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Thread: What are the RGB values?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    What are the RGB values?

    Hello to everyone, Can anyone provide me information regarding the RGB value? It is font or something different? Why did we use it? Can anyone have idea? If you have any information please give me it in simple format so that I am able to understand it. Please give it in very basic manner, as I don't have any knowledge about computer and its operating system. I just know how to use computer for internet browsing and chatting.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Re: What are the RGB values?

    Hi, you don't know about RGB? It is a color model Where red, green, and blue light are added together in various ways to make different colors. RGB stands for Red, Green and Blue. This color model is developed for sensing, representation, and display of images in electronic systems. Common RGB input devices are color TV and video cameras, image scanners, and digital cameras. Typical RGB output devices are TV sets of various technologiesCD, plasma, etc.), computer and mobile phone displays, video projectors, multicolor LED displays, and large screens as JumboTron, and so on and on. Basically it is a color model developed for making different colors of our own choice.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: What are the RGB values?

    Hi, I have used RGB values in HTML and have small information regarding it. You can get from the name that RGB stands for Red, Blue and Green. In RGB values colors are made up of 3 sets of RGB constants as, Red, Green and Blue contained within a color. These colors are represented as hexadecimal values.
    You will understand it by take a look on following:

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: What are the RGB values?

    Hi, RGB values are used to get color which we want. You can make use of following RGB values HEX code for your color:

    Color:Hex Code
    Alice blue #F0F8FF
    Antique white #FAEBD7
    Aqua #00FFFF
    Aquamarine #7FFFD4
    Azure #F0FFFF
    Beige #F5F5DC
    Bisque #FFE4C4
    Black #000000
    Blanche dalmond #FFEBCD
    Blue #0000FF
    Blue violet #8A2BE2
    Brown #A52A2A
    Burlywood #DEB887
    Cadet blue #5F9EA0
    Chartreuse #7FFF00
    Chocolate #D2691E
    Coral #FF7F50
    Cornflower blue #6495ED
    Cornsilk #FFF8DC
    Crimson #DC143C
    Cyan #00FFFF
    Dark blue #00008B
    Dark cyan #008B8B
    Dark goldenrod #B8860B
    Dark gray #A9A9A9
    Dark green #006400
    Dark khaki #BDB76B
    Dark magenta #8B008B
    Dark olive green #556B2F
    Dark orange #FF8C00
    Dark orchid #9932CC
    Dark red #8B0000
    Dark salmon #E9967A
    Dark seagreen #8DBC8F
    Dark slate blue #483D8B
    Dark slate gray #2F4F4F
    Dark turquoise #00DED1
    Dark violet #9400D3
    Deep pink #FF1493
    Deep sky blue #00BFFF
    Dim gray #696969
    Dodger blue #1E90FF
    Firebrick #B22222
    Floral white #FFFAF0
    Forest green #228B22
    Fuchsia #FF00FF
    Gainsboro #DCDCDC
    Ghost white #F8F8FF
    Gold #FFD700
    Goldenrod #DAA520
    Gray #808080
    Green #008000
    Green yellow #ADFF2F
    Honeydew #F0FFF0
    Hot pink #FF69B4
    Indian red #CD5C5C
    Indigo #4B0082
    Ivory #FFFFF0
    Khaki #F0E68C
    Lavender #E6E6FA
    Lavender blush #FFF0F5
    Lawngreen #7CFC00
    Lemon chiffon #FFFACD
    Light blue #ADD8E6
    Light coral #F08080
    Light cyan #E0FFFF
    Light goldenrod yellow #FAFAD2
    Light green #90EE90
    Light grey #D3D3D3
    Light pink #FFB6C1
    Light salmon #FFA07A
    Light seagreen #20B2AA
    Light sky blue #87CEFA
    Light slate gray #778899
    Light steel blue #B0C4DE
    Light yellow #FFFFE0
    Lime #00FF00
    Lime green #32CD32
    Linen #FAF0E6
    Magenta #FF00FF
    Maroon #800000
    Medium aquamarine #66CDAA
    Medium blue #0000CD
    Medium orchid #BA55D3
    Medium purple #9370DB
    Medium sea green #3CB371
    Medium slate blue #7B68EE
    Medium spring green #00FA9A
    Medium turquoise #48D1CC
    Medium violet red #C71585
    Midnight blue #191970
    Mint cream #F5FFFA
    Misty rose #FFE4E1
    Moccasin #FFE4B5
    Navajo white #FFDEAD
    Navy #000080
    Old lace #FDF5E6
    Olive drab #6B8E23
    Orange #FFA500
    Orange red #FF4500
    Orchid #DA70D6
    Pale goldenrod #EEE8AA
    Pale green #98FB98
    Pale turquoise #AFEEEE
    Pale violet red #DB7093
    Papaya whip #FFEFD5
    Peach puff #FFDAB9
    Peru #CD853F
    Pink #FFC8CB
    Plum #DDA0DD
    Powder blue #B0E0E6
    Purple #800080
    Red #FF0000
    Rosy brown #BC8F8F
    Royal blue #4169E1
    Saddle brown #8B4513
    Salmon #FA8072
    Sandy brown #F4A460
    Sea green #2E8B57
    Sea shell #FFF5EE
    Sienna #A0522D
    Silver #C0C0C0
    Sky blue #87CEEB
    Slate blue #6A5ACD
    Snow #FFFAFA
    Spring green #00FF7F
    Steelblue #4682B4
    Tan #D2B48C
    Teal #008080
    Thistle #D8BFD8
    Tomato #FF6347
    Turquoise #40E0D0
    Violet #EE82EE
    Wheat #F5DEB3
    White #FFFFFF
    Whitesmoke #F5F5F5
    Yellow #FFFF00
    Yellow green #9ACD32

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