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Thread: VB6 CommonDialog control.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    VB6 CommonDialog control.

    The possible functions with Commond Dialog

    The dialog> Open File
    The dialog> Save as
    The dialog> Print
    The dialog> Selecting a police

    A form> Name = Dialog
    A control CommonDialog> Name = CMDialog1

    bouton1> Caption = Open File
    Code in CommandX_Click ()> cmd_Ouvre Ret = ()> see rem for details.

    bouton2> = Caption under Sauve
    Code in Clic cmd_Ouvre Ret = ()

    bouton3> Caption = Print
    Code in CommandX_Click ()> cmd_Print Ret = ()

    bouton4> Caption = Police
    Code in CommandX_Click ()> cmd_Police Ret = ()

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Standard module

    Option Explicit

    Public Filtre1 As String
    Public Filtre2 As String
    Public Filtre3 As String
    Public Filtre4 As String
    Public Filtre5 As String
    Public Filtre6 As String
    Public Filtre7 As String

    Public Const DLG_FILE_OPEN = 1
    Public Const DLG_FILE_SAVE = 2
    Public Const DLG_COLOR = 3
    Public Const DLG_FONT = 4
    Public Const DLG_Print = 5
    Public Const DLG_HELP = 6

    'File Open / Save Dialog Flags
    Public Const OFN_READONLY = & H1 &
    Public Const OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT = & H2 &
    Public OFN_HIDEREADONLY Const = & H4 &
    Public Const OFN_NOCHANGEDIR = H8 & &
    Public Const OFN_SHOWHELP = & H10 &
    Public Const OFN_NOVALIDATE = & H100 &
    Public Const OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT = & H200 &
    Public Const OFN_EXTENSIONDIFFERENT = & H400 &
    Public Const OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST = & H800 &
    Public Const OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST = & & H1000
    Public Const OFN_CREATEPROMPT = & & H2000
    Public Const OFN_SHAREAWARE = & & H4000
    Public Const OFN_NOREADONLYRETURN = & & H8000

    'Color Dialog Flags
    Public Const CC_RGBINIT = & H1 &
    Public Const CC_FULLOPEN = & H2 &
    Public Const CC_PREVENTFULLOPEN = & H4 &
    Public Const CC_SHOWHELP = H8 & &

    Fonts Dialog Flags
    Public Const CF_SCREENFONTS = & H1 &
    Public Const CF_PRINTERFONTS = & H2 &
    Public Const CF_BOTH = H3 & &
    Public Const CF_SHOWHELP = & H4 &
    Public Const CF_INITTOLOGFONTSTRUCT = & H40 &
    Public Const CF_USESTYLE = & H80 &
    Public Const CF_EFFECTS = & H100 &
    Public Const CF_APPLY = & H200 &
    Public Const CF_ANSIONLY = & H400 &
    Public Const CF_NOVECTORFONTS = & H800 &
    Public Const CF_NOSIMULATIONS = & & H1000
    Public Const CF_LIMITSIZE = & & H2000
    Public Const CF_FIXEDPITCHONLY = & & H4000
    Public Const CF_WYSIWYG = & H8000 & 'must also have CF_SCREENFONTS & CF_PRINTERFONTS
    Public Const CF_FORCEFONTEXIST = & H10000
    Public Const CF_SCALABLEONLY = & H20000
    Public Const CF_TTONLY = & H40000
    Public Const CF_NOFACESEL = & H80000
    Public Const CF_NOSTYLESEL = & H100000
    Public Const CF_NOSIZESEL = & H200000

    'Printer Dialog Flags
    Public Const PD_ALLPAGES = & & H0
    Public Const PD_SELECTION = & H1 &
    Public Const PD_PAGENUMS = & H2 &
    Public Const PD_NOSELECTION = & H4 &
    Public Const PD_NOPAGENUMS = H8 & &
    Public Const PD_COLLATE = & H10 &
    Public Const PD_PRINTTOFILE = & H20 &
    Public Const PD_PRINTSETUP = & H40 &
    Public Const PD_NOWARNING = & H80 &
    Public Const PD_RETURNDC = & H100 &
    Public Const PD_RETURNIC = & H200 &
    Public Const PD_RETURNDEFAULT = & H400 &
    Public Const PD_SHOWHELP = & H800 &
    Public Const PD_USEDEVMODECOPIES = & H40000
    Public Const PD_DISABLEPRINTTOFILE = & H80000
    Public Const PD_HIDEPRINTTOFILE = & H100000

    'Help Constants
    Public Const HELP_CONTEXT = & H1 'Display topic in ulTopic
    Public Const HELP_QUIT = & H2 'Terminate help
    Public Const HELP_INDEX = & H3 'Display index
    Public Const HELP_CONTENTS = & H3
    Public Const HELP_HELPONHELP = & H4 'Display help on using help
    Public Const HELP_SETINDEX = & H5 'Set the current index for multi index help
    Public Const HELP_SETCONTENTS = & H5
    Public Const HELP_CONTEXTPOPUP = & H8
    Public Const HELP_FORCEFILE = & H9
    Public Const HELP_KEY = & H101 'Display topic for keyword in offabData
    Public Const HELP_COMMAND = & H102
    Public Const HELP_PARTIALKEY = & H105 'call the search engine in winhelp

    Function adds (a $) As String
    If a $ <> "" Then a $ = $ + "|"
    adds a $ =
    End Function

    'Call lines ...
    'Filename = cmd_ouvre ()
    'If 1 filter more>> cmd_ouvre Filename = ( "txt") <eg.
    'If several filters, set the filters Filtre1 to 4
    'routine adds filter all (*.*)
    Function cmd_Ouvre (Optional Filt1 As String) As String
    Sunday CTRL $, a $ b $ $ F1, F2 $ $ F3, F4 $
    CTRL $ = $ Chr (13) + Chr $ (10)
    If Filt1 <> "" Then
    a $ = "File (*." Filt1 & & ") | *." & Filt1
    End If
    If Filtre1 <> "" Then
    adds a $ = ($)
    a $ = $ + "File (*." Filtre1 & & ") | *." & Filtre1
    Filtre1 = ""
    End If
    If Filtre2 <> "" Then
    adds a $ = ($)
    a $ = $ + "File (*." Filtre2 & & ") | *." & Filtre2
    Filtre2 = ""
    End If
    If Filtre3 <> "" Then
    adds a $ = ($)
    a $ = $ + "File (*." Filtre3 & & ") | *." & Filtre3
    Filtre3 = ""
    End If
    If Filtre4 <> "" Then
    adds a $ = ($)
    a $ = $ + "File (*." Filtre4 & & ") | *." & Filtre4
    Filtre4 = ""
    End If
    adds a $ = ($)
    a $ = $ + "All (*.*) | *.*"
    Dialog.CMDialog1.Filter a $ =
    Dialog.CMDialog1.FilterIndex = 1
    Dialog.CMDialog1.Action = DLG_FILE_OPEN
    cmd_Ouvre = Dialog.CMDialog1.FileName
    Unload Dialog
    End Function

    Function cmd_Police ()
    Dialog.CMDialog1.DialogTitle = "Selection police"
    Dialog.CMDialog1.Action = DLG_FONT
    Filtre1 = Dialog.CMDialog1.FontName
    Filtre4 = Dialog.CMDialog1.FontSize
    Filtre5 = Dialog.CMDialog1.FontBold
    Filtre6 = Dialog.CMDialog1.FontItalic
    cmd_Police = Dialog.CMDialog1.FontName
    End Function

    Function cmd_Print ()
    Dialog.CMDialog1.FLAGS = PD_ALLPAGES
    Dialog.CMDialog1.Min = 1
    Dialog.CMDialog1.Max = 100
    Dialog.CMDialog1.FromPage = 1
    Dialog.CMDialog1.ToPage = 100
    Dialog.CMDialog1.Action = DLG_Print
    Unload Dialog
    End Function

    'Filt1 = extention file searching
    'ex: TXT or EXE
    'routine adds filter all (*.*)
    Function cmd_SaveAs (Filt1 As String) As String
    Filtre1 = "File (*." Filt1 & & ") | *." & Filt1
    Filtre2 = "All (*.*) | *.*"
    Dialog.CMDialog1.Filter = Filtre1 + "|" + Filtre2
    Dialog.CMDialog1.FilterIndex = 1
    Dialog.CMDialog1.Action = DLG_FILE_SAVE
    cmd_SaveAs = Dialog.CMDialog1.FileName
    Unload Dialog

    End Function

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