieu. </ FONT> </ DIV> 
    <DIV Class=ss-form-desc> <BR> 
    <HR Class=ss-email-break style="display: none"> 
    <SPAN Class=ss-required-asterisk> <FONT color=#ff0000> * Required </ FONT> </ SPAN> </ DIV> 
    <Form action = .. method = post> <BR> 
    <DIV Align=center> class=ss-form-entry <Label class=ss-q-title for=entry_0> <U> <EM> <FONT size=4> Your details: </ FONT> </ EM> < / U> </ LABEL> </ DIV> 
    <DIV Align=center> class=ss-form-entry <Label class=ss-q-title for=entry_0> <EM> <U> <FONT size=4> </ FONT> </ U> </ EM> </ LABEL> </ DIV> <label class=ss-q-title for=entry_0> 
    <DIV Class=ss-form-entry> 
    <TABLE Style="width: 687px; height: 102px" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=687 border=1> 
    <DIV Class=ss-form-entry> <Label class=ss-q-title for=entry_0> Name <SPAN class=ss-required-asterisk> <FONT color=#ff0000> * </ FONT> </ SPAN> </ LABEL> <label class=ss-q-help for=entry_0> </ LABEL> <INPUT class = ss-q-short id = entry_0 style = "width: 280px; HEIGHT: 25px" size = 27 name = entry .0. single> </ DIV> 
    <DIV Class=ss-form-entry> </ DIV> </ TD> 
    <DIV Class=ss-form-entry> <Label class=ss-q-title for=entry_1> Name <SPAN class=ss-required-asterisk> <FONT color=#ff0000> * </ FONT> </ SPAN> </ LABEL> <label class=ss-q-help for=entry_1> </ LABEL> <INPUT class = ss-q-short id = entry_1 style = "width: 237px; HEIGHT: 25px" size = 23 name = entry .1. single> </ DIV> 
    <DIV Class=ss-form-entry> </ DIV> </ TD> </ TR> 
    <DIV Class=ss-form-entry> <Label class=ss-q-title for=entry_2> Address <SPAN class=ss-required-asterisk> <FONT color=#ff0000> * </ FONT> </ SPAN> </ LABEL> <label class=ss-q-help for=entry_2> </ LABEL> <INPUT class = ss-q-short id = entry_2 style = "width: 252px; HEIGHT: 67px" size = 24 name = entry .2. single> </ DIV> </ TD> 
    <DIV Class=ss-form-entry> <Label class=ss-q-title for=entry_3> Postcode <SPAN class=ss-required-asterisk> <FONT color=#ff0000> * </ FONT> </ SPAN > </ LABEL> <label class=ss-q-help for=entry_3> </ LABEL> <INPUT class = ss-q-short id = entry_3 style = "width: 103px; HEIGHT: 25px" size = 9 name = entry.3.single> </ DIV> 
    <DIV Align=left> class=ss-form-entry <Label class=ss-q-title for=entry_4> City <SPAN class=ss-required-asterisk> <FONT color=#ff0000> * </ FONT> </ SPAN> </ LABEL> <label class=ss-q-help for=entry_4> </ LABEL> <INPUT class = ss-q-short entry_4 name = id = entry.4.single> </ DIV> </ TD> </ TR> 
    <DIV Class=ss-form-entry> </ DIV> 
    <DIV Class=ss-form-entry> 
    <DIV Class=errorbox-good> <Label class=ss-q-title for=entry_5> phone number: <SPAN class=ss-required-asterisk> <FONT color=#ff0000> * </ FONT> </ SPAN> </ LABEL> <label class=ss-q-help for=entry_5> </ LABEL> <INPUT class = ss-q-short id = entry_5 style = "width: 165px; HEIGHT: 25px" size = 15 name = entry.5.single> </ DIV> </ DIV> </ TD> 
    <DIV Class=ss-form-entry> <Label class=ss-q-title for=entry_6> </ LABEL> </ DIV> 
    <DIV Class=ss-form-entry> <Label class=ss-q-title for=entry_6> Mobile phone number: </ LABEL> class=ss-q-help <Label for=entry_6> </ LABEL> < INPUT class = ss-q-short id = entry_6 style = "width: 158px; HEIGHT: 25px" size = 15 name = entry.6.single> </ DIV> </ TD> </ TR> </ TBODY> < / TABLE> </ DIV> </ LABEL> <label class=ss-q-title for=entry_0> 
    <DIV Class=ss-form-entry> 
    <TABLE Style="width: 686px; height: 27px" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=686 border=1> 
    <DIV Align=center> class=ss-form-entry <Label class=ss-q-title for=entry_10> </ LABEL> </ DIV> 
    <DIV Align=center> class=ss-form-entry <Label class=ss-q-title for=entry_10> Your email address class=ss-required-asterisk> <SPAN <FONT color=#ff0000> * </ FONT > </ SPAN> </ LABEL> <label class=ss-q-help for=entry_10> </ LABEL> <INPUT class = ss-q-short id = entry_10 style = "width: 407px; HEIGHT: 25px" size = 40 = entry.10.single name> </ DIV> </ TD> </ TR> </ TBODY> </ TABLE> </ DIV> </ LABEL> 
    <DIV Class=errorbox-good> <BR> </ DIV> 
    <DIV Align=center> class=ss-form-entry <Label class=ss-q-title for=entry_7> <EM> <FONT size=4> <U> I wish to pay by: </ U> <SPAN class = ss-required-asterisk> <FONT color=#ff0000> * </ FONT> </ SPAN> </ FONT> </ EM> </ LABEL> <label class=ss-q-help for=entry_7> </ LABEL> </ DIV> 
    <DIV Class=errorbox-good> 
    <ul Class=ss-choices> 
    <li Class=ss-choice-item> <INPUT class=ss-form-input id=group_7_1 type=radio value="chèque of 11 euros l'ordre of the FCPE Pechbonnieu"> <Label class=ss-choice-label for=group_7_1> check for 11 euros to the order of the CIPF Pechbonnieu </ LABEL> </ LI> 
    <li Class=ss-choice-item> <INPUT class = ss-form-id = group_7_2 input type = radio value = "Paypal (total will be 12.60 euros because of Paypal fees)" name = entry .7. group> <label class=ss-choice-label for=group_7_2> Paypal (total will be 12.60 euros because of Paypal fees) </ LABEL> </ LI> 
    <li Class=ss-choice-item> <INPUT class = ss-form-id = group_7_3 input type = radio value = "Species (I contacted the validation 06-24-15-10-85 after making my reservation for the process) "name => <label class=ss-choice-label for=group_7_3> Cash (I contacted the validation 06-24-15-10-85 after my reservation to find out how to follow) </ LABEL> </ LI> </ UL> </ DIV> 
    <P Align=center> class=ss-choice-item <Label class=ss-choice-label for=group_7_3> <INPUT type=submit value=Envoyer> </ LABEL> </ P> <class = LABEL ss-choice -label for = group_7_3> 
    <P Class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt"> <FONT color=#ff6600> We thank you for your reservation. </ FONT> </ P> 
    <P Class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt"> <FONT color=#ff6600> </ FONT> </ P> 
    <P Class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt"> <FONT color=#ff6600> Once you have confirmed your participation, you will receive, by email, documents relating to your booking. A portion of these documents should be returned to the address which will be mentioned. </ FONT> </ P> 
    <P Class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt"> <FONT color=#ff6600> </ FONT> </ P> 
    <ul Style="margin-top: 0cm" type=disc> 
    <li Class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1; tab-stops: list 36.0pt"> <FONT color=#ff6600> If you choose a <FONT color = # 008400 > Payment by check </ FONT>, it will be imperative attached to documents to send. </ FONT> </ LI> </ UL> 
    <P Class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1; tab-stops: list 36.0pt"> <FONT color=#ff6600> </ FONT> </ P> 
    <ul Style="margin-top: 0cm" type=disc> 
    <li Class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1; tab-stops: list 36.0pt"> <FONT color=#ff6600> <FONT color=#008400> For payment by Paypal </ FONT>, you will receive shortly, a request for payment. The documents will be sent after confirmation of your payment. </ FONT> </ LI> </ UL> 
    <P Class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1; tab-stops: list 36.0pt"> <FONT color=#ff6600> </ FONT> </ P> 
    <ul Style="margin-top: 0cm" type=disc> 
    <li Class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1; tab-stops: list 36.0pt"> <FONT color=#ff6600> <FONT color=#008400> For a cash payment </ FONT>, we ask that you contact us, once your reservation is made, to know how to proceed. </ FONT> </ LABEL> </ LI> </ UL> </ FORM> </ DIV > </ TD> </ TR> </ TBODY> </ TABLE> 
    <P Align=center> 
    <SCRIPT language = javascript src = "" type = text / javascript> </ SCRIPT> 
    </ P>

    Now I do not know how to do 2 things ?

    1 - I wish that when validating the user can be thanked and click on a document that will print Acrobat.
    2 - I want the information entered by users is recorded in a table for analysis. But I have nothing.
    I read that it was necessary to create a "table". How do we do? With what software? Is with soft directly creating a new page and stating that PHP code?

    I am sincerely sorry for my incompetence.

    Can some one help me ?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: How to retrieving data in a file from Creating form

    To recover your data in a table this is where the database. A database receives and stores the data in your forms. It seems to me that from your database you can transfer information on a spreadsheet as exel.

    name="mail_form" <form method="post" action="traitement.php"
    To submit your PHP page that serves as the treatment must include this line in your form.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: How to retrieving data in a file from Creating form

    I went to visit their site and saw that I had an option at my disposal "Mysql database. Is it through this intermediary that I can retrieve the information entered on my form. I tried to set the database to do a test but I did not succeed, I have always an error message creation basis. It must be said that I did not understand much about that.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: How to retrieving data in a file from Creating form

    I have found in your HTML page line 13

    <Form action = .. method = post>
    Yes indeed we are talking many MySQL database. MySQL table always works with a PHP page.

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