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Thread: Dungeon Siege III Walkthrough & Tips

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Dungeon Siege III Walkthrough & Tips

    Centuries ago, when the Empire of Stars collapsed, the land of Ehb became a refuge for the 10th Legion. They were the finest and best-trained of the Imperial armies. The noble legionnaires protected Ehb during the War of Legions, when the old Empire tore itself apart. At the War's end, the commanders of the 10th Legion established a new and independent kingdom of Ehb. Throughout Ehb's history, the Legion provided stability and protection, but they left rulership of the kingdom to an independent monarchy.

    As years passed, the Legion became increasingly powerful. Its influence grew to rival the monarchy. Then, thirty years ago, Ehb's king was murdered, and blame was cast upon the Legion. Led by the young and charismatic Jeyne Kassynder, the people rose up and slaughtered the 10th Legion, tearing down their proud chapter houses and estates. With the fall of the Legion, the kingdom has fractured into petty states and free towns. Most of the country has fallen under the sway of Jeyne Kassynder, who controls the Church and eastern Ehb. Her power is steadily growing. The royal court has retreated to the mountain fastness of Glitterdelve, in the west, and the bustling city of Stonebridge has declared itself a free and independent republic.

    Only a scattering of Legion descendants survive. Many were hunted down and slain by Jeyne Kassynder, while others fell victim to the mobs of common folk who rose up to sack their estates. But a network of descendants endures, organized by an elusive old man - the Venerable Odo - believed to be the last surviving legionnaire. He has protected the children of Legion blood and kept them safe from Jeyne Kassynder. Now a gathering has been called in the remote Rukkenvahl, in the north. Odo has asked all the Legion descendants to assemble, in an attempt to rebuild the Legion and take back their kingdom from Jeyne Kassynder, before it is too late.

    Game Characters

    Non-Playable Characters


    Meeting of the North

    Progress in the field Montbarron to enter the building in flames. Inside you will find your first treasure which is a weapon rack and three chests. Please note that the contents are completely random. After eliminating the enemies, join Marten Guiscard. You have to destroy the bridge by turning the locks of three barrels but before that, remember the chest in a recess behind the pillars. Indulge in this fire of joy! After the scene, you find yourself on the pilgrimage route. Visit the cul-de-sac to unearth some treasures on the body and turn back. On your way you come across a skeleton generous and a safe hidden behind a small fence. In the camp, search out the area since it is not less than two racks and a box waiting for you here.

    Leaving the camp, go to the cul-de-sac on the right to find other items and then go to the bridge. Bogdan and his friends attack you. Remove the minions if you equipment then go to their leader by staying away as much as possible. The first boss is not complicated. Odo finally find the Commander of the Legion to complete this quest.

    Lower Raven Bach

    Just past the entrance we can from the widow Lyudmila the quest "Revenge of the widow, 'at which we must shred a bandit boss. We go sooner or later anyway in his direction, so we can do the job well. At a bend in the north lies a box. Let us further to the west of the village, we are automatically addressed - by whom, depends on who we play, usually it is Katarina. The person warns us of an ambush of Lescanzi mercenaries in the city and said we should talk to her sister Leona that awaits us in a nearby cave. Before we rush to it, we should ask the villagers even after Lazar. We get out but no response from the peasants, as long as we have done is not at least one of the side quests in the village. We should do all the side quests as possible, as much as possible to continue our adventure.

    There are three in total, in addition to "Revenge of the widow," we can help Anton in the north of the village to regain his precious heirloom from the bandits Otakar ("My Treasure"). And Yacob, the man at the water wheel at the western edge of the village, wants to free us from his favorite fishing spot "devil fish" ("Fish Pond"). For each of the quests we can reward ourselves or give up our wages - the latter approach will unlock an achievement that gives us permanently a bonus of 5 on our willpower.

    Rabe Bach:

    Fish pond : The fishing spot of Yacob is very close to the village (where the corpse was eaten by the crows) and can be, for example during the quest "Revenge of the widow" on the side visits. If we approach the shore near the corpse, we have the opportunity to throw in Yacob secret bait. The water begins to bubble and it will appear four smaller fish monsters, led by the larger Nishemmu. The fight can be tough, when in doubt should be run, to the oversized fish fingers from each other and lure single - especially because the other gills Nishemmus aura stronger. But we should pay attention with our running around to avoid falling into the nearby army camp, hang out because there is usually a few mercenaries. After the fight, loot and we get a tooth Nishemmus, we present Yacob to finish the quest.

    Revenge of the widow : Ludmila's husband was killed by the bandits Vaclav Boris, now we should pull the wool over the cronies of the ears. For this quest we have to leave Raven creek east (as well as "fish pond", so offers to do both quests together) and then run back up to the meeting house, at the bridge, we turn south this time. Here we encounter the dealer Florin, who gives us the quest "The unfortunate merchant", which we will meet by the way anyway. The paths are lined with bands of robbers and mercenaries, but fortunately linear. We look for sporadic cases on the way, as for example, shortly after our first encounter with Florin left, right, are then hidden. At the westernmost end of the road we find a group of swordsmen and archers in a car, we flatten. (End of the quest "The unfortunate trader"). We save us move further south.

    The unfortunate trader: We complete this quest, almost incidentally, while we take "Revenge of the widow 'in attack. We can theoretically conclude even before that, but then we run twice. Just south of the bridge to the meeting house of the Legion welcomes us to the dealer Florin, the villain who stole his car with merchandise.

    My Treasure : The thug with the great name of Ottokar, Anton steals a family heirloom and has fled to the western forest. We left the creek bottom so raven west and follow the path. Ottokar awaits just beyond the first crossing to the west and is to be expected, as was disgusting, surrounded by his crew. The fight is against Boris from the "Revenge of the widow" are very similar and requires little finesse - not the usual tactics lead to success, then we have to rely more on Hit & Run, isolate and individually Ottokar's henchmen, then hit the first We at the big bloke. After the battle we plunder Ottokar war camp and returned along with the heirloom to Anton, where we receive our reward or reject either.

  2. #2
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    May 2008

    Re: Dungeon Siege III Walkthrough & Tips

    The Witch Vera

    In this battle, it can go downhill fast if you do not soon gain control and keep track. The main reason is that in addition to Vera, numerous soldiers round the area unsafe, with two or three other witches. Keep an eye on everything, maintain the overview, then you are ever on the safe side. As is so often recommended to evacuate until the sheep out of the way and move on to the chief witch. Vera does not differ too much from normal witches. Summon your skeleton shows no differences. Her curse bullet that harms us and we debufft throws them into a fan of five projectiles, but most of them are likely to meet one or none at all. If we get too close, they used an Area of Effect attack in which she sends out circular waves of energy. And if they get too much on the lid, teleports the mage Lecanzi.

    Otherwise, their main characteristic is that it has a lot of life. More than enough to endure a little longer. The usual tactics should lead to success: individual fighting style, using abilities (preferably paralyzing) and hit-and-run attacks are all very effective. We should not forget our energy spheres, a well established healing or an enhanced attack at the right place to make this fight a little easier. Not that he would be particularly difficult.

    Sturmlied Cave - Part 2

    Once the witch has passed away, we go to the cages in the east. On the left of the two cages, we meet the young legionnaire Armand du Blanc. He tells us that he has not seen any more survivors (other than the person in the cage next to him) and served us a giant bear on how he was captured - we'll can easily get them to tell the truth, but must not. After talking to Armand goes to the meeting house. In the other cage, we encounter one of the other characters, again it depends on who we're playing yourself, but if we do not control even the Archon Anjali, she crouches in the cage. She thanks him and tells how she was captured. When we tell her that it was their desire for justice that has led to their capture, to improve our relationship to it - this over time will unlock additional bonuses.

    Our fellow joins us now and will support us in disputes, so we should equip him / her and learn skills leave. From now on we should look prior to the sale of items always make sure our colleague may need the equipment. In addition, we now have a second energy sphere are available. Leona comes to us and asks us in return for their help in the rescue of the prisoners to help with a personal problem - the cleaning of a haunted house, where she is interested. We accept the quest ("The Gunderic-estate") and get the keys next to the property nor any information about the woman who pulled the strings behind the attack. Her name is Rajani and she obviously has money to burn, because it has lots of Lescanzi hired mercenaries.

    The next target on the agenda is the escape from the cave, which runs through a shortcut without problems. We simply take the door to the south and meet Katarina / Leonas again brother Alexei. Our friend has attracted more mercenaries, we can him / her even after Gunderic-estate questions, or anything else, it makes no difference to connect, will he / she is not us. We lift off the table on the note of a certain witch in Zaria Vera, open two treasure chests and move further south (where we beat tidy with our new partner, mercenaries), until we reach the exit of the cave. From now on, it goes back to Bach by Rabe meeting house - Odo must learn from the survivors.

    The Gunderic-estate

    We get this quest from Leona, after we have liberated our companions from the storm song cave - the Lescanzi still speaks to us in the cave itself automatically. A warning first: The opponents in the not quite so deserted mansion are much stronger than the rest of the riff-raff in the western forest, so it's a good idea to train for the storm song a little cave. Or at least report to Odo reimbursed, because that brings a lot of experience and is usually sufficient for a level rise. Either way we go into the western woods, follow the path and at the first intersection (where it goes north to the entrance of the cave Sturmlied) we head further west. Soon we arrive at a gate with a save point behind it. We save breathe deeply and then enter the spooky house.

    Immediately after our entry welcomes us with a disembodied female voice saying "Help me!". Whether the voice is probably one of the lady on the large painting in the hall? Anyway, we should investigate. We take one of two staircases going up and us in the western wing. The doors are all closed here - but one literally opens as if by magic. Behind it we find the spectral Alise Gunderic, daughter of the original landlord. She asks us to destroy the power source that ties her to the house, and gives us the key to the east wing warns against us but two things: We still need a key to the vault, where staying power source said. And the "employees" of their father are blindly devoted to him and will want to stop us.

    If we save and exit the room, we get to know the staff from close range. Four witches and one stubborn warriors mowed down, then we search through the now open space for valuables and finding the password for Lord Gunderics study: Nagog. Then we go back into the great hall. This time we go north, where we find a passage in a book - and then be immediately warned by Alise that someone is watching us. And indeed, one after the six gargoyles awakens in the hall to life and begins to make our lives difficult. The beasts are ranged DPS, particularly what makes things difficult for Lucas - we play him, we should close our assaults as quickly as possible the gap. Or we leave the main part of our partners. Now we open the door to the west, clearing up with the skeletons to open in the northwest corner of a box and read a diary entry from Lord Gunderics.

    When you open the door in the north-east caution - in addition to normal skeletons lurking here again, the witches and slightly more armored enemies. These are done, we find another journal entry. Obviously, the powerful artifact that captures Alise, the heart of Nagog. The big bookshelf in the south are on closer examination without a secret room, which are not only a treasure chest and a gun rack, but where we can learn from a scroll once the password for the study. The door to the study Gunderics Lord is the one with a talking face, which of us wants a password. We can guess, but that only brings us pain, but instead we tell her the password, which we have previously found in the director's room or in the room next door: "Nagog". To solve this "puzzle" is the achievement "puzzle championship," the us two points of movement. In the room itself, we find, next to a save point and a diary page, a box with the key vault.

    We save, then it goes back to the main hall, down the stairs and through the eastern door after we have flattened the various skeletons hanging around here. We pass through the door and follow the linear path through the rooms, where we make some skeletons of various kinds. After a few steps down we get into the Gunderic Library of Arcana. We have actually north through the door, but there is a circular object on the lever. The door in the southwest (the checkpoint) is also closed. Just at that moment to break a few helpful opponent through the Western Wall! We thank them at gunpoint, battered in the adjacent study room and more skeletons can watch from the balcony in the south a sort of ritual. We follow the corridor can fight in two adjacent rooms even more skeletons and open a treasure chest, then we get into the hall where the ritual takes place. Before we go down the stairs, we store again.

    The witches conjure up a horror swamp colossus, who also goes off at once to us. First, we should look to the witches out of the way, annoying their projectiles otherwise quite terrible. Then it goes to the thickness. The colossus dominates three basic attacks: he can normally strike (but hard), pick up a stone and throw (the flies fortunately slowly so that you are good with an alternative role comes off) and he has an attack with a cone-shaped active region where glowing tentacles shoot from his arm. As long as we are not covered by selfsame, the colossus is not a big problem. In the northern corner of the hall we find the stone that we must now use the lever at the top of the library - we come out there a lot faster if we take the eastern exit from the hall. We have opened the door with the lever, we enter the Holy of Holies. Behind the west door, we find the heart of Nagog that Alise at this house attracts.

    To free her, we only need to beat on it - but we should still leave time being. Around the heart are still around several treasures. In the eastern area stand to wait two arms and a broken access to a dimension of passage. We have researched everything, we enter the northern room, where we are greeted Gunderic Lord himself. The grim host is talking to the Legion in general not good. We have already set his daughter, he's even got sour - which will also be shown in the following non-avoidable war. Lord Gunderics attack range consists firstly of normal beats - he walks slowly in our direction and then the skin easily to ... He also has a range attack, announcing the fact that the Lord slowly raises his sword, spear to the ground - a timely role is all there is to dodge necessary. He lowers his sword above his head slightly, immediately follows a fast ram forward, this attack is difficult to anticipate based, but not as much damage. Do we have the heart of Nagog, Alise has captured the destroyed before the fight, and the energy is passed to the artifact Gunderic.

    The Obermotz is now much more resilient and conjures occasional groups of skeletons, we can quickly erase. Otherwise, here to help the normal attack tactics. For serious injury we withdraw, use our healing ability and prancing around the Big Boss, until we feel better. After the fight, we'll take out all the loot lying around, open the treasure chest in the room and step out. Leona welcomes us to our victory and congratulated blame us if we have destroyed the heart of Nagog. If we play Katarina, Leona, we can also ask if we do not know them, and they told us some interesting things. She asks if she could have the property.

    Let's put it "It is yours.", we get the achievement "an ally of the Lescanzi" for which there are three permanent Willpower points. Let us give only limited usage rights, so that the house remains in possession of Legion, we emphasize the achievement of "guardian of the Legion," one whose bonus is three points endurance. For both decisions, there is also an achievement in each. If we have not yet destroyed the heart of Nagog, Leona say that we look around us still want to go into Ali's grave chamber and destroy the magical crystal to give this spirit at peace. We have collected everything and done, we say Leona that we are done, and thus close off the quest.

  3. #3
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    May 2008

    Re: Dungeon Siege III Walkthrough & Tips

    The meeting house

    On the way back, we are bound by Rabe stream of a young woman named Tatyana addressed to us by the quest "play hide and seek" granted. As this is happening in the Ostwald and we go there soon anyway, we can do it too. It lends itself to also do so in the near future, the quest "The Gunderic-property" so that we check off the bottom raven creek and can leave behind. Otherwise the return is unspectacular. In the meeting house welcomes us to the young Armand - he has already Odo tells of the terrible events in the cave. Also built a shop in the little coward meeting house, which we can use from now on. Good to know. We talk to Odo and tell him of Rajani and Lazar's arrest. The venerable Legion decides it's time for a surprise attack.

    For this purpose we need to reactivate the dimension passages - magical portals into another dimension, can be quickly overcome in the long distances. The plan is our only chance. There's just one problem: the magic gates are inactive for ages. We need the ring of the last Grand Master, Hugh Montbarron, who was killed in Mournweald of Kassynder Jeynes. The forest has changed a lot since then, but we have no choice. Not really. We get a key for the east door of the property that we use at once: We march at once in the east wing, (lurk caution, nasty spiders here, if we were not here) down the stairs here and continue east to the door. We open the door and entered the eastern forest.

    The Gunderic-estate

    We get this quest from Leona, after we have liberated our companions from the storm song cave - the Lescanzi still speaks to us in the cave itself automatically. A warning first: The opponents in the not quite so deserted mansion are much stronger than the rest of the riff-raff in the western forest, so it's a good idea to train for the storm song a little cave. Or at least report to Odo reimbursed, because that brings a lot of experience and is usually sufficient for a level rise. Either way we go into the western woods, follow the path and at the first intersection (where it goes north to the entrance of the cave Sturmlied) we head further west. Soon we arrive at a gate with a save point behind it. We save breathe deeply and then enter the spooky house.

    Immediately after our entry welcomes us with a disembodied female voice saying "Help me!". Whether the voice is probably one of the lady on the large painting in the hall? Anyway, we should investigate. We take one of two staircases going up and us in the western wing. The doors are all closed here - but one literally opens as if by magic. Either way we go into the western woods, follow the path and at the first intersection (where it goes north to the entrance of the cave Sturmlied) we head further west. Soon we arrive at a gate with a save point behind it. We save breathe deeply and then enter the spooky house. Immediately after our entry welcomes us with a disembodied female voice saying "Help me!". Whether the voice is probably one of the lady on the large painting in the hall? Anyway, we should investigate. We take one of two staircases going up and us in the western wing. The doors are all closed here - but one literally opens as if by magic.

    If we save and exit the room, we get to know the staff from close range. Four witches and one stubborn warriors mowed down, then we search through the now open space for valuables and finding the password for Lord Gunderics study: "Nagog". Then we go back into the great hall. This time we go north, where we find a passage in a book - and then be immediately warned by Alise that someone is watching us. And indeed, one after the six gargoyles awaken in the hall to life and begin to make our lives difficult. The beasts are ranged DPS, particularly what makes things difficult for Lucas - we play him, we should close our assaults as quickly as possible the gap. Or we leave the main part of our partners. Now we open the door to the west, clearing up with the skeletons to open in the northwest corner of a box and read a diary entry from Lord Gunderics.

    When you open the door in the north-east caution - in addition to normal skeletons lurking here again, the witches and slightly more armored enemies. These are done, we find another diary entry. Obviously, the powerful artifact that captures Alise, the "heart of Nagog". The big bookshelf in the south are on closer examination without a secret room, which are not only a treasure chest and a gun rack, but where we can learn from a scroll once the password for the study. The door to the study Gunderics Lord is the one with a talking face, which of us wants a password. We can guess, but that only brings us pain, but instead we tell her the password, which we have previously found in the director's room or in the room next door: "Nagog". To solve this "puzzle" is the achievement "puzzle championship," the us two points of movement. In the room itself, we find, next to a save point and a diary page, a box with the key vault.

    We save, then it goes back to the main hall, down the stairs and through the eastern door ... after we have flattened the various skeletons hanging around here. We pass through the door and follow the linear path through the rooms, where we make some skeletons of various kinds. After a few steps down we get into the Gunderic Library of Arcana. We have actually north through the door, but there is a circular object on the lever. The door in the southwest (the checkpoint) is also closed. Just at that moment to break a few helpful opponent through the Western Wall! We thank them at gunpoint, battered in the adjacent study room and more skeletons can watch from the balcony in the south a sort of ritual. We follow the corridor can fight in two adjacent rooms even more skeletons and open a treasure chest, then we get into the hall where the ritual takes place. Before we go down the stairs, we store again.

    The witches conjure up a horror swamp colossus, who also goes off at once to us. First, we should look to the witches out of the way, annoying their projectiles otherwise quite terrible. Then it goes to the thickness. The colossus dominates three basic attacks: he can normally strike (but hard), pick up a stone and throw (the flies fortunately slowly so that you are good with an alternative role comes off) and he has an attack with a cone-shaped active region where glowing tentacles shoot from his arm. As long as we are not covered by selfsame, the colossus is not a big problem.

    In the northern corner of the hall we find the stone that we must now use the lever at the top of the library - we come out there a lot faster if we take the eastern exit from the hall. We have opened the door with the lever, we enter the Holy of Holies. Behind the west door, we find the heart of Nagog that Alise at this house attracts. To free her, we only need to beat on it - but we should still leave time being. Around the heart are still around several treasures. In the eastern area stand to wait two arms and a broken access to a dimension of passage.

    We have researched everything, we enter the northern room, where we are greeted Gunderic Lord himself. The grim host is talking to the Legion in general not good. We have already set his daughter, he's even got sour - which will also be shown in the following non-avoidable war. Lord Gunderics attack range consists firstly of normal beats - he walks slowly in our direction and then the skin easily to ... He also has a range attack, announcing the fact that the Lord slowly raises his sword, spear to the ground - a timely role is all there is to dodge necessary. \He lowers his sword above his head slightly, immediately follows a fast ram forward, this attack is difficult to anticipate based, but not as much damage. Do we have the heart of Nagog, Alise has captured the destroyed before the fight, and the energy is passed to the artifact Gunderic.

    The Obermotz is now much more resilient and conjures occasional groups of skeletons, we can quickly erase. Otherwise, here to help the normal attack tactics. For serious injury we withdraw, use our healing ability and prancing around the Big Boss, until we feel better. After the fight, we'll take out all the loot lying around, open the treasure chest in the room and step out. Leona welcomes us to our victory and congratulated blame us if we have destroyed the heart of Nagog.

    If we play Katarina, Leona, we can also ask if we do not know them, and they told us some interesting things. She asks if she could have the property. Let's put it "It is yours.", We get the achievement "an ally of the Lescanzi" for which there are three permanent Willpower points. Let us give only limited usage rights, so that the house remains in possession of Legion, we emphasize the achievement of "guardian of the Legion," one whose bonus is three points endurance. For both decisions, there is also an achievement in each. If we have not yet destroyed the heart of Nagog, Leona say that we look around us still want to go into Ali's grave chamber and destroy the magical crystal to give this spirit at peace. We have collected everything and done, we say Leona that we are done, and thus close off the quest.

  4. #4
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    May 2008

    Re: Dungeon Siege III Walkthrough & Tips

    Eastern Forest

    Just outside the door of the meeting house is a corpse whose investigation of the Quest "speechlessness" starts. We should deal with this quest, because it is not too heavy, very rewarding and we rattle off the appropriate places anyway soon. In this forest there are tons of spiders - but not really dangerous, but makes the mass's. With our group of arachnids, the styles were soon to bless the temporal. Apart from the winding paths are a bit confusing, but as long as we use our helpful quest marker (D-pad up), we should all be any problem.

    The further we come to the east, the harder the opponents. Near the eastern point we encounter a memory Dakkenweyr, a ruler of the beast, who not only endures even more beastly, but even tougher by a pack of wolves will be escorted. Behind him and a nearby checkpoint, we encounter a barrier of roots, which we first blocked the path, but then opens. Strange. Mournweald in itself, it is eerily familiar, and we learn a new kind of enemies: vodyanoi, water monsters that resemble the devil fish from the quest "fish pond". These unpleasant companions and suddenly emerge in droves from the water. The smaller claw is in our bodies, while the large lay traps and we can even escape focus. Fortunately, beasts hold out much.

    We follow the linear path and kill more fresh fish. At the eastern curve of the road is a wooden bridge, on the other side we find a chest and two corpses plundered. We follow the path south and soon reach the final resting place Montbarrons Hugh, the last Grand Master. Before we search Montbarrons body, we still look after the luggage of the other dead legionnaires. In particular, a corpse in the East, which lies behind a tree, has a very powerful shield for Lucas here - even if the moment does not belong to the party, we should think twice to sell the shield. Then we'll take the ring. And are promptly arrested by a brilliant boy, the child of wisdom. The boy told us all sorts of mystical stuff, and only the least of which is clear.

    Eastern Forest: sidequest


    Once we have access to the eastern forests, we find a corpse on the doorstep of the meeting house a note: One of the bookshelves of the house is to release a treasure, if you enter offers three books that are scattered in the eastern forest - Genealogy books three Legionnaires' families. The genealogical history of the Manx 'is found in the cave in the far south of the map that you visited during the quest, "Playing hide". After walking in the cave all the stairs down (and has killed disgusting spiders), the book is looking at a corpse, lying in a small niche in the north. The book about the house Montbarron is near the eastern point of storage between two massive rocks. It is guarded by a vicious Dakkenweyr, a Beast Lord, here goes for a walk with his pack of wolves immensely tough.

    The third and last of the books, the book about the ancestors Gunderics, located in the elongated recess directly north of the save point in the east. Caution, the elder is here wandering Dakkenweyr more unpleasant than his colleague just mentioned - but if we want to approach the book, we have no choice but to him and his mutts to pull the wool over the ears. Very painful. In one of his caves is also yet to find a treasure chest. With the three books, we now return to the property. On the north wall in the upper floor of the east wing is the large bookcase, from which the speech was. Substituting here the books, then opens a secret room in which we find in a treasure chest of the raven ring.

    By which we judge not only because more mobility bonus critical strike, they fall even harder thanks to doom bonus from - a great find!

    After we have liberated the survivors of the storm cave song to us a young woman named Tatyana speaks automatically on our return journey by raven creek. Her husband, Sergeant Niku has fled because of the turmoil in the village and was hiding in a cave in the Ostwald. Tatyana, devoted wife, which she happens to want him now, at least send a package of supplies. Since we already have there, we can bring it to him so well.

    Are we landed on the rapport the venerable Odo in the eastern forest, Copernicus's cave at the southern end of the map to find - we see there a thin, winding road, is at the beginning of a save point. We should use this urgently, because as expected, Niku is not alone in the cave. We continue to follow the path and soon end up in the shadow gap cavity, along the way we are being harassed repeatedly by arachnids. Once we have descended the last steps, we find a small niche in the north near the corpse of a Manx ancestry book - one of the three items for the quest "speechless". In the south we find a suspicious area round and a memory point. We store, go a little way and found Niku, hanging upside down packed and pretty. During the conversation with him also shows the Packers. Time for a fight.

    Palefangs strong melee attack promises to be so strong that you need to give even bother to be taken. If the albino spider raises its front legs, we just go to the side. Five times against their income, we cannot inflict much, but it also makes little damage. The further we are away, the more spread the shots and we can slip through between them. Alefangs most annoying attack is a mass exorcism of mini spiders, but our biggest mass attacks make short work with the weak crawlers. Soon the white spider stretches all of the eighth.

    After the fight we tie off the dangling Niku. The guard is both happy that he has such a caring woman, and secondly that he was not eaten, so he handed us an item for our efforts.

    More Updates Pending

  5. #5
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    Re: Dungeon Siege III Walkthrough & Tips

    • Rivalry : You have declined 20 choices in your party
    • All Kingdom : You accepted 20 choices in your party
    • Military Intelligence: You were part of a conversation involving all four players disagree
    • Merchant of FSA : You have sold at least 100,000 pieces of equipment
    • Jinx : You were part of a conversation involving four players all agreed
    • We Are Legion : You've met a whole group of descendants of the Legion
    • A helping hand : After joining the game a player, you help the latter with a power of defense to assist the group
    • The Community of Ding : You are part of a rising level in a 4 player game
    • Enduring Champion : In your career, you should have at least 100,000 points of damage
    • Exactly two dozen : You reach level 20 with Katarina
    • Calculating the Victorious : You have finished the main quest with Reinhart
    • Nerds hate the light : You and your friends have played 3 hours in one session
    • Maximum Charisma: You have reached the maximum level of influence with one of your fellow
    • Lock, arm, and call : You have finished the main quest with Katarina
    • Guardian of the Ehb : You have finished the main quest with Lucas
    • Legendary Guardian : You have reached level 20 with Lucas
    • Stop fire : You have finished the main quest with Anjali
    • Scholar : You have reached level 20 with Reinhart
    • Circle of Friends : You have a level of influence by fellow
    • Super fan : You have reached level 20 with Anjali
    • Two daughters, a Boss : Play co-op with Anjali and Katarina and work your way through a Boss
    • Rival Rajani : You beat Rajani without having to heal you
    • Moment of solace : Jeynes force to escape without defeating its following
    • Fist of the super Potes : Play co-op with Lucas and Reinhart and beat a Boss
    • Archambaud of Anathema : Destroy 50 automatically during your fight against Old Dapper Gent
    • Parade : You parade was equipped with only rare item
    • Team Four : Finish the game with a team of four players
    • I can do it with eyes closed : Kill an enemy just by using your major equipment Default
    • Perfect Victory : You come to the end of the resurrected God without being brought to life by one of your companions
    • Loremaster : Discover an adventure tradition 60
    • Worthy of the legend : Dungeon Siege III Complete with the difficulty level the highest
    • Meet the Winners : Restore the Legion and save the land of FSA
    • Perfectionist : Finish the main quest and all side quests
    • Platinum Trophy : Get all the trophies trophies more secrets

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