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Thread: Windows Vista 64 bit : What is SysWOW64 ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Windows Vista 64 bit : What is SysWOW64 ?

    Hello everyone,

    If I drag the file appactivate.oc in the script 13-7.VBS, prompt me
    said he could not create object. Because the engine default is 64

    If I use the command line everything works.

    My Configuration :
    HP Pavilion Elite m9525f Desktop PC
    Vista Home Premium SP1 64-bit

    Thanks for the help in advance ......

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Windows Vista 64 bit : What is SysWOW64 ?


    WoW64 stands for "Windows on 64-bit Windows", and it contains all the 32-bit binary files required for compatibility, which run on top of the 64 bit
    Windows. So, yeah" it looks like a double copy of everything in System32 (which despite the directory name, are actually 64-bit binaries).

    If you are running 32 bit Windows then finding this SysWoW64 directory is a
    bit weird ...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Windows Vista 64 bit : What is SysWOW64 ?


    WOW64 knows that the Setup wizard is a 32-bit application running within an emulator. It also knows that 64- and 32-bit code cannot be mixed. As such, the WOW64 emulator aliases an alias to the \Windows\SysWOW64 folder. This means that any time a 32-bit application needs to read or write anything to or from the \Windows\System32 folder, the WOW64 emulator transparently redirects the request to the \Windows\SysWOW64 folder.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Windows Vista 64 bit : What is SysWOW64 ?


    Microsoft offers a set of 32 bit executables in the WoW(Windows on Windows) directory of the system, for a Windows Vista 64 bit Operating System,

    To setup DSN for 32-bit application you must use:

    and for 64-bit application you must use:

    So, to run a 32 bit application, we would need to modify the env PATH variable and put SysWOW64 before system32.

    Roughly the steps would be
    1. Start %windir%\SysWoW64\cmd.exe
    2. set PATH=%systemroot%\SysWOW64;%PATH%
    3. Run the application.
    4. After application has completed, reset PATH variable if required.

    Hope this was helpful.
    Or, if the application can't be run from a shell then you could modify the PATH variable directly from System Properties > Advanced Tab > Environmental Variable > System variable.
    Edit the PATH variable accordingly and reboot the system for the changes to take effect.

    And also check the related threads :

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Re: Windows Vista 64 bit : What is SysWOW64 ?

    What exactly is SysWOW64? Is is the system32 folder of Vista which is converted to SysWOW64 for 64bit Operating system? I'm a bit confused, hoping someone would just enlighten me... Thanks...

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