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Thread: Two Worlds II Walkthrough

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Two Worlds II Walkthrough

    In this great walkthrough of Two Worlds 2, you will find all tips and tricks related to each Chapter that will help you to pass the comprehensive quest. So you should have no problem to finish the RPG. Below you will learn how to best escape from prison. The first part of Two Worlds saga ended up as a prisoner in the dungeons of the power-hungry Gandohar. Her sister serves as a cage for an evil deity. Some years later, the story of Two Worlds 2 begins with the escape from captivity.

    Follow your savior, but have a look around. In small blind alleys you find one or the other box. Collect program whatever you can bear - you'll need later. After the cutscene with the orcs, you loot the corpses and Dar Pha follow up the steps. Soon you end up in a small library, the road ahead is blocked. In a conversation with your savior, you will learn that there is a switch. Walk up the stairs and turn right. In an alcove on the left side is the switch. Go back down and sneak you across the bridge. After the cutscene you are in a small hall. On one of the platforms on the right you will find a little Easter egg in the form of a book: the architects of Antaloor. It contains the credits of the game. Follow the stairs down the Ork lady and enjoy the battle between her and Sordahon. After this cutscene you'll find yourself in the throne room again.

    Another way:

    Do not run back into the room where the fight took place in the video. Although it is possible to pass through the door on time, but it closes behind you and you no longer comes out. Instead, run behind Dar phase and ignore the guards, who are after you. Suddenly, a door closes and you have to crack a lock. In the end you reach a chamber in the Dar Pha prepared a teleport. Grab the stick, lying around next to Dar Pha, and also collect anything, what you find in the room. Then go to the entrance and killed the guard, who turns up there.

    Arrival in Alsorna:

    Darpha falls into a trap and you go running to get help. Do not ask yourself why you may release Female Orc yourself, but follow the path. Along the way you meet some careless Groms. This opens up two possibilities to cope with the opponents: Dar Pha advises you to assassinate the Groms, so you sneak up and hit the space key when the icon appears. The second option is less elegant: Grab your stick and take care of the Groms. If you are caught sneaking, you have no choice but to use the brutal method. At the end of the road you'll eventually find the teleport that takes you to the rest of the group. Provide now for a distraction so the others will be able to save the Female Orc.

    The savior saves:

    Follow the Orc warrior Rogdor to the path to the right of the teleport. After a short conversation, you draw your weapon and fight in the course of the tutorial along the path. As long as you have not taken your gun, you will be back again and again to Rogdor. Beat yourself with the Groms and walk over the log. If your inventory is too full to plunder the enemy: Stay Do not worry, the bodies are and you have enough time later to explore the island. At the end of the trail you leave the tree and the rock roll down and go back to the Groms. On the way back to you Nortar still shows the archery. The second wave of enemies you have to switch to the multi-arrow. Then go back to the camp. Dar phase was freed and run together with her over the bridge, as the prophetess Bonuses.

    Over the bridge:

    The bridge was destroyed, and although the magician Ghortarius adopts all the effort, he manages to repair the bridge. Some Necris disturb him, so he brings you into a tomb. On that occasion Ghortarius shows how to use magic. As soon as you have turned off the first couple of skeletons, you go into a room where a big monster stands in the middle of a pentagram. This is immune to your fire spell, but on the left side is a skill book. Once you have collected and read it appears in the same place the necessary water magic card. Change your spells accordingly, you kill the beast and leave the vault with the teleport behind the monster. Now Ghortarius repaired the bridge and it's finally on to the base of the Orcs.

    In the fortress island:
    Talk to the prophetess and collect the equipment from a table. Have you around then Dar Pha. You get allocated a space in which there is a box. Here are some helpful articles and the box serves as storage space for unused equipment. Next, go to the basement to the blacksmith. The path is located directly right of the grand staircase in the main hall. The blind blacksmith to get the upgrading and disassembly of weapons and items taught. He also wants something from you steel. Dismantle some of the weapons found to get the steel. Then leave the fortress and you will get from the orc mage a teleport stone. Talk to the prophet and use the stone in order to teleport directly into Ghortarius' chamber. Ultimately, you still need a Lodestone to get the teleport because it does not work properly.

    Repair the teleport:

    The required Lodestone is located in the northeast of the island. Talk first with Rogdor. He is in his room on the opposite side of the main hall. is like the northeast, a shipwreck and the ore that you explore this. Cross the bridge and follow the path to the right. They come after a while past a ruin and two Groms They attack. Turn it off and search the dead bodies after the Lodestone. Next, follow the road further north and down to the beach, there is the wreck. In a chest you will find the logbook of the captain, but make sure that you are ready for a fight, before you open any chests here. Once you have the logbook, dive on the beach a few skeletons. Have you done that, go back to the Orcs and Ghortarius' chamber? Take the teleport to travel to Savannah to Erimos. Watch out before the time to explore the island and killed some Groms, it's worth it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Two Worlds II Walkthrough

    Chapter 1 - Part 1:

    Your quest takes you to the Tower of Fangs, to find out what plans Gandohar. However, you must overcome on the way to many challenges. Immediately after arriving in Bayan you get a vision of your sister Kyra. You will also learn of a villager by a famine. You should however take care of it at first. Take a look around a bit: In the local dealers you can stock up on new equipment at the craps table and earn a little money. Exit the village west to Hatmandor. Unfortunately, there are some guards in the way you want to have a permit. Now you need to see that you get such a plan. Back in the village, you will sell someone a pass. Another wants to show you a secret passage. Both lie and do you bring to your savings expensive, do not into it. There are two ways to Hatmandor ultimately, for completeness, we show you both.

    The writer:

    In the north of the village of Bayan, there is a cemetery. The grave-digger wants you to bring a head Hatmandor. He will also give you the advice to turn to the writer Thome to obtain a permit. This is located in Bayan under a small roof on a bench. Thome will help you, but he needs his ink bottle.

    It is located in the burned ruins of his old house. Go to the ruins and search the building remains. You will find a few boxes and one of them in the desired ink. On the way back to the clerk you are stopped by his wife. They asked that the ink instead hand over her because her husband would otherwise again focused only on his work. In return, you show you a secret path to Hatmandor and you no longer need the permit. If you follow your original order, the clerk will spoof as planned; the pass and the guards let you pass. Whatever you decide, finally, is on this matter, it has no further effect.

    The famine:

    A little south of Bayan see a small courtyard. There you will Alima, the village head, help feed up a horse. They learn that this mint roots are needed and these are eaten by ostriches. Follow the objective marker on your map. The requested ostriches cavort under the bridge. Killing a few and gain a mint roots. When you return, you will receive an introduction to the Alima alchemy. From the mint roots mix a drink and get to you just the horse healed. They learn that a settlement in the east of Savannah has enough food, but refused the trade. Take your new horse and ride after Halhin.

    Horse Racing in Halhin:

    Altan, the village headman in Halhin, refuses to accept the trade. He suggests, however, that you try to be a magistrate. For this you only need to win the horse race, as local tradition. To qualify, you must first solve a riddle. Open the scroll given to you by Altan, and ride from the S-shaped route. Once you have achieved all twelve waypoints and thus seen the rock with the painted horse, ride back to Altan. Although you can run the waypoints for the rite also, but at least now you need a horse. If you have lost your horse, you need to get a new one. On the island you can often bearing the jackal-like Varner. In many of these camps are around horses, you take away easily.

    Once the call is completed with old, starts a timer. Follow the waypoint to the south as quickly as possible, collect the flag and ride back the same way. Jump over obstacles, ignore enemies and make sure that the speed indicator is constantly full. Minor errors are forgiven, but if you fall off the horse too often, you do not make it in time. Once you are back to old, you may enter the village Halhin.

    Water and termites:

    Altan will tell you that Halhin solve the long term with more fresh water, the hunger problem is supply and Bayan. So look for water sources. The first clue was provided Purew, epicure, who has set up a kitchen on the pier. He asks for the "rice of the desert". The answer is "termites". You learn from him that termites build their mounds near water sources. In the near-west of Halhin you hear about Balsaan, the entomologist, some more information about termites. On the route between Bayan Halhin and there is a small valley filled with termite mounds third

    Defeat all enemies there, browse through the holes in the hills to termite eggs and take at least ten of them. Go back to old and inform him of the potential water sources. He wants to trade but still not recording, because this person decides otherwise. That someone is in the lighthouse. If you run past Purew, he would have some termite eggs from you. You give him the same.


    Enter the tower and walk up the stairs. At the top is a woman called selenium, a member of an influential family. You will start trading again with Bayan, wants but that Alima is stepping down as head of the village. But it promises you the pass to Hatmandor. Teleport yourself to Bayan and enter Ledos house. After an interview, he gives you the pass and leaves his house. Follow Him Alima. In her house listening to a conversation and the task is completed. If you prefer Alima help, you have to kill selenium in their first meeting. This fight, however, is quite substantial, be careful! Find out about old selenium death. In return, you receive f rom Alima a pair of pants of your choice and later a small episode Quest. Selenium also drops some nice equipment, but unfortunately no passport now you need to talk to the gravedigger and the clerk ask you to make a pass. How to combat the famine ultimately? You are allowed to choose freely. In any case, you can now travel on to Hatmandor and you may also deny Sambu in the south of Bayan some horse’s race across the savannah.

    Chapter 1 - Part 2: Off to Hatmandor:

    You are riding on the vast plains of the savannah and have fought for your access to the Northwest. Now you go into the underworld of crime. Whichever way you choose, to get to Hatmandor, go to any event along the slow path, because there are a few boxes. When you go through the gates, follow the path to the right and go right back go right through the bushes to be on the short cut. When back on the road, keep to continue west until you meet a guard who goes against you panic. A little further you find the gate at which a fight takes place between Varn and guards. Dispose of the aggressive Varn and the gate opens. Goals of this kind are common in the area. March to the north, west and finally north again to land outside the city gates Hatmandors. The local guards do you think to happen and unfortunately you cannot. Talk to the commander, who is currently staying at the inn at Cheznaddar, the sister city of Hatmandor, and investigates a murder case. He is the man who decides who goes to Hatmandor who does not.

    The cowardly informant:

    The commander is at the bar and sends you to one of his informants - Jarrad, who had long been supposed to report. You can find him at his home on the first floor. Jarrad but you will not say anything until he gets the medicine that his mother needed urgently. This medication is given, however, not everyone, so you have to steal it. Now go in the direction of Jerrad apartment warehouse. Along the way you walk left up the stairs. Once you are balanced on some beams, to reach the skylight of the warehouse.

    Sneak down the stairs. In a case between the second and third shelf you'll find it. Exit the warehouse once again on the roof hatch and return to Jarrad. Who will now gives you the info that you run back to the main man at the city gate of Hatmandor. Along the way you talk to a guy who offered smaller contracts on a bulletin board.

    The captain lets you to enter a conversation after Hatmandor and sends you to the leave or join and figure out about the murders, to Basel, an influential villains in Hatmandor. Coincidentally he is also the one who can provide you with information about your goal in it, the Tower of Fangs offer.

    Under the influence:

    Step into the establishment. Go straight up the stairs, turn left and get up another small flight of stairs to go to Basel. He wants you to escort the old Yerske who stands down in the main room for a meeting. Go to him and talk to him. Join him out and finally down into the sewers.

    The entrance is immediately to the right of "Under the Influence". In the sewer, which looks more like an Egyptian grave chamber, follow Yerske up in the great hall and hide after a short conversation behind the crates and barrels on the right. Wait here a moment and observe the meeting. Of course everything goes wrong. Help Yerske and talk with him afterwards. He will still have a gem, so you search the corpses. After another brief conversation with Yerske,go back to Basel. He is not happy and pushes the same after a further order.

    The secret warehouse:

    Details about the next job you get from a bar girl named Reesa. You'll find them when they leave office Basel, down the small staircase and then go straight ahead. They should pick up a package from a warehouse outside the city. Take your best teleport stone to at least get close.

    Once you reach the hidden camp, you are approached by a guy. The answer, he wants to hear, you hear about Reesa. It reads: "do you not want to know you." Go through the small trap door down. The requested packet is in one of the boxes. Once you have it and leave the warehouse, you will be met by Reesa. They should bring the package to the temple in Hatmandor. Use the teleport to go to the city and march to the north to the temple. Do not go to the priest at the entrance, but go right and continue along the city wall. The recipient of the package is waiting for you at a small back door. Go to Basel and then back.

    One last job:

    Now you should worry about a leak in the organization, an informant. Do not worry, you are not meant, but Jarrad. You also learned a little about the killings, which you provide directly Valerin commander. Enter the guard house and bear right to go to Valerin. You get a little money and think now what you will do with Jarrad. Reesa waiting before Jarrad house trying to help you make the decision. Of course, we bring the poor to not Jarrad! Go back to Basel and tables on him a nice story. He believes you and there are no further consequences. Basel offers also for gold in the arena to fight.


    Once you leave the building, she speaks to a certain Tongue. He is the voice of the mysterious Mirage. He lures you into an alley and eventually into a building. There follows a further discussion with Tongue. You get some information about the Captain, including his whereabouts and what role he plays. However Tongue closes the door and locks her up. Then dive on the North Pole and attack you. Once you have removed it, the door opens Tongue. You also get to leave the building, the key for the gates to the south. You can now make your way to the Captain and the Tower of Fangs or continue ...

    The killings enlighten:

    Tongue gives the order to go and find some Cheznaddar Zask. He is the last surviving followers of Mirages predecessor. Try to win his trust by doing some jobs for him. The first task is to get some dragon scales. Although dragons are extinct a long time, but there is an old abandoned cave of dragon slayers.

    Take the teleport to Queens Cross Roads and follow the road to the west. At the next intersection, turn north and enter the cave. Follow the courses and earn us the dragon scales, which you then deliver on Zask again. The smith would be next; you get a load of Swords to the city guard and pay off. Of course I refer to the guard house in Hatmandor. Enter the sword the guard cells, first door on the left and right again and then return again to Zask.

    Prison break:

    Zask familiar to you now a little more and ask you, a friend of something very stupid or to hold them at least to protect them in this endeavor. This friend is Reesa, it is on the roof of their house. It tells you that it has high debt and will have a gem that is not for sale. A certain Mazon can help you to get the gem. However, sits in prison. After the conversation you're meeting with Reesa before the guard house in Hatmandor. There they will explain the plan. Go to the guard house and walk at the police station to which you have previously sold the swords, and by the stairs. Wait there on Reesas use.

    It lures away the guard and go over to Mazon cell. But wait a moment before you leave your job, or you'll be discovered and must fight against the guards - a difficult fight. Follow Mazon leaving the guardhouse and you enter the sewers on the other Straßenseite.Mazon leads you through the background of Hatmandor. Along the way you make Reesa.

    The barmaid informs you of a change of plan: The only way out now leads through a teleporter in the sewers. Follow Reesa and Mazon. The room with the teleport is full of mummies, eliminate the best with fire magic. Use the Teleport - the other two come automatically. Mazon wants to get his plans and Reesa wants to rest a little. Meanwhile, go to Zask and tell him that everything is in order. His thanks that you have protected Reesa paying off - 5,000 Auras are the rewards. Once you have pocketed the money, go back to Reesa.

    The Temple of Hatmandor:

    Your next job is in the temple of Hatmandor to sneak to steal the gem. The temple is heavily guarded, however. Take the card that you received from Mazon. Then the patrol routes of guards can be seen.

    Wait until the first guard turns away at the entrance, you can be right and run after falling down [1]. Watch the second watch from here, the right side between the pillars of your patrol and run loose at the right moment. Behind the third column [2] wait again and then go into the second portion of the temple [3]. Here are just a few guards on the go. Is it just not in sight, you run the left behind the large pillars. The four large dots [4] are on the back of the statues, the switches that allow you to open the door at the end. You can safely run around in the outer region, only [5] must pay attention a little. If all switches down, you go to the little back door [6].

    Maliels tear:

    Once you have overcome the temple and have arrived in the vaults below, you go straight ahead and take care of the two stone guardians. Opponents of this kind you will find down here more often. Use blunt weapons, and take a look at the mini map to see who an enemy and who is simply just a statue. Continue straight ahead is a room with the lever that opens the door at the end of the grand staircase. Behind it lies a large hall with some

    If the stone guard done, you can find around the next stone door of a switch. If you fold it open for a brief moment, the next two gates. Sprint quickly through both doors. If you do not make it on time, you have to flip the lever back to the spot and try again. Then follow the corridors until you reach your ultimate goal. Take the gem and leave the temple again.

    After you have brought tears to Maliels Reesa and attended a enlightening conversation, Tongue say that you have the gem and ready to exchange are. Tongue is on the upper floor of the building where he had lured into a trap. Next, go into the sewers where there is a showdown between you and Mirage. The meeting place is the same, where you have time protected the old Yerske. Here you will find a surprising turn, and can look forward to a conversation with a subsequent battle with a nice cutscene. In addition, you Reesa leaves a nice leaving present.

    Oh Captain, My Captain:

    Go through the gate in the south and follow the path. You get to Zah'Dan and can be addressed by the campfire. The rebel will have 300 Auras of you before you are allowed to enter the tent. Pay the man and go into the tent to the Captain. They want you to track down a gang who disappeared some time ago in the so-called Gorlag cave and never returned. The cave is located west of Queens Cross Roads teleport. In the Gorlag cave you encounter a locked door that can be opened with a switch on top of the wooden platform. In one case, see the diary of the mysterious Gorlag. This is in the next room, along with some ants.


    There are two ways to cope with Gorlag: either to hew it easy to grab the key and free the soldiers or sought, listening to the story of Gorlag. He wants you to get a stone that has stolen some Scythe. Scythe has a hideout in the sewers. On the way there you find the thieves camp where you will find not only the book for pick pocketing, but also a suitable secondary task, which introduces you to the art of stealing. But first go on to Scythe. After a conversation with the thief, you get the stone. Now return to the cave and give his Gorlag stone. You get the key and thus liberate the prisoners. Follow the soldier then returns to the Captain. The gratitude of Dattan told you, the Archmage. He also wants to eliminate a traitor. Browse the boxes but the captain and the traitors to letters before you perform the bloody deed.

    The Archmage:

    In the Mages Guild tells Dattan that he wants to support the rebels, but first needs a dragon tooth. The path to the destination on the map is hard to see: Use the teleport to Zah'Dan follows the path east and paves as soon as possible, a path through the rocks on the right. Make yourself into a tough fight. The dragon tooth is in the last cave. Return it back to Dattan and follow him through the teleport. Walk behind the Captain Dattan. You will witness a nice cutscene to the cave and leave it there, where you came. You end up not in the Mages Guild, but in a previously inaccessible valley. At the end of the section you will find a teleport that takes you into a series of catacombs. Explore the entire catacombs, instead of running only in the direction of your destination. The enemies here give quite a lot of experience points and you will find several boxes on a regular basis. Ultimately, you are in the area in which there is the long-awaited Tower of Fangs.

    In the tower:

    The tower consists of a series of annular layers. Work your way up front, by using each of the teleport, located on the opposite side. Throughout the tower you will encounter some Necris. At the top level you will find a small chamber. There are around a few books, including Diary Gandohar. , Get ready to fight hard before you pick up the book, because shortly after the first boss enemies appear.

    The first boss:

    Creatures of this kind will meet more frequently towards the end of the game. The "Rage" is quite slow and it has a powerful punch combinations. When he attacks, he strikes four times too quickly, with the last stroke you if you block it or not, throws to the ground. After these attacks are, however, it remains a moment and allows you to counter attack. He rarely goes into a defensive posture. Here are some tips and tricks for the various classes.


    Imagine a target-seeking projectile spell together, causing the maximum damage (stacking effect as many cards as possible) and you can conjure up without delay. Most suitable are the elements fire, water and air. Once the enemy shows up, you run past him, turn around and grab him with the same floor. Your mana pool should take no longer than one or two of these spells, so again you run past the enemy, drink a Mana Potion and repeat the procedure. Do not risk that your opponent hits you - as the average pure mage to survive any single combination attack of the enemy. Further help is a summoned creature, although there is no guarantee that the boss will attack the creature.


    As a shooter, the battle becomes quite similar to a magician: Walk in the beginning of the fight to the opponent as far away as possible. Use an Ice Arrow to slow the opponent, and cheer after a few arrows. Also be sure to watch as a shooter, not to be taken. But they are much faster than the opponent - you take advantage of that. Walk past him tightly, it can happen that he attacks and next to skin. In that case, the opponents are only just a while and make an easy target. Another good method is to distribute before the fight, some traps in the room.


    As a warrior, the battle is very difficult because you have forced into the melee. Please ensure that the fight takes place in the middle of the room and not be forced into a corner. Accordingly, you remain at the beginning in any case are, but run contrary to the boss. Pay close attention to the movements of the enemy. As soon as he stretched his arms up, he starts his only and very effective attack combination. If you dodge in time while holding block button and use the space bar, stop his attack and he will go either, even in prime position for a moment or are simply just around unprotected. In both cases, you immediately go on the attack. Another way to break the front line of the boss is to run the middle of it even a special attack - but this is a bit of luck. If the boss runs his attack combo successfully, you will be beaten to the ground. Then hammer on the potion button as each other. Attack will probably kill your warriors and take the health drink until he is stood up.

    After the fight:

    If you have defeated the boss, you loot his body - you will find two very nice rings. Take the teleporter and you end up back on the ground floor of the tower. Go outside and teleport back to Alsorna the prophetess.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Two Worlds II Walkthrough

    Chapter 2 - Veneficus University:

    They have explored in the first chapter is a tower and found a diary. The challenge now is to decipher the content and understand. In Alsorna talk first with the prophetess. Then they disappear and you will see it in her room. Enter the vault and then bear right to go to that chamber. They learn that Gandohar has conducted an experiment and it failed. You will now find out what it's all about. Use Ghortarius' teleport to go to New Ashos.

    In the University:

    Once you arrive in New Ashos, you are approached by a young magician named David. He wants you to pick up a parcel from the forest. Walk a little way north and then west to leave the city. On the way to that described Bush would have to lie out the package, you meet a shady guy who is in possession of the package and 500 Auras like to have it. Give him the money, or he wants more later. Show him instead, who is the stronger and take the package simply. Go back to David, who gives you a note of thanks, which students have good contact with the professors. The corresponding students are Angie and Sarius related to the University of New Ashos.

    Doctor Annaya:

    All students continue to send doctor Annaya. It is located in the lower floor of the university in the left wing. Annaya employs one problem: It tells you that an influential professor, Rhodeus harassed female students and you have to take care of him. Rhodeus located in the right wing of the institution. On the way, you will be warned by a stranger. Do not worry more about him and continue your way to Rhodeus. From here there are now many solutions, all leading ultimately to the same destination. We show you the two best options. All other solutions end up that you lose a lot of money.

    The shortest path:

    You listen to the story of Rhodeus and learn from one escort service. Return to Annaya back and ignore the next warning of the stranger. Annaya investigated only excuses. Tell her that you will draw their name in the mud when you do not say what you want to know. Annaya then told by Professor Lavarius you return then.

    The longest path:

    Listen to the story of Rhodeus on. He tells of a monitoring service that operates Annaya. Also hear Annaya in peace if it wants to explain everything. She sends you to Angie, a witness. Angie tells you to turn a fairly long history.

    Tell her you believe her and search her room after the notebook of Rhodeus. Step into the girls dormitory. Angie's room is right on the western wall. There you will find in a box Rhodeus' records. Read the morbid fantasies of the professor through and walk back to Annaya. Now it is time to punish Rhodeus. Talk with him and cut him a down. Of these, the professor is so intimidated that he gives up his chair. Return next to Annaya. She is so grateful that they will name a contact person who can further help you.

    Professor Lavarius:

    Lavarius suffers from amnesia and, unfortunately, everything that you want to know, forget it. He tells of a dangerous rite that will help to regain his memories. However, he needs your help and it gives you a potion, the one you also like to heart.

    Open your inventory and look for the round red bottle. The potion has no effect. Now you get a rune stone and go to the beach. Along the way you make the beds one last time He wants from you, that you deliver him the rune stone. Do not listen to him and make his way to the beach. Vagrants have camped there. Nearby are some stones around on the floor. Be prepared, open the inventory and use the rune stone. The ritual is successful; however, your life points are reduced to a minimum. Drink immediately gets a healing potion for the vagabonds apply to you. Fight, unless you act submissive and say exactly what the rude guys do. Lavarius remembers it all again. Among other things, the person who witnessed the events of that time: Professor Kaineth Located in the Lion, a gaming lounge. Go to this place.

    In the lion's den:

    They are stopped by a bouncer. Whether the conversation with him starts peacefully or not, the owner of the establishment emerges. Talk to him, to get your next task. You are a member of the Mangano family to teach some manners. Talk casually with Lexington guards before you go and then make their way to the Mangano-estate. Go down the stairs and hide in an alcove on the left. A guard shows up, you turn off the secret. Pick up the corpse of the key and enter the property. However, their target is dead and the alleged murderer, also working for Lexington. Middle of the discussion appears to be two guards, have to turn off. Then open the mysterious "man for special tasks," a secret passage that leads outside. However, there are some security guards, past which run the strange guy easy. Catch up on the enemies and follow the nameless guy. He sends you back to Lexington. The will reveals that it has acted here only a test. Nevertheless, you will receive your membership card to do so go to the new bouncer and talk to him. He wants to see your ID, so you open your inventory and look for something that looks like a certificate. Click it and close the inventory again so that you will be admitted.

    Professor Kaineth:

    The "Lion" is perfect for theft and a little money to make music with and gambling to lose again. The professor is sitting at the craps table directly across from the entrance. Talk to him. Unfortunately he gives no useful information unless you "not seeing" are. With the cryptic statement that "seeing" to be, sent to you Kaineth Scavengerlager. Go there and tell Olmar, the guard, the following sentence: "It is the curse of the sighted to see what he believes." Walk down the stairs on the left side up and go through the first door on the left. There you will find Eric. He also claims that you cannot see you but will help if you help him. He wants a very specific Oculus of an alchemist who lives deep in the Swallows.

    The Swallows:

    Leave the Scavengerlager south. While you roam the Swallows, you often find them in ambush: groups of enemies emerge from the soil out and surround you. These groups consist of local and long distance fighters, mages are even there. So pay attention to your steps. Ultimately, you reach a building. Enter it and go directly to your destination, because there are neither enemies nor treasures to find. Kill Master Damai and remove the oculus of the box in his room. Then exit the vault and return back to Eric. In gratitude he will now do the "seeing" - with an eye operation. After the gruesome sequence, you leave the building and go back to the city to the Lion, which Kaineth waiting for you. The professor wants to meet with you in the Swallows and teleports out there. Follow him. On the way you get a vision of the past. Kaineth told you this a lot and wants to meet next at a ruin in the north of the Swallows. Follow the paths there. Expect various ambushes and heavy fighting. You can always return to the city to stock up with fresh healing potions.

    Visions and their meaning:

    Once you reach the ruins, the professor gives you some more information. You also get a key and tell you how it goes now. Far to north of the Swallows which ruins the old city Ashos. Keep walking to your destination and enter the "damp basement". There you will get another vision and you need to lower the water in the well. Go left around the well. There opens, thanks to the key, the Kaineth has given you, a door. Press the wheel to lower it, to the water. Follow the stairs down, you've now exposed. In the catacombs you will receive another vision and return to Kaineth and then back to the prophet.

    Back in Alsorna:

    As soon as you arrive in Alsorna and wish to enter the Orc fortress, you will immerse in the spirit of the late Sordahon. The following is a brief conversation and ultimately a struggle. Every second attack of the undead throws you down, but if you block all his shots, nothing happens to you. Sordahon lays, admittedly, a lot of damage, but has no other tricks up its sleeve. Cover yourself with still a few healing potions before you take the fight. Take it to the track and loot his corpse. You can find some values crystals as well as his weapon and his shield. Both are very powerful items, but to use only melee. After all, you can disassemble them and use the values of other crystals. Enter the Orkfestung and go down the stairs. There is Dar phase and the middle of the interview with her appears Ghortarius. Use his teleport to go to the swamps.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Two Worlds II Walkthrough

    Chapter 3 - In the swamp:

    They have found that Gandohar has used for his ritual artifact. This he brought back from the swamp, so the path takes you to get there. After arrival, you discover the village south of you. Besides apparently deserted houses, you meet a guy that you are involved in a conversation. This conversation is not very informative, but at least he tells you that you should talk to the priest. You will stands in a striking bright robe, wearing in front of the village chapel. He tells you that he wants to have an amulet - but Aidan would not give it.

    The Amulet:

    If you ask Aidan, where is amulet, he tells you that a certain group of monsters with this amulet. These monsters, which he describes affectionately as hybrids, appeared in the past, whenever lightning is tucked into the old crypt. This happens, however, not more, since Aidan the metal tip removed from the crypt and, where the blacksmith's. This is just a bit north and fights against a zombie. Help the man and ask him about the metal tip.

    The Smith has thrown the peak south of the village in the swamp. Get the top and you go to the west to the crypt. Kill all the zombies, but in the area before you approach the crypt, because it automatically starts a sequence and the "bastard" appears, a very strong undead. Catch up on him and search his corpse. Then go with the amulet back to the priest that you finally clear up here about what happened in the swamp. He tells you that a witch is responsible for all the undead and you should now go out and kill the witch.

    The swamp witch:

    You see the witch at the other end of the swamp; just follow the road to the west. The witch will protect you when you arrive in front of a horde of zombies. Listen to the following discussion of the history of the witch, because apparently it is not yet so bad. Go after the call to the ruin in the north. There you will get a scroll. You can also find in the vicinity of the ruins of countless diary entries and letters. Since you are still "looking", you get in the tower ruins a vision of the past.

    These documents give you an insight into the relationship between the witch (Nalia), Aidan and Gandohar. Return to the spell back to Nalia. To complete the spell, it still requires anise. This plant grows in her old garden, a good bit east of Nalias tree house. If you have collected the plant, some enemies appear and attack you. Get to it and return to Nalia. Finally, Nalia will have a scroll of the priest.

    In the village you will learn that Aidan is gone. They find him and his suicide note in a tomb near the cemetery in the north. Aidan is, however, seriously injured. Walk to Nalia and tell her about it. She then teleports you to the tomb begin, thus, to take care of Aidan. Meanwhile, go to the exit and make sure that you have some healing potions, because it follows a fierce battle. At the exit waiting for the priest who will educate at rest about what is really going on. Following the interview, he turns into a big demon and attack you.

    The battle against the demon:

    Aziraal son of man has all kinds of tricks. He can summon a powerful magician, the hounds of hell and fire storms. In addition, he cuts sharply to the melee and hits your protagonists to the ground. Incidentally, the demon throws fireballs. In addition, it causes massive damage, with all its attacks. A tough nut is to crack. However, it considers, in relation to the first boss in the Tower of Fangs, only very little.

    Here are some tips and tricks for the various classes.


    Build up a powerful spell you zusammen.Beschwören a creature and try to turn it so that your creature is attacking that of the demon. Take cover and get ready there before your next spell. Leave the cover only to cast your spell on the demon. The demon is in the chapel doorway, conjuring fire storms and fireballs, make, therefore, a good resistance to fire.


    As a warrior, the boss fight is again quite heavy. They are pushed away from the wolves and the boss beaten to the ground. Meanwhile, you get massive damage from the fire storm. So try not to attack your opponent simply head-on. Run at the beginning of the fight once and hide them in a cover. Drink some strengthening potions and equip yourself with Sordahons hammer (does any other weapon as well but the average warrior has nothing better at this point). Then run over to the demon into the chapel. He can not follow you. Grab the demon, and pull back as soon as he evokes its fire tower, and attack again as soon as the rain of fire stops. Hold the block button be sure to press while you are in combat, so you will not be knocked down. If the wolves show up in the chapel, ignore the boss for a while and sort things out for the creatures.


    As an agile fighter with a bow and arrow, you run the best coverage of the next. In between, you shoot again and again one or the other arrow on the demon. Do not stay for too long, otherwise you are attacked by the wolves. Do not waste time with the creatures summoned the demon, since coming back. Focus your actual damage on the enemy instead. If you hide, as the warrior, in the chapel, you are an easy target for the Wolves. Keep therefore in motion.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Two Worlds II Walkthrough

    Chapter 4 - The Finale:

    They have traveled halfway across the world and have many adventures. Now it is time to face Gandohar. On the island Alsorna you speak to the prophetess. You will now after Vahkmaar to face Gandohar personally. Talk to Dar Pha, who is located within the Orkfestung. Then attach to your equipment up to scratch and teleport yourself.


    Use the teleport to Vahkmaar and you will receive directly from two Myrmidons. In Chapter 1, this was your bosses. Here you'll meet these enemies now constantly. Beat you to the castle through. Adjust the bridge but, because behind it waits for a group of particularly nasty monster. Try to turn off the monsters one by one. Continue to follow the path until you face the castle. Right leads to the secret back entrance. Dispose of the road the monsters that you get in the way, and you enter the basement vault.

    Once again in prison:

    Follow the corridors of the vault. They meet soon to a closed gate. Work around it by following the manhole on the right. Shortly after you arrive in a small holding area. Before each cell there is a lever - to open the cell, in which there are a few items. In a passage on the other side of the cell block to find a switch that you also by moving the same. Then go back and keep to the left - the door is now open. Some passages and rooms later you reach a locked gate, sits next to two cells. The left cell is open, it is a switch that opens the second cell. The switch in the cell opens the door and you get stuck. The lever for the next locked door is on the left wall at the door. Follow the road straight ahead. The following courses you should look familiar: Here was the prologue of the game. Walk up the stairs and a cutscene will experience a drastic turn of events. You go to a walk, lying in the several potions. Collect all the and go to the end of the corridor to the teleporter. Be sure to save before you enter it. You go to the top of a tower and have to face a dragon.

    The final battle:

    The fight against the dragon Cassara divided into three phases. During each phase, it is your job to use the ballista, from the edges of the tower to fire on Cassara. Hold down the left mouse button to stretch the ballista, and then release the button to fire. Click the right mouse button to exit the ballista mode. Then turn up in every phase of magma more guards. These are to do the following dimensions:

    The fight against the Magma Guard:

    The golems have a similar attack pattern as the demon Garadel in the swamp, but without any magic skills. If you hear a rumble of Cassara, remove immediately withdrew from the fight and run in circles for a moment. The dragon lady hurls balls of fire shortly after her rumbling from above on the tower, you remain are always short.


    Lure the golems from a spell in the next area, take but especially from the attacks of Cassara beware.


    Join the best Sordahons leg to hand. Block out all the attacks of the golem, or you'll be knocked down. Let us also not surround, so you can flee in Cassaras roar.


    As a shooter you have here is quite difficult because you have limited space to run around and barely have time to stop. Attract all golems in a pile and then jumping over the altar in the middle. This gives you the time for a few attacks.

    PHASE 1:

    In the first phase Cassara flying sideways around the first tower and bombarding you with fireballs. Run at the beginning of the fight to the gun straight ahead and fire it off a few times. Do not underestimate the attacks of Cassara! Take cover when you see the first ball of fire. Occasionally, the dragon lady flies with its deadly breath of fire across the tower. Once you have made Cassara few times, it leaves a magma guardian appear on the tower.

    PHASE 2:

    Look around you, once you have defeated the golem, for it will continue immediately. Look at the direction of flight of the dragon lady and take the nearest ballista. Now Cassara is often used instead to fly over the tower, the tower and hold their breath a little more targeted. Stay where you are by no means a gun, which she approaches with a dive! Be careful, and shoot with the ballista as soon as they come up.

    A few hits later followed by a brief cutscene. This time there are two golems that you now have to defeat.

    PHASE 3:

    Cassara will fly away again during this phase of the tower and hold it on occasion to the battlements. New in this phase is that they more frequently attaches g at a very fast dive and it crashes into the tower. This will fall to the ground and take slight damage - but can only defend against the fall if you jump down after flying Cassara. Let yourself be carried away in this phase to nothing.

    Watch the Dragon Lady and use a ballista, as soon as they begin to fly sideways. After a few hits it conjures some golems again, this time there are three monsters at once. Once you have done this, you cut only a single hit with the ballista in victory.

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