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Thread: How to send keystrokes to windows / dos application?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    How to send keystrokes to windows / dos application?


    How to send keystrokes to windows / dos application?

    Please help me!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Re: How to send keystrokes to windows / dos application?

    U can use pipe to redirect dos output and input:get the output from command console,and input key to it!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: How to send keystrokes to windows / dos application?

    The Microsoft Visual Basic for Windows SendKeys function can send keystrokes to the currently active window as if the keystrokes had been typed at the keyboard. Although it is not possible to send keystrokes to an application that is not based on Windows by using SendKeys directly, you can place text on the Clipboard and use SendKeys to paste that text into an MS-DOS-based application that is running in a window or minimized as an icon.

    To run an MS-DOS-based application in a window, you must be running in Windows 386 enhanced mode. You must also make sure that the MS-DOS-based application's .PIF file has been set to display the application in a window rather than full screen. Use the Windows PIF Editor to make this modification, if necessary.

    Step-by-Step Example

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Re: How to send keystrokes to windows / dos application?

    Private Declare Function OemKeyScan Lib "user32" (ByVal wOemChar As Integer) As _
    Private Declare Function CharToOem Lib "user32" Alias "CharToOemA" (ByVal _
        lpszSrc As String, ByVal lpszDst As String) As Long
    Private Declare Function VkKeyScan Lib "user32" Alias "VkKeyScanA" (ByVal cChar _
        As Byte) As Integer
    Private Declare Function MapVirtualKey Lib "user32" Alias "MapVirtualKeyA" _
        (ByVal wCode As Long, ByVal wMapType As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Sub keybd_event Lib "user32" (ByVal bVk As Byte, _
        ByVal bScan As Byte, ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal dwExtraInfo As Long)
    Private Const KEYEVENTF_KEYDOWN      As Long = &H0
    Private Const KEYEVENTF_KEYUP        As Long = &H2
    Type VKType
        VKCode As Integer
        scanCode As Integer
        Control As Boolean
        Shift As Boolean
        Alt As Boolean
    End Type
    ' Routine: VbSendKeys()
    ' Author:  Bryan Wolf, 1999
    ' Purpose: Imitate VB's internal SendKeys statement, but add the
    '          ability to send keypresses to a DOS application.  You
    '          can use SendKeys, to paste ASCII characters to a DOS
    '          window from the clipboard, but you can't send function
    '          keys.  This module solves that problem and makes sending
    '          any keys to any Application, DOS or Windows, easy.
    ' Arguments: Keystrokes.  Note that this does not implement the
    '            SendKeys's 'wait' argument.  If you need to wait,
    '            try using a timing loop.
    '            The syntax for specifying keystrokes is the
    '            same as that of SendKeys - Please refer to VB's
    '            documentation for an in-depth description.  Support
    '            for the following codes has been added, in addition
    '            to the standard set of codes suppored by SendKeys:
    '            KEY                  CODE
    '            break                {CANCEL}
    '            escape               {ESCAPE}
    '            left mouse button    {LBUTTON}
    '            right mouse button   {RBUTTON}
    '            middle mouse button  {MBUTTON}
    '            clear                {CLEAR}
    '            shift                {SHIFT}
    '            control              {CONTROL}
    '            alt                  {MENU} or {ALT}
    '            pause                {PAUSE}
    '            space                {SPACE}
    '            select               {SELECT}
    '            execute              {EXECUTE}
    '            snapshot             {SNAPSHOT}
    '            number pad 0         {NUMPAD0}
    '            number pad 1         {NUMPAD1}
    '            number pad 2         {NUMPAD2}
    '            number pad 3         {NUMPAD3}
    '            number pad 4         {NUMPAD4}
    '            number pad 5         {NUMPAD5}
    '            number pad 6         {NUMPAD6}
    '            number pad 7         {NUMPAD7}
    '            number pad 8         {NUMPAD8}
    '            number pad 9         {NUMPAD9}
    '            number pad multiply  {MULTIPLY}
    '            number pad add       {ADD}
    '            number pad separator {SEPARATOR}
    '            number pad subtract  {SUBTRACT}
    '            number pad decimal   {DECIMAL}
    '            number pad divide    {DIVIDE}
    ' Sample Calls:
    '   VbSendKeys "Dir~"   ' View a directory of in DOS
    ' NOTE: there is a minor difference with SendKeys syntax. You can
    '       group multiple characters under the same shift key using
    '       curly brackets, while VB's SendKeys uses regular brackets.
    '       For example, to keep the SHIFT key pressed while you type
    '       A, B, and C keys, you must run the following statement
    '           VBSendKeys "+{abc}"
    '       while the syntax of the built-in VB function is
    '           SendKeys "+(abc)"
    Sub VbSendKeys(ByVal sKeystrokes As String)
        Dim iKeyStrokesLen As Integer
        Dim lRepetitions As Long
        Dim bShiftKey As Boolean
        Dim bControlKey As Boolean
        Dim bAltKey As Boolean
        Dim lResult As Long
        Dim sKey As String
        Dim iAsciiKey As Integer
        Dim iVirtualKey As Integer
        Dim i As Long
        Dim j As Long
        Static bInitialized As Boolean
        Static AsciiKeys(0 To 255) As VKType
        Static VirtualKeys(0 To 255) As VKType
        On Error GoTo 0
        If Not bInitialized Then
            Dim iKey As Integer
            Dim OEMChar As String
            Dim keyScan As Integer
            ' Initialize AsciiKeys()
            For iKey = LBound(AsciiKeys) To UBound(AsciiKeys)
                keyScan = VkKeyScan(iKey)
                AsciiKeys(iKey).VKCode = keyScan And &HFF   ' low-byte of key scan 
                                                            ' code
                AsciiKeys(iKey).Shift = (keyScan And &H100)
                AsciiKeys(iKey).Control = (keyScan And &H200)
                AsciiKeys(iKey).Alt = (keyScan And &H400)
                ' Get the ScanCode
                OEMChar = "  " ' 2 Char
                CharToOem Chr(iKey), OEMChar
                AsciiKeys(iKey).scanCode = OemKeyScan(Asc(OEMChar)) And &HFF
            Next iKey
            ' Initialize VirtualKeys()
            For iKey = LBound(VirtualKeys) To UBound(VirtualKeys)
                VirtualKeys(iKey).VKCode = iKey
                VirtualKeys(iKey).scanCode = MapVirtualKey(iKey, 0)
                ' no use in initializing remaining elements
            Next iKey
            bInitialized = True     ' don't run this code twice
        End If    ' End of initialization routine
        ' Parse the string in the same way that SendKeys() would
        Do While Len(sKeystrokes)
            lRepetitions = 1 ' Default number of repetitions for each character
            bShiftKey = False
            bControlKey = False
            bAltKey = False
            ' Pull off Control, Alt or Shift specifiers
            sKey = Left$(sKeystrokes, 1)
            sKeystrokes = Mid$(sKeystrokes, 2)
            Do While InStr(" ^%+", sKey) > 1 ' The space in " ^%+" is necessary
                If sKey = "+" Then
                    bShiftKey = True
                ElseIf sKey = "^" Then
                    bControlKey = True
                ElseIf sKey = "%" Then
                    bAltKey = True
                End If
                sKey = Left$(sKeystrokes, 1)
                sKeystrokes = Mid$(sKeystrokes, 2)
            ' Look for "{}"
            If sKey = "{" Then
                ' Look for the  "}"
                i = InStr(sKeystrokes, "}")
                If i > 0 Then
                    sKey = Left$(sKeystrokes, i - 1) ' extract the content between 
                                                     ' the {}
                    sKeystrokes = Mid$(sKeystrokes, i + 1) ' Remove the }
                End If
                ' Look for repetitions
                i = Len(sKey)
                Do While Mid$(sKey, i, 1) >= "0" And Mid$(sKey, i, _
                    1) <= "9" And i >= 3
                    i = i - 1
                If i < Len(sKey) Then ' If any digits were found...
                    If i >= 2 Then ' If there is something preceding it...
                        If Mid$(sKey, i, 1) = " " Then  ' If a space precedes the 
                                                        ' digits...
                            On Error Resume Next ' On overflow, ignore the value
                            lRepetitions = CLng(Mid$(sKey, i + 1))
                            On Error GoTo 0
                            sKey = Left$(sKey, i - 1)
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
            End If
            ' Look for special words
            Select Case UCase$(sKey)
                Case "LBUTTON" ' New
                    iVirtualKey = vbKeyLButton
                Case "RBUTTON" ' New
                    iVirtualKey = vbKeyRButton
                Case "BREAK", "CANCEL"
                    iVirtualKey = vbKeyCancel
                Case "MBUTTON" ' New
                    iVirtualKey = vbKeyMButton
                Case "BACKSPACE", "BS", "BKSP"
                    iVirtualKey = vbKeyBack
                Case "TAB"
                    iVirtualKey = vbKeyTab
                Case "CLEAR" ' New
                    iVirtualKey = vbKeyClear
                Case "ENTER", "~"
                    iVirtualKey = vbKeyReturn
                Case "SHIFT" ' New
                    iVirtualKey = vbKeyShift
                Case "CONTROL" ' New
                    iVirtualKey = vbKeyControl
                Case "MENU", "ALT" ' New
                    iVirtualKey = vbKeyMenu
                Case "PAUSE" ' New
                    iVirtualKey = vbKeyPause
                Case "CAPSLOCK"
                    iVirtualKey = vbKeyCapital
                Case "ESCAPE", "ESC"
                    iVirtualKey = vbKeyEscape
                Case "SPACE" ' New
                    iVirtualKey = vbKeySpace
                Case "PGUP"
                    iVirtualKey = vbKeyPageUp
                Case "PGDN"
                    iVirtualKey = vbKeyPageDown
                Case "END"
                    iVirtualKey = vbKeyEnd
                Case "HOME" ' New
                    iVirtualKey = vbKeyHome
                Case "LEFT"
                    iVirtualKey = vbKeyLeft
                Case "UP"
                    iVirtualKey = vbKeyUp
                Case "RIGHT"
                    iVirtualKey = vbKeyRight
                Case "DOWN"
                    iVirtualKey = vbKeyDown
                Case "SELECT" ' New
                    iVirtualKey = vbKeySelect
                Case "PRTSC"
                    iVirtualKey = vbKeyPrint
                Case "EXECUTE" ' New
                    iVirtualKey = vbKeyExecute
                Case "SNAPSHOT" ' New
                    iVirtualKey = vbKeySnapshot
                Case "INSERT", "INS"
                    iVirtualKey = vbKeyInsert
                Case "DELETE", "DEL"
                    iVirtualKey = vbKeyDelete
                Case "HELP"
                    iVirtualKey = vbKeyHelp
                Case "NUMLOCK"
                    iVirtualKey = vbKeyNumlock
                Case "SCROLLLOCK"
                    iVirtualKey = vbKeyScrollLock
                Case "NUMPAD0" ' New
                    iVirtualKey = vbKeyNumpad0
                Case "NUMPAD1" ' New
                    iVirtualKey = vbKeyNumpad1
                Case "NUMPAD2" ' New
                    iVirtualKey = vbKeyNumpad2
                Case "NUMPAD3" ' New
                    iVirtualKey = vbKeyNumpad3
                Case "NUMPAD4" ' New
                    iVirtualKey = vbKeyNumpad4
                Case "NUMPAD5" ' New
                    iVirtualKey = vbKeyNumpad5
                Case "NUMPAD6" ' New
                    iVirtualKey = vbKeyNumpad6
                Case "NUMPAD7" ' New
                    iVirtualKey = vbKeyNumpad7
                Case "NUMPAD8" ' New
                    iVirtualKey = vbKeyNumpad8
                Case "NUMPAD9" ' New
                    iVirtualKey = vbKeyNumpad9
                Case "MULTIPLY" ' New
                    iVirtualKey = vbKeyMultiply
                Case "ADD" ' New
                    iVirtualKey = vbKeyAdd
                Case "SEPARATOR" ' New
                    iVirtualKey = vbKeySeparator
                Case "SUBTRACT" ' New
                    iVirtualKey = vbKeySubtract
                Case "DECIMAL" ' New
                    iVirtualKey = vbKeyDecimal
                Case "DIVIDE" ' New
                    iVirtualKey = vbKeyDivide
                Case "F1"
                    iVirtualKey = vbKeyF1
                Case "F2"
                    iVirtualKey = vbKeyF2
                Case "F3"
                    iVirtualKey = vbKeyF3
                Case "F4"
                    iVirtualKey = vbKeyF4
                Case "F5"
                    iVirtualKey = vbKeyF5
                Case "F6"
                    iVirtualKey = vbKeyF6
                Case "F7"
                    iVirtualKey = vbKeyF7
                Case "F8"
                    iVirtualKey = vbKeyF8
                Case "F9"
                    iVirtualKey = vbKeyF9
                Case "F10"
                    iVirtualKey = vbKeyF10
                Case "F11"
                    iVirtualKey = vbKeyF11
                Case "F12"
                    iVirtualKey = vbKeyF12
                Case "F13"
                    iVirtualKey = vbKeyF13
                Case "F14"
                    iVirtualKey = vbKeyF14
                Case "F15"
                    iVirtualKey = vbKeyF15
                Case "F16"
                    iVirtualKey = vbKeyF16
                Case Else
                    ' Not a virtual key
                    iVirtualKey = -1
            End Select
            ' Turn on CONTROL, ALT and SHIFT keys as needed
            If bShiftKey Then
                keybd_event VirtualKeys(vbKeyShift).VKCode, _
                    VirtualKeys(vbKeyShift).scanCode, KEYEVENTF_KEYDOWN, 0
            End If
            If bControlKey Then
                keybd_event VirtualKeys(vbKeyControl).VKCode, _
                    VirtualKeys(vbKeyControl).scanCode, KEYEVENTF_KEYDOWN, 0
            End If
            If bAltKey Then
                keybd_event VirtualKeys(vbKeyMenu).VKCode, _
                    VirtualKeys(vbKeyMenu).scanCode, KEYEVENTF_KEYDOWN, 0
            End If
            ' Send the keystrokes
            For i = 1 To lRepetitions
                If iVirtualKey > -1 Then
                    ' Virtual key
                    keybd_event VirtualKeys(iVirtualKey).VKCode, _
                        VirtualKeys(iVirtualKey).scanCode, KEYEVENTF_KEYDOWN, 0
                    keybd_event VirtualKeys(iVirtualKey).VKCode, _
                        VirtualKeys(iVirtualKey).scanCode, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0
                    ' ASCII Keys
                    For j = 1 To Len(sKey)
                        iAsciiKey = Asc(Mid$(sKey, j, 1))
                        ' Turn on CONTROL, ALT and SHIFT keys as needed
                        If Not bShiftKey Then
                            If AsciiKeys(iAsciiKey).Shift Then
                                keybd_event VirtualKeys(vbKeyShift).VKCode, _
                                    VirtualKeys(vbKeyShift).scanCode, _
                                    KEYEVENTF_KEYDOWN, 0
                            End If
                        End If
                        If Not bControlKey Then
                            If AsciiKeys(iAsciiKey).Control Then
                                keybd_event VirtualKeys(vbKeyControl).VKCode, _
                                    VirtualKeys(vbKeyControl).scanCode, _
                                    KEYEVENTF_KEYDOWN, 0
                            End If
                        End If
                        If Not bAltKey Then
                            If AsciiKeys(iAsciiKey).Alt Then
                                keybd_event VirtualKeys(vbKeyMenu).VKCode, _
                                    VirtualKeys(vbKeyMenu).scanCode, _
                                    KEYEVENTF_KEYDOWN, 0
                            End If
                        End If
                        ' Press the key
                        keybd_event AsciiKeys(iAsciiKey).VKCode, _
                            AsciiKeys(iAsciiKey).scanCode, KEYEVENTF_KEYDOWN, 0
                        keybd_event AsciiKeys(iAsciiKey).VKCode, _
                            AsciiKeys(iAsciiKey).scanCode, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0
                        ' Turn on CONTROL, ALT and SHIFT keys as needed
                        If Not bShiftKey Then
                            If AsciiKeys(iAsciiKey).Shift Then
                                keybd_event VirtualKeys(vbKeyShift).VKCode, _
                                    VirtualKeys(vbKeyShift).scanCode, _
                                    KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0
                            End If
                        End If
                        If Not bControlKey Then
                            If AsciiKeys(iAsciiKey).Control Then
                                keybd_event VirtualKeys(vbKeyControl).VKCode, _
                                    VirtualKeys(vbKeyControl).scanCode, _
                                    KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0
                            End If
                        End If
                        If Not bAltKey Then
                            If AsciiKeys(iAsciiKey).Alt Then
                                keybd_event VirtualKeys(vbKeyMenu).VKCode, _
                                    VirtualKeys(vbKeyMenu).scanCode, _
                                    KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0
                            End If
                        End If
                    Next j ' Each ASCII key
                End If  ' ASCII keys
            Next i ' Repetitions
            ' Turn off CONTROL, ALT and SHIFT keys as needed
            If bShiftKey Then
                keybd_event VirtualKeys(vbKeyShift).VKCode, _
                    VirtualKeys(vbKeyShift).scanCode, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0
            End If
            If bControlKey Then
                keybd_event VirtualKeys(vbKeyControl).VKCode, _
                    VirtualKeys(vbKeyControl).scanCode, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0
            End If
            If bAltKey Then
                keybd_event VirtualKeys(vbKeyMenu).VKCode, _
                    VirtualKeys(vbKeyMenu).scanCode, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0
            End If
        Loop ' sKeyStrokes
    End Sub

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